World War III

Hey folks of the crossed fire,
What do you think of the current global situation? Will the economy and the foreign policy of the United States, UNO, Russia and China lead us to a war? Is there already a world war around us? Do you think the major influence countries of the world would benefit?

I hope you guys are open for a discussion!
Nigger on world control :-)
Like that would happen xd
Dont care , as long as poland gets destroyed..
not gonna happen
like it never happened before
God bless.
WW3 plot: Hardcore Islamists go all Hitler and civilized people will be like "omg we can't kill them that would be racist because they're sandniggers" for a while, then they'll attack some niggers or jews or another minority themselves and that will be the green light to go all "liberation" on them because everyone knows it's alright to kill racists. Some dictator with no moustache throws a random nuke somewhere for no reason and lol's.
Sounds rather unlikely to me.
Heard on the news yday that iran had some nuke program.. they got moustaches?
The US has nuclear weapons.. surprise
you sir, are a fucking idiot
in this case: +1
i think next "world war" will be surely about economic reasons. we cannot maintain this wealth like we have right now. and im pretty sure our children will have less wealth then we will have had in our time, but thats my perception of things :)

and about if there is a war right now: i think there is sorta, but then on economic level. nowadays, economic power is world power imo :)
We already got to that point where we're not wealthy anymore. Neither the dollar nor the the euro are worth anything, and it only appears to be worth something because everyone believes its worth something. Not long anymore and the bubble will burst, like all the bubbles do and we'll have exactly the same situation as right before world war 2.
hmm i don't think that will happen soon thought mate. i know the consequences if money won't be trusted anymore thought, and that won't be pretty indeed..

and on the other hand, money in the form it is now, is actually way better to get the economy going.. but my english isnt good enough to explain why :D
Gotta love economics
egt é :D al vele geleerd dit semester? ik ben der ke mee begonnen vanaf vandaag :p
maandag beginnek dr eens aan :p vanavond I love techno en zondag recupereren en dan maandag dr eens proberen in te vliegen

Edit: wtf @ ierondr... zotn :p
ja wukke mongool dat dien kerel is :p

kvind dak gelijk heb :D!

alles wat ie zegt klopt ver niet
I'd appreciate if you tried because the money that we have right now is highly inflated and therefore not based on anything.
If you can walk into a store and buy something useful with the same amount of money as before, it's not inflation. Try not to misuse economical terminology. What do you mean by "not based on anything"? You can use your own words to explain.
Well, I don't know where you have been during the last year but here in the United States, the price of peanut butter has doubled during the last 2 weeks, gas costs are rising. Even Burger King and Taco Bell raised their prices, just to name some easy everyday life examples... So yes, it's inflation.
Money is not based on any gold value anymore. The Fed and the ECB can print as much as they want without government regulations.
Alright then, I haven't been to anywhere but € euro countries where no abnormal inflation was noticeable. The exchange rates have remained pretty much the same (between 1.25 and 1.45 dollars per euro, it's 1.36 now) for the last few years, so in my perspective neither the € or the $ has suffered from any inflation at all. Are you sure it's really happening and not just your subjective view?
It is definitely not my subjective opinion. And if I am not totally wrong you'll notice it in Europe in less than a year. If, and that is to be expected, the US keeps on "stimulating" the economy by printing bills and the EU keeps helping greece with bailouts, the inflation rate will rise very quickly.
Honestly, we are already in a depression that is as Germany's situation before world war 2 and probably greater than the great depression. We don't know that, sure, because what is much more important is to defend america from the crazy terrorists that hate the us for its freedom (Seriously? If that was the fact, the Netherlands would be fuckin dust..) and the climate change which is by the way promoted by, oh shoot, the Bilderberg Group? haha it's a joke man.
Obama is not any different to Bush.
Do you think inflation will hit the UK? because I've noticed some foods and fuel bills rise, but most things have remained or fallen in price because business are trying to get people to spend money so they offer more competitive offers.
It might hit the UK less than the rest of Europe because the British Pound is not as close tied to the Dollar as the Euro is. It will definitely hit you though. You'll notice small price risings for a while but it's gonna come to that point where every single price will rise blow up drastically, if no-one can solve the problem til then.
I just wonder who thought that economies could maintain stability by borrowing in such vast amounts to grow.
lol this is already since 2000? xD
What people should do is just buy like they always did, that way companies get money, country get taxes etc etc.

