cewege final match

i feel like i have to make a reply, cuz the other journal is so full of bullshit and misunderstandings.

SO What happend?
Well, it all started when jari's team got beaten in finals, and left the server afterwards, i didnt know what was going on since we agreed on playing both of the games on sunday (the game they rage quited) After that, we tried contacting jari with a new date, made a protest and asked them for a date, admin asked us, why/what is this protest for, i said so you can see what is going on. then suddenly tomi comes up with some bullshit that himself and mummy agreed on playing the match yesterday.. that ofc is not true since a protest was opend just to setup a date for us to play with the admins being able to see what is happening, and ofc Polandbtw wasnt able to play the offi since jari fuckd us up for the 3rd time and then what?

Then, we wer trying to ask an admin to set another date cuz we cant play, he said No. ok is it ok to get a merc then mr.admin (24 hours be4 the match) yes yes ofc ok, mr.admin can squall play? yes yes ofc have fun. ok thanks mister admin.

Lemme just stop here for a sec, for the ppl who wanna flame me on taking squall.
who is squall? squall is a werry skilled player who won alot of games for alot of skilled teams.
Let me ask you this, would u take a skilled merc to play with ur team or a shit merc who cant speak english? (no offence Poland robaciek ) ofc i will take a skilled merc ha, whathefuck :D

anyway with 1mercin our lineup we finished two games befor the offi, while team jari is doing the same, just without mercs (Their Full lineup was playing , no not olba & co ) but at the offi time, the 4players wer replaced by some skilled fins, and no i am not whining we should replay the game, nor do i want to replay it, we did hit the f3 button and we did play it, sadly we lost.

long story short
Jari had its full lineup online (Not olba & co) but the team was 2 scared to play us so they added 4 players to their team just moments be4 the match.

anyway, good game, well played deserved win
And no jari im not talking to you, you play as shit. the ppl u got to play this war instead of you did a way better job then u ever did against us.


ah, lemme add just one thing, jari has to be feeling so bad now :D i mean, they ofc are replying u mad and stuff like that and braging about how they won lol xD but if i wer them and if i would do that, i would never come online again, soooooo embarrassing to them what they did XD
So I heard you are mad
hello jari.et,

The match will be replayed on Sunday with the <b>normal line-ups</b>! If one of the team is unable to play, please let me know!

ETTV will be requested by ESL Admins.

Best regards,
FoaMeA, ESL Admin
oh lol, nerds getting rolled, AGAIN

add it to ur journal
u just did :D get the fuck out
this didnt change the picture i had of this "drama"

you took squall
jari took codelust

you lost, you mad

its esl 2nd league, wtf are you whining about
its diff, it shows how diff it really is, or how WEAK jari really is.
you want to win something but you cant put up with the big boys.
so go back to thinking you are high skileld cause u won some scrims.
i can play vs anyone : DD
& No im not highskill, yet :D
big boys from 1st league playing for them? I think u should really consider reading whole thing before trying to be smart here and with such useless replys.
im not gonna judge who was right to get mercs and who wasnt.
all im gonna say is that he considers himself high skilled (or so his irc posts suggest) and then starts whining about having to face too strong players.
1st div 2nd div who gives a shit?
pressed F3? face the consequences
im not whining about facing better oppo i had a grate time playing them, even enjoyed it, wasnt really that hard of a game, and no i do not consider myself a highskilled player even if i can more then decent vs the best players et has to offer atm.
While I am pretty sure that you would win vs their normal lineup, I think this chainreaction is the fault of broken rules, even if the purpose was to bring more activity. In hindsight, was taking him not a bit counterproductive?
why? its not like squall on his own can decide the whole game, yeah ofc he plays better then us but i dont see whats wrong with taking such a skilled merc for a game.
There is not much wrong with taking a skilled merc, and one player does not decide the game, but as I said it was all the fault of the weird rules that any of the new players was even allowed to play. Captain obvious just saying: if you had taken a merc with credentials equal to the one you replaced you would not have had to face a whole other team, and probably won.

