Suarez lol

image: suarez-parrotfish
that lowshit who didnt shake evra's hand :D

just enjoyed how evra was celebrating just in front of suarez at the end :DD

Man u 2-1 Liverpool
Evra was being an idiot to be honest, he could have shown a lot more class than that. Acted like a child at the end.
and what suarez did was not childish :D?
Ofc it was, but why would u go to his low level
tbh to offer to shake his hand in the first place is being more mature than Suarez
If you watch the footage again he didn't actually offer his hand he waited for Suarez to offer his. Suarez decides not to and then Evra grabs his arm to make a scene. Could have just given him a look like Ferdinand did and that would have been the higher action, I would respected that a lot more.

Ferguson even backs up my comment, said Evra shouldn't have done celebrated like that at the end.
swarez acted retardedly. END OF STORY
nice move by Ferdinand ^^
just a normal reaction imo :P
Why did he do that? What happened?
Suarez is such a faggot !
gotta luvvv rooneyy
should have been a straight red. He just kicked the player, was never going for the ball anyways.
Suarez shoudn't even be allowed to continue playing! If he aint abusing people he's diving/rolling about on the floor hate him
What's the "story" behind this? I've seen articles of these two arguing before.
still a bit pathetic from evra aswell... celebration on his own and infront of suarez to annoy him... he should've celebrated with his team that selfish prick, all he does is whine about suarez..

After all what happened between them i totally understand suarez why he didn't shoke evras hand.. Why would he, because everyone said he should do it? c'mon they hate eachother, in his case he chose for his selfrespect instead of respect for evra that he doesnt have.
Quotehe chose for his selfrespect instead of respect for evra that he doesnt have.

Same can be said for Evra celebrating infront of him, from the lack of respect he has for him
well you've got a point there.. Lets say they both are immature about this situation wich is a shame because they both are really great players.
even Kenny Dalglish said in the pre-match conference that Suarez is going to shake Evra's hand. suarez poured oil in the fire by contradicting dalglish so he absolutely deserved anything brought up on him.

i don't hereby try to be biased towards united, cause i don't believe evra's behaviour in the end of the match was mature but then again it wasnt mature of suarez to verbally abuse evra in their previous clash.
Quotestill a bit pathetic from evra aswell... celebration on his own and infront of suarez.

Bullshit, Evra was already celebrating (and had every right to) BEFORE that racist cunt walked across/behind him.

QuoteAfter all what happened between them i totally understand suarez why he didn't shoke evras hand..

Bullshit again. The handshake was at the start of the game. Had that racist cunt had shaken Evra's hand (that's just showing RESPECT and that racist cunt had none) then the half time scuffle and after match scuffle would not have taken place.

If that Scottish/Scouse manager actually beleived (in his heart) that his player was innocent regarding the racist remark he made towards Evra, then why didnt they appeal when they were offered the chance to, hmmm ??? ...
You clearly are a ManU fan that can only see suarez's mistakes.

Quotethat racist cunt walked across/behind him.

Oooooh come on.... Suarez walked straight to the tunnel.. he couldnt really dissapear so he wouldnt come across evra.. And Evra sure did know Suarez was there behind him so he could annoy him..

And im not saying Suarez is a saint or something, I know him from when he still played for Ajax. He also was a little prick on the pitch back then but still a hero for his football talents.

They both are immature idiots.
I used to be an avid Man United fan yes, over the last few years though I am not such a fan of any team, I just enjoy football and speak my mind.
I watched the full match build up and the interviews before and after the game (Fegurson's comment regarding suarez 'after the match' being a disgrace to Liverpool Football Club is totally valid). I gather from what you said that suarez walked straight to the tunnel, not sure if thats true or not, dont really care but he probably should have. It was close to the tunnel entrance where I (me personally) saw him walk across the back/side of Evra who was already (and had been for a while) engrossed in celebrating the victory over Liverpool (remember, they have not beat them in the last 3 encounters) to the crowd, some thing himself and every other player from what ever team has the right to.
As for me calling him a racist cunt, yes, I will call any body and every body the same who is racist, I totally disagree with racism be in football games or anythingFULL STOP
well that shows, you just can't admit that what Evra did infront of Suarez was just wrong and immature because you're still a too proud Man United fan.

and about the racism part i totally agree of course! not only on the pitch, in any case racism is just low.
And i really don't believe Suarez called Evra an 'Negrito'
calling suarez a racist is such a bs, he aint a racist and is a very nice guy irl. Dont understand that everyone just trusts that piece of shit Evra who lied before and would do so again.

Theyre both childish but calling him a racist is going to far and uncalled for. Nothing has ever been proven.
Nice troll :PPPP
Suarez a nice guy? He bit in Bakkal's shoulder, called Evra a dirty nigger or smtn and he gave a roundhouse kick to that Liverpool player. In which fucking world is that nice?
Haha Evra legend with his celebration
Always man united club/players/fans looking for trouble. Pathetic club! First man city / man united row, then the hate towards arsenal about the 8-2 result, then last week the pathetic 3-3 result, not to mention in the last few games they got like 4 penalties, they all got the referees in their pocket, man united players surrounding refs constantly, Rooney influencing refs (kompany tackle etc...) and spouting his shit on twitter towards everything, now trouble with liverpool. Pathetic team which should be banned from football forever! Disgrace of a team.
oh just for you footix :

chelsea can be happy with the 3-3 result. Remember, after 10 min, ref forgot to give red card to cahill last defender :)

and suarez has started the touble with his fockin teeths
don't be a fucking idiot mate. How were United looking for trouble when Evra offered to shake Suarez's hand and Suarez made it an issue by not shaking hands? IF they had shaken hands, there probably wouldnt have been any problems, not much animosity etc
trolled hard
drah dellort
Yea and you shouldn't be allowed to post such bullshit here
trolled hard
Your post here, if at all deserves a comment, deserves only one. You have not got a fucking clue what you are talking about.
trolled hard
Boom! g5 comment and a half!
Thx m8! ^.^
what a beautiful shirt hes wearing on that picture
I'm sure Suarez has his hand out to shake hands, he just went past when Evra had his hand down, then De Gea thought he was a big man!

Oh and that Evra celebration, what a french cunt. He knows what he was doing, he could of caused a riot rather then the other way round Mr. Whiskynose. Take off you fucking manure tinted glasses.
I wouldn't shake the hand of someone who got me an 8 match ban for calling him "negro". If you've played football you know there will be a lot more swearing and worse words than this. Evra was just being a little bitch.
Agreed, but dont forget, the FA said that Evra also called Suarez "a name" during that match, but did nothing about it.
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