ET's death is nigh

First the master server (browser) is down
The vast majority of ET movies, configs and other ET related shit is gone. (Megaupload).
There has been about 8 journals since yesterday.
2 comments on the last tutorial with little views
TZAC going to be closed down for good
PB doesn't support ET
CF4.0 has failed, and the community will not accept it.
4 teams per month max actually make it past the 2week mark. In 2006 ET had around 2000 2 week teams a week.
Interviews section is dead and consisting of med/+ players
The last ET movie added to the DB was 28th December 2011.
SWERTCW died alongtime ago, and so did my soul.
More ET communities shut down
YCN will cease to exist by the end of this year due to hardware costs.(hello flood).
The ET's DEATH IS NIGH gets more responses than the movies on here.

+ many more


2003-2006 <3 iDan loves you.
go et live =)
then quit the game and stop posting journals here

Quit properly in 2006 :), played small time in 2010 with few mates and quit again in 2010 ;)...

ET dead soon =[...
i dont want to be rude, but who actually cares?
go play cod4 :)
Still unbeaten 1on1 ;). Is that game actually still alive on PC? I know it is on console *shudders*, but I'm still unbeaten 1on1 on that also haha.
in pc I once went on the irc war channel and people post for wars every second =D its rly amazing and nothing to be compared to ET
That was like ET at 1 point... litteraly so many games every minute, you could find a match low- to HIGH in a matter of 5 seconds, even at 3am, 1on1 - 6on6.

Was awesome community back in the early days of 2003-2006, sadly I know nothing after that date as I quit. I only joined CF when I quit ET :P.
yea thats rly sad :(
idd :(. I think it's about time the ET community either digs deep and pays for a private company to do something drastic OR jump to another popular game.
Sadly I gotta admit you are right :(
thank you for reminding. good shit here. always need some guy to remind others. people will think good about you because you know the truth. thank you once again
No worries.
underlying point of this journal or just trying to point out that you're playing since 2003?
ET will be dead. I guess this proves it as this journal gets more responses than most of the movies and journals relating to 'important shiz'.
worthless journal, just sayin'. see one of these every couple days
online:301 ET alive
Considering the players here know how to look for a game other than the ingame server browser, that's the whole community?:D.

Since the server list is down new players will download, look for game... doesn't work... uninstall... lost potentially 1000's of players :(.

ET will be dead by the end of this year, 100%. The only people playing it will be nubs on the last server left against bots.

Halo demo is more active than ET looool.
ok man thanks for the story
No worries.

It's a shame as ET was my first true love.
If a lan gets announced soon et survives.
No more ET = no more games for me

Same here :(
ofc its not the same as it used to be, but hey its a game from 2003. its kinda amazing that people still play this game
In 2006 ET had around 2000 2 week teams a week.

Why not just say 4000 teams every 2 weeks? o.o
lol Garin are you black brah?
Thanks for being so positive!
master server being fixed.
shit happens regarding movies, new ones will be made or people can upload them again.
there were like 50 journals today or more.
i go on crossfire everyday for years and i never clicked the tutorials section, probably the same for the majority. proves nothing.
tzac being closed down depends on chaplja's income, not definite but possible. eslwire will take over if it does.
why does et need pb updates anyway?
cf 4.0 hasn't failed, nobody likes change, deal with it.
how the fuck do you know about teams nowadays?
so sqzz, jyrkz, mant and sup3r (the only players in recent interviews) are medskilled and POSSIBLY med+?
CF went longer without a fragmovie in 2009, i remember it actually. there was a movie by nuggan recently but he only posted it to journals :)
swertcw lol
thats what happens every day? etnation died like 3 years ago
we'll see about ycn

"BYE ET" good fucking riddance you aren't even part of the community, just deactivate your account and rid us of your cancer attitude.

e: also funny that you mention the tutorial getting only 2 comments making et dead, when the tutorial is an RTCW one, what a fucking bellend you are :D
... and my axe!
Dont bother artstar he is a fuckign moron who thinks he makes £1000000 a year ;|
seems like a complete retard yeah
just rolling nerd
if only crossfire allowed greentext
Well for 1, I don't come to this site very often, and I hardly read journals. Last time I played ET was on an XPSAVE server as the others were EMPTY.

Someone mentioned the megaupload downtime, and it got me thinking about it.

I don't want ET to die no more than you do, I loved the game and wish it could continue.

When games are FREE they're never backed by companies. The only way someone is going to save ET is by putting £1000's into it. They would need a major company to take over and brand their name all over it.

My list was a mere show of a few examples, I could carry on if needed.

ET is dead when the new players show no interest, and let's face it, kids nowadays only look for 1 thing and that is if you can 360 no scope across the map whilst switching to claymore.

Having the server list down is a fuck you to new players, and you know that. Just because you think you have a 'comfortable position' on this website, this is 'practically the ONLY USER BASE IN ET'. Having a browse of the server list all I see is XPsave with BOTS, there's hardly any new names from what I can see. Just because Crossfire says '40000+ registered users' doesn't mean all of them are separate accounts. The whole ET community consists of around 400, and when I say community, I mean people who play the game actively.
you have no fucking logic. hasty generalization.
Where do I lack logic bitch?