All we need now is someone who can make people do that.
And btw u cant compare the us dollar with the euro.
Even if it is crisis euro>usdollar
im studying economics at uni level so i know what im talking about:

Yes the ECB & FED pumped a lot of money last years (mostly around 2009 & 2010) in the economy, but this was to stimulate all companies to keep investing (or else there would be deflation, which is worse than inflation), also the ECB & FED put their intrest rates (FOR BANKS!!!!) at like 0,5% and i believe at a certain time at the FED it was even 0%. Today the ECB it's intrest rate is 1,25%

Also did you know that the ECB its ONLY goal is to keep inflation between: 0-2%/year, the FED goal is also to keep inflation low but they also try to stimulate economic growth, but as i said the ECB just looks to keep inflation low..

and about the inflation: in belgium our inflation was 0% almost whole 2009, and we even had a slight deflation for a week. Today in 2011 we have a 3% inflation again.

so your story is wrong

believe me or not: but a slight inflation of 0-2% a year is even necessary to keep the economy going ;)
You actually believe to understand economics because you study it? If that's the case, why isn't the economy just perfect, because clever graduates know how the economy works? The economy is not a car, so you cant start an engine and turn it off when you want to. Therefore saying pumping up the economy by printing money is completely irrelevant.

May I also remind you that you are being teached Keynesian economics which is obviously failing RIGHT NOW? Are you aware of Austrian economics?
What do you think caused the depression?
oh god, pardon me for telling you this but your such a typical usa tard, with no understanding of economics, and just say stuff that ppl say and then think you are smart

ok i'll try again..
yes economics is a science that has only existed/has been studied for only like 200 years or so, so yes there are still things we don't know about it. But the main problem is that ecomy is such a big thing with all different variables that you have to study it by using economic models. that is why the complexity of things

printing money in order to get the economy still going is a fact that worked; cause if you don't, you will get into a deflation negative spiral: ppl would get fired, so ppl will buy less stuff, and will buy even less stuff -> prices will go down, and ppl will postpone their purchases because they expect the price to drop more, which will happen because even less will be bought then.

The reason we all could get out of the economic crisis was by using the keynesian economics methods, so stfu about that pls

i am being teached BOTH keynesian (demand minded) & friedman (supply minded), AND both have their positive & negative

btw how can YOU know what i am exactly studying in my courses?

the reason why this depression started is because of the USA banks financial crisis which lead to an economic crisis in the whole world.

NOW STFU and don't reply if you intend to give more false information because these are all facts im telling you. FACTS, NOT OPINIONS

Quoteoh god, pardon me for telling you this but your such a typical usa tard, with no understanding of economics, and just say stuff that ppl say and then think you are smart

Easy, first of all I am no American citizen. Second, are you telling me that you have an understanding of economics? If so, then sir, this is slightly embarassing for you, when you don't even see that there has to be a value behind money.

QuoteThe reason we all could get out of the economic crisis was by using the keynesian economics methods, so stfu about that pls

Which crisis did we get out of?

Quotebtw how can YOU know what i am exactly studying in my courses?

Because all the major economic countries are using Keynesian Economics, that is no secret. I know enough students and credible universities to know that, too. And so called "economists" by which you are teached benefit from economic crises.

