le Anonymous


Let's spy on all the shutting down action by Anonymous :D my favs so far:universal music and MPAA

fbi.gov is said to go down soon

in the meantime, let's have 72 minutes of silence for Megaupload.

edit: www.fbi.gov not working :DDDDDDDD

image: fbikb

image: a01274c82e94b23cda37ba0ac6aa9531
The French anti piracy website is down as well atm
AnonDaily Anonymous

AnonDaily Anonymous

AnonDaily Anonymous
whitehouse.gov on its way down :D
Those charges wont even stick, money laundry? from running megaupload? really?
I dont think they should be celebrated like this
This is only making the US government more certain about accepting SOPA, and might even push them towards other, newer laws concerning crashing sites :C
they are at the end of the day committing crimes, whether there is a common sense motivation behind it or not its not something that should be celebrated. This isn't a revolution.
Well atleast people don't get killed in this internet battle yet. Can't say that about the Arab spring.
you have an account on TAG? how do i get to my own?
oh thx! im back then! there was just no special TAB here again ;D
so basiclly u think Robin Hood is negative character?
the poorest answer you could give
he runs crossfire, he is the 1%
you know Brother Ali?
i don't listen to white men rap, they sound like little girls
funny you are. he is blind. so logically he could be black, but he wouldnt know
blind rapper you say eh? sounds hipster enough, maybe i will listen tomorrow
im on TICAL for the gas station way ;D
Method man you know?
yes i know that method man made tical, i just have no idea what you said
you somwhere in IRC? i woukld break my own rules and come back and talk
nope, haven't used irc for a few years, i still use msn though
PMME ? if you want
Well yeah, I guess the libians, egyptians and tunisians shouldn't have been protesting either because in the end, they were comitting a crime against their governments.
That was a revolution, this isn't
This may not be a revolution but still I think we're reaching something big soon. With all the SOPA, PIPA and governments censoring the entire internet, we will be heading for a lot of protests like this in the near future.
This site should by SOPA's law be on the black list. How are you going to do something about it if it happens to the country where this server is hosted? This law won't allow you to win anything.

sopa/pipa explained
You don't need to explain to me what SOPA is, the moral values of it, the negatives of it. I've got so many replies expelling the virtues of how bad these 2 (now dead) bills are as if I've been living under a rock for the past month. I sure as hell dont support SOPA, but neither do I support Anonymous.

My point has nothing to do with SOPA, my point is that you cannot glorify criminal acts which is what Anonymous are doing. This is not a revolution, this is not oliver cromwell, this is not mass protests on the street, this is not V for Vendetta. This is kids behind their computers hacking websites without any authority to do so. In the eyes of the law, the law you all vote for people to enforce, they are criminals and regardless of common sense that yes, they're attacking people that are making silly decisions, but those people have the right to a trial in a court of law, NOT death (or hack) by popular demand.
Relatively speaking (!), the acts of Resistance that occurred in France (and elsewhere) during the WW2 were, considering the law, criminal: derailing trains, bombing convoys, assassinating German officers and so on. But hey, would you hate them now for what they've done? Many things people do are illegal if you decide to strictly stick to the law but can be justified when there is no other means /when you are unable to deal with other means.
I don't justify Anonymous actions either (yet) because I can't make up my mind about the MegaUpload case but what I'm trying to say is that there are illegal actions that are being done. And yet, you don't necessarily need to come up and say that you don't support them because they act illegally. Rioting on streets is illegal when you reach a certain point (fighting with police/army, destroying shops, throwing cobblestones, etc.) but weren't you happy to see these things happening in Arab countries? (relatively speaking again)
You're correct in your examples, history always favours the winner. Meaning that their actions are forgiven because they won the war/revolution etc. Whilst they are losing or opposing, they are illegal/unjust until they win when everything they did was necessary. If Gaddafi had won his war in Libya, everyone would have been executed because they were criminals and in years to come people (inside the country, not in the west) will look them as bad people. I can't see a way for anonymous to win this war though?
OMG you that "dumb"? i guess you arent..they just cant! like people from the former GDR couldnt just pass the border to get to the "West"!

goddamn you are so stubborn!
You don't need to explain to me what SOPA is, the moral values of it, the negatives of it. I've got so many replies expelling the virtues of how bad these 2 (now dead) bills are as if I've been living under a rock for the past month. I sure as hell dont support SOPA, but neither do I support Anonymous.

My point has nothing to do with SOPA, my point is that you cannot glorify criminal acts which is what Anonymous are doing. This is not a revolution, this is not oliver cromwell, this is not mass protests on the street, this is not V for Vendetta. This is kids behind their computers hacking websites without any authority to do so. In the eyes of the law, the law you all vote for people to enforce, they are criminals and regardless of common sense that yes, they're attacking people that are making silly decisions, but those people have the right to a trial in a court of law, NOT death (or hack) by popular demand.
What the lecture on SOPA / PIPA on ted.com - really excellent & informative.

