haha hello

Got a little spare time, so i was checking crossfire a bit to say hellow to my lovers n haters

nothing speciel seems to happens here, et is dead !? hähä 2bad but care


im eatiN pizza, what you eatiN?


im gonna be 100kg with lowbodyfat in summer ! hähä
eating your mama
did it work fasting as a method of cutting?
well atm im only eatin like max 1-2 times a day and before sleep i take a casein proteinshake.

Working around 13-14 hours a day :(

dont do any fasting or anything special atm, but in 1 monht i willl have my best shape in all times i guess :)
aight, but do you think its good for cutting or in any way?
works in both bulking n cutting :)
and yeah, fasting is awesome :)
I'm eating tea and tomorrow I'm gonna eat kebab
because of that comment i got hungry for a kebab,so i just walked down the street to get me some,but the turks were out of meat coz they gonna close soon

now im going to make me some shit food instead :<
eating tea sounds disgusting. you're suppose to put those leaves in hot water and take them out you silly nincompoop
hähä <3
oh no this noob<3 again :D
Eating day here as well. Pizza, chocolate cookies, bacon, milk, bread, more chocolate, no holds barred. -16kg so far, still 3-4kg to go. =)

Next 1-2 weeks my gym target is to hit 1x200kg in squat.
nice 200kg, I cant to that anymore, i stopped train legs hard cuz they grow 2much :P

so doing more lowweight and high reps with explosive training on legs instead :)
We have different priorities then, I just train for strength so aesthetics dont matter. Of course I like to curl to keep my biceps firm and big.

200kg is highly optimistic but Im quite positive I will capture it. I have been just doing technique training the past months with 130-160kg @ easy reps because my squat form was horrible. Now its beyond perfection. :)
nice i see :)

ah well, i train for look good but also to become strong ofc

But my legs gets 2big when i lift heavy with them, so then i have problems with jeans :D

im gonna bench 150kg next monht !
Im gonna bench that in... 1-2 years?

slowly but steadily...
I dont know you so cant say its not true, but Id like to see how deep you go down with that weight. Because weight matters only if its done properly.
To IPF-depth so its deep. =)
Chicken and some BROccoli, lol.

Also some chocolate quark-ice-sludge :-D
Do you have still weightloss-project going on? How much left?
Guess I'm kinda mixing it atm. Weight remains almost the same +/- 3 kg, lifts are going up and clothes fit better :-P

Following the leangains routine and it seems to be working so far. I'm 1 month into it now.
nice ^^

doing eating like leangains.com ?
Ye, doing this 16/8, sometimes 18/6 routine pretty much. Less cravings and I could improve my lifts by weight/reps almost every workout so far. It's all noob gains atm still and I guess a little muscle memory if this stuff actually exists. Couldn't work out for 5 months almost due to some shoulder injury and still can't really bench but the rest is working again.

Running this routine atm:

[A] Back: Deadlift, Row, LatPull, Reverse Flys, Face Pulls
Legs, Abs: Squat, LegCurls, Calf Raises, Crunches, LegPress
[C] Chest, Shoulder, Arms: Benchpress, Overheadpress, Latraises, Frontraises, Curls, Skullcrusher

Feel free to criticize!
how do you look right now urtier? lost much weight?
image: c3jgs00m6nxb0f741

Lost some weight, 75 kg in total. I have no idea though how much I was at SHG Open in 2007, guess that's the only/last time you saw me irl (but had to be less than my highest in 2008)
Looking good man! Well done :)
Little bit off-topic here but what exactly made you become as big as you were in 2007?
Eating and drinking everything in sight, I'd guess.
Plus no excercise at all, gave up football as well in 2005 I think. But mainly eating and sitting on my ass.

However, I have no idea what made me turn it all around from one day to the other.
Pretty fucking glad I made this decision though, would probably be dead by now otherwise.
Kinda scary thinking about it... :-o
Hmm can I ask you a personal question?
Will see if I answer it :-D
Well it's just something I've always wondered about very large/obese people but found it rather "rude" to ask them, but seeing as you've lost most of the weight I guess I can ask you :p

Why did u let it go as far as it has gotten? Why didn't you, lets say when u were weighing 100KG, not decide to make the same switch you've eventually decided to make?

Feel free to answer & feel free to not answer, I'm just curious :)
I have no idea actually and I think most obese will give you this answer. I guess it's a combination of not caring for yourself and your surroundings. Also I guess it has a lot to do with habits and ppl generally don't like to change them.

If there aren't any health related issues or other significant reasons to change those habits, I guess you just keep going and don't even think about alternatives. And just like other things in life, food can become an addiction to satisfy certain needs and I guess it turns into a vicious circle, especially under stress situations.

I think what's also surprising is that most obese ppl say that they are actually happy or satisfied with how things are and that they don't see a reason to drop some weight. They think it's perfectly normal to be like that and search for even more excuses such as diseases, genes or whatever (which only appears to be the reason for less than 1% of all obese or so).

It's hell of a weird psychological field, there's tons of research even it and so far I think noone really came close to explaining all the functions that are working into it.
Let's face it, most ppl know at least that certain foods will make them gain weight if they eat to much of them, yet they eat them. Why do highly intelligent human beings still make so bad and weird choices (including myself still sometimes, mostly when drunk though :P).

