xperia skillboost reason

Seriously guys. This journal is dedicated to Netherlandsxperia. I havent been on the et scene much, due to the reason that i have been nerding LoL quite much (or atleast i considered my ingame hours pretty big number), but this guy right here, the captain of Netherlandsnc team this season has been kinda living in the world of Enemy Territory.

image: xperia_hc_gamer

1544 screenshots in 1 month (the screenshot is missing todays tzac artworks). Holy fucking shit. He has played et every day for the past month. I mean every fucking day including fridays and saturdays too. I investigated this case a little bit further and noticed that even the biggest nerds here (for example razz) cant even get close to this guy.

Im waiting for xperias comment which will hopefully include some important facts about his praccing schedule and how can he keep up with this system (sleeping pattern, what does he eat etc).

image: son-i-am-proud

Edit: a good internet m8 of mine WalesPanda just noticed a nice fact from that screenshot:
(21:27:18)(@Panda)mana` seems that he plays on average from 2pm until midnight
(21:27:33)(@mana`)holy fuck
(21:27:36)(@mana`)gonna edit journal
I have 977 total screenshots lol???????????
whats the problem?
Stalking is just as bad :D.
Playing ET daily, regularly, competitively, in 2012.

You should feel bad about yourself in every possible way.
Dedicated player.
wrong guy xd
well, disappointed much.
thanks mate, appreciated, now that you're playing with me just as much, I'm sure we can get your skill back in no-time.
prac hard go pro =)
This is nothing compared to 6 hours CP prac!
I just said same on vent :)
et was so good at that time, i miss ecw vs mm pracs/offis :'(
mental managed to get like 2500 once in a month, nothing new. still nerdy :o)
need to catch up :S u nerds all played for like 7 or 8 years, i'm still a rookie, being in my 3rd. this is my schedule till next year

what i eat : me and my keyboard warrior mates like to call it: image: Cruesli_Quaker_Balans_300dpi_nl for breakfast and lunch, then I have to step off my pc to make dinner (cuz im the unemployed one since a few months now) for me and my family. back to work fulltime within 2 months though :( but ill talk to my future boss and keep my ET schedule prior to anything, ofcourse.

sleeping pattern? who needs sleep :S

any tips or tricks u can pm me, its just been hard praccing without lagscript, so had to step it up :))))
I love u <3
codelust'squalli<3A: Nerding has paid off xperia :XD

I find it all worth it.
sleep is for weaklings
shit just got real
Beter speel je meer cod4.
echt he, ET low
Haha Domi :D
ik ctrk+f gewoon voor domi in deze journal :D
you are my new hero
lets play together when I get my mouse back, okay?

that was your first gtv can u have this skill while not having played 1 year ET?
i don't really get what you mean
its your first gtv match,u didnt play et for 1 year and istantly you play with high mates
Oh, lol, Lun4t1C is my brother. I played with all of them other guys cuz of him. ofcourse later on they became my friends too but ye, and i wasn't any good when i started, med skill ftw
Only casuals don't play games for at least 10 hours per day. I think you would be still ahead of most of the ET scene just by playing one game every day however.
howly freaking shit boy!
It's all been planned, you not being on top of your game, I'm praccing hard to take over.
:) cool dude, keeps the ET alive.
xperia is a way of living first of all

congratulations to him for keeping ET alive on his own, should be a banner of xperia somewhere on this site
this is incredible
u know its sad for his existence. but its not much better for you, browsing his ss :(
u got my respect son,now we wanna see how many hundreds of hours is mana practicing the
You just get the fuck out of this journal u subhuman faggot
stfu histerical son of the bitch ,low nazi cunt
oh my days :DDDDDDDDDD
only a positive thing imo! :)
haha seriously, how u can be THAT addicted to a game
playing ET 30 days in a row, shit I maybe dreamt of that when I was like 14 but nowadays you can only be a HUGE fucking nerd to do something like that (includes every other game, not just ET)
30 days, I remember playing every day (maybe except for holidays) for more than five years in a row. He has to catch up, let him be :')

ye but at his age i would recommend him to catch up in real life
nerds judging other nerds
he just got e-friends, no reallife at all and maybe hes a disgusting retard who never gets invited to a party... fact!

get a life u nerd... gaming wont bring u close to any reallife career :D
im pretty sure he got good by playing with casek
but if he play with casek all the time, how the fuck casek isnt good then :trollface: :DDDDD
I teach people how to become good.

Doesn't mean that i have to be good
now lets see. Picking on people who just like to play ET and checking other people tzac accounts then making such journals. It's like a blind person picking on a deaf person really. And implying he has no life on a gaming oriented site to begin with. I honestly feel sorry for you if you are doing it for fun.

If I had time I'd play ET more often too :) why not do something you like?
No need to say that, everybody messes up with everybody else, crossfire is the place where egonerd douchebags pick on other egonerd douchebags, it never changed and will ever remain the same.
just reacting to what he said. I'm saying that in general, not talking about you or the other one.
but you are nerding arent you? :p
I don't know what you're talking about
oh come on, its like busting someone with cocaine near every hole in his body and him claiming he's not a junkie :p
Are u serious? I have been nerding so fucking hard this past month its unbelievable. I aint mocking anyone who plays alot of computer, this journal was mainly for fun and xperia himself took it that way too.
161 screenshots! im nolifer
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