QuoteNOW STFU and don't reply if you intend to give more false information because these are all facts im telling you. FACTS, NOT OPINIONS

Yooouuu know, you know...
Quotewhen you don't even see that there has to be a value behind money.

there is a value behind money, and the value is by being declared by a government to be legal tender; that is, it must be accepted as a form of payment within the boundaries of the country, for "all debts, public and private"

QuoteWhich crisis did we get out of?
i'm not saying this crisis is over, but thx to keynesian methods, we were better off than anything

QuoteBecause all the major economic countries are using Keynesian Economics, that is no secret. I know enough students and credible universities to know that, too. And so called "economists" by which you are teached benefit from economic crises.

so if the governments are using keynesian economics right now, this means we only get to be taught that side of macro economics? i see everything relevant.

my 2 books im using this year is:
blanchard - macroeconomics
a. decoster - economie, een inleiding (best belgian economy book)

QuoteYooouuu know, you know...

Yes i know, this year my Macro economics course exam will have 50% topicality, so stuff that is happening in the economy right now, and we will have to answer certain problems with economic models, so if i'll pass i once again, i know that i am right, and you are wrong
(which i already know because i had 2 exams about micro & macro economics already last year)
Just curious, have you ever read "Gold, Peace, and Prosperity: The Birth of a New Currency", "End the Fed" or "Liberty Defined" by Dr. Ron Paul?
Tea party movement fundamentalist
didn't study economics but is writing economic books
is for free market (which has proven 1000x times that doesn't work)
is against abortion

no i don't read crap from ppl like these :) he pretty much sums up the hate i have towards americans and their way of thinking. sorry bruv, i guess this is because im from belgium.
- Predicted every single economic event that has happened in the past.

Almost all the other arguements are not topic related.

Oh and by the way: Luckily we have the PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRAT Obama who is a studied ECONOMIST and helps us out of the crisis by killing babies.

Yeah, you definitely got a point there.
predicting stuff is easy :)

finding a solution is not

and now im gonna stop replying to you because we each have different opinions, which is a good thing and will lead to the best solutions in the end anyway :)

have a nice day sir
Pretty narrow-minded :)

hey thanks!
calm down, dude :)
im studying economics too for now 3 years yet i dont feel the need to get that mad about what some people on crossfire think
i am calm, i just can't stand people argumenting about stuff they can hardly understand (and giving false information) ;)
he's from Germany
if you don't know a lot about economics then it's best to just shut up about it. Cause most of what you are saying is just wrongly interpretated.

ok i'll try to explain once again.
imagine you live in the year 1000: you are a shoe seller. There is no "real" money, but only like trading stuff. This means you will have to trade the stuff you have in the stuff you want. this means you will have to find somebody that is interested in buying shoes. this is a pain in the ass cause you will lose a lot of time trying to find somebody who is interested in your shoes

ppl that want shoes come to you and give money for it which is nationally accepted and can be traded FOR EVERYTHING. so if ppl want to buy shoes they will come to your shop. and with that money you can buy everything

do you get my point?
Okay let me explain to you:
I am not saying that the earliest way business took place is the right one. I am saying that a currency has to be based on something with value, like gold, copper, coal or even salt (which is not relevant anymore). If it is not based on anything (like most currencies, except for the Australian Dollar or the Yen for instance) a speculative bubble will burst eventually as it always did.
i somewhat agree what you are saying here, and there was a time that the currency (like dollars & euros) could be exchanged in gold, but they disabled that option.

yes that could happen, but as long as there is trust in it, it won't fall, which won't because then we are like /kill"ing yourselves

also i hope you do realise that other stuff like currency can also create a bubble effect; such as gold aswell :)
Gold cannot create a speculative bubble because it is sound.
the only reason gold has soo much value is because ppl see value in it because it is scarce.

read this and you will understand what i mean:
In the end, jews will die.
There will be a general war against the Islam and everything/everyone that is influenced by the Koran.
Bs, no war had been fought because of religion since the crusades in middle age. It's rather the media that makes you believe that some crazy islamists who hate the US for their freedom are to blame because they are "terrorists".
That man is a direct threat to everything our grandfathers worked and fought for.
Are you being serious?
I most certainly am.
He's threatening us by doing what?
building a nuclear weapon?
So Russia, China, the US, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, France, India and the UK are threatening us aswell?
By 'us' I mean everything that is western or connected to the western regime : US/UK/FRANCE/ISRAEL.

