Your best times in gaming

Like in the title, what times are evoking you the best memories?

For me - when i was about 10 years old my older brother was taking me to online cafe to play some Cunter strike at the map named de_rats or something like this :p We played on LAN 1vs1 or 3vs3 (depends on how many people in cafe) and it was giving me indescribable fun.

In ET I had few moments, it was about 2006 I played a lot on most popular polish server called ICP (I was waiting 30 minutes on timescale 100 to get in :P ) and play with players like Wiesiek & co. And ofc miAmi times, i met so many great people in this team, it was more than just playing together, chilling together with people like Fro, Jesse, GrB, wssquad and many others was always a huge pleasure and fun, also i can't forget about playing with Metsuri at BiO untill 5 am ;) Anyone here remember fishtank and his dick rolling? damn great times :D cheers to all the players i met in this game and for all miAmi members <3 Now im playing only real life ;)

Tell me some cool stories about your best times in gaming ?
winning 2nd div oc in 2008 with lost soldiers (not particularly winning but the whole time playing with them was the most fun time i had in et).
hahaha aber keinen pokal gekriegt dafür :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
nächste lan ey, da kriegst du sowas von...
warum? wegen der wahrheit? war auf jedenfall eines meiner geilsten momente und danach die lan war schon fett ^^
ach menno, spiel doch mal beim tr0ll mit.
*gefällt mir* :D
Neger bitte, da haben wir mit nem merc (snip0) und backup gespielt, weil $moke net da war. War auch das einzige mal das wir gegen euch im Offi verloren haben. xD Wen interessiert der Pokal oder die Medallie, ich hab alles verschenkt. :P
Haha lovely! <3 We did win Opencup 2nd div. though, thrilling match.
having a dull radar fullhold with ORDER BANANA. No better feeling than seeing another team get frustrated because of your good work.

all times with the bananas were good <3

shoutout to Germany Noezify, Germany genShi, Germany D4vid, Finland Hukk, Germany nicon and United Kingdom Element <3
I know that feel bro, miss those times :(
When i reached lvl 20 in Guild wars :)
wanna paly paly wiff me
not playing much anymore :/ working on gwamm when im on :)
Everyday I'm voltaic spears farmin'!
when I started playing ET in 2008, was lots of fun to go on jaymod server and have fun with 20-30 other people :)
rozumiem ze po tylu latach na tej stronie nadal nie umiesz czytac po angielsku ale nie wyladowuj swoich frustracji na mnie jebany nieuku
must be the match we played against krp professional gaming and won whit our super cool suomifinlandclan jaymod team. best personal moments go to cs when playing it on internet cafe before there was internet in finland :D
QuoteBefore there was internet in Finland

ye good old days back in the 90s
2009/2010 with ALMIGHTY (most fun moments came coz of: mixer tyyrd kamz jinosta razz ross hste fumble rito raskl nyke, but e.g. nyke was coz of him getting ripped, same for some others i havent mentioned + raskl was just funny as fuck to annoy. i also remember some real life friend of his that jinosta had an argument with XD nick was Jibe or Scott or something.. but his one he used years ago was different).

muchos fun playing 3on3s with United States of America ipod, roman and nomas
same with United Kingdom w3st & Norway shim
enjoyed late nights with United Kingdom owzo
7 hour 1o1's vs Germany bong
enjoying right now with the Chile synergy guys
every Poland guy/girl i played with recently! with some exceptions.
bigbeats/shrapnels/almighty mixes were the most fun

had a lot of fun with all of the people i played with in xZist, Queens & Carnifex!

e: as mentioned below, we discovered the amazing United Kingdom fumble on hide n seek in 2010, and ALMIGHTY hNs dominance was fucking fun then
On hNs where I was found by almighty! :)))))
fucking 19 wins in a row!
gonna write my memory :D
You forgot me :SsSsSssS
newfag + not even related to almighty family
Luke plz....
2009/2010 with ALMIGHTY (most fun moments came coz of: mixer tyyrd kamz jinosta razz ross hste fumble rito raskl nyke)

about 50% of that list is wrong! them bitches were never in almighty back then!
+ how fucking dare you not include me in any almighty list? rights revoked.
i wrote out a big paragraph mentioning you and the 2009 (eg. darkrider abuse) fun and then deleted it having removed all the pre-2010 guys :c dearest apologies, i will wait in the almighty holding chamber until forgiven.
sGp / Acid time <3
CDC 4 with England Cupper, getting drunk on sambuka and fuck knows what, seeing him vomit his insides out in our hotel room then use the curtains to wipe it up. nom nom :D
best times! x
this task is impossible
QuoteCunter strike

