london burning?

WTF is going on there o.o saw news houses burning robbery?
hahahaa :D
hëhë saw that too
average rioter i guess..
Why is that blacked out? Not like they're missing much:


image: px8dw
burn baby buuuuuuuurn buhahaha
bring on the tanks...
lootin !
image: v3kw8
partyhard mode
xD where the fuck is this from?
no idea :(
Oh look, a London journal
Will end up soon anyway, Sheep is already patroling the streets with his Hull-Firm.
Its just dumb fucks who think its cool to riot for no real reason whatsoever
Dumb fucks riot yes, but it isnt for no reason, try looking up how it started before opening your stupid mouth.
it started with a reason, then dumbasses just started destroying shit
so yea, the riot atm is without any reason
go riot all u want if its for a cause, but this is just dumbass chavs looting shit

so plz tell me, whats the reason they are rioting
enlighten me please,tell me the reason those dumbfucks are rioting
this whole thing reminds me of the warriors i used to play on ps2
Its quite crazy over here, I was coming home last night and I've never seen so many police cars going by. You can't sleep for noises of sirens.
Today when I got off the tube there were 4 police just stood there waiting for any trouble, the problem is that despite the fact there are 16000 police deployed the area is still too large for them to manage. Hopefully tomorrow they will bring in the army.
Bringing in the army, will definitely effect the current situation over there, but unsure about the way it does effect the situation (positive-/negative way).
Exactly, we've never had to do it before - the hope is that it can be contained. Supposedly tonight is quieter in London, but has flared up in the north of the country.

Shameful place to be right now
bringing in the army would sort things out im fairly sure. Police only being able to use their plastic bullets as a last resort? having petrol bombs and rocks thrown at them, i say bring out the bean bag guns! the army. In my opinion the only way people will stop is if they have a personal and maybe even a physical consequence. It's past the point of reasoning now, we need to deal with it ful force.

Just my opinion :D
Are they using any of those?

image: Wasserwerfer+im+Einsatz+%2528media_773262%2529
No water canons yet
I guess, if they are getting them in use, the violence goes immediately up, since the demonstrators are quite taking care about such things. I hope, that the conflict can be solved with another way, otherwise it's gonna take too much deaths
WE don't have any in mainland britain would have to bring them voer from Northern Ireland
That's actually so weird. In Germany they used it on fucking harmless demonstrators against the construction of a train station -_-. In Great Britain people literally burn the capital city and no one seems to be able to do shit about it. :p
the police feel particularly restrained at the moment as they murdered a man a few days ago, don't however think that anyone believes these riots are a reaction to that incident, this is opportunism by people who wouldn't have the guts to go looting under normal circumstances and not legitimate rioting.
thats exactly what i was thinking
People turning crazy in London. I just can't imagine getting so mad as the people of the video's. They just completely lost their minds.
I'm just wondering: How can they make sure that people will be safe @ 2012 Summer Olympics in London if they can't even stop riots
You can use that excuse against anything though? Are you saying France cannot hold an event because of their race riots of a few years ago.
ye you could complain about WC in brazil and the favelas or so...
That's just a stupid argument. If London can't handle that what would a 3rd world city be able to contain that?

Oh wait, there is a chance they can't handle a riot, let's just scrap all sporting events, musical events and while we are bizzy just scrap any football match taking place because there is a possibility they can't contain a riot. Lmao.

Or it's like saying there are X number of murders each year in a multimillion city like London and you ask if it's safe to hold an event there... On that basis no city should ever host any kind of event, no WC, no olympics, no musical event, no football match , etc...
Ofc that's not a solid argument, as I was just "wondering". I'm not saying that they should stop making any events, I'm just concerned that it could be more devastating and theoretically they should get rides of them. I understand it might happen, it might even happen next day, but its already 5th day in a row, Maybe time to change the law?
british police is just making a fool out themselves.nobody seems to take them serious over there...i wouldnt either to be honest, they seem to be pretty dilettante

image: pict73
i mean... :D

image: Police-helmets_1376824i
image: peruvian-antiriot
arnt the first ones just the police & the second guys riot control?..
yes, but atleast in germany (and many other countries) every policeman also has an anti riot uniform too, which doesnt seem to be the case in would you be scared of a policeman which probably is even more frightened than the actual rioter (which is understandable with almost no protection)
3rd pic looks awesome
The biggest problem is, during the student protests last year loads of police got prosecuted for being too aggressive. Because of that they are now scared to do anything because they think they'll either get sued, lose their job or get put in jail.

