Light breakfast

What is better food for diet than good ol' bacon? Nothing, of course.

image: B1uhx

- Bacon
- Cottage Cheese
- Gainomax sugar carb bomb shit carton
- High-protein milk
- Vitamins and such

Estimated amount of calories: 800-1000.
Estimated amount of satisfactory: Off the charts

Yeah and coca cola, for sure good for diet
its coca cola zero. how's that bad for diet?
Just bcoz they write ZERO doesn't mean its good
Have you ever even drank that?If you like/have to drink something caffeine containing during diet, its coca cola zero(or something sugarless).
The zero part is uttershit, its even worse for you than normal cola.
Depends what your 'goals' are. If you're watching the health aspect, any coke or similar products is bad for you. If you're watching your weight and still want to enjoy a glas of coke without cutting back on other calories, you have to grab the zero/light version.

That said, no coke is probably still the best solution :-P
Exactly. Because this topic was about diet, i replied with aspects of diet. And yes, for your health, drinking too much of any cola is not good, but so it is with many other foods and drinks. Thanks for clearing it up, so i didn't have to. ;)
actually, coca zero/light (or smth like that) is bad for both.

there is something in it that wont affect your weight but if you eat smth with sugar, your body will get more sugar from it.

eg: if you drink a coca zero and then eat milk chocolate, your body will get 2x more sugar from the chocolate (dunno exactly the calcul so it might be smth else than 2x)

but if you eat correctly, yes coca zero is okay about weight

but coca zero is worst than normal coca for the health.
There is no evidence that artificial sweeteners (as used in diet coke) affect insulin secretion. I'm pretty sure you were referring to this. There is evidence though that some sweeteners (especially aspertam) can be linked to allergical reactions and all kind of diseases.

However some ppl tend to get hungry after drinking it which can result in a higher calorie intake afterall.
what urtier said!
If you are on a diet don't drink any soda, even if it s sugar free or zero, the gas is making your belly grow !

Green Tea is a great diet drink.

And don t eat vitamines, but fruits and Veggies !!
every day
image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTC4rpRBFJbSrv1mz9aWAuD-EiQ8zSYhJ2tHvW1gjbRSbVyEa_At2W_PPrhrw
what is that exactly? looks pretty good imo!
just pies from porridge oats
yea thought something like that :)
freak i am eating rice witch chicken + Cell Tech Hardcore & Gold whey
i've just eaten 2 rolls with cheese,ham,cottage cheese and cucumber
170g oats (overnight soaked in 350-400ml water)
200g quark
10g almonds
1 small apple
some cinnamon and art. sweetener (trying to cut back on that stuff :S)

+ large cup of black coffee

900-1000 kcal :-D

E: A little carb up/re-feed today. Usually it's 'only' 100-120g oats.
Why do you soak the oats over night? That sounds... awful! Don't you drink any milk?
They simply soak up more water and the flavour you put into it this way (cinnamon in my case).

In the morning I simply grab the prepared bowl, microwave it for 5 minutes, stir in the quark and sliced apple and microwave for another 2 minutes. It sounds and looks absolutely gross but tastes amazing, at least I love it. Having this almost every morning. :-P

I rarely drink milk, just sometimes a splash into coffee or for cooking. However I'm easily going through 2-3 kgs quark per week, so I'm not worried about calcium intake or other things that you usually get from milk :-D
That actually does not sound so bad now! The picture I had in mind was of a bowl of cornflakes being left too long its own. A disgusting lukewarm mush without any taste left. I can only imagine it being even worse with a bowl of oats and water (without adding anything for taste...).
it's funny how u people can't only photograph THE plate, but also the most expensive thing u have in the room who accidentally walked into the cadre
Quotebut also the most expensive thing u have in the room who accidentally walked into the cadre

image: LEAmq
u mean the coke bottle?
Seriously, what's he talking about?
i have no idea, but this was the first thing i laughed about after getting up, so i wrote something :D
well looking at the food journals generally, they are always photographed in front of the pc never on the kitchen table. really interesting
He already said he is living on his own so he probably doesn't have a kitchen table. At least I don't own one and I more or less always eat in front of the PC. :)
ok fine. u and fintard are exceptions, but I'm still right for the others
Well they don't want their mum to see it. She would be like "why are you making pictures of your food?". :p
if that's the case then i rest my case :D
I cant believe people can eat cottage cheese like that...... the taste and texture of it man i wouldnt serve it to my dog. Better eat something like quark than although thats probably not the best with bacon either ^^
Cottage cheese with bacon?

