copulate facebook
17 Aug 2011, 03:45
It just forced me to use my real surname what the fuck is this.
Wait for Anonymous they're legion and they're hopefully bringing you
some decent downtime to think of the way you treat my data, you cunts!
Wait for Anonymous they're legion and they're hopefully bringing you
some decent downtime to think of the way you treat my data, you cunts!!/profile.php?id=100002784954073
Any of my names is not Mladen or Stalin. It did reject Hitler, though. Probably because he lost the war.
imagine crossfire requiring a realname and full address in the future.
fkin hell
don't you know that there are people out there,
i think the idea is currently in germany somewhere,
that want to make everybody on the internet use their real IDs
in order to be able to track those sexual offenders?
Google and Facebook are going to dominate us one day.
Planet of Google : Prevolution!
You will see^^
since last weekend, I have tons of pics on fb with me posing with girls :<
you cant possibly know anon is definitely aware of facebook's amount of security
and protection, i guess they will use another way
I can't go online shopping without giving my bankdetails, you can't use facebook if you're going to use bullshit names. It's simple as that.
no matter what,
even if you delete your profile fully,
and i'm not talking about simple deactivation,
it will stay on those servers forever.
2. It pretty standard to check your employee out for possible retardness. If a boss finds a half naked interviewee it's hard to give him a job with "status"
Bovendien heb je zelf in de hand wat je doet en als je zwaar maloot doet in het weekend (ik heb het niet over een beetje dronken uitgaan) zal dat waarschijnlijk ook wel betekenen dat je ongeschikt bent voor de baan.
Paranoia ben ik niet. Je leest steeds vaker berichten dat er mensen ontslagen worden naar aanleiding van een fb status of foto.
Natuurlijk heb je het zelf in de hand wat je doet met uitgaan, maar privé en zakelijk moeten gescheiden blijven, dat gebeurd op het moment veel minder.
drug abuse, sex with who knows who, partystuff, everything random, political views, comments whatsoever