Presidental elections in France

Hello fellow crossies,
I wanted to know what you hear (if you even do) about the presidental elections that are running in France at the moment.
Are people in your country slightly interested in the event? What is the role of the media? Do they speak much about it, etc.
This website lacks political content ;)

Serious answers expected

inb4 France StrAf and BelgiumDiNg posting racist and irrelevant comments.
well, they are cos your actual president got good relations with romania :)
just some casual talking at talkshows and some grandmas/grandpas discussions in a park on a bench :D nothing more
la france forte !
"we" don't talk about it at all. it's in the media occasionally, though not quite. not who's going to win or who's even attending (afaik). but to be fair, i'm not really interested in it anyway.

politics in general, yes. french politics, not really.

and yes, this site lacks political content indeed.
image: Bitch-please-Kopie-300x238

there is every day at least one article about the presidential elections on spiegel online
that's one part of our media, and a not so major one afaik. sure it's popular to some extent, though still only a fraction nonetheless.
but tbh, even if there was alot about it just about everywhere about it, i might probably have skipped it subconsciously, since i really don't care that much about it. already since it's with the french government just like with any other modern democracy nowadays aswell, they don't make that much of an impact, not to their country and definitely not to ours. at least it's been this way so far for a while now (still waiting for "smaller parties" to take over at some point to surprise and prove that there's still a bit of reason left in the system) :/
QuoteThis website lacks political content

You make it sound like it is something bad :s
Dunno, I know the shit side of politics but it's always good to discuss something serious with people coming from different countries and thus having different ways of thinking. Changes from the LoL journals et CwG recruiting posts
I would like Sarkozy to win so that he introduces the tobin tax and the entire french finance industry moves to London.
i wanted le pen to win.. taxes would be lower or non existent anymore and english industry would moove to Paris :p
Whaf about a poll
"Sarkozy or Hollande as next French president?"
a tobin tax would destroy any nation that adopts it's hope of being a financial center.
If you post a serious topic as a journal you are going to have a bad time, go for forum topic next time so it can be moderated more strictly.
No, we dont give a shit about politics
whats the status atm? i hope the right winged loses
hey oriol m8
sup splth:) u had your sex change it seems?:) now u have boobs irl and shit?
Yea they should lose if everything goes "as expected" even though they do anything to attract some more voters.
Yeh ive just read about it. In spain the right winged won, never trust this people, right winged people is the most greedy, elitist and lying people there is. Their promise was "there is gna be more jobs" and "we will not touch the public education and sanity(or whatever is called in english) first thing they did was touching these 2 and taking money off them which resulted in a shitter country and less jobs than EVER.

Funniest shit is that they took millions out of public education etc and not a single dime out of the money for the christain church and only 0.2 for this elephant killer dumbfuck king we have. really this people makes me wanna kill.
I feel you! I also heard that he promised not to increase taxes and a few weeks after he was elected, Rajoy decided to increase them. Making fool of the people, much, eh?
yeh and yet there is ppl who still likes him. right winged followers are as dumb as religion followers so unbiased and so loyal its incredible.
Hopefully Hollande won't win, I feel bad for France if they once again get a socialiste to rule the country.

Or should I say destroy?
The country is already being damaged by our actual president tbh. People don't expect much from Hollande but they just can't stand Sarkozy anymore. But Hollande received many supports from economists and foreign high ranked European representatives so it would not necessary be such a bad thing after all
Socialists are parasites. Hope you enjoy another 2005 with a socialist president.
Okayyyy, I see your vision is quite biased from the start. Nothing to discuss here then :/
My eyes are open, I'm waiting for yours to follow.
Well "Socialists are parasites" means basically nothing. Just a random catch-phrase tbh.
You're young, I still have hope :-)
He's right.

Too many socialists in wallonia => too many lazy people, strangers, welfare recipients => decline.
Replace Wallonia with whatever you want.

We need a New Labour Party (if I could i'd suck Blair's dick) with decisions both coming from the left and the right.
va bosser et ferme ta gueule feignasse
Tu es bien poli toi, tes probables manques d'éducation et de savoir vivre débordent sur ta manière de t'exprimer.
Tu es petit.
Même pas tu relèves le sarcasme, t'es encore pire que ce que je croyais.
Et arrête de me parler comme si t'avais 2 fois mon age à mon avis c'est l'inverse.
L'âge importe peu dans ce genre de situations dans lesquelles le développement intellectuel personnel prend rapidement le dessus.
Tu me fatigues avec tes pseudo mono-débats en permanence sur CF alors essaye d'utiliser ton énergie pour comprendre le monde au lieu de te trouver des excuses pour paraitre mieux que les autres.
Au passage faire des phrases c'est pas juste mettre des mots bout à bout.
Ce ne sont pas 17 lignes par jour sur crossfire qui me fatiguent, rassure toi.
Socialism is an economic system characterised by social ownership and control of the means of production and cooperative management of the economy,[1] and a political philosophy advocating such a system. "Social ownership" may refer to any one of, or a combination of, the following: cooperative enterprises, common ownership, direct public ownership or autonomous state enterprises.

this is socialism. do u see any of this there? a real socialist would NEVER give money to a bank or privatize companies.
Yeah, making sure everyone gets a slice makes you a parasite.

pls there is no real socialists in europe atleast not in the power. the last so called "socialists" we had used to give money to the banks so get your facts straight.
racist or pseudo socialist, make the good choice.
You got that right :>
i would like StrAf or k2k to win
Couldn't care less about the french arrogant bastards :)
That's your right and I won't contradict you on the arrogant bastards part :D
it would be logical for u to have a black (to be polite) president since it's getting darker and darker in ur country

but really don't give a flying fuck. if I were u I'd nuke myself
because someone is black it doesnt mean they are right lol:D
thx for these two absurd sentences.
removing me from your buddy list like a sensitive teenage bitch jeez. so mature frog
You just talk bullshit and I don't consider myself dumb enough to keep such people in my buddy list.
well someone has to do it, coz everyone else are just smartmouths who know shit
Germnay will talk about it only if Hollande win..poor Merkel if Hollande win this elections...
DiNg not racist at all
You right, nobody is racist. And DiNg is not, Goku is his friend after all!
Nous nous connaissons? J'aimerais en savoir un peu plus sur toi car apparemment tu es fan de mes propos. Il y a un souci? A quoi est-il du? Au fait que tu traînailles avec mon pote Provok et que par conséquent tu te sentes obligé de te comporter comme le plus ridicule des clowns de rue?