For years the dinosaurs of the old media have been trying to throttle, control and monetize the web. Why should anyone give a shit about protecting an antiquated business model? It is a revolution - just a revolution of capatalism. The problem we're having is that the protectionist US government, backed by the old money aren''t allowing capitalism to take its natural course and force this industry to innovate or die.
You don't need to explain to me what SOPA is, the moral values of it, the negatives of it. I've got so many replies expelling the virtues of how bad these 2 (now dead) bills are as if I've been living under a rock for the past month.

My point has nothing to do with SOPA, my point is that you cannot glorify criminal acts which is what Anonymous are doing. This is not a revolution, this is not oliver cromwell, this is not mass protests on the street, this is not V for Vendetta. This is kids behind their computers hacking websites without any authority to do so. In the eyes of the law, the law you all vote for people to enforce, they are criminals and regardless of common sense that yes, they're attacking people that are making silly decisions, but those people have the right to a trial in a court of law, NOT death (or hack) by popular demand.

/end reply I copy pasted else where

"For years the dinosaurs of the old media have been trying to throttle, control and monetize the web. Why should anyone give a shit about protecting an antiquated business model? It is a revolution - just a revolution of capatalism. The problem we're having is that the protectionist US government, backed by the old money aren''t allowing capitalism to take its natural course and force this industry to innovate or die."

Good for old media, they're tried to control something it took them 10 years to understand and that they're afraid of. If I spent x million producing shows and everyone was downloading it for free, I'd sure as hell want to do something about it. People have got to wake up, try to guestimate a price of how much illegal content you have downloaded since the year 2000. At 2000 prices (Which have been driven down due to piracy) at 10 for a CD, 10 for a DVD and 5 for a ticket to the cinema the average Crossfire user has probably cost those 'evil' old media folks individually, tens of thousands of pounds! Now long may it last for you & I who dont pay for jack shit, but capitalism IS correcting itself as people are trying generate money from products (media) that they are making! It will happen, whether its today or in 10 years, the world of torrents will have to come to an end because it is theft. If you stole a DVD from a store what would happen? What if you stole a DVD from a store every week as you do with the latest episode of Family Guy? The crime is the same online they is just no way to police it. Am I the only one that see's that? Not hypocritically, I'm not saying I'm any less guilty than anyone else in that department, but I at least see the reality that it'll have to stop one day and Anonymous do not represent me as a common man on the internet in their actions.
Definition of stealing: To take the property of another without right or permission.
Copying something is stealing you say? It's not since the owner of it doesn't lose it's property.

Every (frag)movie you have seen in your life. would you have paid for it? 10euro/pounds each? From what money? What is in this "money" world being paid?

Watch this

How would these people be able to fraud if this happens.

As it seems now, if you look to the world population and birth/death ratio you quite see that USA and EU are loosing big time. Saying: they will loose world market.

Some more usa sup?

Money and Banks?

can continue if you want more!:)
I can't debate with someone who cannot accept downloading movies is theft in anyway shape or form.

Sorry find someone else.
Why not?

Here in The Netherlands it's LEGAL to download movies for personal use.
So its illegal in Holland to go to the cinema and not pay, but its legal to download a movie and not pay?
QuoteI can't debate with someone who cannot accept downloading movies is theft in anyway shape or form.

How ignorant can you be? look what your country did in order to give you the opportunity to live like you do now. And you say you can't debate? Well all those wars made that point clear already. Those people who live in these war zones, they CAN'T debate. You simply don't WANT to debate. Twisting words around is the way you are living in the land of confusion. But i didn't choose for those wars you will say. Well you had nothing against them either. Or? You think there is revolution going on, not war. Guess who gives you this information? Read it yourself instead of asking the Government (and media) why
'Cause then the cause of death will cause the propaganda to die..
I will say one thing, this something I do love about Crossfire you certainly an incredible variety of opinions on subjects. I can't debate with you because its obvious that we are incompatible, in my eyes I would call you a hippie, in your eyes you'd call me an ignorant product of the system.

