religion or no?

hey guys

so ive been wondering what are your thought about religion do you believe in it or is it just made up and pure bullshit to you?

me, as a muslim brought up in england/united states..i actually have doubts about my religion and belief in it in general, because it has restricted me from doing alot of things and just doesn't quite make sense to me.

share with me your thoughts please!!
I'm also a muslim brought up in Denmark. What has it restricted you from doing? for me i would never give up my religion, and ofc it make sens if you read the quran and fully understand it. :)
from alot, like having a girlfriend, having sex, even getting my ears pierced and the list goes on.....(not that i havnt did those things) i feel trapped and guilty, its hard to live a happy life and to be control of my own life
all the things you mentioned only made you trouble, drinking only cause dmg to your body, and having a gf, well the consequences of having disease, or she can get pregnant.

living a true happiness life, is by knowing that this world is not the end, and not fearing anybody expect god. look at the otherside, what prevent you from stealing/killing if nobody would notice.

my english isn't that good + hard to explain as i'm not a imam :X
i understand what your saying but these things didnt put me in trouble, i enjoyed the experiences and made me the person i am today..i have no regrets. ive only had a gf once and fell in love which was the best feelings in my life, i have never drank in my life, and well thats what condoms are for ;) i always practice safe sex so i never really worried about that.

i dont want a book or people to teach me how to live a happy life you know? thats them or it trying to control me...i want to live a happy life by my own rules
"control you"? more like advising you :) advising you what is best for you, eventho if you don't like it, for god knows better :) well don't give up easily on religion, and well :X it's your life you decide. :)
nah i havnt given up hahah. and well it cant be advising cuz its written as if i dont do what they are advising me then i got a one way ticket to the hott box lol
hahaha :DD
very good choise, religion is biggest bullshit ever, become atheïst for few years and you'll find out why. It's lovely..
cold or not, god is present
o really? tell me more about it
So because there is a disease risk that can harm you only if you're dumb enough not to deal correctly with condoms (basically), you say it's a wrong thing to do? Jesus christ... (hehe)
that was just quick point, :D also don't stop at one point read the others ^^
Quotedrinking only cause dmg to your body, and having a gf, well the consequences of having disease, or she can get pregnant.

thats pure bullshit :DD

I respect your opinion towards your religion, don;t get me wrong, but those points are just so wrong.
dude :D that was just few quick points move along :XD i already said, i didn't fully studied the religion ect. i'm not an imam :X
You shouldnt use those points then, since they wont really help you here :p
But yeh, Ive posted my opinion a bit below ;d
drinking alcohol is like pure armor penetration dmg to your health, thats not bullshit ;dd
Yes it is. According to you, everyone who drinks alcohol has a fucked up body. Thats bullshit.
hahaha :D i only said it cause dmg to your body, & brain ofc. and no people who drink don't have fucked up body, ^^
well tbh it's only about HOW MUCH you drink. in small dosages alcohol is not harming your body. on the contrary. (and sure it's also about what kind of alcohol you drink :P)
Islam is not really about private things/situations, it's all about spiritualism and privacy, I don't know if I'm explaining good that way.

I understand your point of view but the way you explain it makes people think something completely wrong about Islam.
true. sorry if i did so, hard for me to explain, i just want people to look at the other side of it, the good side :)
Quoteand having a gf, well the consequences of having disease, or she can get pregnant.

Dude, we live in the 21st century, there are many things to prevent pregnancies and diseases
Still there are more teen pregnancies than ever.
its just so much easier to have sex now than before idk why, fucking sluts everywhere lol
I was raised catholic but I'm an agnostic atheist now.

Religion makes no sense to me but I have no problems talking about religions with people who actually believe in God.
Atheism & agnostism are different

The American Heritage Dictionary defines an "atheist" as "one who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods." An "agnostic" is "one who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God" or "one who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism."
You can be both. You can not believe in god and think no one can know whether one exists or not simultaneously.
Atheist knows there is no god.
Agnostic understands there cannot be proof or disproof of such deity.

You cannot be both.
Gnostic atheists know there is no god.

Agnostic atheists do not believe in god but don't claim knowledge about their existence or nonexistence.
These words we very confusing when already several years ago I tried to label myself and did some study.
Still, I'd claim atheist is the very definition of denying god.

Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.[1] In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities.[2][3] Most inclusively, atheism is simply the absence of belief that any deities exist.

only in the most inclusive definition atheism is said to not deny god, but simply lack any belief upon the topic, which in essence is coming closer to definition of agnostic, which originally was simply ignorance towards the very topic the gnostics were blabbering about. So I'm still claiming you can't be atheist and agnostic at the same time, the words mean different things for a reason.
Both the broad and inclusive sense allow it actually. Rejecting a belief does not imply a claim of knowledge.

I *prefer* to use the term atheist (agnostic atheist to be precise) primarily because of the negative connotations it has in many places around the world and the best way to get rid off those is by confronting people that these connotations are silly.
ugh, weird that I read the and even pasted the broad definition without actually understanding it.
But you might be in a war that you can't win, because at least majority of atheists I know, "know" there is no god. Basically only those who know so announce themselves as atheists. most people don't care / dont know / don't want to talk about it.
I'm aware, most people in Europe are generally unaware of the term atheism anyway so it matters little.
what Quazz posted above is correct.
and hte 'The American Heritage Dictionary' has some weird definitions if what you posted is true but what do you expect from America, lol.
If it comes to religion, never listen to what people say about god... rather listen to yourself because god is in you :P
Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one and it's fine to be proud of it, but please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around... and PLEASE don't try to shove it down my child's throat.


A man without a religion is like a fish without a bicycle.
very well said lol
Last sentence.. my brain is explode : o
We shouldn't even talk about religion.
If you believe in something, keep it for you and please, stop arguing about it, it just drives people crazy and violent..

e: and of course this is bullshit imo. Indoctrination..
im not arguing im just asking people about their opinions on it
Religion is kind of twofaced, on the one hand it has been used as a justification for war, cruelty and violence for over 2000 years, on the other hand it is some kind of last resort for people, who are stranded. Personally I think that most people aren't religious at all and only believe in it, if they are in struggle just because they want to belive that there is something or somebody, who will turn everything in the right direction again. That doesn't make up for all the bad things, which come with religion, so I would say that the world would be better without religion...
religion also brought peace, the Islamic golden age, brought scientific discoveries, and was the best periode of all time.

people are fighting ever since because of religion
ever since there were people, there was religion... so how can one say because of religion.

It is known that religion even dates back to prehistoric ages. Men worshipped nature gods back then
Because when people kill and go on war against people that do nto worship the same God, we can EASILY deduce that religion is the cause of all pains on this Earth.
What makes the Crusades anything different than the Iraq war??