You are fucking mental
Cottage cheese with everything
idd, haters gonna hate
suomi animals
That's a great combo, try it
Estonians eat beetroots with everything :)
a cup of coffee so far
Did you buy Converse recently?
I have had them for 4-5 months. I keep my drawing stuff in that box.
I keep mine for my cats. Even though they are too fat to sleep in, they use it.. Cool story, hé?
no plus milk for lactose intolerants :(
nice mousepad mate, have the same, although yours is fucking messy
i blame your shitty parents for their cooking abilities, forcing their child to take pills and shit :XD :~>
Sorry to say this but I dont live with my parents anymore...
well so i blame them for raising a child who dont know how to take care for himself

and for not being able to find a girlfriend who will cook for him :XD :~>
That would be lovely :)
:XD :~> :XD :~> :XD :~> :XD :~> :XD :~>
I fking hate parents that make their kids take vitamins to stay healthy, fck those!
taking vitamins pills or giving fresh oranges :~>

you decide !!!
But u need to peel those:<
i know

making sticky fingers :{
coffee for breakfast errrday
wrapped pancakes with herring, cottage cheese, onion, some meat slices, tea.
eating in front of pc: off the charts
I dont have a kitchen table. :( Not that I would use it If I had one.
>implying eating at a different table makes any difference
Not all of us students are fortunate (or have fortunes...) enough to have an apartment big enough to fill in separate kitchen or kitchen table.
so am i, but still i never eat cooked meals in front of the pc
ive eaten past +5 years next to my pc table, whats wrong with it?
if u have the choice u should take pauses from the pc from time to time, not just when u go out
why? i enjoy to listen music/read internet while i am eating
cause it makes people say u should take pauses from the pc from time to time
the ones saying that must be pretty retarded then
maybe, but in their eyes its the other wway round
I have to agree with you here, if I had different spot to eat, I would do that. Now I just watch some serie while eating.
That's looks fucking lush, just throwing it out there :P
looking yummy
milk+bread+peanutshizzle+selfmade marmelade
And you're still able to see your own toes?
And top of that I can deadlift 400+ pounds for reps!
iam eating for weeks the same every days:

Breakfast: Oats 450cals
Lunch: 300g Chicken with Salad 400cals
Post Lunch: 500g Joghurt 0,1% 250cals
Dinner: Steaks 300g with Salad 500cals
Post Dinner: 500g Joghurt 0,1% 250cals

1850cals + 300cals on lifting days.
potatoes?? bread???
bread is poison , get my carbs from oats
pizza (ham, tomato, shrooms, onion) & kebab with fries. nigger brought me em
Now how important it was to mention his ethnic background?!
Im just happy to see some of them parasites actually work here (here as in Finland)
crossfire , guys talkig about diet? wth how long i wasnt here?:O
its a new trend since 2011
eating protein pancakes everyday, sometimes breakfast and always after training, diet have never been this easy =)
share the recipe !
> drinking gainomax for breakfast

Juu mirring?
A bit, since im a poor bastard.

Though still cant see the point why are you drinking that for breakfast.
Se oli tarjouksessa, en mä noita yleensä osta.
Niin no sit ehkä, mut mitä järkee vetää jotai nopeesti imeytyvää paskaa jos koitat dieettaa etkä varmaa treenin jälkee tota vedä?
Ihan muuten vaan!
Jokainen tyylillään!
En oo syöny kahteen viikkoon mitään herkkuja... Tuo Gainomax oli tommonen lankeemus... Toinen ois vielä jääkaapissa.
Turhia tommoset, vedät wheytä ja maitoo sekasin niin tulee paljo parempaa ja dieettiystävällisempää
on cut ;[

250ml milk
30g oats
16gram whey vanilla
1 apple

cheatmeal today awwwwwwwwwwwwww yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Dat fat on dat bacon.
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