It's true that MW3 has over half a million players online RIGHT NOW on just 1 console... they must be doing something right.. oh wait, ET is better than MW3 and anyone who plays anything other than ET are noobs and have no skill... oh wait, you have no logic tard.

MW will still be alive in 12 years, for 1 it made more money than ET before it was even released (hello free game), people will support it, and console sales are up because of 1 game.

Games will NOT succeed without MONEY... logic you knob.
erm thanks for the update? no shit modern games will succeed over old (and free) games any day of the week. what fucking point are you trying to make? :D fyi: if you reply with over 2 lines I'm not gonna read what you write (same goes with my below reply).
lmao, artstar seriously you think you're Mr E-COOL? You're a knob, end of. Ignorance is bliss you bitch, now go back on your high horse, knob head.
you too, random.
Know of a lot more people than you.
Achieved a lot more than you.
Know a lot more than you.
Much more skilled than you'll ever be.
Have a real life and GF, unlike you.
Enjoy life, unlike you.
Don't smell my fingers, like you.

#1 i wonder how you got that information (hint: your own ignorant beliefs)
#2 no you haven't (and you never will)
#3 i wonder how you got that information (hint: your own ignorant beliefs)
#4 no you aren't (and never will be)
#5 i a GF+RL too and i dont need to brag about it (unlike you)
#6 i enjoy my life too, why should i inform people about that on a gaming forum? (you obviously aren't happy otherwise you wouldn't vent your anger at a free pc game)
#7 that is the worst insult i ever read, just leave.
loool, wasting your time bro, thanks for replying. Now get a job.
you are indeed a waste of my time
ok now your comparing it to MW3 lol...
bullshit, checked tzac statistics there were over 400 people playing at one time a few weeks ago. (included with all public players is way over your "estimation" so get a grip.

"My list was a mere show of a few examples, I could carry on if needed."

that's the point, nothing you wrote is worth anything at all. you are just mentioning shit someone else has already mentioned, that serves no purpose. admit it or you're just making yourself look like a retard with senseless contributions like this.

Thanks for investigating this fact, well done.

Let go Artstar, it's ok bro, it's ok.

Get a grip and get a real life.
you too, random.
You ever saw his girlfriend? Fucking beautiful.
Not interested, he started being a bitch to me. Not like I haven't either.
QuoteWell for 1, I don't come to this site very often, and I hardly read journals. Last time I played ET was on an XPSAVE server as the others were EMPTY.

hasty generalization
Proper public players have IPs written down on paper.
or have them saved in hlsw
NC groups will be announced tonight :)
QuoteCF4.0 has failed, and the community will not accept it.

funny thing is community has to accept it once it is life :p
Dziekuje i pozdrawiam.
Sad but true...
ET wont die before 2014
end of the world??? 2014.....
enemy territory

chose one.
who are u?
et has been dead for quite some time sir
Actually ET has had a lot of activity since the last end of summer big drama thingy where everyone said ET is going to die. People like you who keep screaming ET is going to die/ET is death are one of the main reasons it's dying. Instead of that useless shit try to contribute a bit and have a 'nice' attitude on cf or just leave.
idan you ignorant mongol <3
I see what you did there
thats cause you have eyes
has been dead for a while.
dont actually think it will become any less active than it is right now.
There should be a weekly reminder -journal for some certain nerds that ET truly is dead
Its funny because if a game was dead or close the only thing in the list would be:

"nothing happened this month"

which is not the case, as your extensive list shows. They are all based on opinion afterall. It is always amusing to see that the game is generally branded as dead by players who either:

a) never achieved anything in the game.
b) played early on, just to get ego boost you say that the game isnt as good as before.
c) even if they played early days, they never achieved anything in those times, main achievement is playing back then.
d) bitter bitter bitter etc.

realistically a game is dead when no one is playing it, ESL WL had a lot of signups, so its ok for now - perhaps needs some boosting but.

hundreds of gtv matches and it's only 20 days through the month, but no, nono, et is nearly dead hehe.
... oldschoolers, pro players will play this game and noobs leave. Just look at RTCW. There are people who don't give a f_ck about super supported competitions, but like to play because of the game itself, against their old rivals.

I agree with you at some points, like the Interview part, but can't really take things like this journal seriously since I am not really interested in online competition, dont even know if it exists : d ... not in ET! Also if there were 10 LANs a year with 300.000.000$ prize I wouldnt play, waste of life. Having a GF is ten times more challenging than winning a duel against best players in ET (and now I mentioned some real gods from 3/+ years ago, no respect for current kings :DDD)

Online Games are fun to play if you have the same crazy minded company as you and giant laughs... playing with friends is much bigger motivation and fun for me than playing with exhaxorpro+ newcommer noobs who are domianting the game. Shoutout: car7maN, Seewi, z3R0` : ]

e: This sh_t will die for sure, whole eSports will be different. No keyboard and shit, technologies like xbox kinect will take over, PC gaming will die in some years, so prepare yourself and start real sports otherwise you will be f_cked
Its bad time now :) Many peoples have exams, tests etc.. later it will be alot better than now.

+1 merlinator,k4rrde
Why don"t you do something constructive to revive ET instead of being negative and posting things we already know ?
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