google streetview xD

is that you :O)`?
stfu feeder
ahaha kortriek tog :D tzien al dezelfste
you know his address, go and show him this!
just send that to him as a photo and ask for money :D

Blackmail > *
lol, kdacht dat het die link was van google streeview waar ge mensen kon neerknallen
well what we have here? i see barracks, everything is destroyed, doors blown away.
Operation Odyssey Dawn

So to sum up what we did in lybia:
- Destroyed their entire army. No-fly zone means everything that flies = shot down. Why they destroyed here all those barracks???? NAVY ? They "NAVO etc", choose sides, the one who won now (rebels). They said to rebels: well if we get cheap oil after the "civil war" we will give you some support.

No army, means the "new" government of libya will have to buy one. Guess from who? and from what money? Follow the news and you will see France/Germany etc. "Unfreezing" the money which was of Libya. Option even is: we give money to you if you buy 15% of our army, we will give you discount etc.
That's what happened to Greece too after all.

- Took over their oil-fields. (which are A LOT)
At the start of this "war" Libya closed several oil fields, which will make sure EU etc won't get as much oil as they do now.

- Killed X amount of "random" people. With random i mean: doctors/children etc.

To sum this "arab war periode" up: who has in the end the most profit out of it? The people of lybia? The "West"?

Towards the picture here: what do you think it looks like? What is in the middle of desert, on ex-militarized airfield that gives such light? You can see even shadow below it. I would say it's a chopper. But the lights are still a mystery imo.

If you want to know more, feel free to pm. Nothing for us to worry about since it's out of our league.
As long we enjoy computer games where we don't have to kill people in real yet, right?
thats how neoliberalism rules, and thats how it gives "freedom" wherever it goes.
Reminds me of some GTA airport on the map :P
Awesome Google Streetview Vid:

recommend you to watch this. its amazing
awesome :D lovely :$
nice, epic music too :)
really nice
beautiful... :O
well done :)
perfect nerd vacations!
A masterpiece :)
Turning lights are a good idea, rest is boring
nerds sind so leicht zu beeindrucken.. nichts neues ;)
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