schNee's goood mornin'

Hey peeepz,
So I’m writing this right now in the evening before posting this tomorrow morning cause it seems I’m always 2 late for it! :o Maybe I should be earlier at work but atm it just won’t work :’/

listen to pretty lights – toxic! love this version :o

did u notice summer is over soon? Its rly sad but my mood seems to change everytime this happens :p too cold to sit /be outside late at night. Parties (clubs or at friends bbq) are great but not when it’s too cold :/
Then my pc stopped beeeeeeeeeeeep at weekend dunno what why and when :) sooo I have to bring it to a friend to get this done soon. It was more than time for my pc :o

Plans for weekend nothing so far as always its 2 early to decide :/ What are yours??

questions of the day:
ur fav song/album right NOW:
album: kid cudi Pursuit Of Happiness The Mixtape

chocolate or chips? Kinderschokolade & nutella!

image: Portrait-Schwarzweissfoto-schwarz-wei%DF-Mann-portr%E4t-schwarzweissphotographie-Justin-510x510
image: aa-sexy-schwarz-weiss-fotos-007

schnee song:

Shoutouts: carla (aww :*), wsk & nOOr (TEH boys), Robert, Andrew, Michael , CONFO(!), mica (lips), flooflooo (miau), dialer(kikoo), miNd', .ee & fins =), Altsiiii, the GANG, my channel <3, m!das (call?!) , tAliiiii, hentai!, EVO PAUL SEX(ton), KARTOFFELPoffel!, ALAN (news?) and my buddies + my old squad <3

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1 e: join #schnee if u like to be with the real peepz =) image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1

||I wish u all a nice week – its Thursday already||

e. i have holidays next weeek! :Dd
I still think Schnee is a clever spambot in disguise.
bots are stupid mostly....
Clearly this is a clever spambot, perhaps made by a woman? ;)
nearly u did it good :P
haha, oh you opened yourself up to some ownage there!

I shall behave :) HF!
This weekend I am going to visit my parents because they are moving back to Holland the next week =O So i'll be forever alone here in Norway =P
crazy shit! :o u have a house alone for u then?
what r u doin there anyway? job, university?
University =) So I am renting a appartement here at school :P
good morning 8) drinking coffee and listening to Armin van buuren ft. nadia ali - feels so good atm. then going to school for few hours, cheeers

e: chocolate ofc!

had my last day at work yesterday (nearly 30 weeks "holidays" incoming) fuck yeah ^__^

Now on my way to Hamburg meetin up with some old mates. I'll also be there over the Weekend - kiezpartay.

Well since i dont like chocolate i would go for Chips eventhrough i dont eat em that offen..

Oh, and i'll finally habe my inet back on monday :D:)
30 weeks ? explain plz
Well, im going on some "Worldtrip" with my best bud. Asia/australia/nz/thaiti/mexico/us/uk mainly vor About 7 months - might be some Fun inc
wow seems awesome , have fun :)
the naked truth by golden earring
Summer been over here for weeks now.

ur fav song/album right NOW:
song: Rise Against - Kotov Syndrom
album: Black 2011 cd 1 & 2 mixed by the prophet
Cant name any song over others atm, nor album, head is empty.

Student-party-drunkover-thingies at city tonight, might go and tour with buddies if it doesnt start to rain. If it does, nerding at home and praccing hard.

EDIT: image: DNYXN

favorite song/album right now?
hard to say, but I've been going through the alexisonfire disco up and down for 2-3 days.

chocolate or chips?
both! chocolate for dessert, chips for nerding/couching.

Ervin says yes to the madness!
image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1
In which universe is Kristin Kreuk random?
edit 2 teh edit
favorite album right now? gorillaz 1st minialbum
chocolate. dont like chips :/
plans for weekend? cinema with my gf. than maybe ill look for some job coz i was so fuckin bored last year when i was only studing :/
I had a flat tire this morning, had to walk for 30 minutes. Me sad
Didn't you have a spare tire? Or was it a motorbike / bicycle?
Bicycle, and I didn't have any stuff with me to repair it:<
Argh I hate that!

I went to a bar with some friends, needless to say I got hammered... However, on the way home I got a puncher so I had to push the bike. Thanks to Kolner weather we had gewitter so I got proper soaked as well!

