This is going good !

Hellow crossfire, miss me ? Hehe I guess so...

Yeah you might wonder where the fuck is this pro ?

I can tell you atm i wokring pretty hard and I started to train again pretty hard.

I gained 7 kg now in 3 weeks, and have been keeping the same fat ratio, im proud of myself so atm i am on 97kg =) ( my old weight was 116kg :P )

And i know you dont care , thats why i write this for the haters, but anyway i do think much about playing again, so you might see this old owner again together with NuggaN.

much love no hate

and btw fuck you chosen ur ugly dickhead for adding red triangel.
gimmmeh new pics of car
got the same car as before, Mustang GT Premium 2011.
why you didn't go for the older one btw? :P
Dont like em =)
ahh :P i think they are awesome :D want to swap it for my car? :D
haha nah gonna sell my car now and get someting else :)
get older bmw 750, they are cheap enough so you can just give me mustang for free :P
haha i am thinking about a BMW x6
dont :D horrible looking car imo :D
its nice !
nah:D x5 is a nice car, way nicer then x6 :D
X6 is like a Boss!
x6? skoja du?
den e ju tung?
ehm nej :D

då e även en porsche bättre i sthlm :D
Driving an x5 or x6 is just horrible. Dont go for those.
You mean the models around 70's im guessin? way better lookin than the new ones imo
yo how tall are you?
192-193 :)
7kg in 3 weeks? Fluid retention! Too much creatine I bet ;)

too we todd id
same as me , but i weigh around 90 kg and im not so muscular as you:p
Hey idiot, the triangle isnt cuz ur currently cheating, but cuz you cheated in the past and ur 'punishment' is still ongoing
haha get your facts right mongol
steriods not only shrink ur dick but also ur brain dont they?
steriods not only shrink ur dick but also ur brain dont they?

Still again get your facts right, steriods dont shrink your dick. The dick can even grow when using steriods, but under your time when using steriods your balls gets a bit smaller cuz they dont haven to produce that much testostorone self and that also depends on what steriod u take.

You dont seem to know that much, and i dont say you have to know this aswell BUT THEN dont fucking talk when you dont have any clue about it
omfg im just messing with you
you must be a hater!!! ;)
no pictures of current body size?
Well if he dropped his weight from 116kg to 90(?)kg, i guess he lost lots of muscle there, since his fat percentage couldnt of been that high.
i hate it even when i gain 1kilo :o :DDd

no pics alex? :(
you gain and loose 1 kg each day by the daily circle
Don't we all just fking hate when that happens?
i do not do any sport i go clubbin

but just in general i hate it when i gain weight :p
image: 2e36fte

here ya goo :P
you not giving me nationscup xiv finals owzo shoutcast :)

can you help me pls dear snow?
u named me slut and now u want smth from me? :o
just gimme the shoutcast :)

guckst du OP an auf deutsch oder japanisch?
auf deutsch. schau momentan alte folgen.. kein bock auf deutsch sub

habe ich net ;)
no morning journal? :D
overspeck? ;)
wie gehts>? <3
friday so all fine. sup with u? u dont have weekend on saturday right?!
i do...not on sunday you mean :}
so u have free tomorrow but not on sunday. so weekend is one day only?
i come home @ thursday evening and i go back @ sunday morning
hehe :D ive been up all night, tired now tho :P

2pac <3
my best friend was there till 1 couldnt sleep then. watched OP till 3am.. :/

You restarted playing already since i played against you last time
So AlexL how have you managed to gain 7kgs! I'm interested! Surely it must be fluid retention?
lol you are really interested????
Chaplja owned you hard on valhalla!
Bodyweight 80-85->100kg

Bench 40x4 -> 90x6
Squat 40x6 - > 150x1
Deadlift 80x5 -> 170x3

BICEP dumbbell curl 12x10 -> 22x6

Next year will be awesome

E: Alexl do you have any pics from the time you weighed 116kg?
You started off with those first 4? And how long did it take you to go to the other weights?
I have been training for 10 months now. I used to train when I was younger but it was never this "serious" and regular, now I have been paying more attention to my nutrition and workout plan in general. Also I didnt do any compound lifts, even bench I only did now and then.

With "Next year will be awesome" I meant that I have found a new, more wiser training method for me. I used to train all compound lifts with high intensity and low set -range, which gives quick gains but is hard on your CNS and joints. I recently switched to high volume medium intensity -style, lots of sets with rep-range 3-10 and medium weights. It feels so much better and training itself is much funnier.
Hm I started training recently (a few weeks ago) and the guy wanted me to start with just machines and not too much compound lifts. I pretty much lift the same as you did when you started and I'm around the same weight too (Although I'm 193 and I'm not sure if you're taller/shorter). It's good to know you can gain so much strenght in 10 months tho :), motivating.
Machines have their pros and cons. You will gain strength with little risk of injury when using them (a beginner gains strength and muscle whatever he does) but the supportive muscles in your body wont develope as good as if you were squatting, overhead pressing or deadlifting. My personal opinion is that simple barbell exercises are the most efficient ones for a beginner, after a while you can specialize and add more stuff (like machines) into your workout plan. Strong core is still the key, no matter what you are doing at the gym.