Oil is the old gold
i didnt say exclusively because of religion, did I?
you implied: ever since men knows religion they are fighting about it... This is not true (see prehistoric) when there was religion but people lived in "harmony" with eachother
from the moment on there was one group saying "our god is better", people fought because of religion. Even now they are fighting about it, maybe not on the international scale but you can see that in every society, especially in our western society, people fight because they have different beliefs.
different beliefs, not religions. Beliefs. forget the religions. West invades countries for resources. their belief justifies it. Men kill other men in war. Their beliefs justify it. True christian could not join the army because he would not oppose god's commands even if threatened. Leaders of many countries are merely posing religious, their action speak louder than words. There is a belief for everything. Action reveals it.
It's the same as calling all Americans stupid because they had George Bush as president. Generalization, which always in it's essence is untrue.
people fight with or without religion lol, the cause of war isn't really the religion, look at the past few wars, for what cause? oil => opium & world domination,
Thats only partly true, just take a look at the Inquisition by the Catholic church, the Christianisation processes by the Spanish and especially for today: Terrorism, which is justified by the Jihad. Religion does not only unite people, it also seperates them
it seprate them, when the wrong man comes to power, and start using religion for the things he wants.
Just by saying there are different religions you seperate people from each other, even when you tell them they can be co-existant to each other, they're still seperate. :')
The reason matters little though.

We should focus on the justifications. And that's often either religion or nationalism, often both.

If you can justify wars to your people because of these things every single time again even if it is for selfish ends, then aren't those justification just half the problem?

If they couldn't justify going to war, do you think the people would let them?

My 2 cents :)
sup? strong minded super saiyan, not fearing anything, living full time happy life,
Personaly i'm an Athiest, imo you can believe in whatever you want,
i do reject all forms or extremism tho
I don't really have any problem with most organised religions. Their charity work is exemplary.

I have just never believed in a God. I didn't have to be told, it just never made sense to me. For me there is no God, or Super/Supranatural entities.

We're all stardust baby, enjoy it.
see if i was a strict muslim i would say your going to hell no matter how you lived your life since you dont believe in god.....but im not lol

im at a point where i just dont want to be controled by my religion and live a happy succesful life without worrying about eating pork or drinking water with my left hand -.-
what year is this, why are we still discussing these things, it has been done thousands and thousands of times and nothing has changed
"As an atheist, I see nothing “wrong” in believing in a God. I don’t think there is a God, but belief in him does no harm. If it helps you in any way, then that’s fine with me. It’s when belief starts infringing on other people’s rights when it worries me. I would never deny your right to believe in a God. I would just rather you didn’t kill people who believe in a different God, say. Or stone someone to death because your rulebook says their sexuality is immoral. It’s strange that anyone who believes that an all-powerful all-knowing, omniscient power responsible for everything that happens, would also want to judge and punish people for what they are." - Ricky Gervais

i love ricky, very smart guy
Quote belief in him does no harm.

Tosspot is a God
I kinda believe, but god/no god isn't rly important to me, doesn't rly affect the way I live; all the scriptures just show certain values ppl should live by, some still apply today, some don't

you sir understand the essence of religion (:
rly nice but no everyone understand that : <
Religion is for the weak people. It was acceptable in the dark times of mankind. It is not acceptable any longer.
lol, pls tell me how strong you are, and how you don't fear death
I don't care for the moment about death - I really don't give a shit. It's a fact, it will happen and I prefectly deal with it atm. I don't need "anyone" to tell me what it looks like, what can be after it, etc. It's just pure speculation (and retarded speculation) and I cba listening to it.
I'm strong enough to handle myself.
don't call it retarded :) but if you are strong well then good for you ^^
What does fear of death have to do with religion?
not knowing what is gonna happen after you die, religion answer these questions :)
What if those answers are wrong? Is it worth spending your life devoting an invisible, intangible being that you've never heard, limiting your lifestyle, even though it may very well be wrong?

What you're propogating is Pascal's wager (which is more or less: we don't know if there is an afterlife, so I'm going to believe just in case)

But if your god is just and good, then does it matter whether you believe in him? Or does it matter whether you were a good person or not? If the first, then he isn't truly just or good and therefore not worthy of worship. If the latter, then it doesn't matter if you believe or not.
thats why we were made, we human got the the right to decide if we belive in god or not, the murders and the people who worked hard for peace are gonna end up in the same place.?

yep totaly worth it, i'm a muslim and i haven't limit my lifestyle not one bit, expect the known things"(no drink pork, sex before marrige) if we say there is no life after death, then there is no reason for me to be good. i could be a tyrant, and don't care about others.

god loves us ofc, this life is just a test, beliving in god ofc matters. for the people who belive in him and follow the rules, gonna win.

the good one goes to paradise and the evil ones goes to hell :D simple.
Really? You would kill others if there was no god and no afterlife just like that?

What kind of morality is that? If you're only good out fear for your next life then you're not really good in the first place.

Why not just be good for the sake of being good? Would that not even be praised higher since both intention and action are good?

Do you believe non believers go to hell by default?
no wont kill, but saying that murders & good people would be in the same place.

and ofc being good for my- & everybodies sake,

Do you believe non believers go to hell by default?

well i can't asnwer that, god will decide, but imo yes, you got the right to decide within to life the way you want, on this earth, or you choose the afterlife.
So people that decide to make a difference choice, even if they're good people, get tortured for eternity because of the choice they make?

Seems a bit harsh don't you think?
no they wont :) everybody make mistakes, aslong as you are good, and make differnt choice, well then i dunno xd i'm not qualified to answer all the questions you ask :X
I don't really want to get in this discussion but basically what you're saying is that if you were born somewhere else with a different religion, you are always going to hell
Now this is exactly the reason I'm an atheist.

i'm not an Imam
but how do you know which god is the right one?
the god who was mentioned in the Talmud, bible & quran, the same god who all the prophets told us to follow & worship :)
what if zeus is the right god?
zeus who? impossibru, + my previous comment answer it :=
how do you know God isn't the right god?
godception :d read first comment, there is only one god
but who are you to say your god is the right god even if one does exist? how can you be sure that cthulhu is not the right god?
it's the same god, in the talmud, bible & quran, under different names, in Islam there is 100 names for god, most known as Allah, same god as in the all holy books. :X what else? it is the same god which has been mentioned since the begning, which means it is only 1 god.

however who comes last is the one* who to be followed, like islam is the lastest religion, jesus told us that there will another prophet after him, and therefor we should follow him, worshipping the same god, under differnt rules.

e: stones thor zues osv. is just people came up with, before god send prophets.
Isn't it obvious? The holy book says the god mentioned in it is the correct god, and the holy book is right because it's the word of that god. Checkmate! Simple logic.
you're right, i suppose it does make sense
fuck dude you need some serious help.
let the flame begin cuz i got religion, umad? :D
no pork and no sex before marriage.... dude, you seriously miss out BIG TIME
haha, thats what everbody says, but i'm fine with that :D pork not allowd at all :)
youre fine because you dont know what you are missing, and because everybody else knows, everybody else tells you haha :D
Just have to tell you.
you are a fucking retard.
and dont u need evidence? you just believe in those answers with no evidence? u do it because your parents put u into a religion and u feel safe in it.

accepting that one day i am going to die and everything is over is the best thing that has ever happend to me. without kicking logic and reasoning in the face.
without a doubt god do exists, and the evidence is, since the begning of human mankind, god send prophets to warn people to follow god, and none other, the Prophecy which the prophets has told us are all comming true, some of them already happened and there is still remaining, which means there is someone who knows the future.

for example in Islam we acknowledge all the prophets: Mohammad, Jesus, Moses, Ibrahim ect.

this world we living in is created all by it self? like there is no end, and we people just keep living and dying.

yes my parents taught me about the religion, but since i came young to EU, i could have left my religion, but i like it, and belive it is the truth :)

prove me wrong and i will leave my religion :))
"without a doubt god do exists, and the evidence is, since the begning of human mankind, god send prophets to warn people to follow god, and none other, the Prophecy which the prophets has told us are all comming true, some of them already happened and there is still remaining, which means there is someone who knows the future. "

there is no proofs of that u just have faith on that.

