HoN > LoL?

Hey guys

Is HoN better than LoL? cant decide...

What's harder to learn?

Na? Biste mad?
seeing that you are absolutely shit, even in LoL, you should not even think about playing HoN or dota.
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hehehehe 1o1 ET i show you whats up.
ok, come ts
2 skilled for you
yes, teach me how to aim like you did 5 years ago. zlOOOOOOOl
meh aim is for tryhards.
get brain and pwn hard. simple
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seeing that you are absolutely shit, even in LoL, you should not even think about playing HoN or dota.
Pretty similar, not a very extensive genre. Perhaps HoN abit faster and filled with more nerds though. Some differences : in HoN u can adjust terrain, deny creeps and play all champions. I like LoL more, perhaps more casual but also more teambased
more teambased ? explain please :D
Might seem contradictory but in HoN carry = way more important. Thats why I think contributing in a good way to a teamfight can make more of a difference no matter what role you are playing. Perhaps more teambased is not 100% accurate, but this explanation should make clear what I'm trying to say :D
you just missed the point of the meta game . just like 99% of nerds does under the 1800 bracket picking 4 melee carry/team
Ye I recon, which is why I don't do that and prefer normal games with friends. But afaik metagame stands for the strongest possible team composition when executed correctly. This still is bruiser top/jungler/ad mid/support+carry bot. Also a good CC team with a tank and support will rape most teams imo.
not that ive played hon in the last couple of months, but i dont think hard carries are a big part of the metagame.

semi's are alot more common.
HoN faster and LoL more teambased?
wow mate you got your games mixxed up
Read my comment above. And yes HoN is more fast paced imo. I haven't played alot of HoN so perhaps I'm wrong. The thing I really liked about HoN is how I can see more clearly whats happening compared to LoL. But since most of my friends play LoL and it's f2p, I prefer LoL :)
hon is also f2p now.
but all this "is it better or worse" bs (subjective obviously) aside people usually tend to prefer LoL cause its faster paced.
just to name one example: the lane is longer, the port isnt for free and if you die you lose money. that slows you down significantly.
on the other hand i have heard that LoLs metagame is just farmfarmfarm carry standoff so maybe its a bit more static in that aspect.
On random games, yes. But when playing with friends or when watching good teams play, no. There are alot of ways, like alot of crowd control and focusing, to counter even a fed carry, but random players don't have the coordination to do so, which results indeed in a game of who has the most overfed carry. Didn't know HoN was f2p, might try it again then only played at a friends house a few times while he was explaining shit to me.

I'm not saying one is better than the next, useless discussion since they are so similar. And I meant fasterpaced as in the action is faster, not talking about the game itself :)
just surprised me cause usually people argue "i prefer lol cause its faster, hon is too tactical".
walking around in lol is slow as fuck afair! :o
lol fast paced, haha :D
if HoN isnt faster then LoL.. What game are you playing?
there is more stuff going on at the same time in hon, simply because there are more game mechanics. still lol is more about straight forward fighting action rather than tactics. so i call it faster...
HoN overall reactiontime / char animation is faster. Also, items like Chalice and striders promote an aggresive early game instead of ricing for 30 minutes. The courrier allows for these items to be used earlier, again promoting an aggresive / ganking strategies. Current hon metagame is about pushing lanes and ganking. LoL is more passive / farm based.
hon > lol

hon best game ever

youtube any random fragmovie of hon and ull see

random fragmovie of hon:


epicness itself

LoL - slow tetris pixel homo casual dumpster shit

good editing but not that impressive plays tbh
still big annihilation by engis mines:D and last devo hook is awesome

and big SS 1 hand 3 kills and after annihi

damn spraying cum everywhere
whats ur MMR bracket?
currently 1700 (well dropped to 1690 atm)

i'd say stable 1650-1700 dumpster level

yeah im not that good after 1500 games xD

you can check my account: duNzy
just asking cause those kills were mostly due to overextension and that bomba thing mid, he missed everything and devo just saved his ass, the ulti in the end was nothing special.
i have accounts in every bracket from 1500 smurf to 1700.
not the best player myself and only around 600 games after beta.
The URL contained a malformed video ID.

hey i wanna see that big paly
should be workin now
lol nice indeed
same shit different package
inb4 casual nerds like Futimojo who pretend they are allknowing
HoL <> LoN ?
I like LoL over HoN simply because apart from teambased tactical movement and decisions it also includes a lot of micro-play(if that is even a word).
no teambased tactical movements there besides camping in a bush and ambushing the enemy, yet im still playing LoL now, though that's only because the computer that i use is for ET mostly, and should format before i could play HoN with decent fps. and imo LoL and HoN cant be compared, both are good games in different ways.
After what you said I'm pretty sure you've never played League of Legends.
you made my day m8 :D
face what? your stupidness? Already did. biggest tard ever
face my fucking opinion. I'm not saying LoL > HoN. Im just saying why I play LoL and not HoN. Fucking nerds always take it as an attack.

Flapcraft on iphone > all
LoL > HoN

my opinion, kthxbai.
lol if you want some casual fun
hon if you want to practise a lot, once you start to get all the details you'll appreciate the game and it's rewarding gameplay

both games are fun, you can always start with lol and if you like the genre and want something more out of it, switch to hon
HoN is dead
LOL makes you smile more.
LoL > HoN :-)!
Both are for people who are bad at RTS, they can't handle dozens of units at once, so they just play this 1 unit RTS.
hon its more difficult
HoN > LoL
LoL > HoN
lol idiots :) If u think LoL is slow .. just buy 2 pairs of boots ..
plz dont tell me you can stack boots in LoL, the stupidity of that would just be ... lol. Btw, a lot of ppl mistunderstand HoN being faster with speed. It has to do with faster attack animations and 0 delay, faster metagameplay. Its not how fast the heros run, its the actions per minute which is way higher in HoN.

The HoN metagame is focused on ganking since you not only get money, your victem also looses money. Next to the ganking, theres pushing. Basicly take a char who can take down towers really fast. Either they defend the tower and loose xp, or they dont and loose a tower. Usually great when they have a hard carry who needs to farm for 30 minutes to be effective.

think that fucked up HoN is using the F2P modle for a game aimed at competetive gamers. You need 200 € or something to get all the heroes or waste 15 € a month on tokens.
LoL what a shit game
the last part is shit. First part is totally better than LoL
ofc. you gotta buy 4 boots characters like urgot who has 4 feet
hon is also faster in terms of movement speed

and im pretty sure boots don't stack in lol:p
How would there be more actions per minute if there is 0 delay. It would mean all actions are immediate but since overall cooldowns on skills are not lower in HoN compared to LoL there would an equal amount of actions per minute.

The 0 delay in skills also counter the whole HoN-requires-more-skill thing.
Bubbles has 600 shellsurf speed in dota. In HoN they had to up it to 850 cause ppl had such an easy time hexing, stunning him before he could get in or out ... Why do I even argue with you ....
How would that counter my point?
hon needs more skill, and is more fun. LoL is more active & better for the competition since there are high pricepots etc.
made my day m8 :)
What's about Dota, Dota2 and Warcraft3 Dota? :D
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