Lets face it

I mean, come on. ET is dead. I am not sure why you people havent picked up CoD from your closest game store. It is a lot better. If it's because you dont have money or too bad computer, then why dont you get a job?

Just my toughts.
1. It's not better.
No other points needed..
How is it not better? Havent you seen any images at all?
what do images say about gameplay? >_>
Gameplay in an FPS? I can suggest you to some other types if you are looking for gameplay.
are you an idiot? what do you search then from a FPS, graphics?:D FPS is all and i mean ALL about gameplay
you are stupid
ye im the stupid one :D
i dont play et anymore, but im still hoping to find another game with same gameplay, theres no skill anymore in latest call of dutys or smthing. u just get ur ump and shoot everyone liek a sniper.

with ET u just have to prac hard and aim good, also the tactics component of ET is better then in the later FPS games coz its simply not needed anymore
it's fucking slow
troll or retarded`?
I've tried CoD but, well, it's crap.
cod2 = great game
meanwhile in America

image: funny-gifs-im-assuming-hes-not-the-father1
I heard a rumour that there are a few people out there who play ET for fun...
You are talking about game where you have to zoom-in like a rat to be accurate, you cannot jump on the object that is further than 10 m away from you, and you can kill a guy through a wall, cause you are too shit to get inside and face him in 1on1. That's why people like you switched to CoD.

Just my toughts.
image: 6243462_1301416492_68
Ever tried to stop crying? Not like all of these things are only for you. Learn to play and adapt to the new rules. It is still competitive.
Why should I adapt to new rules, which I dislike? I prefer stop playing FPS at all than moving to CoD.
I saw cod at lan in enschede. I almost fell asleep while watching
If you can handle it, you should try playing.
i dont like the wannabe realistic shit they put in almost every new shooterand i dont want to aim through ironsight. i want to revive and get revived.

to me, cod is a complet different game, which I dislike to play.

will never change from ET. I'd rather stop playing computergames.
bad troll, 0/10
I don't know if you are trolling or just this stupid.
CoD is pretty much shit
"I am not sure why you people havent picked up CoD from your closest game store"
Bought it. Tried it. Boring.
I see a future of trolling on cf. The true follower of LeFrancis...
Please, he is not even close to LeFrancis...
CoD is shit, haven't seen another game like ET, fast patched, awesome game.
CoD simply sucks
Slow game is slow.
bad troll is bad
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