the norwegian terrorists trial

is today..

its in norwegian tho, so difficult for most here to understand, but the cameras does focuse on ABB several times.

what a fucked up guy.. someone should really 3hs him..
4. he is a medic with 156hp. He's not very bright. The way he acts in front of the press after killing innocent youngsters.
If he was stupid (ie. not very bright), he would have been caught in the planning stages of his operation, e.g. when obtaining the components for the explosives or when obtaining the weapons. I think it's fairly safe to say that he's not stupid at all, quite the contrary.
yea if u think it that way. But it's not very bright to act like that in front of the press. how can he do the ultranatonalist sign when everyone in Norway is watching him. Like he's telling there's more to come or something like that. Not saying his IQ is bad.
I guess he really thinks (or hopes) there's more to come. Or maybe he's just going all "haters gonna hate" as there's pretty much no way his sentence is going to get any worse.
yep. Well wasn't this guy a part of some "Templar-like organization" or something like that? Maybe there really is something more to come. I wouldn't be surprised if Finland was the next victim of a mass-murder.
I think it's fairly safe to say that he's not stupid at all, quite the contrary.

dont even answer
the sound is cut every 5 secs for 10 secs it's shit.
the sound is cutting because they mute it.

Now they are reading the names of all that died.

When the sound is muted, it is because they are giving details about where they got shot, how much damage the bullets did etc. The sound is unmuted when they say the last scentense, which is for example: person A died from shots to the head.

Then next name comes up, they inform where on the island this person was.
sounds get muted: they inform about the damage done to the person:
sound gets unmuted: person b died from shot to the head.

and so on..

the newspapers doesnt feel its important for us to listen to the most horrible details.
Oki, I don't understand norvegian so I didn't know. I thought it was laggy. I hope that guy will not see the light until the last day of his life.
unfortunately, he will have a better life in our "luxury" prisons than many persons have in their normal life..
image: image-339690-galleryV9-xlcs
so odd
saw that in the morning at n24 D:
sick boy.....just hang em....
Everybody has a right to live on this world but these rights can also perish.

I would sentence him to 2 shots in the kneecaps and a nazi cross engraved in his head.
I'd remove his eye balls with a spoon
and put him naked in a little badthub with this crazy fish that tries to get into ur penis if they have the chance. I saw it on a documentary once.. its huge pain, which he deserves.
He should be stoned to death like in good old times. :')
you mean what still happens in turkey and stuff?
doesnt happen in turkey
gotta say, one sick fuck
so how many years did he get?
process will take up to 2,5 months
that will not be decided yet.. still several days before they get to that point.

and when the decision has been made, it will probably be denied by the defence, and a new trial has to been set at a "higher court".

then that decision will be denied, before a new trial at the supreme court will be done, and then the decision will be final.
oh, thought its the final one.
nope, only first trial.. so..still a long way to go, and much taxmoney to be spent on a guy that doesnt deserve anything..
hehe first day of the trial.... in about 2,5 months we know more
do they have the death penalty in Norway?
norway does not have death penalty, and they have a maximum 21 years penalty.
seems a shame. in cases like this, this cunt will live a life of luxury in some maximum security cell, probably write a book about what happened and be released a "reformed character", and make a movie.

Personally, id just put him right in with all the other criminals, see how long the tough man would last.....
thats what we all want, but unfortunately.. if we put him in with the other criminals, he will be killed instantly, which the norwegian court cant accept.

atm, he has 3 cells.. one where he sleeps, one that he has some equipment to be able to work out, and one that is his office where he can read the documents before the trial, write a book etc.

If you steal a Munch painting, you get 10 years prison, with the same standards as everyone in prison, but if you kill 100 youths, you get so much more.. kinda crazy..

He should have a tiny little room, with a hole in the ground to shit in, thats it.
He will never be let out.
no i dont think so..outlawed 1905
yep. Killing innocent youngsters instead of the government that actually decide about immigrants and multicultural thingie wingies in Norway.
the world has always been this fucked up..

i cant really care anymore..
diepe opmerking man
tja, tis helaas zo.. dr gebeurd zoveel vage shit dat ik nergens meer van sta te kijken
hang him
Are you guys seriously this naive?
what do you mean?
Quotewhat a fucked up guy.. someone should really 3hs him..
All these childish thoughts about revenge. You do realise that wanting to "put him naked in a little badthub with this crazy fish that tries to get into ur penis if they have the chance" or "remove his eye balls with a spoon" makes you absolutely no better than he is?
you are right but he should get death penalty for sure
I agree its childish, and that the thoughts of revenge is not the right way, but you gotta understand why people feel this way?

