schnee @mallorca + hentaiiiii

Hey peeepz,

Sooo im home after 9 days Mallorca and today I decided to go to doctor since I still have a cold from last week. Now I can’t even talk anymore till lunchtime :DD
So first of all I met Rahul with his boys in berlina dn we had a good evening. Funny guys who don’t even know a SPAETI ;) we went to club and partied a bit imo :) was nice to meet u <3
; Day after I had to pack all my stuff with a lil hangover and left to airport next morning.
Mallorca was awesome. We had 40° an great hostel. Changed it after 2 days due to location- palma was rly boring at nite so we decided to go to arenal :D had a car, saw a lot of island.
Ballermann is rly crazy and if u neeed a fuck or lot of beer just go there^^
Got tan, had fun, had drinks, had late nite swimming actions, were dancing, met a mate I’ve played with in clan like 5 years earlier; nothing more to add only that it wont be last time ill go there! :D

Cala pi:
Benita blue

question of the day:
how was ur summerholiday? 10/10

image: GQfeature1v
image: 366ee624921

Mallorca Song:
Schnee Song:

Shoutouts: carla (aww :*), wsk & nOOr (TEH boys), Panda (just....), Michael , CONFO(!), mica (lips), flooflooo (miau), dialer(kikoo), marko(&#61514;), .ee & fins =), Altsi (who will make journals next week in my absence), the GANG, my channel <3, m!das (call?!) , tAliiiii, hentai!, EVO PAUL SEX(ton), KARTOFFELPoffel!, ALAN and my buddies + special to R.

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1 e: join #schnee if u like to be with the real peepz =) image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1

||I wish u all a nice week||
mallorca is lame, ibiza there u can party hard :D
if i go to ibiza i want to go to every club there. each entry around 50€ sooooo i decided to went to cheap"" mallorca ;)
mallorca is full of asis ^^
ballermann, arenal i agree yes. we had car so we went to other places and the assi guys who are at ballermann mostly didnt come so far :P
so we saw nice places w/o assis :D
yes mallorca has some nice places where u can relax and hang around.
what Severus said
Looks like you had a nice time, welcome back :)
ye was good time. 40° and many nice beaches to go :)
this camera makes weird pictures for a compact one :O
my summer holiday was awesome 10/10 aswell. even though its the opposite of yours. relaxing, good food, sight seeing :D must be the 3 years age difference...
cam is great. was mice first hols with cam and i like this minimalized view :)
i did relax at beach2 !! :)
i was at the cathedral i did eat uuhm not much :PP
is that a special setting on the camera? the first picture looks almost like a dollhouse :D
thought the same. all of them pics are sharp only in one place
yea usually you can't do that with compact cameras... and also thats something you should avoid when you're doing landscape shots :D
klugscheißer :3
hähä :D
waaaas deeeeeeeeen? :)
Glad you had nice time :> could do with 40° atm so cold -,- can't wait for my holidays now! Nice pics :} also random chick! related blog

how was ur summerholiday? 2/10 shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit but has been getting better now for some reasons ;)
when r u going andrew ? :)
its just bad that im ill now cause i love to go outside show my tan n meet my friends finally after more than a week :/ weeeeeeeeeeell.

have a good one :)
will be going on saturday so only 3 days wait ^^ week in sun, reading books and taking pics :D need some nice mixes off you so I can listen to ofc!

take some green tea and be better soon :3
Where are u going, she asked. And I'm curious too.
Oh sorry :D Misread when for where. Silly me.
Great photos gurl, hi btw :-)

