London Riots #3
9 Aug 2011, 00:33
Fact:police is doing fine job till people realize there isn't enough coppers to keep peace when shit hits the fan
What started as peaceful rally is now madness, probably some random cunts joined in on violence just cuz they could
plan on how to stop it:spread news that each polak in UK will get a quid for helping police. instawin
wonder if Msh100 is enjoying all this while in Sweden
What started as peaceful rally is now madness, probably some random cunts joined in on violence just cuz they could
plan on how to stop it:spread news that each polak in UK will get a quid for helping police. instawin
wonder if Msh100 is enjoying all this while in Sweden
This is an oxymoron
<3 England
evidence of just how retarded some of these people are. They are being filmed by camera crews breaking into a shop and they don't even cover their faces when they look at the camera.
i seen more intelligent shit on the bottom of my shoe
you seen what croydon looks like now? every single shop in the highstreet is fucked and half of it is burned down.
got bareeee freee sausage rolll at gregs earlier nahaha
leave UK people to tell the story
i have no idea why ppl would believe this, but i guess it kinda worked
& when this happends its suddenly "ITS A GIRL ITS A GIRL"
do they honestly expect that the police is like "oh, its a girl, guess well just ask her politely to move away"
Last autumn when we were there,
> Blame the government for being deprived (even though they get free housing, schooling, benefits etc etc)
> Start to burn your own neighbourhoods and potential places you can work and ultimately get out of the shit hole.
I would bet a shit ton of money that in a few months time the same people will be whining that there are no shops in their area and that they have to live in a deprived area.... wah wah fucking wah.
Here is just one small snippet: Equestrian activities are seen as a good extra curricular activity by universities, but Engineering qualifications are ignored.
Why do you see that loads of poorer people have smart phones, xboxs, hdtvs and brand name trainers. It's a fact that the majority of cutting edge technology are generally less well off people. The rioters have apparently been using blackberry messenger to organise themselves... how exactly can they afford such a good phone if they are so poor?
The problem is they spend their benefits on shit to make them look good instead of improving their lives. A lot of their priorities are wrong... and as I said its because of the parenting among the rise in celebrity. If they actually spent their benefits on education then they'd be able to get somewhere.
If there aren't any jobs then improvise... there are thousands of ways to get money in this day and age.
Oh and i don't mean this in any form of nasty way, but your brother's girlfriend got a job in london because she is exactly that, your brother's GIRLFRIEND. It is insanely difficult to get a job in hospitality if you are not a girl these days. I should know, i am a barman/student in London. I was looking for a bar job for two months, when i am highly experienced, and all i could get is some semi-regular temp work. My girlfriend on the other hand managed to get offered 2 jobs in her first day of looking....
And in addition, if it was that easy for everyone in the world to get money there would be no poverty and no economic crises.
You make your own luck in this world... you can't just sit around and wait for someone to come and give you an awesome job, car or house.
And you mark my words in a few months time you'll hear them complain about having no jobs and how their neighbourhoods are falling apart. They are burning down their neighbourhoods themselves... that isn't the fault of anyone but themselves. They are destroying their own future yet they'll place the blame on 'rich people.'
Why the fuck would you burn down businesses... potential places of work?!
Also I heard some dickhead rioter that he was looting because 'rich people can buy all these fancy things so we should be allowed to have them too.' WTF kind of logic is that?! For one thing they are rioting LOCALLY owned independant shops... owned by those that THEY live with!.
Secondly 'Rich people' work their entire lives to be able to buy nice things... obviously some are very fortunate into the families that they are born into but I know a few self made millionaires who have worked their ass off... AND they both came from really poor areas around Hull.
I don't know how things work in UK but in France, the possibilities for people of French origins in one hand and in the other hand, immigrant people (who are French for a generation or two) are completely unequal. If you come from Paris suburbs, you'll be so less likely to get hired for a job you can have if you live in Paris downtown. I assume the mentality of people in UK is aproximately the same so : is your brother's girlfriend a Black or Paki girl with a low degree of education living in a poor neighbourhood ?
I agree with you concerning the stupidity of burning down the places they could eventually work at, stealing their own shops, etc. This is stupid but hey, they don't have much to lose, do they :/
You cannot say that because of a few examples or yours of millionaires born in poor areas, everyone should be able to do the same. Otherwise, how come all the people from the rich areas are not self-made men who became millionaire ? You can't use that argument for the poor areas only.
looting at its finest
Lol what an idiot. If you are going to do it atleast get something you can sell on ebay... like video games or an ipod.
I bet he thinks he's so fucking gangsta.
Its all just a pr stunt for the movie.
still makes me laugh though
makes me sick in the stomach
we started this shit in spain in a pacifist way. now in the uk they are burning shit down.
fuck the governement. kill them all. fucking stealing faggots, they are the niggers.
thats some dumb fucks rioting cuz the police shot a guys that was most likely a drug dealer,-0.055275&spn=0.114195,0.298691