got a new haircut

Sup cf,

made this journal yesterday but the hairstylist put waaaaay to much gel in it,
come to think of it i might use a but less myself since it might still be a bit to much
oh well

image: 310989_2291413097784_1622718442_2242355_806763303_n

after: the front should be a bit longer imo ._.
image: cut4

what u guys think? ;D

image: pink-urban-outfitters-dress-white-vintage-shirt-pink-topshop-accessories_400
before u were gay, ur still gay ???????:D:D:DD
the question is, wich version of gay is better?
first pic you are 'smiling' 2nd pic you look like a sad panda gues you know it yourself which looks better those glasses with that short hair = nerdlook :D
superman u're busted, we can see your green xray lasers through your glasses
Don't mind the haters, you look GREAT! ;-)
grow a beard
Nice song :)
u need some GTL BUDDY!
less gay atleast :D
better haircut now but the glasses are truly awful
both cuts look good
song saved the journal
should have kept the sides a bit longer when ur wearing big glases. The glasses are poppin out ur face now. (just what my hairstylist said)
kk :p it will grow so it will be fine in a week or smthin ^^
get rid of those glasses
imo his glasses looked better on his old haircut
u mean less fagly
why those ugly ugly glasses?

They just look horrible
just cuz ur (old) ones have an armani logo on it doesnt mean theyre better
true and never bought them cause of the brand. got -80% off, so it didnt matter. Wouldnt bought them otherwise.

But those glasses are just ugly. And they look horrible because they are much wider than his head.

But we have to forgive him, he wants to be a hipster anyways
wow a nice reply, i didnt expect that, nice :D valid excuse then :P and yes the glasses are to wide now, id say the same :P
put off the glasses and u look fine.
u hot stallion
Sorry but u do look like a pedo nerd. :p Get contact linses and you look wayyyyyy better.
somehow I get the feeling that you might actually be TROLLING
before was 492015820151x better.
Before was much better. your hair looks pretty fair/fine so be sure to use the right gel/wax etc unless you like a wet look x)
I use it !

Bro five!
same, good stuf.
maaaaaaaaaaaa shampoo
would've kept the old haircut but hair grows! :)
your hair stylist cut too much. It is true that they grow. but that style is quite old.

next time cut like this:

image: 302033_10150443917054467_787389466_10197196_1420140443_n

don't use gel.
damn ur hair is nice :o
if i dont use gel it just goes flat :(
use wax/styling creme, and not to much
Yea, as maus said. use wax AND hair spray!

e. that hairstyle would suit you perfectly!
or stop using women's products

It's the second choice.
your father told you that?

i bet you're fucking ugly and jealous of me coz i'm handsome.
You can be as handsome as you want. Still gay :)
wax to max
Also blow dry your hair like that to get the shape?
At least similar here in style at least (or was until I let it grow past my eyes) : D
why u so hot jooa?
Like your hair. Mine used to look somewhat like that, but didn't suit me quite as well because my hair is really thick :D
great haircut! but with using wax my hair feels so greasy
Going for a haircut in 2 hours ^^

Almost a skinhead in few hours
glasses did look better on your previous haircut :<
first is much better, btw looks like the glasses were photoshopped !:X
you need some facial hair, you look like a too nice 14 year old :D
can this journal be any more queer?
haircut doesn't fit to your face
glasses is to big for your face

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Crossfire 3.2 - A Fag Community
get face and muscles (c) sw1ruz '98
nerd bust
RIP your swag is dead
ahaha die mannetje wil zogenaamd sexy kleden,
haren netjes, bril.

swag zogenaamd
look like you have more estrogen than testostorone
It's better, but there are other hairstyles that would suit you better for sure :)

& no offence but change the glasses, they don't fit your face.. (but that's just imo)
doesnt suit your face,

omg girls talk,next time asking for which clothes to wear.....
Hipster alert
Sorry, can't take anyone seriously who decides to wear those hipster glasses.
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