But then again... taking more skilled merc/s JUST for final is not exactly right.
squall said the same thing :D didnt knew fins wer so scared about squall Xd
Its not them who showed fear in a first place...
what do you mean :D did u even read?
I have a foggy idea of what happend and from my point of view you were just scared to find someone equal to your skill so you took squall. They just replied with same card, you got what you deserved, mongols...
nope, we didnt had a 6th had to find a merc, they had their full lineup ready but they got 4 diff players.
dont give a shit if you had 6th or not, they could have pulled their cables out as well and they wouldnt have players either. It doesnt change a thing, its not a reason to replace one of your own with someone totally way out ur league
why wouldnt i replace my skilled teammate with a skilled player. im sure our 6th would do a better job then squall did, since he is not really used playing with us.... thats why i took a skilled 6th, to atleast have aim if not teamwork. dumb man so dumb.
unless he was filling in as rifle, I cant see any of you being better than squall no matter where you put him.
this is christmas man, we won't read your shit
Ta gueule et réponds
"Working at Carrefour's callcenter is harder than your studies"

Ffs private logs ban :SSS
pouvais pas garder une connerie pareille pour moi tout seul :D
wait a moment,goku works for carrefour :D?
still better then workless u gipsy
red triangle

can u spell that?
raped by #jari.et

seems someone finally listen to me, wonder how all this big mouth gonna play at sunday :p
yesteday i burn squall becouse he dont think
tl;dr version pls
Quotelong story short
Jari had its full lineup online (Not olba & co) but the team was 2 scared to play us so they added 4 players to their team just moments be4 the match
Let's all try and be friends and just split the winnings? There is plenty to go around.
soz this is not ec

It's not EC, it's not NC, it's not even 1st Division and it's certainly not LAN. Why the fuck do you care so much?

It makes me very upset that video games are the only thing you have to succeed in, which you still can't do.
First oppurtunity to win something for both sides. Seareal gaming.

Pun intended.
good 1 dude :D
chill dude :P
oh no you're the legend here, cewage are the joke
Well you getting a player WAY out of your league isn't normal either.
they should pick you,perfect choice,pefect team
retards united
You seem to be upset with me, is it because of your /!\ ? And still worse than I am?
wp jari, nice win.
wp players with jari tag, nice win. *

stfu, if needed bF will serve for JARI.ET
xD shouldnt be that much of a problem taking on bF :D
xD, its 2012 & your in some fucking second league.
just because i choose to play it, we could easily got into 1st, i did chose 2nd just because we should prac abit more, now when esl is finished i have one thing to say cu in premier
nice buuuuuuuuuurn
haha :D
We will see a sunday /case closed
Serves you right.
too many journals have been made already regarding this topic
Quotebut if i wer them and if i would do that, i would never come online again, soooooo embarrassing to them what they did XD

seriously, get a fuckin life :XD
i am talking abut life right there

whats the matter polak, cant understand english ?
Im suprised bAnga hasnt stood up for you yet, usually retards stand for each other
Im surprised how nerd this guy is. I thought he is such using low wit as a trolling weapon but...... he has written hundreds, if not thousands, words because of some silly match. Where does he find all that energy?

Quote by tristieWhy the fuck do you care so much?
no, it's just jari.et being ubermad over the thing and cwg just laughing their asses off
u forgot the part where cwg promised squall 50euros if they win

yeah, i did not include the part where all of us win money if we win any cups. since it doesnt rly matter :D
image: OperaInternetSeriousBusiness

what you're saying here prooves one thing:

cwg is a piece of shit clan hated by 90 % of community and it has to play to get skilled folks to play for them
jari.et is liked among community and finnish community is happy to help them to win over lows
We will see that on the rematch with real line ups wont we?
depends wether jari wants to play, they've hardly played ET during the last weeks and according the rules they already won the final. I myself wouldnt play
Well then they lost, cause they wont win without "back ups"
you're prolly right as you've been playing and they havent. yet imo they'd deserve the victory as altho you both followed the rules you started the bitching (getting a carry). they were more insolent but imo your actions justified their's.

ofc this is coming from a person who has played with them but Im trying to be objective and unbiased about the issue
Follow the rules? We asked and the admins accepted. We couldnt afford to play with our main line-up and they could. Maybe if they only got 1 merc i didnt care. But this is just a childish action.
was rather childish to take squall altho you could've taken quite many med+ guys :) the guys you asked are way over your level :D
Choice of seareal not mine if we used backup squaze it was mabye not this drama. I agree
well of course noone would've complained nor used any mercs if you used him :D trust me.

can you now see how seareal is doing harm to everyone around him?
Well ye, but found rather amusing how jari reacts :-)
I believe the feelings are mutual :D makes me sad I wasnt around when this drama took place :(
your an idiot u know that? we would much rather play with btw then squall :D but he was offline

cant say the same about ur team, watching ettv, even the ettv viewers wer flaming them LoL

now i get this one : Fintard
you're stupid, everyone knows that
no you didnt get me, its like this

For every game we win, we get money.