Public times at Gamesmajor (2003/4-2007)
Public times at |UKC| with [Oops!] :') (2007-2008)
after getting ownd @ supply or grush fullholding the same team @ radar ezbash was goooood
playing vs dev1ous was always fun with order :D
true story!
best moment in gaming ever: reaching higher dmg than skype (over and over :D)
ge raakt de gevoelige snaar!
ET in general few years ago
2003-2006 - I reached high and quit 1 week later, what a stupid fucking move. I played all through school and when I finished school in 2006 I quit? When I had all the free time in the world, I'm a fucking retard... but hey I met my GF and I'm still with her now <3.
Nerding World of Warcraft priv server with rl mates was preeetty awesome
I also enjoyed the times playing with my jaymod clan and the team I played with when I switched to etpro, yeye..
ja, ich habe dich auch lieb lolololo :dd
I also enjoyed playing in 125365236 teams with you, yeah! :_D
höhö :D!<3
LAN/hot seats: HoMM2+3, AoE2, MoO2
ET: 2005 with my first clan; 2007-2010 with fireteam(6on6) & gmethod(3on3)
i was rollin on slac
What the fuck I just read?
When domi and zodiac joined my completetly unkown & random team..
thanks man : D
<3 best clan ever
Playing 6-8 hours straight on Saturday and Sunday with United KingdomArtstar and United States of AmericaRoman
Funniest moments on vent with Chilecasek and United KingdomArtstar
Flaming razz
Playing with United States of Americaohurcool and being flamed at how useless I am :DDDD
And the best memories I had in 2.55 :(

Waiting for my tzac to work again so I can play again!
once on vent with SwedenjONTE, we had this random polish kid for merc and he was like 12 yo playing with aimbot/wh. So it was braundorf and 3on3, we where allies and axis just spawned at flag, i toss in a nade wich kills all 3 on full. he never said anything until now, so this kid cracks up in the most unbelievable laugh i ever head, which of course leads me and jONTE to tears and ROFLs.
haha this post made me laugh so hard don't even know why : D
made me laugh as well :)
=D hahahaha
playing on pubs in 2.55
CEB clan on unpatched about 6/7 years ago was always fun, together with United Kingdom JIZZ.

Had some fun trickjumping as well.
Too many to write down =)))
at least you could of write something about me.. =/
The wars I played with miAmi were always fun :D gotta post your rap about krosen :D
youtube deleted all of the songs, feels shit man..
yeah, they said i stole it from some great artist xd
omg omg eminem to them?!
everytime I play against this guy above me, he's always whining as hell and it's funny :P
Sup silent lowboy? You still raging cuz i was trolling you?? Or you still in shock because the real world doesnt contain unicorns and flowers only?
actually true, ur really big whiner.
A whiner or just someone who likes to provoke people, there's a big difference there. Try to learn the differences and then say what I am again.
there are actually some people who provoke succesfully (e.g. cooller) and ones who provoke mindlessly (domi)
What did I do to you?! =(
nothing, i remember playing you though :p and the thing cooller does is good for him but disrespectful he is too eager to win
Havent seen what/how cooller does it though :P
mindgames like calling ggs superearly making opponent pissed, smilies make ppl pissed he's generally messing around in chat with ggs/gls etc
Thats just fun :D Some do that in ET aswell =)
i really miss the fun out of that one, purely disrespectful imo + sportsmanship should exist in esports too!
ur a whiner, and im sure everyone would agree with me.
wrong there =)) Alot of people like me, only retards say im a whiner.
QuoteRockskin: Domi is such a nice guy in other games

I am nice to players who deserve, but players like provok just have to be flamed.
and you're another typical french cunt speaking your own language in global to everyone who won't understand it
va sucer des bites toi
hope your aids mother dies from helicopter blades
12yo max, be proud
tell that bald head bitch she can't hide from cancer
online gaming 2004-2005 with my first clans.. the time i took clanwars serious
offline 1992-2003 every single minute i played in this time was full of fun
- Back in the days 3vs3/2vs2 with NetherlandsEddo and BelgiumKevin, when they used to carry me. And all the late nights we did random things or played random games
- Playing in both .55 and .6b with NetherlandsDevastation, thx to Otyg, Xymon, Eddo, ...
- Winning OC 2nd with BelgiumaClmx, best atmosphere ever on vent
- Nowadays all chill games with EuropeiNmotion, no prac, still rape, and #care if we lose, best shiiit ever (United KingdomtheeZakje for president)
doing Duke Nukem 3D, Half-Life Opposing Force, Team Fortress and StarCraft LANs with BNC cable with RL friends back in 1995 -1998 !
maybe you played game called Doom? :P
some, but not that much as the games written above :D
Playing with @alcohol and #:O).

