copulate facebook

It just forced me to use my real surname what the fuck is this.
Wait for Anonymous they're legion and they're hopefully bringing you
some decent downtime to think of the way you treat my data, you cunts!
I doubt anyone forced you to do that.
no login possible without giving out the realname. tried a couple of alternatives no chance.
I just made this account!/profile.php?id=100002784954073

Any of my names is not Mladen or Stalin. It did reject Hitler, though. Probably because he lost the war.
i hade a "fake" surname for a couple of months, Mladen "Blueeyes" just for fun purposes and also due to the fact that im not interested into finding more "friends" there so i suppose somebody reported me on purpose or they were just checking randomly because of those riots in the uk and partly because of the fake anons who have a massive amount of fakeprofiles on facebook. one step confronting the 5th November
Why would you fake yourself on facebook?
because 5 years ago there were no realnames but only nicknames on the internetz.
imagine crossfire requiring a realname and full address in the future.
fkin hell
obvious you use nicknames here on a gaming community
Really? I thought IceQ was your real name? :(
and what is facebook a reallife community?
don't you know that there are people out there,
i think the idea is currently in germany somewhere,
that want to make everybody on the internet use their real IDs
in order to be able to track those sexual offenders?

Google and Facebook are going to dominate us one day.
Planet of Google : Prevolution!
You will see^^
facebook is a place to connect with reallife friends.. I don't see the problem with them knowing your realname :D you also are not obliged to fill in your adress afaik
now filling your adress and phonenumber and making the same public is quite stupid tough some of my friends have that feature enabled, same goes with that stupid tracking system that tells everybody where you are. anyway all the data u put on facebook stays on facebook, gets sold to 3rd parties and government. uk riots = facebook control
isnt your real name Ice Q ?
Yes but not on Facebook
we will want your phone number, credit card number and social security number on CF4!!
I'm out of here :S
All hail Anonymous!
its unreal how fucking stupid you are
facebook is so mean!
since last weekend, I have tons of pics on fb with me posing with girls :<
yea man photoshop rules !
what shop? :<
What is anonymous exactly gonna do with facebook? Just bring the site down or spread lots of information of everybody on the webzz?
basic ddos afaik
what's that? bringing down the site?
Ja server overloaden
so facebook is probably preparing themself for the attack but probably anonymous will still ddos them? :D
I have no idea I have never heard of a possible attack on fb. It started off defending the rights of wikileaks but this sounds more like kids "omgggg we have morals you cant do THAT!" than actually serving a purpose.
They are not doing anything. Facebook is designed to hold a large amount of connections, they get attacked daily. And about Anonymous, those e-thugs have no chance, so no need to woreship them. Anonymous is no big thread for Facebook. Ddos is more like script-kiddie'ing.
they did hack other very big sites right :/
They used the same exploit several times. As I said, a bunch of attention-whoring e-thugs ;-)
nobody said anything about ddos.
you cant possibly know anon is definitely aware of facebook's amount of security
and protection, i guess they will use another way
Facebook can not be hacked by script kiddo's.
Some hackers also hacked sony and the us senate
My advice to you: don't use fb.

I can't go online shopping without giving my bankdetails, you can't use facebook if you're going to use bullshit names. It's simple as that.
You just say that cause ET nerds are commenting every pic of u :D
Thiz iz very true
the thing is,
no matter what,
even if you delete your profile fully,
and i'm not talking about simple deactivation,
it will stay on those servers forever.
And you think this only happens on Facebook? Lots of sites simply set a "deleted" boolean on a database record instead of actually deleting data. In fact, from a development point of view, it's good practice to keep historical data.
Ronner has 80,000 personal details stored in a usb key under his pillow!
try 7.5 million >:) MWUAHAAAA
facebook contains more personal information that is able to harm you in reallife then any other community.
And what kind of information are we talking about then ? What could possibly be so bad that it could "harm" you irl?
Partypics destroying careers :D
I don't see how those pics can destroy your carreer.. Plese enlighten me
Those guys are not even old enough to have careers. Besides that, you decide yourself what you put on facebook.
They can never be young. Boss finds a picture after job interview -> no job
First of all, you'd be the stupid one to put that pic on facebook to begin with and second of all, if an employer decides not to give you the job based on a picture on facebook, it wasn't a place you would want to work anyway so in retrospect you did yourself a favor.
1. Friends also put pictures up, especially partypics
2. It pretty standard to check your employee out for possible retardness. If a boss finds a half naked interviewee it's hard to give him a job with "status"
In a world where everyone thinks as narrowminded, sure.
I'm quite sure you have privacy settings for this :)
Any person with a working brain can find ways to get pictures.
Oke leg mij dan maar uit hoe je foto's van mij krijgt zonder dat je vrienden van vrienden bent.
Op zo een interview vertel je interesses etc. Een baas hoeft maar op je profiel naar je vrienden te kijken om te ze te vinden. Natuurlijk kun je ook je gehele facebook beschermen zodat ze alleen je profielfoto kunnen zien maar dat zie je slechts in 99% van de gevallen. Via die vrienden vind je gemakkelijk foto's waar jij op staat. Het is simpel social engineering. Natuurlijk kan de baas niet altijd foto's vinden maar in veel gevallen wel.
Jij denkt dus dat mijn baas mij in typt op fb en dan via mijn vrienden gaat lopen zoeken naar mogelijke foto's van mij? Ten eerste ik gok dat 90% net als ik wel hun info en profielfoto laten zien maar voor de rest niks (behalve vrienden van vrienden dus) en daarnaast zullen van al mijn fb vrienden maar 10 foto's van mij erop hebben staan. Ik denk dat je een beetje paranoia bent als je denkt dat een werknemer dat zal doen.

Bovendien heb je zelf in de hand wat je doet en als je zwaar maloot doet in het weekend (ik heb het niet over een beetje dronken uitgaan) zal dat waarschijnlijk ook wel betekenen dat je ongeschikt bent voor de baan.
Ik weet niet of jouw baas dat doet maar er zijn zeker bazen die het wel doen. Voorkomen is beter dan genezen, dat moet jij toch weten. Bazen zijn selectief. Tuurlijk bepaald je vooropleiding en ervaring of je geschikt bent, maar een baas zal je minder snel aannemen als hij gemakkelijk foto's van een dronke wesbo vindt.

Paranoia ben ik niet. Je leest steeds vaker berichten dat er mensen ontslagen worden naar aanleiding van een fb status of foto.

Natuurlijk heb je het zelf in de hand wat je doet met uitgaan, maar privé en zakelijk moeten gescheiden blijven, dat gebeurd op het moment veel minder.
Nou ik gok het erop. Ik denk dat ik meer problemen heb als hij mijn naam googled en uitkomt op sommige comments die ik hier geplaatst heb.
hahahaha true
So... make sure your privacy settings are properly set up?
youre wrong about the job thing. every notable company/firm checks for embarassing/retarded/half naked/etc photos or videos of you in the internet which then are considered when it comes to employing you.
rofl, please man, AS fucking if... SOME employers do and the ones that do that usually do it just to see what kind of person it is... And the ones that actually decide not to give someone a job due to some embarassing pic on a site like facebook is seriously a company you do not want to work for.
not me i dont care for my stuff.
drug abuse, sex with who knows who, partystuff, everything random, political views, comments whatsoever
what Sup3r said..
Yes, I'm sure some of your pictures and your real name are very harmful to your life.
Another thing to think about. Have you ever seen the option on Crossfire to delete your account? You can't even de-activate your account here, let alone actually delete it. And like wesbo said, I'd be more afraid of the retarded comments I've made on this site than any picture of me on facebook.
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