Sticked's conspiracy, I'm fucked up! Déjà trois membres de l'équipe qui me veulent du mal (trois membres dont je ne sais absolument rien, grand bien me fasse, faut-il préciser).

J'espère que tu as bien amélioré ton aim pendant que les gens intelligents décidaient de l'avenir de ton pays.

Ouais c'est Provok qui m'a dit de te hate car t'es un con !
Tu aurais du corriger à fond ton post lors de sa réédition, j'ai du mal à emmagasiner les critiques tellement elles sont si stupidement exprimées et fondées.
Mmmh. C'est définitif, j'ai bel et bien à faire à un abruti.
Et un de plus, un de plus.. La communauté francophone n'aura jamais fini de m'étonner.

Je présume que dimanche tu n'iras pas voter parce que tu seras trop fainéant que pour te lever et que tu te diras "puté sa serre à ri1 lol jvé fair un tour ac mon scouter pluto"?
DiNg si t'as pas compris Provok et Blanka sont la même personne. Sticked's conspiracy n'existe que dans ta tête.

Même si je suis pas souvent d'accord avec ce que tu dis, l n'y a aucune "hate". Après avec Provok on est habitué à ce qu'il "faggotise" alors on s'en rend même plus compte.

Bonne soirée
fdp tu m'as démasqué !!
Zut, ça réduit le nombre de fans à seulement deux comiques.. Tout de même merci pour l'information, on va s'occuper du rigolo.
tbh, there is quite a lot coverage for the elections in france in the German media (ofc not in BILD but in Spiegel and FAZ).
German journalists have been a little surprised by the high amount of votes the candidate from the "right wing" got.
Personally, I like Sarkozy, he is smart and really pro Europe/Euro, also he is in good contact and relation to Merkel and therefore Germany.

I did a little bit read up on Hollande but I dont like those red-lefties aka socialists who blame the market on everything.
Both Sarkozy and Hollande blame the market because the opinion can't stand these markets anymore. It has become a target, but bor both tbh.
About Sarkozy : Pro-Europe, maybe, but not in his lateste discourses (where he aims to attract some extreme-right winged parties) where he says that borders have to be put back (fuck Shenghen, viva la France, France to French people, etc.).
Quotethere is quite a lot coverage for the elections in france in the German media

it diesnt matter who of these 2 will finally succeed. the real embarrassment should be le pen at ~20%!
Quotelol at the frenchs playing tonight instead of watching politics on television


'yea politics sucks lol tooyoung for taht lol wut fn ftw sarko imbecile hollande never heard abut him lol'

Both are idiots and you know it. Sarko acts like a clown and Hollande is.. a clown. Well, good luck.

France needs DSK, and you know it.

edit: i'm glad you wrote my name properly
Np for the nick :p
You know that I'm right. Beside his unforgivable and shameful behaviour, this guy is way more clever than Sarko and Hollande together.

Quoteinb4 DiNg posting racist and irrelevant comments.

She was black after all, who gives a shit!
I know about him, he is one brilliant person.
Yea she was black, who the hell allowed her to go to the Court FFS!
dsk? the guy who stole money?

I always wondered something with people like you... supporters like you who vote corrupts... uhm how does this work? I mean noone whos not retarded would vote a guy who steals from you unless u get some of that money?? and since I hardly doubt u get money from him are u just... well... retarded?
1. I'm not French so I won't vote this Sunday.
2. I don't care about what he has done. They are all morons, they all steal money
3. As I said above, this politician is one of the most clever the France could dream of at the moment
4. His fall has been cooked for a long time by his opponents. This is what politics is made of; this is disgusting but it works.
your logic is as bad as a girls on her period.
Not as bad as your arguing, Mr Overused & Highly "..." Seasoned Words.
Quoteu just... well... retarded


It all comes down to the fact that Sarkozy is trying to stop/get rid off the illegal immigrants as a publicity stunt to gather some votes trying to recover whatever there is left to recover after the results based on the polls.

And Hollande is a socialist leading the charts.

Am I about right?
That's exactly the situation!
Oui, la France.
Quelqu'un a suivi le débat? ça a donné quoi?
un flamby tout mou :d
Sarkozy sur la défensive, Hollande stature présidentielle sans problème, Sarkozy acculé. Hollande confus sur l'immigration. Victoire Hollande reconnue à demi-mots même à droite.
J'ai oublié de faire ma procuration :/

Par contre j'ai voté au premier tour. Les resultats ont ete choquant : FN 20%, j'ai vraiment honte de cette France qui des que ca va mal se tire dessus plutot que de s'entraider. Ou sont passé les devises de notre pays : LIBERTE EGALITE FRATERNITE ?

Holland ou Sarko les 5 prochaines années seront pourries en France, faites comme moi émigrez ailleurs !
Based on political views I would always pick a centreright president over a socialist president but Sarkozy seems only to enjoy the power instead of actually doing something so I rather have Hollande. Also, I don't trust Sarkozy.
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