& Jari had the chance to win money aswell but they had to fuck us over and they lost more then just a game :D the best manager ET has to offer NorwayMummy
known cheater spraying hs all over the place, you think hes a better manager than lets say, Homer? , i think your a dilusional self obsessed idiot who has no clue about anything in general, you need to jump off a cliff you sad act pathetic little worm
Mummy was nice manager yes. Provided us a server, ts and promised us 50e everyone for every tournament victory, then sunday he said we wouldnt get anything unless we have proof he told us we get the money if won. Then for a millionth time none agreed on playing both games on sunday, ur proof was just pic of choosing maps. (even u should finally get it). If we came from lowers and u from uppers I bet after worst game of ur lives u wouldnt have wanted to go for second game right away. Tomi told us we would play final in thursday, none cared and we didnt prac much or anything. Then we find out u will use squall as merc so we stroke back, u willingly started the game on the server, u lost the game, admins didnt whine about our players. If esl has a loophole like that and u have already used it why wouldnt we?? + WE ARE NOT GOING TO PLAY ANY GAME ON SUNDAY CUZ JARI ALREADY WON CWG ON THURSDAY.
to seareal: if u havent noticed 90% of etscene thinks ure a retard (10% that dont are either ur clanmates or ur relatives) so can u stop with ur neverending shit and false accuses.
2bad now you lost it
how come? cuz where I was standing jari won, both had mercs admins didnt whine and u pressed f3.
That is the loop, u lost
u didnt won shit, neither did jari, only some skilled mercs won that match, game being canceled due to breaking rules of adding players from higher league, deal with it and play the rematch with ur own ppl, else loose it.
Fuck ET, I wanna shoutcast a real fight between these guys.
U pay the trip :D
I dont think jari-folks would like to beat up bunch of 16-18yos and a grandpa
Who's the grandpa? :o
Quotebut at the offi time, the 4players wer replaced by some skilled fins, and no i am not whining

image: 1291131680_two-thumbs-up
Quoteah, lemme add just one thing, jari has to be feeling so bad now :D

Yes, you seem really mentally stable yourself at this moment. :D
wth is your problem? your e-ego is way above your real brain capacities. spending that much care in a 2nd div final is just embarrassing. but tbh i didnt expect anything else from a retard like you.
on a sidenote... why the hell you HAVE to take a HIGH merc at all? there surely were enough even skilled players avi, but you just needed a carry - its as simple as that. and as long as jaris new added players werent listed as not allowed to play, everything is fine.
cry me a river bitch
i think ur right
GL Jari on sunday.

e: for all retards, who think match should not be replayed, here:



JARI played with TOTAL different 4 people in team.
Good is now with us :D. He knows what retards ar
obviously, being a retard himself i'm not surprised he's playing with you.
yes retard of the year 2011 =) + Age: 14 ( 5 July 1997 ) = image: cup_goldBeing seareal's bro
what? did they really play with 4 different players? :O
just give me my ettv winnings back ;/
I am very dissapoint with ESL
Too bad we can't sticky journals.
but could be a good idea :)
ye havnt seen such a whine for ages on CF >:D
biggest drama in 2012 so far. I guess there are some sick prizes that you want this win so bad :'D
Nerd like u dont have any honor :D
Says the guy that cant win by himself, gl with forfeit
what forfeit ?
I bet you wont play the rematch do you
cheaters talking about honor, LOL
if you were any good you'd be able to beat them with or without those players.
i must admit, usually the fins are quite well spoken and generally know what their on about, but how can you justify 1 merc on the opposite team(who is alot better yes) by getting 3 players that are totally out of your league, doesnt this just make everybody look like total retards or is it just me.. you lot need to get a life :/
I seriously find all this so called drama laughable, especially considering stuff like this happens all the time. And as long as it's within the rules, fucking deal with it....