neutral : Russia/china/India

direct threat : Pakistan/North-Korea/Iran
So the US, UK, France and Isreal are allowed to own nuclear weapons and even deploy them close to Iran? Don't you think Iran feels threatened, because it holds 10% of the world's oil and gas reserves and having NATO nuclear bombs and troops all around them?
Of course Iran feels threatened but the difference lies at the very top of those countries. When Iran is suspected of building a nuclear weapon, all that Ahmadinejad had to say was bullshit about America. When a human being is head over heels connected to a certain kind of extreme religion, that man is in my opinion in no way eligible to lead a country. A man who claims that the holocaust was a myth and who has participated in deliberately taking Americans hostage is in no way eligible to lead a country. Shit gets worse when that certain country is building a nuclear weapon.

You and I both know that whatever extremist politicians say in the media, most of the time doesn't come close to what they are exactly thinking or willing/wanting to do when the needed power is granted to them. You don't hear Obama saying that the holocaust is a myth because even if he were to really believe it was a myth, such a statement is politically incorrect thus will not be said by a person with such a big responsibility to both his country and the rest of the world. Ahmadinejad has crossed certain borders in his statements to make me believe he is no good at all, same goes for Kim Jong-il.

A vile man is a bad man.
A vile man with power and in possession of a nuclear weapon is even worse.
Are you aware of Iran's anger towards the USA because the CIA had overthrown Iran's soon to be democratic government in 1953 and installed a dictator to make sure that British Petrol can keep their oil fields there?
Are you aware of that the USA has military bases in every single country around Iran?
Are you aware of that Iran is afraid of what happened to Iraq is likely to happen to themselves?
Yes I am.

And I completely understand the need to protect yourself as a country and to upper your resistance against a possible attack and if I were to be a leader of a country I would do exactly the same thing. The difference lies, as mentioned above, at the very top of those countries. You can twist it, you can turn it, but in my eyes Ahmadinejad is a vicious man and when put in danger I cannot foresee what he is capable of doing.

PS : I hope you are aware that the very first comment I wrote regarding a general war against islam etc wasn't serious.(!)
I first was taking it serious but by reading your further posts you proved me wrong, I'm glad :)
He might be a vicious man BUT what is he gonna do? Nuke central Europe? I doubt it
I think everybody doubts that, but is it worth the risk?
I think, the chance is higher that Russia will, send a boat with 2 nuclear missiles to Cuba and bomb San Francisco. In other words, I don't see the risk.
Time will tell :) !
Let's pretend he nukes central europe. America will be the first one to fight Iran to claim resources (what they intended to) and to boost their economy by strict war policies, Russia will want to claim these resources for themselves and therefore want to fight the USA -> Good reason for the US to strike Russia (cold war is over? meeeeh bs..). China won't bother joining cause their economy is running stable and they have no interest in claiming territory. Eventually they'll have to quit their neutrality because the war will expand to pacific room since europe is nuked. If China allied with Russia (which in that case would be more than likely) the NATO would have a reason to nuke China because they are planning to solve the world population growth problem.

What do you think?
Haha:D hmm I'm gonna go to bed, I might comment further on this tomorrow. One thing I'd like to say is that I'm not very certain of the UN/america attacking China - China has proven that it can destroy satelites in space with a simple laser and seeing that america's military is solely based on GPS-orientated equipment I believe the US best think twice or rearrange their military-system.

