Usain Boolt :l

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epic fail

gg usain :(

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too much doping
THESE RULES ARE PURE BULLSHIT. BULLSHIT. winner with 9,92 seconds ? very skilled winner olololol
apparently you know nothing about athletics, blake ran 9,92 against a 1.5m/s wind. That is a very good time.
Very good time, all right. BUt he did not stand a SINGLE chance against a real champions like Bolt. Who is this Blake guy really... Maybe a good runner but a world champion ? No way...
he is only 21 and trains with bolt, he has a personal best of 9.89 from 2010
Sad story indeed. But even if this is shit this is the rule. :(
The rule changed. There was no need to change it. Isn't every person allowed to have a second chance? :(((((((((
I know what you mean. But they want to prevent that everyone will take a gamble at the first start.
Yes but that too strict imho. Plus the interest is lowered when the guy everyone wants to see is dq... But I guess there is no perfect rule... I'm just mad cause I wanted to see a world record :/
Lol he will rage 200m under 19seconds :D
did it with purpose, couldnt handle losing to Blake
+1 Blake new king :S
So rigged lol, I had blake at 9 / 1. BOOM
made the 100 meters at least a BIT interesting

I dont agree with the new rules though
honestly, its by far the best available option.
2 personal faults = DQ looks the best to me

only BIG downside is that u might have a shitload of false starts

This is just a bit too hard imo
2 per nose was just ridiculously bad. Not only it got abused by purpose but it also made everyone try and get the perfect start. Races were finished with 4th or 5th tries and times were horrible. Kinda ruined the prestige that competition has always had.
One fault = yellow card to everyone, next one is red card. Should be like this maybe:o
nah, then a guy gets punished for smth someone else did before him (and didnt get punished), this system is the best one imo
mitä vittua sä höpötät? :D
what are the new rules?
Disqualification after first fault start
i was like wtf, new rule = only 1 falstart? bullshit
This new rule is completly bullshit and unfair. Such thing is killing sport
like 5on5 killing et?
the new rule isn't bullshit, the old rule was. doesnt have anything to do with the rule either, was obviously on purpose.
wat happened?
what happened? wasn't watching :v
He made a false start, so he was disq under new rulings.
the rule is complete bs, gonna ruin so many runs
its not bs, there is a rule for all of them, its his own fault if he couldnt respect it... but i must say this is a sad elimination idd
shit happens
bullshit rule indeed
Basicly both rules are pretty senseless
Well rematch between Blake & Bolt next year in London
nigga got denied!
Blake beast
wasnt watching, but shit rules
fuck the world
I prefer this rule over the older one.

And Bolt was just too cocky for his own good.
the only way for others runners to win :x
Too bad. He would of take it easy. Well that's how the sports goes. Unlucky , he will rock on 200m tho.
I remember there was a girl at last championships or olympics (don't remember) who was, well... not so fit and she ran 100meter somewhere in 14secs.
lol, nice, if he really ran 15,66, that's not bad at all.
15,66... niggah pls
It's really bad compared to the other athletes. But especially considering his body it's not bad at all. He would probably own at least 50% of all crossfire users.
much more than 50% d00d

only few guys take coco or smth else
Not possible, as long as krosan is our trainer!
i got 14:54 or so when i was 15 :D
12s when i was 16. But i respect this guy for having the balls to do what he did tho
dude, this was a wm qualifier...and its being made ridicolous when you allow people who are really fucking slow to run in a world pretty damn sure american samoa has faster runners than him, but apparently he is a son of some rich dude over there...
i agree with you.... It's just that i think you need courage to do what he did
that's absolute bullshit, he was the shotputter for his country and their normal sprinter was ill so he was asked to run instead. In the interviews afterwards he sounded like he really didn't want to do it
as a athletic I must say that the rule is ok. It makes the runs more even cause u can't rly take risks in start.
dopping rolls :<
Made my day tbh. Sucking up all the attention every single time the camera shows up.. Jamaican cocksucker.
shit happens !
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