I'm pretty sure it's happened to about 80% of the players on crossfire, i know it's happened to me and who gives a crap, at least you can say you lost to a better team right?
tell em xo, tell em !
these guys all mad cuz bigbeats would roll them all!
can i pls join cwg cause outlaw hates me so is only natural we try to solve things between us,also ppl saying i m retard same as banga and seareal so is only natural 2 retards to be in same team,also i think with me the team will have a better manager and is chances that we gonna be e famous and most hated team in et history.

ps.plus i hate most of the fintards comunity,the nazi krp,and the lowers as well

write me back,

dafuq did you just wrote
wtf is wrong with you, you retard level is now over 9000
i m the only 1 that can save your punk ass right now,admit it
ur brains re really fked up to the max..
U would fit perfect to that team :)
hazz cant play with broken pc.. so is it ok we take a merc?? (tru story)
hahah it was ok yesterday :DD
wasnt, he came to irc with laptop to tell his pc is broken
haha, I guess these fins are so eager to win that they will get some highskillers to their houses and let them play at their computer ;p
sounds like a good idea
You just got the taste of your own medicine.

you took 1
they took 4 to teach you a lesson

don´t really see a problem with that

but of course you should replay it with the "normal" lineups since its indeed a cup/league final if that is possible
how did we fuck u up 3 times? curious
Fucking hell. I really want to shit on your face cause you are so fucking retarded

tikej and btw, maybe its time that you leave this team. Cwg is most retarded team i've seen in ET history
shhh let the whine flow :D
as a spectator I rly enjoy this kind of arguing. And personally I have nothing against jari guys :P
we play on sunday against jari guys, be online time to rape.
I'll be! Time to show them whos the boss :D
i know but seareal alone makes cwg the most retarded team in ET history
i agree, he is pretty much retarded, cant stand him....

btw do you know him? :O
Karma is a bitch.

You take 1 merc, they take the maffia.
Cannot win will not win bye-bye-bye.

2bad jari is scared with own line-up therefore they will forfeit in real final

fuck u low shit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fucking moron
/!\ You're low shit :)
low, retarded and poor, worst combination ever
I'm fascinated with crossfire users short term memory or you just don't care, but lets go back into the past shall we.

The person behind CWG is known for buying ET bot for his team players back when people gave a fuck about cheaters. So you can assume nothing has changed and yet i see people associating with them.

So who dares to explain why you do so.
You got any proof that im buying shitbot(etbot) to my players ?
Sometimes, proofs are not needed, people just know it.
When have i ever been a postman ?
Well, you were a glorified Postman. Hahaha :P PATHETIC. You're like 40 and still playing VIDEO GAMES MARKETED TO TEENAGERS...



Posted from iPhone 4s
i know alot of older then 40yr old players who play competitivly almost everyday, not like mummy who playes every now and then just for fun when he is bored.

ur a piece of shit u know that? didnt ur mother teach u anything about respect? u cant go around talking like that to ppl, u might get killed someday.
You lost in the final lol
nope :D finals will be played in 4days.
Just so you can lose again?
we'r actually planing on wining it esl 2nd div and OC premier.
Quotesince we agreed on playing both of the games on sunday (the game they rage quited)
We didnt agree to play both games on sunday :D I dont know why are u always saying that. Here is the "proof" u provided to the ESL admins http://mumiene.no/esl/jarifinalproof.jpg

Quote then suddenly tomi comes up with some bullshit that himself and mummy agreed on playing the match yesterday..
Me Mummy and Foamea talked in #jari.et after first match and agreed to play thursday 21:30cet http://www.upload.ee/image/2168260/tomi_has_big_dick.JPG

Quote jari fuckd us up for the 3rd time and then what?

Can u tell me about those fuck ups ?

Quote but the team was 2 scared to play us so they added 4 players to their team
We would have played with normal lineup but when we saw u took squall we had to react. Asked around what should I do and then we came up with nice comeback.

QuoteAnd no jari im not talking to you, you play as shit. the ppl u got to play this war instead of you did a way better job then u ever did against us

U are just butthurt that u couldnt get pocal. Unless u are braindamaged u should remember that we have raped u in spawn like 69 times :)

Summa summarum: U took squall thinking he is going to carry u to victory but u didnt remember that u are playing agaisnt much more smarter ppl. We won the match. Admins were on the server so dont know why this match is rescheduled. U are just mad cos u cant win anything in this game. Even playing with squall and trying to win :)
First of all, you were all online, while one of CWG's wasn't.
So, they found someone to play. So what? YOU REPLACED WHOLE TEAM, 5 MINS BE4 OFFI, AND NOT UR REAL BACKUP.