The irony is loads of students got beaten up but these stupid fucking dick heads are getting away unscathed. And atleast students were actually protesting a political agenda.
And yes, it probably would be better if our riot police looked like fucking terminators.
I really feel sorry for the police sometimes. The majority are just regular folk and end up having to sort out all the shit that shitty parented knobhead chavs cause.
ah okay,that does make sense lol...
fight against government -> feel full wrath of police
fight against the public and small business owners -> police do nothing
lulz so true
The violence caused at the student protest was not caused in a message against the police, it was the same people who are doing this.
I've a question: are the cops armed since there are many troubles?
i dont think they carry guns or anything, prolly a baton or smthin, however its called
i dont think it would be smart to arm then too, might start an even bigger riot if some1 gets shot
Lol american cops woulda killed a few people already possibly, its a good thing this kinda shit doesn't really happen here, at least not on such a large scale
The riots started because a black man was shot. He had a gun, and the Police shot and killed him. Now they're throwing the racist card and looking for revenge, but hurting innocent people. Any excuse to have a smash up and steal.
i herd smthin about that
it started quietly & they some scumbag went & destroyed stuff
its just rly rly sad
i can understand & support riots of they are actualy for a cause
but this.. this is just ppl being retarded
small number are armed, only in particular areas - your average police officer in the uk does not carry a gun
this is imo the problem, noone takes the police serious in UK it seems...

they should really start to take onto those looters etc quite hard now, i would not give a fuck if they beat them down pretty bad, with watercannons and rubber bullets etc... those idiots are asking for it... so start beating them up ffs.

i mean wtf is this about? some guy who got shot? plz... not even in the beginning... this is just some lowlifes who think it is fun to make some riots.
We have a political correctness problem in this country - the police are too accountable unfortunately.
This is the real issue. Can't do anything without it getting over-analyzed.
they have plastic bullets but are only allowed to use them as a last resort, pretty pathetic imo.
Keith Lemon's been spotted at the London Riots. Smashing back doors in ahaha
All over facebook lol.

image: a5a0ba257903ee4d989218c2e93b85db
my rice one was better ahaha tesco value rice! Can't post it again been deleted like 40 times :(
around 700 vigilantes came out in my area this evening, with a good atmosphere, more than backing up roughly 40 police officers
Vigilantes are always a bit of a dangerous thing but I'm really glad that people out there are trying to stop this shit by helping the police. It gives you a little faith in humanity that every person on this planet isn't a selfish cunt.
caught and held down a couple of little bastards but generally it was just guys having a nice evening at the pub and talking to the police
Only niggah are in the street or wat?
Message to all the rioters .......... . u wanna be big men and fight to the death , well get your sorry little arses on the next plane to Afghanistan and stand alongside real men , they're called soldiers and they are fighting a war unlike you bunch of pathetic wastes of space !!!!!
They got something in common. Both are fighting an absolutely useless war.
Soldiers fight for money, rioters fight for money. What makes them so different? A floppy haired public schoolboy gives soldiers the O.K so that makes it O.K?
Hows your new TV from Currys?
Eerily enough i live on Camden high street and Currys was one of the shops here that got knocked over :)
Soldiers fight to protect their Nation
Rioters only fight for money
Please, who are british troops in Iraq protecting the british people from?
i said Nation
Real men fighting for nothing hell yea, a real man is a dumb man actually ! Your call
Where are the Beatles when we need them?
tbh uk police is quite gay(or too kind, whatever).... they should act as real police, otherwise these morons will destroy the city :S
True, such riots would be a gift for russian police, they would have so much fun.
i know its easy to say this but i think those idiots would be beaten down in a matter of hours in germany.
I think many of them are getting in jail soon... there's so much CCTV in London.
Was there for 2 days, felt like in real life soap o_O
i know its easy to say this but i think those idiots would be shot down in a matter of hours in finland.
yeah you got that one special officer. ah wait that was in norway..
Low+ riots. I remember 1793 when Francewe cut off our king's head, old good times. :)
made me laugh :{D
xD hhahahaha xDDDD
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