Also when rollin in TJ around 2004-2006
dobra wyjdz z domu to moze przezyjesz cos ciekawego poza gra, jebany przyglupie 8D
Far too many, to single out one time though all I would have to say is. Everything is harder! Like I said though, there have been way too many :)
years with sheep and the guys
Greatest memories are from way back when i used to play on 2.55 publics called #technolust sixmap and furball ofc, where even some older great CF members such as the belgians Chuckie and Sarcasm and many more great and funny guys. Some great memories also include the time we played 2.55 as rS.
rS wasn't fun :P noone being able to beat you for such a long time
Well it was fun for me:D
In the end of 2007 when I created Estonia ZeroE - ayuasgxhiuagz and we pwned EC teams hard with pure teamplay. Was fun for a month or 2, but then inactivity took over.

And all those 3o3s with Estonia LudA , Estonia Dsing, Estonia slash. Raped some really decent teams because we had more complex tactics in 3o3 than I have ever encountered in 6on6. :D

And ofc playing minas tirith @ etpro with 32 vs 32 :D

Who could forget the time spend playing for Benelux Krauts
me against team poland
Praccing for cic7 & AEF and then powning on LAN.
2003-2006, reached high in 2006 after 3 years of solid practice hardcore, and I reached it with maximum aim & tactics/experieince, then quit 1 week later as to get a GF and college. What a cunt :D, still with her now though, so np! I quit then so did about 10-15 people after me as obviously I was the party!

Shame, I miss them days and in my every day life I think back to them days in my parents house in my room with my long hair :), playing Oasis 6on6, memories are precious. I wish I could just go back and be in that position again with no worries whatsoever ;)

<3 2003-2006.
what was your nick back then?
Various, iDan mainly.
i remember an israeli one?D:
Ha no, he was like low, I was first player with it as an alias 'iDan'. Played with Tyyrd, Mayni etc... well until early 2006 I did, I joined fid0 (Zero Empathy leader) clan with Maverick & co... old names but good players back then.
meh there were 13,000 zeroe teams can't remember
the evening homiejump1_test1a was released and a lot of ppl showed up to test it together with me :) it was such a nice feeling others are playing on something you created. on homiejump2 test evening there were even more!

also a nice one was when me & ezbash (rtcw clan) could defuse 2 dyna's at sub vs dfw on the last second which won us the game, we were all shouting soo hard on ts2 back then :)
Had much fun in the past few years with :

Romania mili, luci, zal, alexa, stg, dacos & KOS clan memebers, loctarar, excelero, rooney, cuni, cireasa brothers
France tsu, tzbq, tomoyo, kartez
Netherlands kiim, pds, loekino, banaan, ginger, koral, tekoa
Hungary pollen, boristen, adze
United Kingdom baggiez, tace, rahul, pigeon
Germany evilynn, parzi, iiky, gungy, hansoo, insti
Belgium kaze, gifted, al1, jeje, anaconda
Portugal n1


Way too many memories to mention so i just tried to give a nice shoutout :)
Being in the Teamspeak with Germanysurvive m8'tes who all playing EC now and got high ego. Hell yeah.
remember our 2.55 clan :D
lol wie hieß der damals? xD war in paar :P
*=WH=* oder so warheroes :D

das müsstest dann du gewesen sein:

haha ja stimmt :D mann ist das lange her :D
mental jelly cuz he can not into ec :_D
fueldump demo.
+1, original fueldump ice was water.
Best ever was the first victory over KRP with KPKP at radar :)
Or the time when we beat TTD's 5min time at supply :')
winning a offical
Best times many years ago with awesome people
United Kingdomnoedel, hVk(Pain? Dark? What was it?)
NetherlandsTerifire, Bigsmoke, Hellgast
Bulgariamirage(was bulgarian if i remember right? 8DD)
And some other names I forgot.

Also had good times past year with FinlandVerMu
Those Quakelive nights with koop, razz & owzo were the fucking best

<3 u m8s
When i was 13 Playing on 2.55 at Wolfenstein Italia <3 , also great times at forums there.
Jaymod times and games with Legal<3
KazakhstanRAM in etpro

tho in 2005/2006 beginning played jaymod with my friend, we were chatting through xfire etc.. was fun :p
Well had a lot of good times playing games .
in ET : Well i think the begining with GermanyempuLse with ( roYal, gifty etc. )
and with EuropespreadingDeath / Belgiumvib , this was really a very good and skilled team well thats past looking forward ;)
jaymod rank 1
i was in the cube
EC 09 spring
[ROR] Rebels of Revolution

my first real clan. we were like a family. very respected in the low+ scene back in the days. and really fun guys. i was 16 back then (now 23), they were all between 23 and 36. Usually you had to be at least 18 to join so i was really proud. i got picked up with 2 friends i played 3on3 with a lot, GermanyuZo and Germanyg0rg. The clan had 3 et squads and 1 rtcw squad. we had 3 prac days in the week and the other days we mixed with the players of the other squads. That were the best times in my et carreer.