Im not going to prove anything to u, but if u want to get out of your safe zone there is several scientifical research which tries to explain stuff and its certainly smarter and has more credibility since its a lot of work put behind than a bussiness such as religion.
there is proof, 80% of what the prophet said, happened.

scientifical research hasn't proved anything yet, Darwin & The Big Bang are just theories,
Darwin's theory was considered "wrong" because he could not show how the modifications occurred in individuals and how those modifications got passed to future generations, And there is still the "missing link" in the fossil record connecting man to the apes.

so where is the scientifical prove that earth, and the system was all created by it self.

and btw, what do you belive in?
u dont even know if prophets really lived, and they are full of mystical bullshit which u cant prove in ANY way. and sup, no prophets nowdays?

for the record religious people shuld be the last one to ask for proofs because there is no evidence anywhere of their "magic" ways besides old tales... and thats not evidence while darwin did more research than u could actually read in your life.

I dont claim to have any truth i just say that what religions say is fucking ABSURD.

and i dont believe in anything, i dont belive we're here for a reason nor we have some kind of goal as humanity besides surviving.

Ull die and nothing will happend so make the best of your life now and dont stop yourself from doing shit u love because your religion doesnt let u because really u know deep down there that theres no such thing as heaven nor miracles, u are trusting the words of people who dont even know u nor care about u and the've been modifying their old traditions because they are simply wrong such as fuckign up women rights etc.

thank "god" theres atheist who made progress and u are enjoying it right now because if we wudda have kept with following some "holy" books we'd still be praying when some one gets cancer instead of curing it.
Mohammad was the last prophet. proofs here are only 10 of them, look them up

The appearance of anti-christ which he will lead the Isreal(Zion), who is in power behind the scenes? and the plan for New world order, Freemasonry, their leader is the Anti christ

Thanks to the "atheist" becuase without them, the human mankind will still be dumbs, and without them there wouldn't have been any scientists. ( look at the 15 Contents )

look the islamic golden age, it was the foundation for begning of scientists researches ect. and i wont deny EU took the books and has developed the mordern scientists we are in.

"I dont claim to have any truth i just say that what religions say is fucking ABSURD."
if that what you think, then it's ok, i respect your opninion. :) you have the right to choose to belive in or not.
ofc there's believers who are scientifics but many of em in the past where killed if they said they werent christain/islamic due to the lack of respect of others opinions in believers.

like theres still people being murdered in the name of islam in arabia saudi. still one of those countries with a really religious background which wont last forever because ppl everyday has more resources to learn than before, thats why the number of believers are decreasing as the years pass.
true that, let's see what's gonna happen in the next few years :))
for example slaves in a ancient Rome. They were belive if they will be nice and work for their slaver, they will go to heaven so their life on this place was preparation for afterlife. Their religion was officially allowed because of fear they can revolt.
This. Religions are full of bullshit and science has proved it (for example big bang theory). People mystify their roots so they can understand them better. Religion gives answers to questions that science can't answer and it's all based on some myths and stories, not facts. And the restrictions that come with religions are even more bullshit, let people live the way they like, religions only control people from being themselves. Strong people don't need these myths to get an answer to evey question of life and death whereas weak people do to get peace of mind.
Big Bang theory IS a theory so nothing is sure about it but yes, religions control people.
I remember that famous quote: "Religion is nothing but a sect that succeeded."
in my opinion religion is the biggets marketing success in human kind history.

in spain church has special privlegies, REALLY special ones.

religious people always tells me to "respect" them, fuck that. as a human i will repsect your human being and your person, im not going to fight a religious ppl because he is religious, but im going to criticise and laugh at his religion as much as i fucking please, its my right as a human being.

Religions been searching for respect since ancient times because THATS ALL THEY NEED. The word they want to spread is ridiculous thats why they need respect, respect is the most important thing someone can have. Imagine someone wants to sell horse piss as a cancer cure, its obviously an absurd idea and if people laughs at him he is not gonna sell any horse piss but on the other hand if he gets drug stores to respect him surely his product is going to be sold.

So criticise and laugh at religion DO IT FOR THE SAKE OF HUMANS INTELLECT AND FOR CRITICAL AND LOGICAL THINKING. We owe it to great man suchs as darwin carl sagan and thousands more.
its good to have something to believe in, but not blindly nor fanaticly

i was educated under christianity, i respect the belief of others no matter what religion (even "mine")
dont repsect them.
always respect

no, respect is what religions look for, with respect u can have anything, church has waaaaaaaay too much privilegies.

the word that church spreads is ridiculous and if they want to sell something ridiculous they need respect, thats why they dig for it and alwasy whine about respect.

fuck them, dont respect them, laugh at em and criticise them. You dont have to respect an idea, u have to respect the human being.
beeing atheist is "cool" nowadays so I'll stick with that
sth wrong my friend?

get your .pl facts straight
well im against both so what should I change?
just keep on being polish
i keep polish. ok i be
i'm jewish , and i hate fucking cancer muslims .
fuck you sandnigger
fuck you man , stfu fucking muslim :) !
cu @ the battlefied, you big pile of shit, when we claim palestine back. :D
you will never get palestine back bro mate :_)
god is with us :) and we will.
hey don't be harsh, you will never be a better then him if you will always be like that :P
he stole our country wtf
You should actually blame the UN for stealing it and then giving it to them ;)
true, the plan of Albert pike, and the freemasonry :X
calm down no need for the insults man
religion destroys everything, coming from a christian ;)
Not destroy but I don't see sense in religion ; o
this is true actually. mankind have fought so much bcuz of religion and still are. I prefer killing nazis and allies xD
im a Muslim and to be complete honest all the abuse I get for it makes me think it might not be worth it.
i was a muslim before only because my dad was very religious, but even if people make a fool of you, that shouldnt be the reason to stop your religion, i dont like religion cause it causes too much trouble, but if you believe in god, dont let the opinion of others influence you. cuz at the end, im still called a dirty muslim and im not even muslim, so just stick what you believe in!
but I am not even sure i believe. really I cannot quit because if i do my dad will get in trouble with another family cause of the marriage that has been arrange. im so stuck, im only free online where my family cannot follow me.
i would say, go to a west european country marry a nice chick and try notto have contact with your family ever again!
damn you are stuck. maybe you could take to your parents about it? my parents are more open about this, they are willing to talk if i have doubts about my religion. like marrige for example? theres no way in hell im gonna marry a girl my parents pick for me, i will marry a girl i love and that i want and she probably wont be a muslim
I pitty you for being born in a place where ppl decides for your life.

You only live once and you are living the life they want u to live and making choices for you. and all that for a "holy" book that your parent is fanatic of. i really pitty you.

If u wanna talk or whatever im up for it.
big words
I separated from the church the day after I turned 18. Don't want to pay taxes for that shit.
Ha, good stuff :D
Thanks for this. :')
lol ive watched alot of videos and documentrys about things like that
There are no reasons whatsoever to assume deities exist. So yes, it's utter bullshit to me.
Im a christian, but I dont believe in anything tbh.
I've been baptized and all that stuff, but I dont have the feeling that it changed me or something. Its cool that there are people who believe in a god and get faith out of it or something but its not for me.