And saying im no better than him because of it...

saying im no better than a man who slaughtered a bunch of kids, who killed allmost 100 people..

I say this to you: FUCK YOU YOU LITTLE PIECE OF CUNT SHIT!!! Saying im no better than this guy.... are you fucking stupid? you say killing loads of kids and wanting to give that single dude who did that some pain is no better than the other? ur fucking retarded.

this is the last word i say to you!
This is why there is a difference between revenge and justice and this is why he should NOT be killed/raped/we.
I agree with you.. he shouldnt be harmed in any way.. the right thing to do is putting him in jail for the rest of his life.. but its not difficult to understand the wrath in peoples eyes when they look at ABB, and that many say or think that they would love to see him suffer..

im very sure however, that if I, or most others, got a chance to hurt him, we wouldnt have done it, because we know its wrong..
Yea you are right, that is the "normal reaction", the basic one that everybody will feel at some point, agree!
yeah;) just imagine if a guy raped ur daughter or girlfriend.. the fury u would feel.. the revenge you would want..

but would you actually cut his balls of if you had the chance? probably not.. cause most people arent made that way..
think its a normal reaction!!!

give him a red triangle and its ok ??

give him 20 years, spent a lot of tax money...
Quotemakes you absolutely no better than he is?

nice fucking bullshit there.

Theres a difference between thinking it and doing it. Also, theres a difference between deserving it and just be slaughtered for no reason.
he also just thought about it at first, but he actually had the balls to do it, unlike you/them

You are seriously fucking retarded you know that? Man, you're one stupid fuck
why? i never said that what he did was right, but do you have the balls to murder people?
yes i have the balls to murder people, being proven without doubt, that harmed others for no reason
The quality of arguments in this journal is rapidly approaching negative 9000.

Your arrival has contributed to this greatly.
I dont think wanting a death penalty is somewhat a negative contribution.. Also i just think alot of people are just venting their anger about what happend by describing some kind of sick punishments... i wouldnt call it naive.
That's exactly what I mean with naiveness. No matter how much you or anyone else hates or is angry at ABB, it won't change the past nor the future, especially not for the better. There's no place for emotions in justice: he will be sentenced for life in prison or a medical institute. Not because people hate him, but because it's the law.

"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." or how'd it go.
how incredible is the fact that you seem to be the only one here against the death penalty, how fucked up is that!
death penalty is not the right way to go imo.. im actually quite suprised that USA still use death penalty in some states..
USa are one big fucked up country when it comes to MANY points including death penalty, bit no one asked the American people to be bright/smart, they are simply superior, that's enough for them :>
And whys that? I agree on the death penalty if only 100% is sure who commited the crime
Death penalty is just barbaric and senseless. If there are other ways to make sure a criminal is not a threat to society, why the hell should we resort to some archaic method that satisfies nothing but an uncivilised thirst for revenge?
I dont know how things go in Finland but atleast here none of the 'make sure no threat for society' part works. If there would be a way ill be glad to throw death penalty out the window. Its not really the part of 'haha we got revenge on you' but more the part of knowing its 100% sure we re safe against him. We got some kind of.special program which helps 'sick'. Alot of time they murder someone, rape or kidnap someoen when their are on free foot for a few days.. its a bit hard to on my phone but no solid plan that works.against criminals for a long perios or time (+20 years)
Thus repeating offenders (for serious offences, not for things like speeding or fighting on the street) should get tougher and tougher penalties, until eventually they're imprisoned for life. Like if you repeat a crime that you went to prison for in the past, you'll get twice the sentence on the second offence, thrice the sentence on the third one and so forth. I recall reading on a study on this, and a person that repeats a crime six times and is punished for it every time has a 100% chance of repeating it later.

There's no need to kill anyone for anything in my opinion.

