another poll request

#et.3on3 is gone, so is #et.6on6 (way for qnet) and it was clear from the poll that majority of people wanted to remain the channel for 3on3 wars

some people proposed the idea of #et.wars, channel which currently is in hands of FoMeA, da ESL admin in charge of and could replace and, allowing all the ET nerds search for wars in one place, just one admin, hopefully without random bans for nothing

so here's the poll:Would you use #et.wars for all ET mixes and praccs?
[x]Yes - it's a good idea that worked in other games like COD4
[ ]No - having both and is just fine
[ ]ET is dead

alternative poll request:Who is the biggest asslicker
[ ]mixer

and someone go remove the sticky from #et.clanless forum post, it's useless anyway
Inb4 Netherlands Frop deletes this journal.
I read another troll request
No - having seperate channels for 1on1-6on6 is just fine.

To be honest I like the 2nd poll more than the 1st one.
How about having this:

Lowest skilled cheaters of 2012:

[x] Edgar
[x] Crod
[x] Edgar
[ ] Someone else
How about a cup of shut the fuck up?
Mad because you got caught?!?!?


Another english dick talking crap.
You are so mad it is unreal.

Don't worry, you can pretend that you want to go to lan if you want. I know you won't because you are fat, poor and mad! We all think highly of you, sir. :)
Even if it was true it wouldn't make you any better.
Why would it not make me any better? I am not overweight, I do leave my room, I don't cheat, I can socialise away from my PC and I plan on going to LAN :)

Face it, your another random fat cheating internet nerd :<
Internet life is obviously big deal for you so I just won't show up on that LAN to keep you happy. :)
You know nothing about my social life, you never saw a pic of me, neither did you see me in real life and you don't know my financial situation so just please stop the shit now.
/!\ Cheater trying to outsmart me :< /!\

Give up, you're a faggot.
You just can't stop it, right? And I thought that I could have some respect towards you, grown up man, but it appears it wasn't true.
tbh i trust more an esl admin than a random guy...but anyway,why change something that works ok?
oh the times when you were the most retarded person on here, how i miss those
never actually happened, forever 2nd/3rd
quick, join another useless clan to feel appreciated.
I don't think I get your point
du wirst mir noch sympatisch :S
#et.wars is a fucking nice idea, check cod4 works perfectly

so theres more action in the channel and the game doesnt seem that dead, np
I wont use if Skeit has op there
apparently Skeit is to receive rights at TZAC
[x]Yes - it's a good idea that worked in other games like COD4
[ ]No - having both and is just fine
[ ]ET is dead

alternative poll request:Who is the biggest asslicker
[ ]Goku
[ ]mixer
[x ] image: attachment is strange, I liked #et.6on6 more :S
Would you use #et.wars for all ET mixes and praccs?
[x]Yes - it's a good idea that worked in other games like COD4
[ ]No - having both and is just fine
[ ]ET is dead
good idea!
so here's the poll:Would you use #et.wars for all ET mixes and praccs?
[x]Yes - it's a good idea that worked in other games like COD4
[ ]No - having both and is just fine
[ ]ET is dead

alternative poll request:Who is the biggest asslicker
[ ]Goku
[ ]mixer
[ x ]Other -Romaniarazy
mixer :/ has always amazed me, goku's just following his footsteps
Just join cod4.wars and enjoy spamm.
Why the fuck do you want a spamm channel?
ye that spam in cod4.wars channel is annoying. i think ET is so dead that there wont be spam in et.wars channel :D
well cod4 community is quite bigger, ET not big enough for that kind of spam
Seems like you are searching for one victim every few months and you have nothing better to do than posting random hatepropagandajournals about them every now and then.