also when i created #velerion was a real fun time but too nerdy. when that team grew as a community we also had a lot of fun.
Anonymous this time was quite fun
the time i had my Anonymous in real was best
the time with the Greece people was close ET wise(<3immortal)
the time in Sweden irz channel was close

and with true destination people in overal it was nice ET wise and i still meet Netherlands satz + flugel a few times a year. bosses.

also i <3 banaan best online mate fo shure!
dominating @ EEF NQ (2006)
playing with (2009)
playing 3on3s with lordi and cele (2010)
reaching rank 1 in CB ladder (2010)
gaming till 4 am with devix (2010)

guess thats about it
my first 2.55 jaymod clan
playing 6on6s all day long with my reallife friends+the time in teamspeak <3
rolling wc3 footmen frenzy with my reallife friends <3
for ET:

starting off with my first clan obviously, ended up meeting with the leader couple of times on birthdays and stuff still in contact every now and then [*DoH*]

after that spent some time with syko in virus which was great at the time, starting to play first real wars on 2.55 while syko was learning me the game a bit more than the jaymod version

Then wnb jumps to mind together with NetherlandsThunder who I learned to know in [*DoH*] spend some quality time in wnb always had fun and won most of the wars aswell except against my finnish friends from rS :)

And after wnb there are the teams with the same people as wnb like gM en massive (although massive eventually added a lot more people) but still a great atmoshpere and always had fun there, just some relaxed games without too much whine.

Then my games with kevin and boss and several other people, mainly the 3on3s were great but also the hide and seek, trickjumping and the random internet browser games always kept me amused for a couple of hours.

and finally having fun while playing some relaxed games with dev atm.
jaymod to the max
playing 3v3s with alexl and savage 2005

guidspoofing 2006 and playing 5v5/6v6 with efax, kmt and jkzz rolling high skilled clans

oh and playing 3v3s with jnz,foo,nme, ten and other people from x86 whiling laughing at f00 breaking his PC because he couldnt move ingame
Playing with Norway #Vj and Netherlands target. :)

Playing on Efterlyst and SweRTCW was great fun aswell, and some of the wars with Norway Team Norway.
Meeting awesome Poland people (EvT'X, savak, btg, vip/1337) and some Hungary magyars. Completly owning Efterlyst (2005), playing with the best polish players (GrAszew, lazuuu, lkts, Kr!sto). Meeting Hungary Fobje @ lan :) Becoming 3rd @ GGT Lan and 2nd @ OC Premier. And many, many more, I just want to say I had a great time with everyone I've ever played with/against :) Time has not been wasted :)
playing with teknomans and rolling EC clans like izibash
gf, pimps, epsilon/h2k, noT/Sachsen
You forgot rage quitting lan
that was actually pretty funny too :>
I'd smash your face
Seriously you rage quitting faggot
suck my asshole
As soon as your mom gets done sucking my dick
nothing about playing in Team germany? ;)
that was pretty much offi only and serious business ^^
The 2lans, travelling by car with strider gertre and aoshi. Puking moments at gertre place and some joint sessions at zeph house. online with the team xly, sui gertre kapel and other retards
Just the last few sequences of the ending on radar and the shouting on vent in this game:
playing on jaymod where i knew like 15 of the 30 personally, that was awesome.
latexgabber oder hotd? :D:D
reading this journal, incredible feeling
getting nr1 on splatterladder
Playing at the legendary sir von publics back in 2005
Demolition XL with Domi, Klaasiej, imPluX, Monte and me, meeting up in Groningen and party hard there, Domi coming all along from Denmark to join us, was pretty cool.

FoM was pretty awesome, met my niggah Goku there, went there with mAus and 3 of his friends, we rolled League of Legends compo over there.
first time ettv
oc premier win
wow yogg saron +0 (world 23 or smth)
raped Habicht mid in LoL ad vs ad, carried my team afterwards
raped wickd irelia 1/2 year ago

meeting some random pub faggot called mario 6 years ago, played WoW with him, fifa and other games, atm playing LoL and still havent met in rl, fkn Austria
trolling robaciek aka Robert
Ruling @ 2.55
Noone had a good time with me :'(
Well, I do remember playing a lot with a DJ-frEeze on publics.. Dunno if that were you, though. :p

SweRTCW and Efterlyst I guess.
DJ-FreeZe from ENERGIE, yeah
rolling nerds
Everything ALMIGHTY, All the Swedes, + getting stung by a wasp in an offi.
best times with Estonia team Punk' and OFC WITH ET BEST PLAYER DDOGGy
basicly from spring 2004 to autumn 2004 with u96d
2001-2003 i was too noob and after 2005 i wanst good anymore.

since 2006 i just play once in a month public :D
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