On the other hand, Crossfire, which is not known for its high-grade discussions, is probably not the optimal place to discuss forgiveness on.
What if the crime we talk about is... a murder ? or rape? In this case you value the life how a criminal more then the destroyed lifes of 6 innocent girls, or the lifes of others. Which kind of makes the system worthless since it doesnt protect society against these criminals in which death penalty does. If i remember correctly, death penalty scares of criminals more then in the NL highste given penalty lifetime (20years).
I value everyone's lives equally, and there's no way to tell whether or not someone is going to repeat their offence until someone invents a time machine. That's why capital punishment is bad, there will always be people sentenced to death who don't deserve it.
Death penalty doesn't scare more people...just look at the USA and the crime rates there, I thought that 1% of the population is doing jail time.
Besides that, death penalty is about as expensive as keeping someone in jail for 40 years or so.
Wasn't about the money - More about being more secure about safety.

off topic lol i just looked at your profile before you commented on me... :D Hehe
True about secure and safety part...Though imo purpose of prison should also be possibly re-educating people and so the current system is the least worst there is atm in the world (can still be improved a lot though!).
Also if you want to punish someone, taking one's freedom and posessions is possibly the worst thing coming close to torture you can endure for 20 years...not being able to decide for yourself where you'll go and stand, always being under control etc.
On the other hand, Crossfire, which is not known for its high-grade discussions, is probably not the optimal place to discuss forgiveness on.

such actions doenst deserve any forgiveness in any way....

give him a shot.....death in 1 minute...BB....

but thats not the reality.....too bad ;)
its such a difficult topic to have a clear stand on imo. cause of the different crimes that happends etc.. most often you feel death penalty is wrong, but from time to time, like with this ABB guy, its possible to think death penalty would be correct..
There's one rational argument in favor of inhuman torture as punishment for murder: the knowledge of the possibility of such a sentence should make it less inviting for someone to commit a crime (and get caught alive). However contrary to intuition, only the perceived certainty of punishment has an inverse relation to crime but increasing severity of punishment seems to have no effect.
props to him for standing up for what he was thinking, I'm not saying it was right but too many people are all pussy when it comes to stand up for your beliefs..


he fucking cray
How can someone be his lawyer :D
Also I heard he pleaded not guilty wtf :D
Well in his mindset he killed those people for a greater good so he thinks not guilty d'uh

I read a interview with his lawyer in a news pape, he's not really happy with it but someone has to do that job
not happy???

he is happy...he s becoming famous....its a big case
No one would be happy to defend that guy...

imo there should be as little coverage as possible of the trail because they give this Breivik guy a forum where he is able to share his thoughts which the world with was obviously planned by him.
Can't agree more. Too bad that bad news is also the best news.
honestly, he is not happy.

it was ABB who wanted him as his lawyer.

the lawyer had to use quite long time to decide what to do, and he has been acting very good..

Many of the kids that survived, has thanked the lawyer (Geir Lippestad) for the way he has handled the whole situation.
he said he admited doing the actions, but that he was not guilty.
He said it was all self-defense
ye like that cop in USA who killed a black kid holding candies and soda, self-defense :D
What did they say about Blizzard Entertainment Videospele? :D
ABB played WOW fulltime from the summer of 06 to the summer of 07.

He said WOW was his martyr-gift.

then the laywer talks about what WOW is, and how it works out. how many that plays etc.
now the highest level is 85 he say.

one of ABBs "figures" had the name: Justicar Andersnordic
now they used 10 minutes talking about World of Warcraft..

ABB played WOW fulltime for 1 year.
How is that relevant to the murdering? Do they try to blame vydiagaems?
ye thats how "welfare countries" deal with this kind of things. VIDEO GAMES ARE THE REASON.
stupid imo.. but yeah, thats often the way they see things..
earlier he has also stated that he played MW2 (shooting civilians at the airport) to make himself stronger before doing it in real life.
he used steroids to be stronger and mw2 just to "practise massacre" (just like that airport part at mw2)

as far i know.
yeah, thats what I ment about "making himself stronger".. not muscles, but stronger minded to make sure he managed to kill those civilians:)

and true that he also used steroids.
The pics of this farm or what ever showing is that where he lived?

he also played age of conan lulz?
he rented a farm the last year or two, to have a place he could build the bomb.
now they will show the bomb!!!

edit: my bad: it was a propaganda movie made by ABB that they are showing in court, and the media refuse to show it.
why are you calling him abb ?

the fug that video is just showing a street or is there going to happen something
Anders Behring Breivik is his full name
read my edit plx

I thought it was just Anders Breivik
its a 12 minute long video made by ABB that is propaganda for what he believes in.