I was @ Rodos,
hi2u2 :) had good time there? is it cheap?!
Pretty good time there, a lot of traveling and thing to see, many clubs etc. And considering Im a poor polak working @ pizza Hut its cheap :DDDDDD
Only thing missing now is pictures of schnee in a bikini
profile half bikini :p
Either Im blind or we have a different understanding of how a bikini picture looks
i know what u want but its the inet so no :)
i assume ur the left one? :p
cute and nice color :p
it's already up :3
Looks nice, I really do hope I'm not gonna have 40 or even 35 degrees when I go though :[ Going to Greece (kos) next week for 10 days!
Kos is great if you like a lot of Dutch people on a small island with only restaurants and discos.
Sounds like hell.
Agreed, I was 16 back then (relatively low standards) and it still sucked ass. The only good things were the 1 euro cocktail bar and the rainbow projectile vomiting the day after.
I wonder if there's anything you like in life.
I was in Turkey in Bodrum (Akyarlar), 2 weeks ago. I could have seen Kos from my beach :) so I guess your weather should be similar to mine. Was around 30 degrees (maybe more), haven't seen any clouds there, full sun 24/7. but because of the local climate, sea & wind you don't feel that it's so hot ;)
ehe I might go to bodrum for a day or weekend when i'm there, heard it's quite great too.
u said u will call when u hit a german airport :( i was waiting all night long!
was late :/ sry boy :)
npnpnp!! working again today? or relaxing in the sunz?
Welcome back schnee! I missed you so much :$
what about ur trip? stopped after 1.5days or woot?
First attempted stranded after 1,5 days because there was something wrong with the bike. Got back home and got it fixed, after which I departed again but this time in a more eastern direction. Went to Aachen first, then to a place below Bonn (Remagen) on the second day, the third day I followed the Rhine to Bingen (visiting Koblenz on the way), the fourth day I went to Mannheim/Ludwigshafen (and paid a visit to Mainz and Worms).
Bicycled ~600 km those 4 days, but the prospect of cycling 30 more days didn't really attract me anymore. Sleeping in a tent, crappy camping showers and being alone from morning till evening took their toll. If I had been more realistic in the planning and not so naive, I would've started with a smaller tour (1 week trip, or 2 week trip) but 5 weeks for a novice like me was in retrospect really stupid.

So here I am!
since my connection is a bit slow atm pictures are loading quite slowly.. so i saw image: unbenanntjno and got a bit excited for the rest.. u disappointed me

(yes im very simple minded :S)
My vacation has been pretty boring, working and learning for exams in august. But in september I go to Turkey & Zarautz surfing, so that will be pretty cewl :)

image: SurfingMaresias_RicardoMacario%5B1%5D
i expected a pic of schnee =:,(
summer holidays? so far epic. still not over though. lots of parties still to attend :)

i expected a pic of schnee =:,(
just bunnies use "=" smiles =>:(
QuoteBallermann is rly crazy and if u neeed a fuck or lot of beer just go there^^

QuoteI decided to go to doctor since I still have a cold from last week

It's not a cold, it's aids.

Oh, and you can't take pictures worth shit :P
pls..... :) it was the air con

im shy mkay :)
my summerholidays were good too.
i went to bulgaria (goldstrand) for one week, lloret de mar for one week and sweden/norwy for 2 weeks.
looks like a lot of fun :D much better weather than we have had here recently, actually quite depressing, I can't even go for a bike ride because of the wet roads its starting to get on my nerves haha. Im loving the little bit of cheeky tilt shift in your pictures :D
you still didnt watch the movie, Im disappoint schnee :<
been to arenal last year, was fun indeed, when i saw that picture of the beach it reminded me of the good times immediately :< did you go to the Mega Park?:D
but ah well.. been to tenerife this year which was really great aswell :)
hope you had fun!
RIU und Paradis :x was lot of fun ye :)

teneriffe is nice was there some years ago :) u went to b each with dark sand?
yeah was really nice that beach! also been to the vulcano:P
went to poland for just over a week, saw auschwitz which was impressive, chilled in krakow for 2 days which was really nice (30 or so degrees mostly), went down to zakopane to chill in the mountains which was fucking nice, had too much piwo and wodka, smoked weed with some skinheads and got into a fight 2 nights in a row.

image: 34zdilx
summer holiday has been the best i've had so far

cocoon in the park, berlin (!), lake district in 2 weeks, trips around the uk, weddings, parties, bbqs, and all the other awesome things i've done


also found a really nice smoke spot in some woodland near me
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