It surely took me a while (well, 23 years..) but I'm finally taking responsiblity for my actions and don't try to hide behind others or low excuses anymore. I'd honestly rather hang myself than getting fat again. Now knowing both sides, it's honestly one of the worst things to happen to someone.
tbh, I'm totally amazed by your change.
Respect towards you!

Seeing that pic from 2007 and the pic you posted is like seeing two different persons.
Thanks for the answer & gj!:)
hab mich extra eingeloggt seit langer zeit.
wollte nur sagen, dass das der größte quantensprung in den konversationen hier auf cf war.

ich will nicht weiter diskutieren wegen der kiddies. aber nur als warnung... sei dir nicht so sicher dass du alles unter kontrolle hast. das geht nämlich nicht - nie.
du musst einfach glücklich sein, dass es so ist, wie es ist.
weil... so viele jahre hast du noch nicht gelebt... und es kann noch viel passieren, sauviel.
Wieso größter Quantensprung?

Mir ist durchaus bewusst, dass ich nicht alles unter Kontrolle habe und ich auch seltsame Entscheidungen bzgl Ernährung oder ähnlichem treffe, jedoch versuche ich es dennoch so weit es geht zu kontrollieren oder zumindest im Rahmen zu halten. Wenn es mal ein paar Tage schlecht läuft ist es halt so, man kanns später wieder anderweitig ausgleichen.
Über externe Einflüsse habe ich eh quasi keine Kontrolle.

Ich wäre auch der letzte, der sich versucht mit den Kommentaren etc. zu profilieren oder ähnliches. Klar bin ich noch verhältnismäßig jung und habe noch nicht viel erlebt, dennoch habe ich gerade diese beiden Seiten kennengelernt und denke schon, dass ich in gewisserweise darüber urteilen kann.

Kannst mir gerne eine PN schreiben, falls die Antwort nicht darauf passt, auf was du hinaus wolltest oder falls es du es weiter ausführen möchtest :-)
mit dem quantensprung meinte ich das niveau deines kommentars, welches sich deutlich vom niveau sonst hier auf cf abhebt. bin sehr überrascht dass hier so ein tiefsinniges gespräch geführt wird.

=> Like!
Naja, das Thema lässt sich nicht mit ein paar Memes oder Gifs abfrühstücken :-)
So do you eat american national food also sometimes? Like pizza and hamburgers???
Of course :-)

Burgers relatively often even, 90% selfmade though. Pizza became a pretty rare item on my list though :-/
epicmealtime :D

nice done btw

urtier, carpe diem<3
I like the shirt
gj, that is really amazing man
amazing work man, im happy for you ;)
It would be easier to criticize if you tell what your goals are. Bodybuilding, strength training, conditioning, recovering etc..
I guess adding a little muscle to make it look less saggy :-X
Getting everything a little bit in shape as much as possible to check where the surgeon gotta cut off skin in a year or two.

I don't plan to attend any powerlifting competition whatsoever :-<
Try getting more than 3 training days in your week. You can easily adapt your body to 5-6 trainings per 7 days. Of course more careful programming is needed.
I'm doing this split twice a week, so that's 6 days of training. Also some football twice a week.

Doing the workouts mainly in the morning/before lunch and cardio later the day in the evening.
I freakin' love skullcrusher :D The bar actually almost crushed my skull the first time I did it x] Luckily I have a spotter :o]

Are you training for strength or just for the looks
Guess as much for the looks as it can get with my history and skin issues. I surely will never see a 6pack and must see a surgeon in some years, but I'm fine with that :-)
Well, seeing as how far you already came, it's pretty fucking amazing and also motivational for alot of people I guess
superset those with closegrip chest press YEEEEEEEE BUDDDDDDDDDDDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
je plaatje faalt man :{
ah zo

da's te zwaar om op hetzelfde gewicht te houden x]
pijn is fijn
true, maar je moet de oefening wel fatsoenlijk uit kunnen voeren ;)
Haha, "pijn is fijn" :-D
Love it!
that's what i'm eating
image: botwinka-whole-young-beetroot-soup-two-ways-2
mrozu longtime no see :)
did not miss you at all!
hahha i know, cuz u are a hater ;)
alien food
alexl dude :-) still praccing hard and going pro :-) what is your eat program :p
Need gym schedule :(
Ask in the gym :-) What kind of gym schedule you need, just a food one or a physical
zegt de pappi die net aan alexl zn schema vraagt.
true wat is er mis mee :-) mag toch benieuwd zijn.
same, alexL do us a favor here
haha hello
Show some pics, no homo
gonna make ground beef with mushrooms and potatos soon
Just had sausages, popcorn and kebab for this weeks cheat meal.
gonna start working out again next week, after 3 years break!!

didnt think about the exercises yet though :D

i should prolly run much in the beginning, cuz im a real fatty atm :D but running is so boring :D
Training for ~2 months now again.. got like 4-5kg more and can constantly increase weights @gym.

But I got a bit of fat on my stomach as well :(
lan is getting closer, it's gymming time!
hur gick thailand breeeeh
why when theres an alexL journal, urtier instantly overtakes it with his weight drop progression
Cause Urtier is a boss.
Not doing it on purpose though! Feels bad :(
why when theres somebody's journal about food/gym, urtier instantly overtakes it with his weight drop progression* :D
hahahaha +1
183cm and 73kg
i can see my six pack, it's unbelievable

PS. keep the post coming, only good journal for many days
hähä discovered
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