Liquid / day.


I am wondering how much liquid do you drink a day?

I drink like a 1L tea each day and about 4-5L of mineral water.


~1 litre coffee, 2-3 litre water, ~1 litre milk. ~4-6 litre beer if going out.

Hmm. Actually more water per day, maybe 4 litre.
you do know shot glasses don't contain one liter right :/
Where was I talking about shots?
Edited the water amount, not anything else :/
hm i was thinking about TEAM LIQUID cuz huk/sheth/TLO was streaming at same time :D:D:D
Liquid signing oGs herO

omg omg
You should watch SlayerS_Dragon though! He's awesome.
my gf never drinks anything else than my liquid, if u know what I mean ;)
just say how much per day :>

e: although he mentioned specificly what he drank, he doesnt really ask for
thats why she died of dehydration, if you know what I mean
too less since I started working
0.5 L coffee
0.5 L milk
2 L water
not much

2-3 litre sprite/coke/water atm since im only at home studying

thought about liquid music at first
Same ( liquid music )
0.5-1L coffee
1-1.5L tea (with milk usually)
0.5-1L milk (added to tea, coffee, with cocoa or flakes)
0.25-1L water

mostly around 2-2.5L of liquids :P
You are recommended to consume about 30ml water per kilogram every day, and with a maximum intake of 5L a day if you are training. Don't forget that food contains water too.

You might think you are clear even if you've never felt the ill effects of water intoxication, but there can be several other consequences later.

1 L Tea
0,35 L Juice
0,15 L Coffee
0,25 L Milk/Cocoa
0,5 L soda
1 L water

/ ~3 L
Quoteand with a maximum intake of 5L a day if you are training.

what does this exactly mean`?
You should not consume more than 5 L of water, a day, or it's pointless or harmfull for you.
can you also explain why? I ever thought drinking a lot is healthy :S
If you drink too much water you can make your liquids, such as your blood and stomach acid, more bland. You are wearing on your kidneys and risk to disrupt your electrolytical balance. Your can also quite easily get shortages and imbalances in areas such as salt and minerals, unless you supplement properly.

Furthermore you risk getting several diseases, and light water poisoning is not as uncommon as most people think.
what about bears m8 >:(
if you drink over 5 L of bear a day I think overhydration is the least of your worries :D
Some cups of tea/water.
3 liters of water + occasional Starbucks venti frappuccino :]
Can someone prevend him from making journals ?
u mad cos i am styling on u?!
Don't reply with such brainless sentences pls
1l vodka
3l juise
1l woter
1l coca
many bergers
drinking is bad for your health
That's a LOT.
what kind of journal is next? how much do you eat per m²...????
obviously some weight related
"how long are you if you're fully stretched, from top to bottom?"
...from the ground.
1L water..
1L aquarius
3L beer
shitload of coffee
shitload of water
this is the amount if liquid i drink in a day
about 2 litres of coffee and coffein drinks in general, 3 litres of water and about the same of icetea or coke, if going out also some beer and alcohol stuff..
1.5+ liters of water and alcohol depends/dont remember.
one 2L bottel of water
2-3 liters of water, 500ml skim milk
some tea, some water, some pop, some squash, some milk
about the same as you heh, drink a lot of water especially by the pc

some niggs drink like 0-2cups a day and im like wtf nigg?!
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