sticked following jari's example

image: game32069

Beating the most retarded team in ET scene is always a pleasure :))

Even Norway Mummy was so mad that he tried to add his shit no delay ettv slave on the server :D but our sherlock saw that coming and trolled him back.

Also we would like to thank FinlandJari team for giving us the good example to follow.

Too bad we had to win 4-0 to qualify for the rest of #et.tourney but we did good perfs against SpaindelinQ United Kingdomencrypt and NorwayceWege so we ain't that sad :P

*** Final Ranking ***[/b]] image: 1333317797-gfhh

After match reactions :

Quote by tekiMy screen was off during the whole match !

Quote by ProvokLows with cheats.

Quote by MSHOuMy eyes are rusting...

Quote by SnatixNo Snatix, yes win !

Quote by SkynetWhere is my fried chicken bucket ?

Quote by somaNorth korea is best korea.

Quote by AmsiikZerg imba...

Good night guys, gonna party hard on ETTV since I'm a nerd according to France RAFF :S

our anthem :
well played, keep it going!
seareal lowest damage
What with mummy?
He was adding his no delay ettv slave during the whole match to get our spawtimes etc.. :D
-.- I see... gg anyway :))))
should've ez bash 4-0 for you tbh.
You have € 7490 on no ceWEge
You lost
cool story
nerds got rolled
You have € 33 on fr sticked
You won € 104.28
teki owner!
gratz! thats your first time tho :P
yes mate, GL Taichi
Good job sticked. I am very proud of you
did mshou rename during the match?
when the ban was that player ? :DDDDDDDD
Just heard that u r used to rename urself during the game if u get pwnt ;PPPppPPPpp
Ah ok , ' Just heard ' that's the reason
Or saw it ;) When I played against u
he renamed to mAushou cuz he was rolling
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