Also, aint a shitload of wars based on religion?
This is not the place, don't expect any thoughtful answers.
im getting pretty good answers so far

It's made for coward people who can't handle that there is nothing after death. I would burn every fucking church to the ground and torture every priest for weeks for being homosexual and pedophile.

And don't make me start commenting about muslims and stuff! ****
how do you know there is nothing after death? :PPP
how do you know there is something after death? :PPP

if u were a dog u wouldn't think of such things.
cuz i got soul inside of me :X
What if you were a ginger?
haha i'm not :D
your soul can't sense god

sup darkuz matey. quite long.
love you casek :)
recently my best friend found god so I'm mega sad about that :( he was going through big experiences and changes in his life that meant he had to make lots of decisions because he dedicates himself to whatever is of importance at the time of his life (e.g. uni, boxing, gym etc) and he showed up at my house and told me he's now religious :s I was like PLEASE NO! I had a religious friend back in school and I just can't hold back from making christianity jokes :3

anyways, Finland maza gave me the best lecture on religion, didn't really have any kind of understanding until that conversation! but I'd never let religion hold me back from things I want to do. I'm not a violent person, nor wishing for bad things to happen and I treat people well with respect etcetc without causing sadness to those around me, but e.g. no sex before marriage, everytime you "sin" having to repent to a priest and other things that just aren't neccessary. these rules were made thousands of years ago because e.g. back then there was no protection during sex and people could spread disease and get pregnant when not being married. modern religion = law systems, anyone who needs a god to keep them being a good person has problems they need to deal with.

(not implying I don't think there's a god!)
exactly man! im afraid ive sinned so much lol but its not like im a bad person either, so thats what i dont understand....i could make little mistakes but still go to hell even tho im a good person? makes me not want to believe in my religion, i hate living with restrictions on my life because of some made up bullshit....
whats sinning in your holy book is actually not sinning, quit religion. you need to be happy with your morals not someone elses moral that were written in a book.

Realize u are going to die one day and after that its all over. realizing that was the best shit that has ever happend to me.
thanks man and im actually slowly come to realize this, i wont be happy if im told to what to do by my religion...its ridiculous the shit that we are restricted from and makes no sense and just ruins my happiness.. i just wanna die happy.

an example is my parents expect me to marry a muslim girl probably pakistani but theres no way in hell thats gonna happen because ive been raised in England and USA all my life and cuz of that im just use to their culture...i cant even tell my parents if i had a girlfriend. ive only had 1 and actually fell in love and i wouldnt have had that experience with her if i was serious about my religion. and shes Portuguese and doesnt even believe in god! i couldnt imagine what my parents would think if i wanted to marry her.
so go and die happy as thats your desire.

you only live once, thats the only fact we know, you live once and no evidence has been shown of whats gna happend next and things point out that nothing is gna happend from the moment u die and thats what i think aswell.

These are the odds of you living so u better start fucking living however u wanna and how u feel like and do not let anybody tell u how to do things or whatever, it doesnt matter who the fuck he is, he can be named dad, mum, brother, friend, pope or whatever, they r just remote possiblities of living creatures just like you and they have no rights on making choices for you because life is REALLY something special and the only thing that is for sure yours, so enjoy it fully and every moment, the good and the bad cuz they are both awesome and dont stop yourself from doing so because of stupid mental limitations you set yourself with.

The odds of u living are literally almost 0 so u better respect yourself and fucking realize how important is it to be YOU.

and thats exactly what i will do, dont need anybody else how to live my damn long as im happy i know im doing the right thing. just wanna have a great life with no regrets. thanks brotha you helped me see everything more clearly
ask Anonymousunforgiven, he knows everything about it
I do not believe in god, there's no reason to do so either. Not a shred of evidence for any deity or an afterlife.

Religion is actually something that evolved alongside modern man as we started becoming more philosophical (due to our increased intelligence + socialization). And obviously it was beneficial at the time to believe that we had some universal reason to live. But then people started to exploit that security mechanism. And this went on and on till present day. Tadah organised religion.

I'm strongly opposed to organised religion as well as theocracies. They've historically only caused suffering and there's no reason to think that's ever going to change.

Religion in general is fine, but once it becomes this 'club' (read cult) things start going south real fast.
Just want to correct. Religion doesn't need to proof god's existence and never should say that god exists. The point why people belive in religion is (or should be) somewhere else.
I never implied they should. I'm saying why I don't believe, not why I'm not religious.
totally agree on your point sir ;-)
imo what people describe as god is just simply the nature
Far-right Christian.

May God kill all you fags and curse you cripples to Hell.
My life would be much better If I would believe in God, but somehow I cant take it seriously. :s
why would it be better with a god?
religion is bullshit

see you
Religion is bullshit invisible man create earth pfff ye right. I'm not saying it's all bullshit, every legends have some grain of truth in it, but what they try to force you to believe today is fucking BULLSHIT. Go watch Zeitgeist the religion part they all the same story but names are change ...
Wanna know what i believe ... Aliens it was all aliens unless I will be proven otherwise (with solid proof) you can shove it your religion in your ass.
Im atheistic and i dont support any religion, although i agree that religions should exist, so there are some ethic and morals to be guided on. Without religions there would be a lot more kills, rapes and every kind of crimes. Religion makes most of its believers to be better persons, to get more faith and will about everything on their lifes and everything around them.

On the other way, i believe most of the non religious people, have a bigger tendency of inteligency, people who believe in the MAKE TO ACHIEVE and not FAITH TO ACHIEVE, i believe in working for the luck, not luck fallen from sky...

Afterlife... i don't believe in such thing, we simply born, live and die, we are mere alive particles of mass connected with harmony with the universe...

About miracles and stuff like this, i'd convictly say that cience, more concretelly physics have explanation for everything.

... i have my own ethics and morals, i don't need guidances on how i should be or should do, even on the point to completely respect religions and its believers, in fact whole my family is religious.

Also it's important to refer that NOT believing in something doesn't specifically means NOT supporting.
QuoteWithout religions there would be a lot more kills, rapes and every kind of crimes. Religion makes most of its believers to be better persons,

No. I stopped believing in fairytales a long time ago ;)
Religion is like Santa Claus, there are stories about it :p
I talked hours over hours with many different people about religion.
There are good sides, there are bad sides....

Do you want to know, what all this experiences did to me?

I don't want to hear a single word about this topic anymore. It's kinda useless to speak about it. All words were said.

I'm not smarter now. I think I just learned to understand the people which are believing in god.
Most big religions posit God as a "good" all-powerful and all-knowing being. Yet the world we live in is full of suffering. If God was all powerful (and loves us) why is this the case? If he is all knowing, then he would have been able to foresee that this would happen, and his compassion should have stopped it.

If he's all powerful and all knowing, and created the universe, then he's created a world where innocents suffer, and he knowingly created it.

That's my major objection to the idea of God. Religions (particularly organized religions) just add another whole can of worms on top of that, as they're administered by humans, who are inherently fallible.