Some weeks it is clanbase
some weeks it is esl
then its goku
then its someone else..

srsly its annoying and at least i dont care. im not sure about the other users, but i dont think that im the only one with this opinion.

e: You are giving way too much negative feedback which effects the motivation in a negative way. With this mental attitude you make other contributers really mad, since they dont see that their effort gets appreciated. I mean if i tried to help the community and every day i have to read negative journals from 1 or 2 persons (eventho most of the community agrees with me), id be feeling really bad about this....
but I always hated goku :<
he is a nice guy tbh
oh god, he licked your arse too
Okay i hate him now. I also hate Clanbase and i also hate ESL. Next to esl, clanbase and goku I also hate the majority of the community and the majority (not all) cf admins.

but why does everyone hate me now? Im not asslicking at all and im contributing to the community. I mean i didnt do anything bad and i just try to help people opening their eyes. I must be right and they are all wrong, but they are too blind to see it. damn what shall i do now? Hm okay lets start with a propagandajournal
CB journals simply listed their mistakes, how is that propaganda? you're the blind one that cannot see past his hate
haha so true
Dont take poltard cunt too seriously razzahbro, he just mad and sad as always. At least the comments to his useless posts are funny to read at times! :)
taking the channel from kamz and giving it to foamea...hmm just another attempt of new guy trying to control things and get more power?

no thanks,this channels should belong to ppl and ppl should have the power,not some self made leaders
what you on about?
u understand me very well,u read shakespeare,u are not idiot

original 1on1 till 6on6 channels,beside that no need for anything else.kamz chan,foamea chan,barack obama chan..fuck it.leave it as they are,foamea is same hungry for power as kamz was,no need for et.wars shit
Need 5 mercs to play with :DDD
forever alone
actually it is meant for unforgiven, because that is what hes always searching :]
31 years old and still has no "friends" on a game which is he playing for years :D
yeah I know it;'s for him, seen that spam :D
I am actually laughing hard about him always replying with a huge text and trying to find some good arguments :D
i m actually laughing on u giving absolute shit comments just for the love of writing something.why dont u try makeyour self usefoul somehow?
i play et pro since last long till now?

friends on internet,can t even argue with u on that,but reshep told me once that et is like second home for some ppl so who da hell knows maybe u right, i m forever alone in et

got some friends though but they not always online at the hours i m able to play so i m forced to search s because i m not a teenager with spare time at my disposal,i play when i dont work,i play when i don t spend time with family ,i play when i have nothing else important to do.u going to see how it is when u going to be 31 forever alone as well
And i just like the way you reply on everyone, giving a huge text with some good thinking behind it and always trying to find arguments like in real life ;)
we'll see :) Maybe i am not going to play this game anymore when i am 31.
I didn't request to be an operator on either or #et.wars ; I was made operator by those in charge of the channels. Get your facts straight unfobro...
ok foameacousin,maybe they made u an admin,but tell me smt cous:am i lieng when i say u are hungry for power?look deep inside your soul and tell me i do.

p.s. we all know how the system works dont we?i know u ,u know him,him knows the other guy and so on...:),huh? rippy story?how did he end up being admin,same clan with u and stuff?oo i know,it was just a coincidence
I needed a help for the Romanian ET section.
Rippy was available and was qualified for this.

Result => he became an ESL RO Admin

We needed help for the European ET section(and we still need).
Rippy was available and submitted an application.
Other admins from the squad voted his application. He received only positive votes.

Result => he became an ESL EU Admin

Answer to your "hungry for power" question: No, I'm not hungry for power. I have been promoted because of my activity of hard work in this section. I have been also added to other sections for other games(ex: World of Tanks) which are very big in ESL and have a lot of activity, because of my experience and activity and hard work.

Thanks again for proving me that I was right when I didn't accept your ESL Admin application. I knew it then and I know it now that you are too stubborn to see that you are wrong in so many things.

Cheers, unfom8!
bitch please
u needed help and u got the guy from same clan,amazing.why not some other guy for you to help,some1 from other clan,why not wussie for example?rippy received positive votes from others,but trully tell me on what base they voted for him?don t tell him they knew him,nobody knew who he was,the only guy that mattered in this pick was u,and they went on what u told them,that s all.

u are hungry for power otherwise why did u whined so much on etro for not being picked team romania captain again?

how funny that some other guy from same clan was picked but not the hell this happend and why...dont answer please.

even if i would have been accepted as esl admin i m pretty sure sooner or later u would have "worked " me in the pure romanian style:from behind,because yes u are right about one thing:i will never agree with you on how u understand to run certain things.being based as admin cause u have a lot of work done in this because u have a lot of free time to give away is not such a big deal as u are tempted to believe.

