bodyguard needed v3


So many people was waiting for v3, so here it is!
If you haven't read the previous posts: - start with this - v1 - v2

TL;DR version of all the 3 journals: I met a girl, she told me she doesn't have a bf, so I almost fucked her on the first date(no condom no sex soz) and started seeing her for a couple of times. Later it turned out she has a bf who started instulting me over Facebook like he's gonna come at me and stuff. One day I get on the bus when I see the guy and the girl together, I started laughing out loud but they both turn their heads away and act like they didn't notice me. The guy was scared I assume.

So here comes the new story!

It was 20th of August, it's a festival day here in Hungary so I went down with some of my friends to the Beerfest Aszód. We drank a lot of beer and stuff, we were watching the performances on the stage and stuff when I suddenly see the girl with her BF, they were walking to our direction when they saw me they turned around and started walking to the other way. We started laughing with my friends, anyway they disappeared, some minutes later I see them again and they are coming to our direction again, they walk past us when I started yelling at them: "HEY THERE BROTHER" They both looked frustrated and said "Hi", so I laughed out loud with my friends, but the guy wasn't brave enough to tell me what he wants in face to face.
So I woke up in the morning and I see the girl texed me: "Hi, I think we have to talk" I was like go on, and she said this: "I don't know what was that the other day but if you are angry you should tell it to me and leave the guy alone". I was like WTF? :D
So I told her: "Your guy is not brave enough to come at me? He sent me messeges on FB and stuff" (obviously she didn't know about it)
Girl: "Okay he is so much cooler than you are just stop it all"
Me: "Keep your speech to your man because he is the one who started this all, I was about to walk by all this, but he sends me this kind of stuff and he is this coward when it comes to face to face?"
edit: Girl: He was about to go on you, but we were searching for his brother and that's why he didn't do that. (LOL?:D)
Girl: Ok, I guess you will see him in the evening"
ahhahaha :D

edit(missing pieces): Obviously the girl doesn't want her bf to talk with me because the guy doesn't know what was between me and the girl.

Do you guys think I should hire a bodyguard afterall? Can't decide!

Quote by searealagain, i am sorry my friend, but i work as a security guard on the weekend @ racing event.

cant do shit :(
...he's gonna come at me and stuff.

bah, pfui.
QuoteLater it turned out he has a bf who started instulting me over Facebook like he's gonna come at me and stuff.

That's busted
No, I don't think you need to hire a bodyguard. I do think you need to grow up as you are not in highschool anymore.
this is all just child's play, nothing else. I'm amazed that these things even happen :)
What Ronner said.
Quote because he is the one who started this all

I believe you were the one who slept with his girlfriend...
She told me she doesn't have a bf.
grow up
from what i've read you are as much of a pussy as he is, why didnt you just go and talk with him yourself and set things straight? i know that he was the one insulting you and all, but you had a chance to be the better man and go talk to him, or beat him, whatever you prefer and all in all typing this kind of shit to crossfire is weird, it seems like you search for our(CF) approval or smth, that you "won"..
I dont give a single fuck neither about the girl nor the boy. If he wants something he'll come to me and do what he want.
I told* the girl when it came out he has a bf: "I see you are still together I don't want to get involved and It just not working for me"
She: "We are not together but if you want so"
then I saw them on the bus and thats I laughed out loud
Why would I go for anything to the guy? He is the one who started insulting me, I am not going there like "oh please don't beat me I'll tell the truth" If he wants fight i am up for it!
im not gonna argue about smth this pointless, gl
i just wanted to know ur oppinion :D
Why would he even go talk to him? They're the ones making such a big deal out of it, after reading the previous journals. Best is just to wait for the guy to come at him, and then do this:

QuoteNo, you should say to the guy that u dryhumped his girl and she wanted to fuck but you said no cuz shes a slut and such. He'll get mad and you and your friends punch him out.

The girl will get mad at you and you can go on lolling even harder bout this.

Best option im/q]
This is one happy gamer.
QuoteApplying for being a bodyguard

QuoteNot bench pressing your triple-digit bodyweight for reps

QuoteNot knowing the brute art of Krav Maga

I seriously hope you manlets dont do this
image: George-costanza
slarto mate :)
manlets lol :D
:) fellow tall friend looking over manlets walking around on the street :)
nice feeling
if three digits can be in pounds i would fit in nicely!!! :D
Krav Mage is some sick shit if you ask me. Has almost nothing to do with defense anymore..
Its a streetfighting skill thingy. Prettty awesome if you ask me
It's not awesome :) Streetfighting is awesome, teaching how to kill someone in a streetfight, not that awesome. :)
Its not how to kill someone, its how to defend urself vs multiple enemies. Ive seen documentaries on discovery y0!
u didnt fuck her = u are a pussy
u didnt fuck him = u are pussy

overall, u are a pussy.
lol'd at this comment!

