It's been awhile. #2

After my little disaster two months ago I finally bought* new headphones. I bought the Beyerdynamic DT990 Edition (250 Ohm). The second I heard Emika's "3 Hours" on them I knew I had to buy these. They sound awesome.
Well ok, not as good as the absolutely fantastic Sennheiser HD800, but they're too expensive anyway.

Beginning of the new year I'll add some headphone amplifier. I think I'll go for the Furutech GT40 due to their USB DAC capabilities. (and since I don't hear any difference at all compared to the more expensive Lehmann Audio Rhinelander/Linear)

The new home (support = sennheiser hh10)
Nice carrying bag

* Yes, that's a bag. At the Hifi-Store I bought them, they didn't have a large enough bag, so they came up with this. It's mostly foil with tape for the handle. Best bag ever!
the bass in that song wth
especially the build up from 2:00 to 2:15.
more great basslines on her album (professional loving, double edge, drop the other, ...).
Nice :)
why exactly you bought the bag, you plan on moving around with the headphones?
It's for free
yep, it's included. furthermore, it's a nice way to store them. the driver won't get dirty (dust!) that way.
i always do that tbh
Very nice, I'm getting Audio Technica ATH-M50s for christmas
some people need to learn to use the hide and img tags
And a faster image upload service..
dat song has nice bass
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