seareal banned and tagged
14 May 2012, 13:16
seareal strikes again!
CB found match between and
your move
seareal strikes again!
CB found match between and
your move
Capito pépito?
source :
7 Oct 2011 19:36 Changed username to sno0p
seriously what a motherfucker...
nevermind, the retard just logged into his banned tzac account on his 'clean' pc just after he proved he had a brother.
e: And im sure Robart will get a kick in his ass :D since its prolly his doing.
His little brother had aimbot against me in a 1on1.
Is this still the head news? u nerds.
1. The "Cheating" 70k account was only used / Loged into once by my brother in a 1on1 vs banga
2. My brother already came forward and said it was him who was cheating
3. Cheating occured only once, on my brothers tzac acc
4. i use both my brothers and my own pc from time to time, depends in what house i am..
5. Linked proly cuz i registerd my tzac account on my brothers pc.
gl cleaning this mess up, once again. pmme if u need anything more
info u got is wrong.
7. This got me banned
8. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to know who is using my account/computer
10. My tzac account is not banned, and it will not be.
so, resolve this qucikly, cuz i rly cant be arsed to talk with chaplja and the cb staff, not to mention chaplja & cb being mad at ppl who did their work wrong.
and to anwser ur last question
The cheating did not occure on my pc nor on my tzac.
cause the rookies screwd up
My suggestion to all the cheatbusters and CB admins is just to ignore you on IRC and just dont read your bullshit lies about brother.