Do you know the answer?

I found this pic on facebook and wanted to share it with you cF!
What is the answer to the task?

image: x7h8w

So here is the simple solution like some of you already checked :)

Just count all the circles in the numbers.

To make it not too easy, the "hint" from me was "titties", in relation to fact with the pre-school children.

Don't know if any other of your results can count as the solution ;)
care to explain my iq is below 9000
nvm its because of the circles
Quote:"To all the ones who knew this before or have the answer already, please be patient an dont write it before 18:00h GMT ;) "

I didnt knew it before :( Im just smart
oh i cant rly read :D
np ;D
its just scumbag crossfire :D:DDD
lol try to make a comment just saying 0

wont work
I so hate those "lololol, only 2% of all the people can solve this" -bla bla-stuff. Now everyone will think they are geniouses. Post on facebook too.
dont visit pornsites.
What does that have to do with this? o.O
just leave them alone:(
Don't tell me what to do!
This problem can be solved by google in 5-10 seconds.
We had this one in some schooltest before lol, I figured it out in like 2 minutes, some were faster but there were also those that sat there the entire 30 minutes you got for this so-called 'iq test'

one actually had used 2 pieces of paper making all kind of calculations and didnt come up with anything xD

sick calculations tho xD
ask him if he has those papers yet!
then post here^^ would like to see what he tried:D
Probably isolating what numbers gives what answer in return, for example "7777 = 0" -- we then know 7 equals zero etc. It's easier once you realize (or google) the true answer though. :P

first number in the unknown is 2, we know by "2222 = 0" that 2 equals 0.
second number in the unknown is 5, we know by "5555 = 0" that 5 equals 0.
third number in the unknown is 8, we know by "9999 = 4" that 9 equals 1 and "1111 = 0" that 1 equals 0, so "9881 = 5" means that 8 equals 2 (1 + x + x + 0 = 5).
fourth number in the unknown is 1, we know by "1111 = 0" that 1 equals 0.

thus: 2581 = 2, because 0+0+2+0=2.
...the fuck? oO
this is a false calculations and statement and your 7660 doesn't make sense with those calculations
It's not false at all, it's isolating each digit for itself to figure what it equals.

e: and this was just to show how its possible to calculate your way to the answer, I still know what "the proper way" is. (which is counting circles)

e2: just to show that my 7660 would work with this as well:
7777 = 0, so 7 equals 0.
6666 = 4, so 6 equals 1.
0000 = 4, so 0 equals 1.

7660 = 0 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 3.
Quotewe know by "9999 = 4" that 9 equals 1
how that?
assuming one digit gives one return value
Well the thing is you will have to make an assumption, therefore you cant be certain that the answer is right.
What else would it mean? That 9 equals 2 some times and 0 other times?
There could be a pattern such as you would have to divide the first by second and then multiply the sum and do some other stuff. You know, endless possibilities.
Yeah I actually know that, but in this case it worked doing the calculations that way.

e: which also should be the case if kindergarten kids are supposed to be able to do it
x + x + x + x = 4, x=1
Fuck off :<
Its 2, and I'm gonna prove it with adding to the sequence:

7660 = 3
only mongols know the answer

if you solved it your diagnosed as mongol
some explain it to me

im horrible at these tests
this has to be completely stupid
i have no fucking idea

am i dumb

image: tumblr_lvrih2mgIx1qibz0jo1_500
you just didnt google like the rest of us :pp
All preschoolers can't even read, much less solve any logic puzzle.

Also blatant misuse of the equality symbol, it's supposed to work both ways. If 8809 = 6, then 6 = 8809. The notation should be 8809 -> 6 or similar.
2581 = 7901 = 1001 = 5062 etc ;) easier than i thought, but then again im browsing web on my phone so im extra bored -.-

so 2581
--- 0020 = 2
don't know if this way is ok too, but my way is much much simpler...
thats why they wrote that young kids would check this faster^^
you mean how many 'o's are in the number? :p
just look at my last edit below the pic ;)
1=0, 2=0, 3=0, 5=0, 7=0

then just paste this variables/numbers to the other "functions" and there you go. easy
you guys are stupid...

just count all circles which contais in each integer

for example:

8809: 8(2 circles, and we have two 8s so it is 4circles), 0 is one big circle, 9 has one circle thats why: we have 4+1+1 so it is 6

0000 is 4 because we have four 0s, so we have 4 circles

in 2581 we have only 8 with 2 circles thats why 2581 equals 2

i wouldnt notice that if this guy who made it wont write it can be done by a preschool child
thats true man!
how can 8809 be 6

thats the biggest question that needs to be solved here!!
5531 = 0 therefore 8809 = 6
how can 5531 be 0
u all so smart here on crossfire so explain me someone!!

how can 8809 be 6
if you are trolling: :D
if you are serious (which I hope you're not): check sample his reply
no circles in numbers 5,5,3,1
0 = 1 circle
8 = 2 circles
9 = 1 circle

so everything makes sense
you know pre-school guys only think about circles and stuff :DDDD
fuck circles man

8809 is 8809 and 6 is 6!!!
8809/5531 = 1,59265956

6*1,59265956 = 9,55595736

8809 / 9,55595736 = 921,833331

5531 + 921,833331 = 6 452,83333

8809-6452,8333 = 2 356.16667

2+3+5+6+1+6+6+6+7 = 42 * 10 = 420

6452,83333 + 420 = 6 872,83333

8809 and 6872,8 have both 2 8's => 8*8 = 64

6+8+7+2+8 = 31

64*31 + 6872,8 = 8809

thus proving that 8809 is in fact 6
Lol yeah ofcourse:D can't see why some of these guys don't understand it..don't they have schools over there?
count the circles man! pre-school guys can solve this too :)
use ur mind bro (c what i did there?)
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