GTFO. Jari gay
cry more, makes me feel really good that u took so much time to lie that much (the whole cwg team is laughing at u at ts)
plz tell me about those lies :D and im not mad u are :)
me mad? im having the best day in my life :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

u guys r getting so much rolled, and whats the best part of it, u have to play us again XD u dont even wanna know how bad u gonna get raped :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
why cant u tell me about those lies u are talking about :D ? just spamming smileys which shows how mad u were yesterday and now when esl admins have swept ur bitter tears u are happier than ever :) pretty much shows how serious u take this game :P
im amused because, u got what u deserv :D CEWEGE RAPE IN YA FACE
why cant u tell me about those lies u are talking about :D ?
why would i tell u what u already know :D
I dont know :) why cant u tell? maybe cos I didnt lie at all :D
and u didnt rage quit vs us in finals on ettv, right
watch replay again :) we said next final will be played other day and then quited :) wouldnt count that as a ragequit. Can u tell me more about my "lies" ?
:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD pls more excuses :D stop replying to me maybie haha XD
just watch it :D u will be amused
.ff to the part when u ragequited, amused werry much ha ha ha
so u saw we didnt ragequit :D must be too hard for u to undestand :D
No one gives a fuck about your stupid 2nd league els match you fucking idiot
isnt mummy known for one thing only, cheating?? :SS
Mr Funny ?

1 Get proof ?
2 Im spec
det er det jeg har hørt ass
English plz ?
stig, 40, norway. Should be able to understand your own language?
Yee but you need to talk english so rest of pepole understand you
wow. Okay, what I said is what I have heard.
But do you got any proof ?

And plz tell me how the f i can cheat in a game im not playing
Idk, its what I have heard. And I believe you have been banned from several things? I dont really care anymore though.
Banned ? i havnet been ban on CB
but other places? and for what? i mean, I saw someone else here write that you have given out hacks or something. People usually dont get such rumors on them for no reason.
he got banned on crossfire, because admins tought it was him who hacked crossfire :DDDDD
I havnet been banned on CB for cheating but i got banned on CF since they belived i hacket CF And yawn ,But thats have been proven that i didnt do it buy snuble from team NO.

Someone else faked me and got me banned just asked snuble.

So i have to ask you again.

seriously, how old are you?
He is 40 or something. This is his garbage transport company - http://www.askoybudservice.no/
its not garbage though, but still hahahahahahha :D:D:DD
losing is a shit part of life. you get to a final, you play with the 6 guys that got you to that final. if you lose, you suck it up, say "gg wp" and get onto the next cup to try to do better and win this time with the same 6 guys you had before, you change tacs, prac hard, play longer and better, this time, you win.

THIS is a victory.

You get mad, act cool, take 4 people that play for another clan, just to win a final, youve lost, even if you've won, cos its just gay. you cant deny the gay fact has occured, as your actions instilled this gayness.

THIS is a loss.

ET / RTCW used to have standards, it doesnt now, thats why so many good players left. its just a shitfest now. its just so many angry kids trying to outgay more angry kids. attempts at "trolling", trying to look less gay than the gay fuck that made you look gay to try and be less gay, but failing at being straight.

shit midskill laggers, camping for a backrape kill - in a clan match or final - then thinking this makes them pro....this, THIS is whats killing ET. the game we all love, and love to hate. The way the game is played. its a game ruled by the cool, the less gay, the ex-busted players who are now highskill (in their eyes anyway), the skilled @ rape/ spam/ rifle/ mines players. think, whens the last time you had a REAL 1 v 1 in a clan match or cup game? never happens does it. and why? cos you're gay and midskill. but you like to think youre straight and highskill. youre not. sorry.

ive played et for as long as its been around. ive played against and with the true greats. theeta,raziel, redcross, butchji, azatej, maus,ross,sqzz, etc etc etc. the list goes on and on...these players have skill, they dont need to be gay to get kills, theyre just killers, the elite, the best of the best, and sad though it may be, this game and its new players have made them leave due to their utter faggotry. cheating, lagging and being from poland.

choose life.
QuoteYou get mad, act cool, take 4 people that play for another clan, just to win a final, youve lost, even if you've won, cos its just gay. you cant deny the gay fact has occured, as your actions instilled this gayness.
quess u missed the whole point here :) cwg took squall so we made counter attack and too 4 highskillers to fuck them up :) imo was pretty successful troll. cwg was mad as hell + we had a great time loling at ettv :)
but they trolled us pretty hard, i mean they fucked us up pretty hard right?
u are pretty confident :)
confident? u dont stand a chance lol.. its not even a challange. even ur 4highskilled player had a hard time wining us :D

YOU missed the point.