At leats ti wasn't raining buddy!
ah joshua said its this weekend ! have a lot of fun. must be great!!!
i have date with a columbian dj :P
no sex on the first date! you want him to respect you!

e: btw, butch & martinez were AMAZING this weekend! if you get to see them live, go!
aye daddy! :)
what've you got planned for your date btw? restaurant?
dunno if he has a gig. u cannot rly call it date imo!
dunno bar or club or katerholzig he seems to be resident there. :)
you should do the human disco ball then! btw, do you have the song pilocka krach - discolights from that video? i really want it but can't find it
no dont have it :/ if u find send me :D
hello randocm chick :)
Working on weekend :(

- Nothing special atm just some random trance
- both :)
Have a great day!

p.s. it's a boy :)
am i random? :o and and who is a boy? u confuse me! :)
ecko aka garf looking all the time things for the upcoming baby :)
still waiting?! :o

why u all rename. fuck that shit^^
yea still on the wait :)

think your right, why the fuck i did that :) thought it sounds more mature :))) rrrrrr NOT
chocolate ofc !

plans for the weekend... really need to do some stuff at the house ffs :(

btw, why there are only nude pics from Scarlett Johansson leaked... i want leaked pics from schNee !!!111
i was excited and thought what the hell i hate u till i clicked^^


I know all her facebook pics already !!!
i need to clean my appartment. i would pay for. u wanna come? :)
am i allowed to clean it naked ?

if u want. my neighbours would like it for sure! :P
pffffffff... only your neighbours...

i am not interested anymore sry !
i have big windows so could prolly be that they see u while cleaning ;)
i expected YOU to like it !

now i am sad panda for the rest of the day :(
justin is u g l y.
good moning.
morning lady :)

post a better then? ;)

hard one.. hmm.. five finger death punch - war is the answer album and dying breed i think

have a good day
you have a hard one?!
oh i forgot my favorite song right now:
Seether - Country Song

no real favorite album atm tbh...
careless whisper <3
ur fav song/album right NOW:
song: or
album: Icicle - Under The Ice (HAVE THE SIGNED VERSION, U JELLY??) For 2 month or something already...

Fake Prinzenrolle from Netto atm but normally I prefer crisps tho but maybe I'm pregnant or something

and uhmm yea not so goot mornin wanna move out hotel mama soon but cant find cheap place around my area
i eat everything late night. chips, chocolate, salzstangen :)

and im not pregnant
U sure :PpPPpPpPp
yes :DDDDddd
and the Clannad OST damm that anime made me cry
Quotedid u notice summer is over soon? Its rly sad but my mood seems to change everytime this happens :p too cold to sit /be outside late at night. Parties (clubs or at friends bbq) are great but not when it’s too cold :/

QuotePosted by schnee

Seriously.. your name means snow in German, how come that the late summer is too cold for you?
i love snow as well i just hate the change from summer to winter :)

and my nick has bit more meanings for me then only winter
Achso O: ..
aber in Berlin/Brandenburg ist es eigentlich noch verhältnismäßig warm.
But well.. what could your nick also mean.. maybe.. COCA*NE?
wort löschen sofort.. das hat hier keinen was anzugehen :D
wiiiiie kommst du darauf dass ich bb lebe? :o

aehm schnee hat noch weitere bedeutungen ausser... :)
kA kann mich dunkel daran erinnern hab mir vor ewigen zeiten die leute gemerkt die bei mir im umkreis gewohnt haben [8bits]skull, stray, schnee,fims, etc..
ps: ich hab das wort zensiert
welche anderen bedeutungen? mich interessieren sachen die ich nicht weiß!
ursprung: schneekoenigin war mein 1.clan nick. schnee ist geblieben. schnee heiss ich im freundeskreis aber auch ;)
good morning :)

stayed home tonight cause i'm supposed to get paid from a job where i used to work like half a year without salary and shit, court decided the payday is tonight so i get like 8759€ tonight hopefully. Then gonna go out with Estonia mant and Estonia Edgar and have a fucking blast and drink till we're dead.

Also got a dentist appointment before that, fucking scared.
ooooooooooh i would like to join! :)

u get 8800€ for 6month? :o party hard!
yup and well, you're welcome to join :D
Good morning. I just got an hour left of my 12 hour night shift and cant wait to go to bed since a only slept for an hour before the shift
how long did u sleep now?

Im just sad cuz I didnt see my name at the shoutout list :(
.eeeeeee is in!
that could mean anyone from skeit to wildur..
:( i will try better in future

e. btw why oh why u want to be in this list?
cuz I think I love you
What does that smiley mean?
Morning Saskia, im gonna go to bar soon to prepare icehockey season start game.
morning :) thought u paly paly but seems u just watch it? ;)
yeh only watch it, my fav team won 5-3 :)

ur fav song/album right NOW:
song: rihanna-skin, also rox my sox
album: I'm not listening to one special album atm, more in a single songs-mood, most recent ones were dr.dre-chronic 2001 and iron&wine-norfolk 6/20/05

weather is too cold in the morning and too hot at noon in working clothes for me:$
first day of uni (second year) today!
already drunken
back from the pub cuse i neded to poo hard
going now to the "bois de la cambre" to get drunk more before ton ight omfg :D
omfg ! :) hf
yeah!!!!!!!! ogihg now out to td random chicks waitin for us dickparty hope
and when they ask who I am, I look into their eyes and i tell them: I'm stars in overhead, I'm mountain in above
Your eyes twin volcanoes Bad ideas dancing around in there
Hi honey, Im making a movie atm, setting up some cams n colors x)
Mo' money mo' problems they say that's how it is when ya live like a boss !!!

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