If you plan to follow a religion, read its texts yourself, and come to your own interpretation of them. Then go and read atheist authors in your culture — if your faith can't survive a challenge, it isn't really true faith.
maybe god just hates niggers and stupid people and they deserve it
im with you on that man, i like the points you made
I believe in Agnosticism

Agnosticism is the view that the truth values of certain claims—especially claims about the existence or non-existence of any deity, but also other religious and metaphysical claims—are unknown or unknowable. Agnosticism can be defined in various ways, and is sometimes used to indicate doubt or a skeptical approach to questions. In some senses, agnosticism is a stance about the difference between belief and knowledge, rather than about any specific claim or belief. In the popular sense, an agnostic is someone who is undecided about the existence of a deity or deities, whereas a theist and an atheist believe and disbelieve, respectively. In the strict sense, however, agnosticism is the view that human reason is incapable of providing sufficient rational grounds to justify the belief that deities either do or do not exist. Within agnosticism there are agnostic atheists (who do not believe any deity exists, but do not deny it as a possibility) and agnostic theists (who believe a deity exists but do not claim it as personal knowledge).
I watched Donnie Darko too

dont get ur comment

i read this agnosticism stuff on a fbpage of a friend of mine and agreed on almost every part... dnno where he got it from
but if you went that far you'd say that you knew nothing because it's based on things someone told you to be facts, even though they're based on assumptions and telltales no?
wouldn't it be at least reasonable to believe that you're existing and are not a simple conecpt? if you get hurt it hurts, which is undeniably a fact true? or is it to you also just part of a concept, a pretty realistic one, but nothing existant anyway? (or am i just misinterpreting? :x)
I love the idea of an afterlife but the logical-me tells me that there is nothing like that so I try to make the best out of my time and get as many frags as possible on the battlefield
Religion is nowadays simply mind control. Christianity for example talks about personal god(s), how could god be omnipotent and at the same time have feelings such as hate and fiercy temper and use his(their) power and might to directly control us(read: enslave) - Why would god do that in the first place?
A wise man once said something in lines of "any person in flesh claiming to be god supreme is simply false god" So, whoever these guys were, aliens, timetravellers, other dimensional beings or simply humans, they created a religion out of their manipulative lies.

But what is god? as a word it's way too overfilled with meaning and thus becomes meaningless. In modern times god is a bunch of theories about existence. I especially like the one which says only this moment is real, everything else is illusion. Individualism is an illusion, everything sprung out of same godhead, the source of omnipotent awareness. Father, Son and the Holy Ghost = Source(Awareness), Man(Body,Matter), Mediator(Potential Energy, Sea of Thought) One must wander away from the source in order to gain limited consciousness so one can experience what's it like to exist, actually, one doesn't even need a reason. Everything just is, if you ask yourself why do you exist the more you think about it, the more perspectives you go through, the more answers you get. In the end it all just depends on the moment and your awareness.

So these are already 2 highly different concepts of "God", One is a person who wants us to do things his way and if we won't obey, he will punish us with eternal hell, While the other concept depicts "God" as the interconnected network of all there is, was and ever will be and puts you into the driver's seat of the most realistic game ever, existence.

The way I see God, he doesn't give a fuck if you're an atheist or catholic priest, everything is just constant flow of water where cause and effect take place and is only perceived by different levels of consciousness. When you see the excess suffering and know a way for a more harmonic way of life, you will see it as your "godly" duty to act, but since we have a free will we can choose to do whatever we want, even choose to be highly selfish and only live for ourselves. It's an experience among others and the awareness acts as a judge to our own actions.

It seems these different concepts of god were all mixed in together, probably by no accident, and made into a packages we now call religions. When people really try to figure out the existence or reality, they fall into the pre-built structures of thought, whether it's provided by mainstream scientific community, some major religion, the media, the culture and societal structure surrounding you or by all of them together. When this happens, the reasoning takes place in confines that were put place to control your mind and behaviour. They don't want you figuring out they are trying to manipulate you, they don't want you to find out youre being raped in the ass no matter which country you live in, they don't want you to understand reality, being aware and consciousness of the moment, they want you to go around circles in thought ending up nowhere so you'll give up and become passive cuz it's all just too fucking mindboggling. Turn on a TV and watch a movie, go on with your life, it's busy, you got lots of stuff do to so it's only natural you won't spend so much time thinking this stuff, nobody else seems to mind, it's probably no biggie. Though when you look at the world and the state it's in, it's obvious most people, the majority, which according to our democratic society is the one making the calls, has no idea what they are doing. This is clear when you follow the actions of any politicians in nearly any country. They are the people who have been elected to represent the nation. They are the nation. When everyone is fine with what they are doing, everything is going to keep rolling just the way it has been, except for the fact that it keeps getting exponentially worse every day. You can choose to follow this mass of people who seem to have lost their way and purpose or you can be a individual standing out for daring to act and speak differently, bravely ask the question "why?" whenever your consciousness is hungry for more information and understanding. The more you do this, the quicker you'll discover people actually do not have all the answers they so like to pretend they have.

It goes bit offtopic or probably has been going for quite some rows now, but this pic asks some very good Y's (for starters...)

image: why
"One is a person who wants us to do things his way and if we won't obey, he will punish us with eternal hell"

thats in my religion, and ive did things that will apparently put me in the eternal hot box so its like no matter what i do im going to hell anyway lol. also in my religion i have to pray 7 times a day in order to be a muslim, and i havnt prayed in years.
If I was the omnipotent creator of the universe, I sure wouldn't care about what you do and whether you pray or not. I created everything, including your brain and everything your sensory system receives, and of course I know exactly how your brain works so I knew in advance what you'd think and do. If anything about that is wrong, it'd be my own fault anyway.
(I haven't read the Quran so I don't know if it depicts God as all-knowing and all-powerful. If not, my point only applies to religions that do.)
doesnt it seem quite superficial? I mean the books themselves are amazing, Bible, Quran, Vedas whatever, but the way some elite group of people take the word from the book and make it a command for the people is sick. Usually people cannot see this with their own religion but of course with others. devoted christians blame catholics and muslisms, basically all the competitors are badmouthed while most of the critic would apply to their religion and vice versa. The people who run the religious business are wealthy and do not care about humans. Also you're just told stuff, "no no this is how you should understand this" and stuff like "if you believe this or that you will go to heaven, if you do this and that you'll go to hell" doesn't that sound highly suspicious? Why would we need selfish group of people to tell us what's good and bad, who themselves do not even follow these guidelines? Was the "God" really that lousy of a designer? Created humans, noticed we lack something and since we are the image of the god, he was too lazy to fix us so he made another version to upkeep beliefs about good and bad.

Also, religions are justified because they are teaching good values and morals. Are they really? Aren't we just highly passive to any events occuring in our reality in terms of action? "When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."
What's happening is people do not know what's good or bad, none of it matters at least. Say if people could label things as good or bad they would probably feel like doing something about them. Things that are good are brought forward while things that are bad are eliminated, but this doesnt happen or if it does, the understanding of good or bad is really fucked up because so is our world.

