*BIO* CLOSED - Globe + Icesun

sorry to have to do this people who play on *bio* a lot, and i know it seems drastic, but i will close down the server until someone can come up with a way to permanently ban these 2 cheating polak fucks.

I chose to use TZAC for *bio* due to it being the new anticheat at the time, but unfortunately, it is as much use as a chocolate teapot when it comes to being able to ban retards like this from the server.

Again, sorry to those of you who play there regularly, but i have now banned 14 ip's they use, kicked them like 100+ times and they just reconnect laughing their retarded little faces off.

on a lighter note, if anyone who lives in poland would care to go round and stab them, that would work as well....
ban all polish internet providers
i gave serious thought to banning the entire polish subnet range, but they could just reconnect using a proxy from france or some shit....
i dont think they are able to and if they are know how to do so, so just do it, gtv did that too once / or was it arni who did it, nothing wrong with it! :P
its very worth

their ping would be +300
and make me a admin :D!
Ban the whole polish IP range, it's not like there are many polish players and 99% of them cheat anyway. Even if they connect thru proxy, their ping will be 250+.
Ban the whole polish IP range and allow only low pings on server :)
ok didnt real whole stuff but pm me when you are opening it again :)
So ban the France IP's aswell, not a real loss ain't it?
just ban polandand give me private password!
proxy + ET doesnt work well, would lag like crazy
:'( :'(

thxs for kicking me too
mass ban all polak ips
i can understand yoru decision... on another note a fucking game ( or at least a popular public server) dies because of 2 fuckign players :D

thats what ET has become
the servers not died mate, its just down till i can make sure i can admin the server properly, if it means it goes down for good, then fuck it, down it goes :(
tzac doesnt have a way of baning by ID on server side ?
that wouldnt prevent them from making a new account
but if nothing is done their life is easier+relaxed, we cant allow that, outlawism costs, we gotta make'em sweat
Wasn't there something like having too new guid to join the server once?
you can make it so only IDs that are e.g. 30 days old can connect
will work for 30 days
(hbc) has smth liek players with new pbguids hv to wait 3mins before they can join a team, guess it's possible with tzac, too? if so, they probably won't bother creating a new account and wait again everytime their id gets banned..
tbh could easily expand it to 300. Bio was always meant to be a bit skilled anyway
isn't there a server side cvar to ban specific tzac id's ?
if there is, i havnt found it mate.

i e-mailed chaplja a while ago, and he told me that the only way to ban from a server setup was via rcon, which i have, and it doesnt do anything :(
i remember there is a cvar to ban tzac id's, hold on a second!
yeah, mamouth is right, they'd just create a new tzac guid and reconnect tbh. its useless ;/
check my own answer :D wrote it to wrong person. Either way, i though that the banage / protection for new accounts could be helpfull (atleast 2 months account! :D yeah)
Just ban there guids, and raise the min guid age count ? so even if they make a new acc they cant rejoin straight away... ?
QuoteServer cvars
ac_sv_minage - >if not 0, only players with guid age (in days) above set value are allowed to join this server
ac_sv_banage - > determines ban period for banned players in months after their account ban expired
-1 -> banned forever
0 - > 12 months
any value above 0 - > 12 + value
ac_sv_version - current TZAC server addon version
ac_sv_iplimit - limits maximum number of players from one ip, 0 means disabled
ac_sv_fixlmsspam - fixes possible LMS spam
ac_sv_hidden - if > 0, server won't show up in TZAC server list
ac_sv_blockqueries - if > 0, server won't reply to status queries (reduces DDOS risk)
ac_sv_autoupdate - if 1, auto update facility is enabled. TZAC server addon will update itself.

Server Commands
ac_sv_listplayers - lists information about connected players

Client Commands
ac_listplayers - list information about connected players ( ip is masked )

I was pretty sure there is a ban cvar, seems like i am wrong :x Although first 2 tzac cvars might be of some help!
ag0n so smart.
I don't think a guide age will actually help that much, doesn't prevent them from creating 20 accounts each day just so they can play with those 20 after 7 days
ask tgr jaffa they brag that they found way to ban via tzac id
They banned me after I had some proper critiscm about their server and the way their admins work. You won't see me there shit server.
u missunderstood me.i was suggesting to mister kevlar that he can ask mister jaffa how to ban via tzac id,as mister jaffa i remembered discovered this amazing solution.i m banned as well on tgr server because mister jaffa shortly said is...
they still can create new user at any time :/
yes but i think there is thing that "ur tzac is too new bla bla" with the add-on or something like.
thats on the server already, it doesnt work very well lol :<
ac_sv_minage - >if not 0, only players with guid age (in days) above set value are allowed to join this server

make it 7 or 30
problem solved
chocolate teapot

nice one, you must be english

btw, chaplja cant sleep because of this message
nice one kelvar, enemy1910 is also a cheater :(
its the same guy....
+1 for pic aswell, made me rofl ;D
No reason to play public ET anymore :(''
Shit just got real.
Life has no meaning anymore
ac_sv_minage 60 *u|k pub TZAC gogo! until kevlar bans those 3rdworld subhumans!
Shouldnt let them wait too long to come to your server aswell :D
easiest solution to at least let some ppl play : set a password and only give it to guys u rly trust. though i kinda dont think that this would work out on a longer run :D
nC has insiders
hf those who would be able to join :P
lol what a dumbfucks ;/
Banning polish subnet would be more retarded than what those 2 faggots are doing. Don't listen to kids from CF.
i considered it , but you're right, why make all the good / clean / nice polish guys that play et like normal people suffer? its not the answer.
There are nice Polish people? shake yourself Kev :p
of course there is mate, same as theres some good welshies n'all :P
Poland Kirej, best PL player =)))))))
Dunno about Poland, but in Finland doing what they do is illegal, and after recent events by Finnish teenagers, the Finnish police is very keen on investigating stuff like that. Seeing that Poland has gained notoriety for its scriptkiddies, I'd only assume they have a slightly similar situation.
Wish so much was true, but your country is a spaceage ahead of most, including the UK, when it comes to regulating the internet.
I think there are precedents on stuff like this from the US, for instance. Obviously that isn't related to Poland at all, but happens so I don't really follow Polish news.
I'm sure the 99,99% non polish players are suffering more than 0,01% polish player who wouldn't be able to play.
seriously man, why are u so negative about polish players?