I am too tired for more. Sleep well.
Alright man, looking forward to it :) Sleep well
i loled,i bet u nvr heard about the conspiracy theories.
Nuking Israel is more likely.
must mention the direct threat by pakistan is caused by the near to terrorists that might could overtake it
Terrorism that is caused by the USA.
you are looking at it from an extremely western view

what makes USA any more responisible with nuclear weapons than anyone else? they (and the UK) have shown their lack of responsibility by going into Iraq/Afghanistan and making bad situations even worse.
nigga please how old are u?
hopefully, industrial nations are oversaturated, combined with a economic downfall => war destroys values/prosperity and opens the way for a new rise. tho starting a war with iran on this particular guessing would be more than idiotic but hey its america faking evidence once again with the help of retarded jews... and as long as china and russia keep it safe the faster a possible conflict could spread for global destruction!

if this is not happening we will see more small local wars or argues (rising cold war) about resources (ie. at northpole territories). but most likely china will improve its demands in africa, which will open conflicts with jelly americans, who cant invest there. and china will blackmail the us with swapping there $ demands against the us into € or w/e else currency
If the US attacked Iran the situation would definitely escalade but eventually they're going for Iran for their resources as they did in 1953 when they installed a dictator in a once democratic state. Their gunboat diplomacy with iran's neighbors is obvious tho.
u sure do know a shitload about iran and stuff dont u? u go to school for that or?
It's a side hobby :)

nigs from africa will turn to cannibalism because they have nothing -> Zombie Apocalypse
ww3 will come when et will die
np im alrdy dead then
i dont think there will be a world war 3. no.
fuck me up please fuck me up.... the arse
and if there is, I will get my cute little german ass to scotland so I met you before I die! :D
Ww3 will be atomic vs atomic and nuclear vs nuclear ;)
Noez! :) sup?
ww3 will be pc nerds/governments hacking each other

I believe the first stage of "punishing" the Iran for example for the creation of nuclear weapons will be hacking their research facility systems
Ye well, if i had to organize a war against whatever country with every possibility i would use hackers. People dont die in combat, u have your people in front of you, replacing people is kind of easy. etc etc

And eventually the army is existing out of a small amount of real soldiers and the rest pc hackers. Less money = profit = less crisis lol ;d
when skynet gonna get mad
The rise of extreme right in Europe is serious business and hatred towards islamic people is not only there. Mean while USA is afraid of china but lets not forget Russia since some say china has fucked it up with depts and Russia would be the number 1 in the future. Anyway its also possible that if there will be WW3 the whole Europe would be fighting it together (as United nations of Europe or smth due to Economic chrisis (thx Greece, Italy and the whole fucking southern Europe
lol 1:16 sure looks a whole lot like 'Apocalypse Now' footage..
China has been training their army for so long, they will soon pull a "hitler" on us.
whos us? the rest of the world? wouldnt be surprised ;)
its german, american soldiers "freed" an asylum. 300 of the inmates fleed, raped all women around and killed 4 of them...peace to iraque. i can just shake my head
in the end the human race would probably not survive without wars so let it be
Because it is directed by our governments and media. Sad but true.
was kind of refering to overpopulation, just imagine how many people there would be on this planet if there were no wars, disseases or whatever.
You are absolutely right there. In 2100 the estimated world population will be 10 Billion people. War -> benefit, as harsh as it sounds.
hope they just bomb usa rly hard and erase it from earth.
99%scum and probl come from there so i support iran russia and china.
nigga please how old are you ?
They call it sarcasm.

"That man is a direct threat to everything our grandfathers worked and fought for"

you are a fountain of lulz dude, get a newspaper plz
Believe me I am more than up to date about anything. Maybe saying he was a 'direct threat' was a little over the top but in all fairness that man is up to no good, regardless of what the USA has done and is still doing.
I think u are being quite dramatic/paranoid about this :P
And I think you are being very calm about this :D
Yeah it will be world war 3 shortly anyway. Signs are already out there its coming.
dont care cuz of our loveable israeli nuclear doctrine

which talk about Samson option

np for Jericho missiles :~>
change your own life, only thing you can do at the moment.
everything is speeding up. noone knows anything in the end.
everything is possible now. make the best out of it.
thats my oppinion.
I'll get king of the world and all things will be good again :) End of story bro.

There's no benefit in war whatsoever.
The Great Depression got overcome because of world war 2 policies.
You're terribly wrong, cba to explain though.
Iiiiii don't think so.
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