Everything is controversial when people are filled with beliefs and people tend to take their beliefs very personally so instead of rationality we receive emotional response in debates over what should be done.
In the end it's not even about religion, but about beliefs and there are plenty with negative side effects.
you become your belief, if you're an atheist thinking man evolved from ape randomly and there's nothing special to our history, that's how it's gonna be. If you're christian and believe jesus was god's only son and everything is controlled by god, then that's how it's going to be. You make your beliefs real so just kinda better be sure they are positive beliefs. For example a person who believes we were carried here by strictly evolution also believes this is the highest state of mankind we have ever achieved. And when such person looks at the problems of the world, he concludes they are the cause of imperfection in the nature of man and because evolution is a process of billions of years, there's nothing you can do about it. The world is like this and you'll just have to get on with it. Christian belief is similar in a sense that man is imperfect. They also believe we suffer because we are sinners and the only salvation is the belief in jesus christ as your lord and savior. just believe someone will come and save you, but never imagine doing something yourself. Or imagine all this suffering and killing is just natural and the way it should be because we are animals and we can't change that.
There are highly damaging beliefs, they are set in place to limit your options as to what is possible and what is not. Probably the best way to prevent people from doing something is making them believe it's impossible.
Quote Christianity for example talks about personal god(s), how could god be omnipotent and at the same time have feelings such as hate and fiercy temper and use his(their) power and might to directly control us(read: enslave) - Why would god do that in the first place?
That's not quite right, there're also parts within the christian church, where god is not a rightious one but a forgiving one. not as in "do what ever you do, as long as you say you regret it, it's ok" but as in "it's ok what others believe, live your life as you like it and treat others how you'd want to be treated and you'll be fine"

i for myself think if there was a god i'd think of it as it being what ever you need, nothing physical of course. i'd not even say it exists all the time, but whenever you need it. (since it's likelier not real, but you want it to be, so it doesn't really matter if there is some sort of logic behind it, the concept exists to please yourself, that's all)

and yes, if there was one i'd also rather see it like you as it being someone who just empowered you to do something rather than doing it itself.
but if you'd think it being your duty to react on all the wrongs there are in the world i can tell you you're going to ruin your concept of the moment since suffering will be most of what you see and rarely joy and happyness you've caused by setting wrongs right. try to set wrongs right you actually CAN set right or at least better, but don't try to make the whole world a better place, just a tiny bit will do :)
reading your last paragraph makes your text sound a bit contradictive, you think people should just live their life but also care about other peoples life, but yet you think the life isn't what matters, but the awareness? wouldn't it be more reasonable then to bring awareness to others instead of helping them live their life just so they can get this awareness? if the awareness of what ever it might be, is what counts, then why bother about their lifes if they'll never find this?

liked your comment at the end of the journal more, not only because it was more what i'd chose to believe but also because its more conclusive ;)
That's not quite right, there're also parts within the christian church, where god is not a rightious one but a forgiving one. not as in "do what ever you do, as long as you say you regret it, it's ok" but as in "it's ok what others believe, live your life as you like it and treat others how you'd want to be treated and you'll be fine"

- well yeah, but that's what jesus said. Origins of Christianity go way deeper and it's a religion, in other words a collection of beliefs, a package that has been passed on. I like Jesus, he's my kinda guy, but I dislike religion and so did he. There has always been true christians, those who follow the teachings of jesus even if they might've grabbed few dogmatic beliefs on the way. They spread love instead of hate, love instead of inaction and love instead of indifference. Anyway, my focus wasn't on the religion that it is today, but what it was when it was created. The god was very personal those days and still "quite" personal in the mainstream religions these days.
I only mentioned the whole thing to support the idea that no universal god would ever manifest itself to deliver a wish or command, that for a rational mind would be insane. At best he would send messengers, bringers of light. Light is needed where darkness prevails. I'm not surprised that all the "messengers" we've had were killed or ridiculed.

but if you'd think it being your duty to react on all the wrongs there are in the world i can tell you you're going to ruin your concept of the moment since suffering will be most of what you see and rarely joy and happyness you've caused by setting wrongs right. try to set wrongs right you actually CAN set right or at least better, but don't try to make the whole world a better place, just a tiny bit will do :)

reading your last paragraph makes your text sound a bit contradictive, you think people should just live their life but also care about other peoples life, but yet you think the life isn't what matters, but the awareness?

I don't really know how did u come up with this but I don't find myself contradicting. The moment is all there is and you can choose to live it the way you want. I personally find it selfish to just live my own life and care for my own well being when I see the suffering. It makes me happy to do something about it.
It gives me a purpose, I'm made this way. And remember, Physical is only one layer, changing the world is a multi-layered project. I can still live my life and do things that make me happy even while I think of improving myself and the world around me, for me it just happens to be that that I like to devote a lot of time for it because I believe in myself. I do see a lot of suffering and other things people do not want to hear about and it upsets me from time to time, but the deep moments of realization I've been constantly getting have motivated me to keep looking for understanding and solutions. Benefits of awareness outweigh the disadvantages.

wouldn't it be more reasonable then to bring awareness to others instead of helping them live their life just so they can get this awareness? if the awareness of what ever it might be, is what counts, then why bother about their lifes if they'll never find this?

Awareness/Understanding is something you cannot pass on. I can describe a tree, but you're the one imagining it. I can understand the structure of reality and use words to describe it, but it doesn't help your understanding much, at best all I'm giving you is words, references to things I'm aware or in understanding with. I can tell you how everything is relative, but to realize the meaning you have to understand it yourself. I could tell you how humankind is being manipulated into certain way of thought and action but you wouldn't probably even believe me, I could've even devoted all my life to understanding that and all it would require from you would be to deny the possibility.
For these reasons I'm not forcing people into my way of thought.
Alternatively I could show you the tree, Guide you on the key issues in understanding reality, I could show you examples of relativity and challenge your thoughts or I could show you proof of manipulation and lies. Even so, these things would still not lead to you gaining MY awareness or understanding, instead you'd have developed your own towards my thoughts.

So far I've found it most useful to connect with people alike so that we can share ideas and thoughts and improve our own understanding. Eventually when consensus is reached upon different projects or concepts, the execution will be so much easier when everyone understands what is being done and why and the little issues take no major hold of the projects or conversations.
Don't fuck with my brain.
religion, in my opinion, is just a fear of the unknown.

people tend to turn to an all powerful being in times of real trouble or stressful times in their lives - when theyre dying, a relative is unwell, theyre favourite sports team is playing even.... you get what i mean im sure.

religion was born in a time where people didnt understand the world or the things in it. they never knew the world was round, they saw stars in the sky and couldnt understand what they were, they saw things that they could not explain, so they had to think up something to explain them all....thats just human nature.

religion, again, in my opinion, has been the root of the worlds problems now for a very long time. war - he doesnt believe what i believe, kill him. famine - caholisism fucked up entire countries with the no contraception thing - africa, the philippines etc etc. terrorism done in the "name of god" which blows my mind as no real god would ever condone this sort of shit. tv evangelism - omg just omg. white power protestants...the list goes on and none are good.