Agree to disagree
Yes, but to much difference will end up with everyone having his own "world". No one will be able to agree with anyone. When is the time ripe to fight? There will be a moment you simply can't turn your back against the problems which are caused by ourself anymore.
"to much difference will end up with everyone having his own "world""

That world is the internet! Fight for it.
you forget your own computer, the one you are born with. Internet won't feed that computer or keep it alive. It can be for some people(shoutcasters?). But there still will be a need of people actually living in the "real" world. Unless you can split yourself up :"D
Why are you trying to say to prove with that definition of stealing? When you illegally dl a movie, you don't only copy it, you USE it, you consume it, and that is illegal because you haven't paid anything to the owner and the "maker" to do so. I can't believe you actually think that dling isn't a sort of theft.
You are watching one side of the picture here. You see the half where people copy movies. I see the part where people copy money. Who is wrong and on what points? Are there more parts?
I don't think Megaupload should have been shut down, they did remove stuff because of copyright stuff afterall.
I dont know why it was shut down, but you and I both know it was a hub for illegal content for years - its no surprise its gone.
Just wondering what will happen to people who actually bought premium accounts there to upload and store LEGAL stuff.
I wonder if I'll get my money back
if a judge finds that the whole megaupload site was illegal, no user will be able to claim their money back, whether they did legal things or not.
The site wasn't illegal, the owners did illegal things with it ;) big difference for the law
thats why i said "if". A judge can still pronounce the illegality of the site (and by consequence the inadmissablity of all claims of users who want their money back)
just like what happened to the german Grooveshark-site
perhaps, but the owners are facing 20-25 year jail sentences, if crossfire faced the same thing - you would be responsible for everything the userbase had done :D I hope you can sleep at night with that thought regarding some of the trolls on here :P
Never said I support SOPA, I am simply saying Anonymous' actions don't represent me
QuoteI dont know why it was shut down, but you and I both know it was a hub for illegal content for years - its no surprise its gone.

So it would be np for u if they take down Crossfire if ppl start to post here illegal material, that the site actually alredy has. Movie Database as a sticky for example ( RIGHTS FOR USE OF MUSIC???), yes i know, retarded example (not on the server itself but spearing links to illegal material ) but u get the point.

And about Anonymous, there wouldnt be Wikileaks for example without the group
IF CF was stupid enough to cross the line between minor offences and 'the reason people come to the site' for illegal material, yes, I'd know I'd be playing with fire.
i was wondering too. but im not the total robin hood aswell. they might have their reasons
i hope some day they will DDoS the german GEMA website because they kill things here
sometimes war in the only solution 8D
They played a major role during the arab spring. Yes, they should be celebrated whatever they do.
they...aka twitter?
and even FB
I was talking about Anonymous.
What role did anonymous play in liberating Libya or Eygpt?
They took down government websites and fought against censorship. Their actions aren't "visible" since it's on the Internet but still they spread a free flow of information for the Libyans and Egyptians.
"A riot is the language of the unheard" martin Luther king jnr. Anonymous bring publicity to sensitive issues, whether it is the correct method or not is by the bye.
They're not bringing publicity to anything that hasnt already been over the press this past week, in my office today nobody knows what SOPA is FYI
Not specifically talking about sopa, I thought that godaddy and Wikipedia gave more publicity to that cause than anyone else. I am neither against nor for anonymous, but I feel they have their uses.

E: do your colleagues not read the paper? This whole debacle hasn't exactly been under the radar.
Its front page to you and I on the publications we read, but I watched Channel 4 news on the blackout day and it was a long way back from the headlines of the sinking ship and unemployment figures.
In all fairness it was in the metro in half a page articles for about 4 out of the last 5 days.
I play plants vs zombies in the mornings :x
Evening standard too!


i dont like you wearing that flag mayn..
wow you can use google, im fairly impressed
no im albanian karuc

mus ma ha karin, kastravec
Grabing pop corn :{D
#OPMEGAUPLOAD, 20 new tweets in 2 seconds, shit is crazy :D
Appearently Twitter has manually removed the #opmegaupload and #oppayback hashtags from trends and appears to be actively ripping out anything related.
very amusing, ill continue following the situation
i totally like...but megaupload? i was tryin to watch californication xD
that site needs an overview-manager. where do i find things?
It was/is the best site to watch full quality + HD videos.

When you upload stuff to megavideo, then there's the real file. Icefilms uses nice javacript to access it.

And if you are too dumb to read the instructions there then you really dont need to be there :D:D
i still use sidereel.com for watching californication and Co.
videobb is still alive...i hope
Sidereel gives you shit quality flash streams lol :D:D
i dont care about the quality, only about the volume ;d and about hank

That quality + torrent always works.

Why even bother watching that shit quality :D ? Cant understand those people.
so, did you watch episode 2 already? i mean the hank-one?
Of course I did. Long time ago :D
yeah long time ;D
brb feeling like hank....
but i added yours to my list
all et movies

9gaga but i like!
I didn't catch this one at 9gag, i catch it at pr0gramm
i dont care where you got it from, i just copied it to my FB account, because its true!
easy as this
You so crazy.
nah, im just drunk during the week, once :(
saw it on reddit before
reddit actually tracked down that image and stuff
first 4chan then reddit then 9gag/pr0gramm and then facebook
you dont understand :D
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