IF you had let them take squall....played hard, and won.....you would have had a pocal so worth winning. your team would have been brilliant in my eyes and many others.. i would have followed you on ETTV, private passwords for bio, you would have had ET RESPECT


you followed the gayness already played by CWG, in fact no, you multiplied their gayness x 4. you played 4 fin guys (who still only just won supply by the way) who were obviously well above CWG's skill level, trying to make some cool and brave point . you call it trolling, i call it gayasfuckness.

If you had played like REAL MEN, real ET players, and won, or even got beaten by a close margin, you would have had that treasured thing in ET. Real respect. you played like bitches, got 4 mercs and looked like bitches, not only on ETTV, but to the entire gaming world. to me , youll always be just a bitch, but in your eyes....youre a bitch with a pocal.
dont rly care how i look in ur eyes :D still think it was fun and not gonna regret anything :)
and that, sadly, is why you will live your entire life as a bitch :*(
haha :D I dont believe u
This is how JARI Behaves
happily cwg acts real mature
laughing at others is not immature, its fucking funnnnnnnn
being retard must be fun too :D atleast watching u raging over internet is fun
toMii replied to your comment Crossfire 17 Mar 12, 04:38
toMii replied to your comment Crossfire 17 Mar 12, 04:36
toMii replied to your comment Crossfire 17 Mar 12, 04:30
toMii replied to your comment Crossfire 17 Mar 12, 04:17
toMii replied to your comment Crossfire 17 Mar 12, 04:13
toMii replied to your comment Crossfire 17 Mar 12, 04:04
toMii replied to your comment Crossfire 17 Mar 12, 03:42
toMii replied to your comment Crossfire 17 Mar 12, 03:08

too bad i delited the rest of my inbox :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD whathefuck u doin replying to me so much cant u just shut the fuck up XD i mean arent u atleast a litle embaressed by what u did? XDDDDDDD

e: Me raging? im having a blast XD
why would i be embaressed :D ? u are the one talking bs here :)
talking? im the one laughing at every single comment,im the one who keeps replying to ur every single comment :D just to remind u how funny u actualy are :D

this is better then 9gag, soz u are better then 9gag*
u are making things up and being mad :D and when i come up with true facts u just call me mad etc. u are trying to act cool even if everyone here knows retard
everyone? : ) i think u think my name is tomi but i think to think u think think no
seems like thinking doesnt fit for u :D
u just proved my point :)
pinpoint the point of the point of the points, to point out, ur dumb as fuck oink.
"haha :D I dont believe u "

THIS is how a lifelong bitch would reply tbh.
:D u must rly feel bad inside u
man stop replying xD srsly im getting almost bored by you already :D i think the whole cf is laughing on ur expense :D
i think most of cf is laughing at cwg and specially for u :D
cant you see how much my dissapointment in you hurts me?

you had a chance to be ET legends, but you chose to be ET bitches.....

you chose to sit on ETTV and "laugh", while guys that never , ever played for your clan won some weird final of some weird ESL cup? and you think thats ok?

you could have been hero's man....instead, you are all zero's.

i do feel bad inside, bad for the loss to the et scene today from your entire country hiding in spawn while getting raped so badly from the UK. my sympathies.
tune in on sunday when the finals are replayed :D their normal lineup will be foreced to play :XD

i hope spawnkilling is allowed :$
This wont make me happy.

your team are fucking lowskill too. you missed my entire point .

THEY had a chance to show some real balls, play against bad odds , against a team who were bound to win, a team who took squall to make sure they won. but they didnt....they shit their pants and are just as lowskill, if not lower than your shit clan and got 4 dummy's to help them win NOTHING. they won something that no-one gave a fuck about.....

sheesh. my whole point is. PLAY better, youre poop. prac hard, go pro. stop cheating cos youre shit. or at least pay for a bot thats undetected you cheap polak scoundrels.

in all honesty, i could not give one fuck. you're all shit, im pro. +1 oneone111

goonsquad forever.
we play better then the last month! im sure alot of guys will be surprised by us in oc prem.

yeah we took squall : ))) hes amazing isnt he?
the only suprise you could ever give me , is if your mum showed me her penis.and even that would not be that suprising.... if you think you could show me a suprise with your skill...well, i could pick 5 randoms off a public server and beat your clan, using no comms and tacs.

