Well done Haters

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Lionel Messi couldn't escape the swarming Real Madrid midfield, as Jose Mourinho's game plan was played to perfection....

Love Cristiano Ronaldo or hate him image: cristiano-ronaldo-nereida-gallardo-08 the guy’s talent at putting the ball in the net is some of the best, if not the best, in the world. And during the 73rd minute of his Real Madrid’s El Clasico matchup with Barcelona, Ronaldo gave us the latest reminder of this. With the match tied at 1 and a near-clinching of the La Liga title on the line, Ronaldo found himself with the ball. He knew what to do from there:

the goal wasnt any special.
just a big mistake of valdes, just like at the 1st goal.
lol? That was first class finishing!
haters gonna hate...

CR7 » Messi

Mourinho » Guardiola
messi: > 60 goals in all competitions
ronaldo: < 60 goals in all competitions
mourinho: 1 win out of 9 games against barcelona

yeah you are right ":D"
stop crying CR7 - 67 GOALS , MESSI - 70 GOALS this season

pichici CR7 - 42 , MESSI - 41
yeah 1 goal difference in la liga, like that wouldnt change in the upcoming matches
I'm a born and bred Manchester United fan, and I rarely watch football. I watched the game tonight and I came up with this conclusion: Ronaldo is a cunt.
calm calm calm
If you really were what you said, then you would NEVER say that about ronaldo. Ronaldo gave so much to MANU that a real (not a fake one) supporter wouldn't even think about saying something negative about him..
I'm an absolute Real Madrid fan and I have actually NO problem at all to say that he is a cunt cause he obviously is one.
so everybody can flame or do whatever they want but if ronaldo does the same then everyone is complaining and hating ? wtf ?
they jelly as fuck
No, according to me, 90% of football players are cunts. I'm flaming Ronaldo but I could flame any of the Real players
you could also flame 90% of barcelona...
well absloute real fan, ur beloved team wouldn't be winning la liga without Ronaldo.
So what? What is your point lol
well. just saying u should give ronaldo some credit. ur shitty team is really so bad that w/o Ronaldo you would be crying atm.
Well you didn't understand what I meant. I never say Ronaldo was a bad player. He is absolutely brilliant and I thank him as a player for what he's doing for Madrid. I despise him as a person and I think he is a cunt as a person but an exceptionnal football player.
oh well sry ma bad :D:D
Great player but i've never seen someone so stupidly arrogant on a football field about being an athlete.
the chick look weird!!!
good song
Seriously Ronaldo sucks so fucking hard, and I will get whine after this post but I dont care. Messi is talent, Ronaldo is just trained.
this comment just makes you look stupid at a level no-one has ever reached before.. xD
Ronaldo is a great player, just bad attitude which makes him not like-able at all. And i really agree on the last part of what you've said.. Ronaldo plays like he's been playing football since he could walk and since then 24/7 on the pitch, and Messi plays like he's really enjoying it and looks more like talent to me aswell.
Klopt, het was ook een kansloze comment van me. Maar vind Messi toch wel leuker om te zien hoor. Maar Real Madrid moet ook niet doen of ze beste zijn. Vind ze zo en dan rampzalig spelen, maar voor Mourinho telt 1 ding en dat is winst. De rest doet er niet aan toe.
I don't really get the whine about Ronaldo all the time, he might be arrogant, so what? He's a great player. Seems like some people are jealous as fuck of him.
We're all morons if we think that the natural ability to kick a ball of air around a field is more credible than being an astrophysicist. World is backwards, man.
Depends, but for the majority of people watching somebody as talented as him playing football gives them more than some boring knowledge about astrophysics - including myself.
He's like, calm the fuck down guys, I got this. Hehe, funny :p

He's an ass, but a really gifted footballer.
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