I use machines after workout with super-light weights, just to get fresh blood flowing in my muscles.

This is matter of luck but if you have any experienced lifters in your gym, go and ask them for technique advice. They will gladly help. :) And for a beginner, the best training program is Starting Strength.

Nice to hear that I could motivate someone. :D

EDIT: With experienced lifter I dont mean that guy with buffed upper body but the one who is squatting 140+kg for reps in the power rack.
100kg but you're not lean!

my results in the past 12months:

110kg --> 90 --> 100 [kinda fat atm though]
bench 50x1 --> 95x1
squat 60x1 --> 120x1 (maybe more dunno)
deadlift 65x5 --> 145x1
strict press 45x1 --> 65x1

next year will be awesome indeed ;p
:( fat forever

Tried OHP'ing last week, 50kg was heavy as fuck. :(

try using push press and dumbell press overhead (hammer grip), it helped boost my OHP

and lift fast! speed applies to OHP too
I will do push press on monday. Maybe I hit 65kg that way - no chance I would get it strictly pressing
gonna try push press 1rm next week, i'll let you know how it goes!
My guess is you will hit 75-80kg. B-)
75 maybe, dunno about 80kg... lockout would be really difficult i think
managed 75kg pretty easily, but 77.5 was too much! i will do it soon though :)
do a heavy day and two days later a light day

i do the MP on wednesday 3x3 heavy and on friday 3x7 light

works fine for me
my results in the past 12months:

83kg --> 96 --> 86 --> 90 now
bench 50x10 --> 85x1
squat 50x10 --> 82,5x2 knee injuries :O
deadlift 30x10 LOL --> 130x1 (was easy try! maye 5-10kg more!
military press 30x8 --> 60x1 after 50kg 3x3 so maybe 65x1 dunno
I weigh 62KG at the moment :)
How tall are you though Scarzy? :p
Actually pretty tall, just skinny as hell!
hey mate, I weight 80 kg with 186 tall, is that good? u so sexy omg <3
Quite normal samael.

This topic is turning really homosexual though :E
I'm quite sure creatinine doesn't cause fluid retention, it's only a marker they use to calculate kidney function.
pretty sure it does, i've read that from several sources
Creatine Causes Excessive Water Retention.

More bullshit. A recent double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that, after three months of creatine use, test subjects showed no significant increase in body water. In fact, the creatine group showed greater gains in total body mass and fat-free mass. Best of all, this recent study employed the latest in body composition measurements-deuterated water isotopic analysis which utilizes a non-radioactive "tracer". Now it is possible that some inferior-grade creatine may actually promote water gain that results in a soft, puffy look. However, this can be due to several reasons. One, it may not be due to the creatine, but excess sodium. When cheaply manufactured, excess sodium remains in the finished product.

It wouldn't make any sense physiologically because creatinine isn't bound to fluid transport in the kidneys at all.
interesting =o cheers for the info
currently at the end of my cut, 93.8kg atm and lost 7% extra bf yay
aren't you that 2m tall mofo? your weight is too low then
nah, not dropping any lower though. 93-97kg is perfect. Now trying to keep the same weight while loosing fat and gaining muscle.

image: dsci0314h
you kamz & ?
eujen with blue shait :D
ya need to grow a bit :P
same here, im 187 tall, but I need like 5 kilos more of pure muscles (think about gaining 10 kilos and then reducing), atm I am 82
gonna start hitting gym now too.
197 cm or so, close to 90 kg
gays online!!!
snygg alex
prods make people dumb, I got the proof now, thx.
weight : 64 kg

januari 2011

4 months later:

weight :73 kg

squats : 70 - 150

biceps ( with a broken bar of 7.5 kg and you sit down) 20 kg - 45-50 (almost 60kg in total)

i gain almost 10kg in 3-4 months and doubled my strenght.

I use creatine etc... but nothing like steriods all legal products. But when i train i go to the limit 3 -4 reps and neg reps... to get more maximum strenght..

bench press : 50-60 - 115 (max)

i stopped going for more weight and strenght because cant get 2 fat for foot :p
If those bench and squat max attempts were legit I suggest you to throw footie out the window and start some strength-sport. Insane numbers for such a light guy.
you've trained before though right? so they're not noob gains but more you regaining your old strength?

still, nice :D
true :p but still nice in 3months :p
i prefer that 9 man spree @ overload ^.^
i love everyone in this journal
is it even possible to gain 7kg of muscles in 3 weeks lol ?

even WITH steroids ? :D
Like its been stated, its mostly water stored in his muscle.
Do real sports instead of noobie eating/musculation
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