only thing i give u credit for is the esl et european section u take care off,but even there u made some unwise decisions during some matches,i don t recall exactly which,decisions only made on your ambition to proove u as admin are such powerfull
1. Wussie was not available. Besides Wussie, he was the best pick.
2. Admins vote based on the written application, I cannot influence admins. Saying that I'm the only one who picked him shows that you have no idea about anything related to this(surprise surprise) and that your ego and hate towards Rippy is so big and childish....
3. You have no clue what happened with Team Romania and I won't tell you. I have all the right to criticise the national team as former captain. I haven't even advertised that people should vote me, they voted who they wanted, and I hope they understood that they are highly inexperienced...
4. I'm sorry to spoil your dream, you would have never been picked as an ESL Admin.
5. I have respected the rules(which I've also changed recently because I didn't agree with some but still had to enforce them as a League admin - players do not read the rules, so they feel that the admins are not right. Happens in every league!), you should read them.

Even kids see that you are always saying a lot of bullshit. Doesn't this raise a question mark in your mind? You're too stubborn and too blind to see facts. I strongly believe that because of these 2 things, you have lost a lot in your life. I feel sorry for you, unfo...
what u know about me and why should i care what teenagers say?i was like you and others u are not yet like met,have still kinda 10 years to go,but i m affraid after 10 years u gonna have to wait 10 reaction to join the esl was just a spark decision i made an instant,i don t really give a fuck to be admin or collegue with people like you

Quote hate towards Rippy is so big and childish....
the guy insulted said bad things about mom cause i wished gl to opponent team star was playing,the same star that lately on got banned from rr ts3 and never played with u ppl hate say what again?no hate,just wish i would have a chance to meet him so i can break his fuckin jaw and same for you mister primadona
Most retarded idea in a while
QuoteFoMeA, da ESL admin in charge of and could replace and

wrong, he is just an operator. he isn't in charge of making decisions for the future of the channels.
so he doesn't have +amno on #et.wars?
that, I have no idea about, but in order to replace and he would need to advertise the channel to all of the users there informing them that there is a new warchannel. on and he's a moderator, not the channel owner, he'd have to ask from the owners there if they can set that in the topic etc.
crossfire main news + some amsg on irc should be enough to gather all active players on the new channel.

this #et.wars channel might be something new like #et.6on6 was (iirc more than 400 idlers there, almost every known & "high" skilled player was there so there weren't any problems to find a war). and those old channels may exist as well but they would be less active, because I doubt that current 3on3/ owners would advertise the new channel in the topic = they would lose their idlers etc = channels would be dead soon. i might be wrong tho
precisely (@advertising part). you'd get all of the crossfire ircwar community, sure, but that's only a fraction of the people who use and / #et.6on6 :P anyone who does an amsg or advertises it in the opposing channels ( will pretty much cause #et.wars to be glined like what happened to Kamz' channels ;d
ye true, so 'we' have to speak with Skeit because as for i see he's the only chanops on the channel? foamea seems to have some powers on lately, so he might take the case on his own.
he'd still have to request it from the owners, and unless they get owner of that channel I doubt they'll give up their channels, the most active in the whole ET community. ;P
Yes, I have those permissions for #et.wars only. But there's no way I'm going to give +m to Kamz :)

I'm happy to give these permissions to others aswell anyway. I don't know who is suitable though... :)
the best option would be to keep +mn only for you. then give few ops to truste people. (not only 1 or 2, but ~10 to keep channel clear, without spam, without cheaters)
and then grant +av all known members,players (something similar to #et.6on6)
Yeah, no problem.

If we(community) decide to go through with this, it will be like you said.
he is in charge as in he's the op there responsible for keeping it clear of spam and cheaters, isn't that correct?
which equates to: he doesn't have the power to end or ;d
he has the power to talk about it and poll results in favour of move to #et.wars would be a nice argument

this journal is now useless though as TosspoT refuses to make another IRC related poll
poll arguments on CF don't mean shit, I thought doing the poll would make Kamz realise nobody wants his channel, the next poll would help just as much at getting the owners to give up the channel.
there was #et.3on3?
for a short while, got g-lined
Quote#et.wars is a fucking nice idea, check cod4 works perfectly

so theres more action in the channel and the game doesnt seem that dead, np
Wtf guys? :DDD
what difference does it make where do u get ur match?
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