first year uni failed

Grade Point Average : 11

le fu :(

inb4 rolled by uni
stop being so fucking stupid then
sadFace seems to fit u rly
LMAO thats so fucking full of win :D:D
Dumbass would be more fitting though!
dont make a sadFace now..
join the club
lol i did the same but couldnt care less about the course and didnt show up for the last half year, second year starting @ 21 september wish me luck xD
Why did you even bother then... just get a job or something jeez.
cause i wanted to go to uni but the course i took was with a friend, course was shit and friend left after the first year so decided to take a course which interested me the most and planning to finish it
How can you fail the first year? :DDD
trolled hard by uni
11 is passed tbh
I need 12 :(
Where do you study?
J'ai un moment cru qu'on était dans le même établissement étant donné que j'ia eu les résultats de ma seconde session aujourd'hui également. Ca me fait plaisir de voir que je suis pas le seul à avoir du attendre aussi tard pour les avoir :)
ah, et ? réussit ? T'étudies ou toi ?
J'suis à Bruxelles, j'ai terminé ma première en traduction à l'ISTI. Ca s'est pas trop mal passé, je passe en deuxième mais je garde 12 crédits sur 60 en résiduel (le maximum autorisé ^^). Mais étant donné que la deuxième est la plus difficile, ça va chier :(

Tu suivais quelle filière? Tu recommences?
Traduction - interprétation a l'ulg-HEL :{D Oui, je recommence la même chose :)
Ca devrait aller, c'est juste que j'ai plus passé de temps à jouer a wolf qu'à étudier :D
En gros faut bosser tout au long de l'année. Même ne fut-ce qu'une demi heure par jour.
Chose que j'avais pas faite non plus. Du coup j'me suis explosé lors du blocus, et je dois dire que je suis passé par la petite porte.
M'enfin, maintenant qu'on a le mode d'emploi, je pense que ça devrait aller mieux :)

T'es en kot ou chez toi?
Perso lors de ma session d'examen j'avais pas pris mon pc au kot. J'avais juste un vieux notebook tout pourri histoire de pas être coupé du monde et de pouvoir imprimer/télécharger des pdf. Ainsi, pas de wolf, aucune tentation :)
chez moi avec le pc dans ma chambre, une connexion internet et wolf :{D Mauvaise idée ..
Bah, vire le pc de ta chambre alors. Ou alors rien que la souris..
On dit pas ça en France? :p
Le blocus c'est la période pendant laquelle tu.. bloques! Donc ben t'étudies, tu bouffes de la merde, t'étudie, tu culpabilises si tu t'offres un épisode d'une série, tu deviens taré, etc. La bloque en gros ^^
Je crois qu'on a une "période de révisions", c'est tout :p
Ca sonne pas terrible, les révisions ^^
Belgicisme :) J'ai vu ca en cours
Je comprends mieux :P
failing the first year of university is like loosing a 100m sprint to a fat kid. words cannot describe how much fail that is.
what if you're the fat guy
I remember having a conversation with you where I stated 'I think 3rd year is no harder than the 2nd'. You didn't like that.. :D

You now call people stupid for not passing their 1st year..?
just saying first year is easy in the UK , everyone i know sais it is in all unis. Don't need to be clever at all to pass or do much work. If you fail then you gota be kinda retarded. in NL maybe its different i don't know i just know what its like here.
Not sure what kind of University you have visited but here most of the tough courses are in the beginning. This way they weed out those people who aren't determined enough.
That's typical in Germany to cut the numbers down and leave the dedicated/intelligent students remaining.

First year in the UK is generally considered a piss up unless you're doing a highly technical degree such as medicine for example.
ah, alright ;)
Dunno about the UK but in the Netherlands the first 2 years (and especially the 1st year) of university are hard.. After that you are more adapted to how everything works. (Also what darthmob said, the 1st year is to get rid of the lesser motivated.
Exactly what these people are saying. The first year was by far the hardest here. It's not just a matter of getting used to, the first year I had massive courses which had to be known by heart. I lost a few years mainly due to some bad luck and surgery, but pretty much all the exams after the first year were alot easier when studied properly. In my class over 60% dropped, probably 40% in the first year due to bad results.

Words can not describe how shortsighted your comment is. Maybe you didn't intend on it, but you come across as very stuck up and unintelligent in these two comments.

(on a sidenote: I did not fail my first year, but it was still the hardest one)
the first two terms are the hardest ones at my university^^
c'est pas toi qui avait réussi à jouer à ET avec un proxy ? T'aurais pas du réussir :(
wolf a détruit mes espoirs de toute réussite scolaire :(
j'ai connu ça au lycée, mais j'ai redressé en arrêtant les teams :*d
Sad for you sadface

Im @ uni too, you are scaring me x)
this isn't that hard actually. I just played ET the whole time instead of studying :(
Now you are scaring me even more! XD
How the hell do you fail the first year of university?
Not really either. I could understand failing the second or third year but the first is usually basic stuff :s
The only way I can see failing the first year is if you really don't understand what you are being taught or you just pissed around the whole year. If it is the former I'd consider changing course.
Do you know the numbers of ppl who are starting uni and the amount that pass in second?

I think that for 200 ppl to start last year in my section, we are now 40 max :D Thats the same in every school, at least here.

e: First year i a "selection" year as they said
Here in NL it's pretty easy to fail the first year. As mentioned above, the first year is by far the hardest and most testing. In my partners education, he only need to miss 3 classes of the same course in a 7 week period, and that equals no grade. Regardless what your reason for not being there may be : o If you miss 2 classes in that period, you need to do a special project to prove you're not slacking.
"My first year at this university, in this country, with these courses and these circumstances were easy so if you failed at your first year you must be stupid or something roflpantoffel"

You're doing great guys, it makes you come across as a really successful and intelligent student.
op cant inb4
started my first year this week,bring on the freshers week WOOOO! :D

P.S hope i don't fail this year :D or well..hope i don't fail any year
can someone fill me in on the grading scale?
what does a gpa of 11 mean?
assignment due next morning. play et all night.
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