ETTV that motherfucker.
5? oh u mean u + 5 of theM :D

well that was Almost, a nice idk what to call it? insult maybie, but insult is a way to hard word for that :D

since u know ur messing around and enjoying urself, the same thing im doing with tomi downstairs and upstairs, poor kid.
i meant ANY 5 randoms off any et server, but ok, take it as you will.

SEE, et players nowadays cant even take a good bit of "in yo face motherfucker" challenge.... sigh.

wheres baggiez when you need him.
i dont get it why ppl think taking squall was an advantage, he never played with us didnt even knew our tactics, it was fuckdup, ofc he played good hes squall ffs but we could do way better with our main man then with squall

ofc we did worse, then fins reply with geting a diff team to face us :D i dont get it, dont they got any selfesteem, maybie they tought it will be funny or smthn, cuz it sure as hell is for us now when we got the esl pocal :D

yeah offtopic its 4in the morning and im off to bed, cyuz< 3
thats what they dont understand, thats why we cewege's are laughing but theyr calling us mad XD
we dont take this serious like u :D
Quote: toMi
When the groups came out I lolled. I saw instantly that we are going to win without trouble. So far we haven't lost a single round and Im sure we will bash cwg in sunday. I dont know what ESL nerd admins thought when they made groups, and placed jari for 3rd. CeWeGe is a good sponsor but bad team, so I was surprised that they made it so far. (Ofc they have 69 forfeits, but who counts). Outcome of this match depends how huge hangover we have. On the otherhand Sunday is not our best gaymingday, because we have just came back from fucking topmodelz and have no time to prac. Unlike CeWeGe nerds. So 4-0 for us !
imo that proves how unserious we are :D unlike u :)
thats why u let 4 ppl play ur game, cuz ur not serius right :D
idd :D cos we dont mind if others play for us :)
thnx 4 the pocal :D
u havent won anything :P we have !
u did? where?! XD i heard the match was cancled, and a new match time has ben set :D and i heard u cant make it :D that means... POCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL :D

well trolled :DDD
we won it :P ~40viewers saw that :) that was the true final no matter what happens in the future
40viewers saw codelust wining against cewege (werry close games) in a random game, with 2jari mercs that was no esl final wht the fuck r u talking about XD

idk hwo can u keep telling urself u won, u didnt even play LOL
jari used 4 backups and rolled cwg :D thats what they saw =) try get over it
bah :D they didnt win, meaning nobody got rolled, why u telling lies again tomi, dont u think to think think about consequences, u will go to hell
seemed pretty one sided game to me :) maybe u should take ur cwg classes of :D
might be cuz the golden pocal is shining to much and i cnat see :D
n1 :D but i think too much bitter tears :D
i feel the need to explain something to you.

BACKUPS would imply the 4 players were registered to your clan. due to ESL being so poo, your clan never had to register the 4 players used before the match, as CB has a 24 hour rule....minimum.

you went on irc, cried like a girl "boohoo, theyre using squall", you got 4 mugs to help your quite frankly, shit, case, and play for you...they only just won....sad really.
sad and funny, cuz the admins didnt give them the win :D
i didnt go to irc crying :D dont make things up ! i know our move wasnt the nicest one but neither was cwg:s :)
actualy ur dumb :D cewege was less strong with squall, instead of using our disadvantage, u decided to loose the finals :D
:D u must rly brainfucked if u think so :D
u must be rly mad to make so much replies :D
Im actually enjoying this :D
same here thnx for the grate laugh <3 no hard feelings bro
I wanted to +1, but then I noticed that last line :(
choose life? :P
Sry, the one befor obviously :P
ur obv one of them
OMFGits 10.15 saturday! WTF are u still fighting over the game!? You srsly have no shit of an idea what the fuck happened and clearly will never get it. Kevlar seems like a total waste of braincells eventhough theyre few. Shitreel never had them to begin with and mummy... well we all know mummy..
forgot to add.. WHO THE FUCK CARES????
All bcoz of Poland btw !
stfu lol :DDDDDD
jari didnt play with backup but with some skilled fins so :D

replay now stop arguing bout it.

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