its hard for us to comprehend what we are as human beings, so we look to something tangeble to explain why we are here, what our purpose is and what to do next. im not saying there is no god, but ive not seen any evidence to prove it to me, and until i do, even lying dying, i wont be praying to anything.
You spoke the whole truth.
if you are looking for godlike experiences, experience mushrooms or lsd alone (preferably in the nature) and meet up with your loved ones after the trip.
if you actually mean what you wrote you have no clue what "godlike" experiences are
how can you comment when you have no idea what kind of experiences he is talking about? :D
It's rhetoric actually, you commented because you made an assumption based on what you know, but since you dont really know, the assumption itself doesnt carry much value.
yup don't know what he meant with godlike experiences, being a god or experiencing the feeling god can provide
I see what you did there! Okay let me elaborate. words are symbols and he used the ones best to describe his experience. For humans, closest to "god" is altered state of consciousness, the very state in which the prophets of bible received their revelations. Another dimension, another realm.
What'd u say?
there's a huge amount of evidence that shows God exists starting all the way from eye-witnesses. you can't argue that there isn't much evidence

atheists claim there is no evidence for God

so atheists, show me the evidence you have that god does not exist, because you have none. all you have is blind faith, the thing you accuse believers for. turns out it's the opposite
that's just retarded, why should anyone bother proving nonexistence of god? i don't even know how that would be possible considering it's not supposed to be a part of this world... i'm pretty sure that if any compelling evidence of god's existence was out there, there would be no atheists.

are you honestly suggesting that atheists believe that there is no god the same way that religious people believe there is?
ofc. its just the other side of the coin.
because they dont know if it exists and it's true they can't prove it, one way would be to explain genesis of life and such big questions via science but so far they are nowhere near that. big bang and evolution theories are majorly flawed and even scientists have to agree on that. it's up to you what you consider compelling, but there are a lot of things that cannot be explained any other way, life is one

Quoteare you honestly suggesting that atheists believe that there is no god the same way that religious people believe there is?

no, like i said you gotta neglect so much to believe there's no god. it's the opposite what you're thinking, that i am ignoring the facts and so on, am i right? i know something about physics, biology and evolution + bigbang theories and everything fits to God and intelligent design, even bigbang fits creation and what's said in bible D: atheists are believers and either they are ignorant and lack the knowledge, or just ignorant
Saying god created the universe is just as plausible as me saying a giant baby pooped out that same entire universe. It's based on nothing but a story told by one/some people.

I can think of a million explanations how the universe was created, and all these millions reasons I can sculpt in such a way that YOU can't possibly say wether they are true or not. You'll come at a point where you'll say "Well, I can't prove it's wrong, so I must keep in mind that it could possibly right".

And that's where you go wrong. There are some things that just make so little sense that you can safely say they are not true, even though you can't prove it. If you're unable to do this you'll just keep on wasting your time on dogmas.

Please don't say atheïsts lack knowledge. They have the same amount of knowledge as everyone does who has the access to internet/books/common sense, they just know a bit better how to deal with this information.
atheists are believers, its not about religion but about beliefs and everything comes down to beliefs and ideologies and even more precisely, which of them are harmful to the individual or environment.
It's just egoistic to claim you know better than religious people, by claiming so you already stacked all the believers in one pile as if belief itself is an act of ignorance. You say people just claim god created universe without proof. that's not true, that's how you see it. You're claiming god didn't create universe. Can't you spot the irony in that? Or you could claim you dont know what created the universe, but if it's so, why make such an issue out of it? Unless you find it important to tell others that they shouldnt know either, your belief is that it cannot be known and this should be truth. This kinda reminds me of some religious nutcases walking from door to door telling people they shouldn't be pagan because accepting the truth will earn you a place in some amazing place.
It's easy to say everyone is a believer, because there is a great array of things we don't know yet. Basing your world of knowledge on a dogma though is the actual nutcase thing to do here. Don't compare me to one of those idiots selling crap to people because they are too insecure about or unwilling to admit to the things they have no answer to.

God is a manmade concept, one that has absolutely no foundation of any sort. Yes I'm claiming that god didn't create the universe, for it's a contradiction by itself. You say the universe is infinite, so there isn't a beginning point where he could have created it. Would there be one, then he himself had to be at some place some time when he created it, so he lived in his own world. Someone must have created that world, and yet again we end in an infinite loop of false reasoning. Also if a designer were behind this universe, it'd have to be a pretty fucked up being for all the suffering it causes (we eat other animals to live, how cruel is that, couldn't he think of some other way to survive?).

Now you could refer to the universe being implicitly infinite, this doesn't imply that a designer has anything to do with it, even moreso it proves that there is no designer, and that the universe just is.
Of course I compare you to other people alike who claim to know better.
As Einstein put it, “Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.”
Dogma isn't tied to a religion it makes appearance on every field of knowledge and understanding.
Thinking dogma can only make harvest within religion is simply narrow minded ignorance.

And yeah, obviously God is man made concept, but so is every other word and symbol we use for communication. 'God' exists to describe an event or phenomenon, it's up to the user of the word to give meaning to the words he is using. Atheists tend to simplify that everyone who believes in something they have no understanding of are believing in same deity, a personal being caressing for the universe and the beings inhabiting it. That's again something narrow minded and may I say, dogmatic to the atheists.
No, God is clearly defined as a superior being (quoting wikipedia)
Quote god (gd)
1. God
a. A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions.
b. The force, effect, or a manifestation or aspect of this being.
2. A being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by a people, especially a male deity thought to control some part of nature or reality.
3. An image of a supernatural being; an idol.
4. One that is worshiped, idealized, or followed: Money was their god.
5. A very handsome man.
6. A powerful ruler or despot.)

If you decide to give your own definition to god then it's fine, but you can't discuss the fact that it's clearly defined what God stands for.

Your point about everything being a manmade concept, I agree on that although most of these concept we can confirm through trial and error. God is such an abstract concept that you can never fully confirm nor deny it's existence. Which yet again leads back to my argument of it being a dogma (which I never gave exclusive rights to religion, it's just a word which describes it perfectly). You can't base the foundation of your entire existence on it, in fact it makes so little sense that it's very probable that there isn't a god.

I do have to admit though that with your style of reasoning there is a small rotten spot left where god would fit in, be it a very little one that will soon be repaired with common sense.
by a wikipedia. you're missing the fact that people use these words and they don't check wikipedia for their meaning necessarily. ask around people to define god and you'll get rather vague and different answers.
Things in practice are different than in books. I've realized this deeply when I studied the structure of languages. I can write completely literal sentences from word to word and still people will use interpretation when none is needed. The reason for this is the lack of literal understanding of the words. Like you said, words are defined, but like I said people are not very aware of the definitions. Funny enough, this was also in the bible, "Let us go down there and confuse their language" - Story about tower of Babel.
Language is magic and the villains know this ;)
Giant baby don't have a thousand other bits of proof for it, God and creation has. Science has tried explaining it and closest it has got so far is this bigbang theory which basically fits creation, except science thinks first there was something but where did that come from? Time isn't infinite. Scientifically there's no explanation, creation fits, the universe, physics aren't random leave alone the issue how life started etcetc.
You do know that science doesn't explain certain key issues in bigbang and evolution, you can point them out now that you have the knowledge? I'm not an expert but I can still shut any evolution-scientist's mouth. In school they don't teach what's true and science isn't after truth either. Everybody knows that current evolution theory doesn't work but that's the best they got and believing in something as flawed as that is just dumb to me, not a good way to "deal with this information".
Continuous Big Bang - Explodes & Implodes. Keeper of Material Universe. Infinity
Evolution - process of complexity, "Novelty" is defined as increase over time in the universe's interconnectedness, or organized complexity.
Evolution Theory - man evolved naturally from ape
Creationism - god created man directly

All together - Universe is infinite, time is only a measurement between 2 events such as Earth circling the sun or teenager reaching maturity. Evolution is the progress of life, the ever changing flow of energy with cause and effect. if you perceive creation without time, god created man directly, if you perceive creation with time, we have evolved gradually.

