first year uni failed
13 Sep 2011, 18:40
Grade Point Average : 11
le fu :(
inb4 rolled by uni
le fu :(
inb4 rolled by uni
35.8 %
(19 votes)
64.2 %
(34 votes)
Tu suivais quelle filière? Tu recommences?
Ca devrait aller, c'est juste que j'ai plus passé de temps à jouer a wolf qu'à étudier :D
Chose que j'avais pas faite non plus. Du coup j'me suis explosé lors du blocus, et je dois dire que je suis passé par la petite porte.
M'enfin, maintenant qu'on a le mode d'emploi, je pense que ça devrait aller mieux :)
T'es en kot ou chez toi?
Perso lors de ma session d'examen j'avais pas pris mon pc au kot. J'avais juste un vieux notebook tout pourri histoire de pas être coupé du monde et de pouvoir imprimer/télécharger des pdf. Ainsi, pas de wolf, aucune tentation :)
Le blocus c'est la période pendant laquelle tu.. bloques! Donc ben t'étudies, tu bouffes de la merde, t'étudie, tu culpabilises si tu t'offres un épisode d'une série, tu deviens taré, etc. La bloque en gros ^^
You now call people stupid for not passing their 1st year..?
First year in the UK is generally considered a piss up unless you're doing a highly technical degree such as medicine for example.
Words can not describe how shortsighted your comment is. Maybe you didn't intend on it, but you come across as very stuck up and unintelligent in these two comments.
(on a sidenote: I did not fail my first year, but it was still the hardest one)
Im @ uni too, you are scaring me x)
The only way I can see failing the first year is if you really don't understand what you are being taught or you just pissed around the whole year. If it is the former I'd consider changing course.
I think that for 200 ppl to start last year in my section, we are now 40 max :D Thats the same in every school, at least here.
e: First year i a "selection" year as they said
You're doing great guys, it makes you come across as a really successful and intelligent student.
P.S hope i don't fail this year :D or well..hope i don't fail any year
what does a gpa of 11 mean?