schnee hentai mallorca off

Hey peeepz,

just had an awesome nite with rahul and his friends (no typical English guys!!) We met in berlin, wanted to go to club couldn’t join since we were 6 guys and one girl… w/e wasn’t big problem. smoked a bit at park and joined another club where we stayed a while, drinking and dancing till all were drunken.
So now I need to pack my stuff and getting ready for Palma there are like 32° and we will have a lot of fun there! If I have some time at night ill join Rahul and the boys again till my plane leaves tomorrow morning^^

questions of the day:
noodles or rice? Nooooodles
do u have sister/brother? Yes , sister 12y

image: animaatjes-johnny-depp-50415
image: vorschau_frau-mit-bier-schwarz-weiss


Shoutouts: carla (aww :*), wsk & nOOr (TEH boys), Panda (just....), Michael , CONFO(!), mica (lips), flooflooo (miau), dialer(kikoo), marko(&#61514;), .ee & fins =), Altsi (who will make journals next week in my absence), the GANG, my channel <3, m!das (call?!) , tAliiiii, hentai!, EVO PAUL SEX(ton), KARTOFFELPoffel!, ALAN (news?) and my buddies + special to R.

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1 e: join #schnee if u like to be with the real peepz =) image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1

||I wish u all a nice weekend||

noodles or rice? depends ofc, asian and greek food with rice, noodles with egg or tomato/bolognese, other dishes can go to fuck off
do u have sister/brother? I have several bro's, one of them related by blood.
thanks for ignoring schnee.
omg i totally missed it. sry will do it today. dont be mad with me! :(
another boy hearth struck by the work of schnee
greet ramoz from meh :))

- noodles
- a sis (35) and a bro (32)


I have 2 older and a younger brother, and a sister
6guys1girl schnee srsly?!
we went clubbing.... .. . .
oh matan :')
Johnny Depp <3

1.Don't care of either.
2. Yes, two younger brothers and one half-sister
which clubs? WHICH CLUBS!?
:DDD weekend first and then we went to ruderclub.. it was thursday. heute suicide circus vll will ins astra zum nachtflohmarkt von fritz :)
omg wtf is ruderclub , since last week i never heard of it and last days everyone speak about it , where is it , suicude circus is nice
ruderclub ist am hackeschen markt direkt unter der sbahn :)
Hieß das mal Dante , wenn nicht dann hab ichs nie beachtet
neee dante ist andere seite :)
lol ok , dann hab ichs nie gecheckt, gibs schon lange und ists gut?
gibt es schon nen paar jahre. ist eher klein so für beginner djs :)
Quotedo u have sister/brother? Yes , sister 12y

pic or never happen , avi is also ok
shes 12??! wont share on teh inet pedo incoming :DDDDDDDdddd
brother (20)

oops xD wanted to reply but then i didnt and now i failed GREAT!
wat me pedo ? how dare you :D
yes sister 23 or 24, i dunno
no carbs for me atm :(

sister 29 :o
no real friends saskia?
lol ofc i have real friends
but if rahul is here once in 5 years why shouldnt i meet him??
because you have real friends :XD
so if u would come to berlin i have to say sry we wont meet since u r from the inet?! ROFL!
He's correct, can't meet you when I come to Berlin also :')
well of course not but thats because im awesome :~>
dat random boy 2hot
Pics with Rahul or it never happened ^^
Hope you enjoy holiday, don't forget your factor 50!

image: neutrogena%20spf%2050%20sunblock

questions of the day:
noodles or rice? Not tried either of them...
do u have sister/brother? 1 real brother 2 sisters, don't really count my step bro/sis.
we totally missed to make pics but i made some of them with rahuls mobile. dunno^^ if i have time ill make some tonite when i prolly meet them :)
hello random chick :)

questions of the day:

noodles or rice? nada :)
do u have sister/brother? Yeap, brother(30y) and a 2y niece from him :D

Have a great time in Palma !
hello :) will have a good time there ;)
Shame you didn't get to see Erol (Rahul mentioned this), would've been a great set no doubt!
we didnt talk about erol?! :o
Rahul said something about seeing Erol in Berlin. I thought that must've been last night, although maybe that is tonight. Don't know..
was loco dice and tobi neumann last nite. so dont think it was meant this nite :)
anyway one lost his wallet last nite with all his money. they dunno what to do tonite till now. will meet them laterz to tell them some nice places to be :)
its tonite btw just checked it :)
noodles or rice? Love mah jappanese noodles RAMEN FTW
do u have sister/brother? Nope only child makes it easier for scrims ^^
2 sisters, cant remember ages

have an awesome time
your sister is so fit
sister 16, brother 24
aaaah palma :)

will be there the 22nd, but I think we've had this conversation before :P

As for the noodles rice: I don't know, depends on what mood I'm in. Mostly prefer rice when I'm having chicken, noodles for minced meat and other stuff :)
I have an older brother of 24 and a younger sister of 19 :)

have fun on vacation!
thank u !

p.s. i will take sun with me when im leaving ;)
And ye, I have 2 sisters(23 and 31) and one brother, he will turn 39 in a month :)
i always rofld at seeing you guys coming to Palma or Lloret on summer...thats not even travelling,its like staying on your own country but with a better weather.Try something different for once...

-Noodles,2 older brothers
well i like mallorca?! it was nice there last year and im not joining ballermann cause then i can stay home for sure. id like to see bit more than just ballermann and beach.
but u r right i choosed it cause its not far away from germany and its hot there.
if i would have more money i would like to go to another place for sure.

but ye i planned tallinn, miami, birmingham, amsterdam in the next month
well i meant that there are a lot of places to stay in Spain,but for some strange reason around 70% of foreign "young" people come to Mallorca or Lloret,which are full of german,french and english guys.Besides,the best beaches in Spain are in the south so far (this is just my opinion of course)

Anyway have fun there :)
but spain is one more hour for me to go so we choosed palma. was at es trenc last year loved it rly! want to find some other beaches this time

ty :)
well if you were staying in germany, holland or any of the other european countries, you would understand why we come to spain/italy or w/e.


edit: most people I know also enjoy trying to talk that silly language of urs :p
'Hola Guapa'

image: smiley-sunglasses
segur de calafell and sineu is the shit, man
Mejor hombre :D que s keden alli tol verano y ns djen trankilos :DD
noodles or rice? turkish rice best evaaaaaaah
do u have sister/brother? yes, one sister
so what do i need to do to get into this list of yours?!
1. rice+chicken breast+vegetables ofc
2. brothers: 32,30,27; sister: 20
"wanted to go to club couldn’t join since we were 6 guys and one girl… "

its hard to come in if not enough girls with u in a group usually we splitt the group... but we had just me as girl :/
wow thats weird :S guess clubs there are usually full of dicks(men) there :D not happening here
total control :) well its ok if u know it and there are enough other clubs to go so no big problem :
in clubs in belgium you have that too, a group of 6 guys has less chance to get in than a group of 5 girls or 3boys/3girls.
shocking :o guess it's difficult to see many girls in a club then. why else they would do that?
they just do that to have more girls than boys in the club!
well i dont like to join a club as girl if i know they are only boys ? :)
why not? you and 10 boys :O i would love to do it with 10 girls tbh
wanna tongue tongue =D ?
nice would like to follow you into the sun hahaha
no shoutout for mee :D
hi2u bin grad zuruecl aus malle ;)
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