these cheaters are scums, and i agree with banning polish subnet, but on the other hand most of bio players are always polaks.. so it hurts our community aswell, especially because there are no good pl servers anymore

they can play on zabijaka.pl np
And yet you can't decide to make a move that would affect even 1 clean Polish player, sorry.
You know nothing about subnet bans until you live in a relatively large Finnish city and try to browse Krautchan.

Anyway, without knowing anything about the Polish legislation, behaviour like that would certainly be classified as disturbance of telecommunications (or something similar) in Finland, the punishment for which can go up to two years in prison.

Kevlar shouldn't rule out the possibility of taking it to the police, although investigating the Polish legislation on this might be relatively difficult without knowing Polish.
i can help out and for sure there is a punishment for such acting
ET is taking its final blow now :(
polaks do imo
I got kicked sometimes by dutch kids, because I didnt support their cry, but next second I could reconnect aswell. No idea what was the reason, but I could reconnect... didn't matter how many times they voted again.

I never understood how could be this funny or why is this trash entertaining for some people. Later I recived some photo's about known cheaters and then everything was clear, so I guess this time is similar and BiO just met some strained emokids who want to take their revenge on the internet becaue they couldnt stand for a sec. in life.

This game and whole eSports is full of cheaters. Even on Top level...

That was the last public I considered "good" ... so much pwng with/against menaxe:x, csibe, many more. I will even miss Capri, anyway if he always irritated me.

Sosi *BiO*
e: also fuck these retards. Poland has many good and strong players, they are all nice opponents and company. I have Polish friends aswell. Sad these idiots make ppl's judgment about Poland worse. Still like Polish Community, except aDman, he smells.
LOL dutch kids :D
Just stop playing FPS games and suddenly you'll discover there's a world of multiplayer titles without any serious cheaters.
It dosent really shock me if I meet cheaters in a war or a cup, we just kill them. The irritating part comes when ppl need to close publics because of them...

5 LANS, Working Anti-Cheat
its not designed for publics though ....
I really don't blame you. Just shows how they lack any passion and how sad some little children are. If there were at all intelligent they would realise there are much more things that involve a bit of brain power lingering for them to interact with on the internet.

However, they choose to cheat at video games and think they are criminal for doing so.
well if their cheat is working on publics, its working on private aswell.
Wasn't there a 'silent-detection'? Maybe put the server up again and everyone thinks they can cheat and when chalpja is coming back from his vacation ( if he is on vacation ) he can see all the guys who cheated
5-6 LANS PER YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fuck dat, ban whole Poland... i often play on bio as bylie, but its the only choice apparently...
Thanks for the green light, glad you understand dude :)
np, thats all i can do, except actually stabbing these dribblers
sry for retarded polaks...
it was you !
y u no sorry for retarded GS?
/callvote ban_poland
noooooooooo not bio :( there gotta be a way to ban those stupid fucks
go and stab them?
nah, stabbing is not dramatically enough... just make them go drown in their cars due to falling down a bridge over a river
et is rly dead now !!!
polaks bringing ET down
I suggest contacting their ISP & report them for breaking rules & abusing users with profanity and virus links.

A simple search on these users & IRC will give you info.
why do so many polaks cheat in general?

is it cuz theyr poor and wanna win, and only can by cheating? :d
the cheating percent of polaks is the same as in any country... we just got bigger player base :-)
Want me to tell you why polish ET community is so big?
we poor and dont have moneyzzz to buy games, so we play free ones :<
The truth is that remains of Zyklon-B in the Poland bloodline make polaks genetically more prone to dishonest behaviour.
tell it to all the finnish ppl banned for cheating in cs1.6
Light up your torches and bring your pitchforks! Todays morning sun will rise filled with polish blood!
I can see that these two underground creatures are first on the so-called list "scoff down" how they will only be found somewhere in Poland...

Why won't they go to NQ, etpub with [BOT]'S or 2.55? Because ET 2.60b is too difficult for them in order to play without cheats... Even [BOT]'S are too HIGH!

Wait, you can't ban whole poland since it wouldn't be fair for the clean polish players but you can close down the whole server since that is fair to the clean players in general?
wuah my mind...

yes, thats why they say: all man are equal. just that we don't know it that way anymore because no judge ever rules that way. sadly.
now thats fucking retarded

mentally challenged kids
cheaters always win!!!!
keep kicking them out of the server, they will eventually give up
no, they like that actually
fucking mongols -_-
Last solution seems to be most effective!

Did you tried to offer them a beer and some white bread already?
Might workout aswell.

Good luck ;D

edit: R.I.P. Bio
last solution is most effective, I'd gladly do it myself if I'm in Poland.
too bad :E
fair play to kevlar, the more you kick them the more they laugh like little 10 year old kids who still baths with there old girls lol, time to catch a flight to poland and tell their primary school teacher to stop them going on the computers ;) wankers what they are.
Agree, although closing the server lets them 'win' in my mind.
yup they really destroyed bio this last days
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