VGTV has decided that they do not want to show this because it will help spreading his thoughts. on the other hand show it, but its cencored.
Thanks for the update snuble! Pretty interesting, and its cool that you "translate" it cuz I dont understand fuck about what theyre saying and Im in school so I cant watch it anyways :o]
np mate. I guess its quite interesting for many to see what will happen in this trial..

now they showed the 12 minute movie made by ABB.. which ended with some ideas on what europe should do to stop the growth of islam in europe..

ABB started crying at the end of the movie, he became very emotional when seeing the movie he made him self.. not sad, but more crying of proud..
This guy is a freak. I guess alot of doctors would like to see whats going on in his mind :p I know I would if I was one
So you'd only want to know what's going on in his head if you were a doctor? That makes a lot of sense man.
Im quite sure you understand what he means..

its more likely he would have got anything out from getting into his head if he was a doctor.. however, he is mostly just as interested in knowing now even if he is not a doctor..

wasnt that hard to understand imo:)
Yeah, thanks for clearing that up aswell :p
Two independent psychiatrists has each made an analysis of him for the lawsuit. One claiming that he was suffering from schizophrenia and was not legally sane when he did the attack, the other claimed that he was quite sane while doing this.

So yeah.
He started to cry when they showed his propaganda movie before lunch break. Supposedly the first time he has been emotional. He didn't seem to be affected at all when the court listed up the victims and described the actions.
Also, why is this thing recorded? Welcome to America or what...
its recorded because his actions had such a major impact on the norwegian people.. and all over the world..

Because of this, the court has decided that everyone has the right to follow this.. the only part they are not allowed to record is when ABB will speak his speach of defence.. because this is propaganda that they dont want people to listen to.. cause there are others out there in the world that are just as sick as ABB and can do the same thing if they get triggered the right way.
I still feel like it is a biased way of doing things. In France, journalists can only quote the debates afterwards and they are only able to draw pictures of the court, the people, etc. Knowing there is TV watching you will make you say things in a different way, etc. It's also about decency I think, justice should not be such a public matter (not trying to go against you everytime, eh, just debating some points ^^)
its good to have a debate:)

and btw, not all my words are my thoughts.. what I mentioned above is just a answer to why its shown on TV.. why the court allowed it. I just said what has been said in the norwegian newspapers so that you could see WHY he was on tv:)
pretty interesting shit
yep thats the problem.... mediahype!!! next month there will be another ABB becouse he need attention...
oh god i hope not:/
nothing you or anyone else can do except waiting till it happens
well mediahype aswell but this is whole thing is so fuckin bizarre. from start to finish. almost like from a movie or sumthing, too perfect and theres always something new to come up.

well ABB plans worked out well....

so sick but on the other hand interesting...
Care. Its my birthday!
happy bday.

men føler ikke helt at din "care" er på sin plass her..
now the court is playing a phonecall between a young girl and the police.

in the background you can hear lots of shooting.

10 people was killed nearby this girl during the 3 minute long phonecall with the police.

ps: the viewers can not hear this, as this has been taken away from what the media is allowed to show.. we see the look on ABBs face while the call is beeing played, but we can not hear sound from the room.

edit: worth to mention that ABB does not show any kind of anger, sadness or nothing during the playing of this phonecall.
exactly why slow and painful executions should be legal
we had a discussion on with blindim8

the best punishment: lock him in a small room with nothing. the room should be total soundproof (ppl cant be in this kind of room more than 30mins, because their brains are used to some kind of noises and stuff. ofc your brain can adapt to this kind of situation by time but still). drop him some shit food twice a day and let him live there with his sick mind for rest of his pathetic life

no physical violence needed

blindi/sample masterminds over n out

that picture was taken by the Delta force when they arrested him.
Justin Bieber 24/7 instead of soundproof and its perfect.
They should send him to Afghan!
Human life is worth of ~500e. Do simple math, pay the fine and let him free.
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