The guy won't do anything, if he really wanted to kick your ass he would have done it at the various opportunities that came around!
Lol bitchboy hiding behind his friends :P
Then makes journal on cf for a bodyguard :P
Ban this guy for transsexual behaviour please :P
stop watching jersey shore pls
What Ronner said.

It's very unlikely he'll do anything. If he even shows up you should try to talk to him about the way his girlfriend acts, it's not fair towards either one of you. If by any chance he starts beating you up just take the hits like a man and report him to police afterwards. =easy money.
HAhahahhaha yea a real man would definitely take the punches then go to the police to get money out of it, fucking wuss....
take the hits like a man and report him to the police? :DDDDD
Oh come on, easy money. :)
yeh, as if you will get money if someone kicks ur ass (:
Depends on how hard. But yeah, you will.
Not over here. You can tell the police what happend, most likely they'll make a report out of it but they wont catch the guy(s) who did it :)
Well yeah, as I said it really depends on how hard and what happened. If you exchange fists and both get a black eye or whatever I doubt anything will happen. But if some guy bursts your ribs and smashes your face hard enough(extreme example) you'll definitely get moneys.

My sister got into a fight because she busted some underage turds drinking booze. First they threatened that they'd kick her ass and later that day they came with a bunch of people. She tried to get away from the situation and when they followed her she started running. Then the one chasing her faceplanted on asphalt and broke her nose.

Her mother(along with her since she was underage or smth) sued my sister for beating her up. Their witness, a friend of her couldn't lie(or wasn't even going to) to the police. Didn't even go to the court because they came to an agreement after police thought it was a bit fishy. We had to pay some euros, can't really recall because I wasn't that much involved with it.
Anyways, her mother was a greedy bitch. The girl who sued my sister only did it because her mother told her to, and even apologized later from my sis. Or so I heard.

Wasn't even that bad in my opinion, I've seen worse but still they got such an uproar out of it.
so your sister got beaten up and she had to pay ?
Yeah because she was basically alone there and no one was to back up her story, whereas the other one had like 4 friends.

Though, she got away with little to no harm and we had to pay like 10€ for her ruptured bag. As I said the police thought it was a bit fishy as how was my sister able to smash her nose in when there were five to one, and one of her friend's story didn't add up.
and how did they manage to avoid the fact that your sister got a broken nose ? coincidence ?
No the one who was going to beat up my sister got a broken nose. She faceplanted on asphalt on her own while running after my sister. Then they tried to get money out of it by lying, because her mother is a greedy bitch.
ahh now I get it. I misunderstood it.
what a whore
+1 !
If you play it smart, you've got a life-long headache & a scare to come outside.. which he all has to pay =)
He did not know what was between you and the girl ? THen why would he spam you on fb, etc. ??
He know there was something since as the girl said "his mate saw us together".
also its a small town so things are going around pretty fast
he doesnt know the EXACT story I guess
Dude, what are you playing at. You've gotta go all g5 on this fucking dude.
Could hire a bodyguard to look after you and help you to stop being a cunt to the guy.
Never bin into a conflict before? Too bad, that means u never stood up for something
No, you should say to the guy that u dryhumped his girl and she wanted to fuck but you said no cuz shes a slut and such. He'll get mad and you and your friends punch him out.

The girl will get mad at you and you can go on lolling even harder bout this.

Best option imo.
fuckinbg nerds
First time I'm reading your journals. You didn't even fuck her, what the fuck.
Yeah because on crossfire standards fucking a girl is such an amazing and cool thing to do because 90% of the people here are insecure socially awkward fat fucks who haven't even talked to a girl.

There is more to life than "fucking".
Oh seriously I didn't know that because I never get out of the house.
had the same problems when i was 14 :) maybe you should hire a babysitter to watch your ass, fagface
+1 :D

haha so we saw em and then we started lolling like really hard ... and then we lol'd some more... and then guess what: we lolled some mOARRrrRr RAWRRRRRRRRrr
What else should I do? Like I am going to start a fight when I don't give a fuck about the bitch :D
just ignore em? theyre trying to ignore you so you should do the same, just live your lives without interreacting with one and other :) thats what i'd have done
I wouldn't say that they are trying to ignore me since the guy started insulting me vie text msgs and told me "I want to talk to you about the girl".
It's just bothers me that why can't he do that face to face.
Are you still about 14 years old?
I'll be your body guard. Then I'll rape you.
fucking badass life u livin there
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