Helpless asian kid jumped by 7 others

Discuss about violence like that, similar stuff you encountered etc. Bullies in my time didn't dare do stuff like that.

image: 3cd8a33a
Depends what he did.
Then again, you should man up and beat him 1v1.
At least make it fair indeed.
dumb americans lol, insulting an asian with FUCK YOU NIGGER..
So tough taking him 7on1.. Pathetic little brats
Numbers ensure the victory.
what a fucking pussies, i hope they burn in hell
The world doens't need them. Just kill them, nobody will care. I bet not even their parents..
see I agree with u.

and when I say that when I'm hanging out with my friends, I instantly become an insensitive bastard. "how can u say that?", "u're so cruel", "they're people too". the fact is if they died nobody would miss them and the world would be a slightly better place. attacking people with no reason is one of the worst things in my book
I'm not usually shocked by this kind of videos but seeing those teenagers beating up this poor guy really makes me wonder how the next generations will behave...
Couple of months in jail with a guy like image: blackguybangsyourwoman should do the trick I guess.
Months? Fuck that shit. 3 years bam.
he look like being the coolest guy ever!
if that was IceQ he would of f'd them all up
Can't even begin to describe how much these retarded little shits need to get the fuck off this planet and be assraped by a whale.
Haha I'd fuck these guys up one by one so badly.
yes and then you would wake up sweaty
I mean afterwards with a bat and whatnot.
en dan komen ze bij jou in het ziekenhuis terrecht en mag je voor ze zorgen? hihi
Well, we know that one of them is getting fucked up soon, SAY HI TO YOUTUBE NIGGAH.
Ya what retarded kids. I guess 4chan looked up everyone and relased all there names who was beating up the kids some of them already deleted there facebook but they gave out addresses and home phone numbers. So there lives are now fucked :D
heres one of them homes

3518 S Paulina St

Chicago, IL 60609-1228

Raymond Palomino

Father: Alejandro Palomino

Mother: Mariel Palomino

(773) 8935231

it stands everywhere in google and now Go and kill him and if he's not home please kill he's parents instead! FUCK THOSE GUYS AND THEIR PARENTS!

lilja95 1 minute ago 3

daamn they locked up him up.. they got him, they got him..


asian nigger kids man

internet justice
hahah i know they got all the kids and there addresses out :DDD those kids are fucked now
the only boss in this vid is the asian who took kicks and punches off 7 fags. they will get whats comming to them one day
I would pay them a visit one by one after a few days - Look if they still act this tough
omfg, I've seen some sad shit but this really tops it wtf
Most likely the result of fantastic parenting.

Even if they get caught by the police, they will never be punished as severe as what they did to this kid. Some of the kicks and punches to his head could've been lethal easily.

More important question is, what if one of those 7 idiots was your son. What would you do?
i would fucking punch him the same in the face as he did with the little guy and as my pap would do the same with me if i had ever did something like that.
How can you teach someone the lesson "violence is wrong" by beating him up yourself? That's the same reason why the death penalty is stupid and hypocrite. Punishing someone for the wrong deed of killing someone, by killing him. It makes no sense at all because it lowers the punisher to the same level.
I would show him some Fus Ro Dah like never before
I honestly couldn't live with myself having a son like that.
I don't know what i would do, but i definitely wouldn't consider him as my offspring.
Turn him in at the police.
That... for sure. And if the punishment given to him by the law is too weak, I'd think of something myself to teach him that what he did is utterly wrong.
i'd ask for what they little asian kid was getting pwned, and if he lied (son) id smash his face
See my reply to Hammer above.
dont like when people lie to me, especially my son

ofcourse i wouldnt beat him to death, but would made a classy lesson not to lie next time
what would be a classy lesson according to you?
you know of any other cheap usenet providers now that lightningusenet is no longer taking subscribers?
cheap ones.. no clue.. I think google can help you out easily to find some kind of usenet compare site.
+1, if I had a son like this, I either would send him to military school to gain some respect, or I'd tell him to gtfo of my house and continue his "thug" life on the street.
The first option I could agree with. The second is simply making it somebody else's problem and hardly constructive.
well, I dont think its a problem of someone else if there's a kid of 16-17 years (I guess that from seeing the video), living on the streets or at his friends house. The ignorance of parents are probably the worst thing a child could get through, so I think these kids would be very home soon to apologize..
You don't think it's someone else's problem if a 16/17 yrs old kid lives on the street? It's quite ignorant to think that this kid will not eventually turn to some kind of crime to simply survive, and then you think it will not be someone else's problem?
well, here in Germany there are hardly problems with these kind of kids, they mostly will live in special buildings for them and normally go to school. But which kid wants to be recognized as the one getting fed from old grannys in a special building, have no money and have to study for school all day long? No one, I think..
Pathetic little fucks
seeing vids like that makes me awkward being a human.
nerd getting rolled by gangsta
"reason" behind it, haven't watched it yet tho
happens all the time down here nuthing special, he didnt get hospilised or nuthing
yeah wow, it really is nothing special and should be ignored just because it happens all the time in whatever backwards neighbourhood you live in (no offense intended)
np for u, you never leave ur house
when you say "here" I assume you mean internet? its a bit different in the real world.
No, now please fuck off :)
honestly i approve this comment because people here whine like it's something extra special

in our hood shit like this keeps happening from time to time, only question is why? maybe the asian kid didnt smth stupid or whatever, highly doubt its on racial thing (cuz japs hitting a jap lol wut)
agree with you, also no one help each other whilst smth like that is happening.

but i found it verry anoying that some guys go in 1o7. this is pointless.

thats an usual problem. when they are alone, they cry the fuck out of them.

verry weird!

GL for 3rd div OC (if it isn't finish yet) :DDDD
disgusting and pathetic.
Man, I wish I could fight these fucking pricks. I've seen shit like that in High School too many times bro, often it gets broken up right away by deans and shit, but our football quarterback got jumped by like 6 niggers and got hit with pipes and shit right in front of his house and when his dad came to help him he also got beat up.

These guys jumped an immigrant Mexican who lived very close to my school.
It's fucking disgusting. They were arrested but one of them was under 17 I think, and he isn't facing jail time. The others yelled out hate slurs so it could have been treated as a "hate crime" but it wasn't, and I'm not sure why.
Here is the video of them getting arrested.

I live in a neighborhood like this, and trust me it's always fucking dangerous to be out at night. You can be as jacked as you want or even if you know how to fight, these fucking pricks gang up on you.
Lol funny how everyone is so naive thinking the guy didn't do anything. They made it clear he "messed with the wrong guys" and what Goku commented above is also of use.

Meh.. In the end he looked alright and was able to run, no biggie.

Just some teens having an occasional gang-war, kid should be glad the only weapons were their fists.
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