Favourite beer!+


What's your favourite beer?
My list:

1. Coronita
2. Heineken
3. Jupiler

I just can't get enough of these!!!! BEAR!!!
corona and desperado lastz week
in clubs heineken or becks :)
people mentioning Heineken

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on topic: West Vleteren + Duvel
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bearbear raaawr
desperados, grolsch
kasztelan niepasteryzowany
Heineken is disgusting :(
Been drinking Singha pretty much every day maybe actually a bit too much.

image: 215px-BiereSingha
i can only get this for high price at ONE single asian restaurant here xD
but pretty tasty
0.66 liter bottle for 1 euro @ 7/11 :)
1. Meckatzer Weiss Gold
2. Paulaner Weiss
3. Every other bavarian weissbier
4. Warsteiner
Stella Artois & Carlsberg
DUVEL WAS HIER, your argument is invalid
Duvel is voor als ge heel rap door de muur wilt gaan :p alst opt gemak is verkies ik iets lichter
daar gaater nie om :p beste bier is beste bier :D!
Guinness is so gross ;s
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here, but afaik they do not sell zeitgeist anymore? and only got 2 left :'(
(besides penguin can hardly still be called beer, well technically it is, but its kinda more like liquor)
Haven't tasted or even heard about zeitgeist.

And ye, penguins wasn't like a beer, quite a weird experience. Suprisingly good though.
brewdog also sold it (pretty obvious considering the design of the bottle?!^^) untill about 3 months or so ago, maybe 4-5. pretty bitter dark beer(do they sell something else than dark beer anyway?:P). tastes a bit like a mix of dark beer and pils, just a tad dryer
Ye, most of their labels are kinda rare. Cant get penguin here from anywhere else than one bar and you have to kinda pre-order it or be familiar with the staff.
you can also order from brewdog, thats what my brother does, a bit costy sometimes, but hey, we take sometimes 2 pallets, sometimes one, so :)
shipping is only worth it if you order much (dunno if you can order less though)

but yes, labels are inventive, so is the taste of each beer :D
duvel no doubt.

also brugse zot
becks in the bottle
wtf am i supposed to do with the lime ? i always put it inside the bottle
the actual reason why they put that on the bottleneck is so flies wont enter the beer bottle:D
No, first drink some then put it in.
Put the bottle once upside down then normal & drink it!
plus fucking one ! I love desperados
Lapin Kulta
image: lapinkulta

Hobgoblin (+ most Wychwood beers)
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Sierra Nevada pale ale
image: 10-beers-you-must-drink-this-summer-sierra-nevada-pale-ale.jpg

image: budweiser
Lapin Kulta and for that matter bear bear are just shit.

The only almost decent beer out of finland is Koff.
Quotedecent beer


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Better than Lapin Kulta or Bear bear ( lots of fins mentioning it)

Only bums drink Bear bear in estonia lol :d
wtf is Bear beer?
bear bear. Scroll up. there are some mentioning it.
oh that, ye i agree. Tastes like piss mixed with water.

scroll down to see my choices
I kinda like them all
I've started to like Fosters more and more lately. Haven't met a competitor to the dark kozel yet though.

And now that we are on the subject, I'll be going to Ibiza in the next two weeks and I would like to know what spanish beers are worth buying from the supermarket?
(I guess there is plenty of british and spanish beers there huh?)
Spanish best are San Miguel or Mahou :))
mahou sucksss
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estrella damn.
damm nert

they barça partners:)))
estrella is cool.

we have heinekens if u want to but i dont like em.
I'll definitely buy some estrella then! And I think I've tasted san miguel, might need to try few of those too =)
now im drooling :/
for the cheapest one i'd say stella artois

otherwise: karmeliet, rince cochon...
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image: bavaria

But I dont really care I drink everything. Except for dommelsch.
Desperado's + Corona is perfect in the sun but in clubs & winter normally any type like Heineken, Grolsch, Jupiler.

Leffe & La Chouffe are also great beers.
Best I've ever had is probably Old Scratch Amber Lager by Flying Dog Brewery. Long Trail's Hibernator is fantastic as well.
For regular old beer I don't really care what it is, just prefer not stuff that tastes like piss water. PBR is decent for cheap beer.
1. Super Bock
2. Sagres
3. Desperados
u know thats just plain heineken with another label right, just like bintang and like all the asian beers
yea well I don't know about those because I drink mild ones rarely. vodka ftw.
haha true dat, i dont like wodka pure tho, i just mix it with fanta, redbull or orange juice etc
Tuborg lime

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amazing beer is amazing!
are you serious?
Yes, my bro just came back from France, he also was in Belgium so he brought me some beer called "Jupiler". It's one of the best beers I've ever tasted.
stopped drinking beer for a while now,drinking ciders,love kopparberg
image: palm


image: hoegaarden


image: jupiler


image: bavaria_logo_en_glas

And many more :D
c'mon adze! :p heineken? really? That's just some water compared to belgian beers..
Try Duvel, Leffe, Stella Artois, Maes :p
heineken is fucking awfull dude.. really

i was at the international beer festival in berlin 2 weeks ago and had a lot of different beers:D

for me the #1 stays Hertog jan
2nd would be #2 Becks ( some random beer we found in the german supermarket, quite nice)
#3 Duff ( ye we actually found that on the beer festival, i liked the taste, dont believe theres alot of alcohol % in it tho. ( can upload pic if u want proof, if u learn me how to upload pics on cf:P)
"becks", random beer" xDDDDDDDDDDddd
you funny :)
ye well i didnt know it, its not sold in holland so to us it was random but we liked it:)
its really common here, and i think somewhere else too ;)
i would compare its taste to grolsch a bit
ye just a bit, we drink grolsch most of the time, maybe thats why we liked it
Best Bier!!

image: guiness
Melbourne bitter !
nerds talking about bearz, hehe ;PP
Whienshtephan or how ever u spell it.

and Guinness
Budweiser, Corona, Estrella, Guinness, Heineken

Chimay, Orval, Rochefort, Achel, Westmalle, Westvleteren & Trappe (don't give a fuck about the 8th, that's shit and not even produced in France. Fuck you, frenchtards, beer is not four south people).


Enjoying those beers at the Delirium Café in Brussels is something.. AND YOU CAN ALSO MEET SOME CHICKS LOST IN THE CITY!!!
Grolsch, Heineken, Warsteiner, Pilsener Urquell, Veltins... etc. etc.

Corona, Desperados....
Desperados and Chimay are my favorites!!

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