I guess the real mix up comes from the beings who came to earth claiming they were gods who created all of existence when in reality they only made us out of "clay" to do their bidding.
We were like all happy monkey family evolving here and shit when these guys come, mix a little dna here and there and make us suitable for their needs. Their stories still stick to these days and we have people claiming we've been around only 6000 years, while others claim billions and billions of years of evolution was needed. Maybe there's a little truth on both sides ;)
cba to get into another useless discussion about religion, but yes I can safely say that every single religion there was until now is major bullshit, a simple DUMB reason to explain what you don't know yet, one that keeps getting DUMBed down as we come to know more and more through science.

and if you're so sure, give me some of those "proofs" for religion. I want to bet that every point you're going to give me is based on something we don't know yet. I know it's hard to grasp that some things can better be left open than to have a simple answer for them given by some book (I wish it were all this easy), but it's just not like that.

Wake up, drop that god of yours, and enter the world of KNOWING things. I do not claim to know everything, I do claim to know what not to believe though. Your god is based nothing, the idea of a grand creator is based on nothing but implications. The personification of the creator is even more a sign of your lack in grasping the beautiful detail we see all around us.

Please, give me proof for your god and I might consider opening my mind to it again. Too bad I already know there is nothing you can say that will do this (and please don't come with the close-minded argument, that's so simple and you know damn well that's not the case).
Science won't ever resolve the major questions mark my words. And there's not definitive proof about anything and believing in God is called believing for a reason, however I think there are many reasons to believe in it, one of which you'll notice when you die, a shame if not earlier.

no, God isn't based on nothing. What's your view then, how did everything start and how did life evolve?
Why does everything have to have a beginning. Can't it just be that the universe just is, without start nor ending. And if there has to be a start, why would you claim it to be done by some higher power that obviously had to be at his own place and time when he created the universe, bringing you into an infinite loop of reasoning.

It just doesn't make sense to give a god (or whatever dogma you make up) the credits for your entire existence.

As I see it you're too insecure to admit that there are things you do not know, so you use some unexplainable force to explain those questions for you. It's called mental laziness and fear for the unknown :)
Because everything has a beginning..? It has to be some higher power if there first was nothing how else can nothing turn into something. A lot of things don't make sense but that's what I'm trying to do here, make sense. Bigbang and evolution doesn't make sense because I know those don't explain much at all, and I'm curious.

There's plenty of things I don't have clue about, even considering these things but that's why I'm talking here, if I happen to learn something, I don't fear the unknown I'm interested in it :l Looks to me more like you're the one not willing to go deep in these questions but that's the way these conversations usually go, you guys turn ignore on
No, not everything has to have a beginning. This is logic through the concept of time, which is a manmade concept. In fact there is no such thing as time, the only form of time there is is spacetime, which influences relative positions and speed in time to one another, depending on the speed and energy an object has.

The time you're talking about is the time of disorder. Everything going from a perfectly organised to completely chaotic state, second law of thermodynamics. Theories imply though that this process can bounce forth and back (although I'm not so fond of unproven concepts), and other theories imply that "time" stood still before the big bang (which is also paradoxial because from out of nothing, nothing can source).

Life itself is one big paradox, and currently my brain is overheating from all these paradoxes so Imma take a while off ^^
Okay, I still think everything concrete has a beginning.
Ehm I edited something I have no idea what but maybe reread
Then why would you assume your religion is the one that's correct?
I really do not have a single clue where one would get solid proof.
I've seen it (christianity) "working" in people's lives and it all fits, bible, creation and so on. Buddhists and such are a joke to me, I don't know if I am biased but to me those look clearly made up. Islam is a christianitycopy or something with sick things like this holy war thingie.. Though, I don't know much about islam or other religions, can't really give you a thorough answer :(
Well, you're talking about a Holy War. Don't forget christianity has had a few Holy Wars of their own.
I'm not the one to say people can not believe in their religion, as I know lots of people - such as my grandmother - who get some of their lifestrenght out of it. But solely from my point of vue, I find there to be no reason to believe in any God whatsoever. And tbh, discussions about religions never really go anywhere, since both have fanatics whom are unable to properly discuss with eachother :(
Christians have fought but they haven't represented christianity doing it, unlike muslimählämislam.

For me a key reason to believe is knowing (= I've seen enough evidence) God is the creator, and that's what I'm trying to convince people, or atleast to shake up their blind faith to bigbang & evolution, make them think a bit! It's sad and true, you hardly ever get decent arguments and conversation out of it but gotta give it a shot 8[
Well the crusades were religous-based :(
If you're telling the truth, it's pretty easy to prove, just show the evidence. Either all of it, or just the best parts, it's up to you. I'm definitely not claiming there's no evidence for God - I just haven't seen any, and therefore I personally have no reason to assume one exists. Assuming you're right, this should be pretty easy to fix.

Eye-witness accounts obviously mean nothing, since people can lie (make up things knowing they never happened) or hallucinate, mis-interpret their sensory intake (make up things without knowing they never happened). If we accepted those, we'd have to assume reptilian aliens, effective homeopathy, telekinesis, scientology and all other sorts of fiction to be true as well.
you can't proof anything conclusively now can you, even if you saw God your own eyes you could argue it's hallucination or something
The truth lies in understanding the reality. What is it and how does it function? Belief itself is a very interesting topic. Everything is real and illusion. Individualism itself is illusion, but things within the illusion are real because they exist. Your awareness decodes reality so if you believe what you see to be true, it is. If you believe it to be illusion, it is. Only awareness can travel beyond these boundaries of thought. All the things a scientologist beliefs are as true as any atheist or christian's understanding. Now when we look at the Realm we share, it has some common laws and structures such as gravity, air, water, people, earth but there are many which are also inconsistent for example how was it all created, what is it all and so forth.
You could divide these into 2 categories, Natural and Artificial. There are no contradictions in nature. Nature is pure, as is. We can both observe it and while it baffles us, it functions within a certain frame of laws we can observe. Now these artificial constructs are a whole different case. Mind gave birth to them and they are filled with contradictions. concepts for example such as reasoning and learning. We have built a model for all of them, these terms are not self-evident, we have plenty of different ways to reason or learn, but majority is stuck with a very limited and narrow methods. We hold a list of things we have concluded to be either possible or impossible and when we process more information we compare it to what we know and label it according to our assumption. This way of thought just sounds like a bad computer program that would eventually mess up the computer if you leave it running for long enough.

Fundamentally there's a canvas and we all paint on it, some paint really amazing pictures while some just make a mess, but it's all true and it's all there on the canvas no matter how many layers of paint there are. You just have to see the difference between the canvas and the paint. Colors and shapes(words and symbols) are just references to describe the indescribable.

I can believe all this and it becomes my reality, I can even imagine myself to be a superman and hold it all real, but it might burst my bubble when my illusions do not carry over to other people, when they see me rollin but they be laughin. Difference is, believing to be a superhero with unnatural powers is easily disproved while these cultural engineers really know what they are doing and can create stories that cannot be disproved, are highly addictive and very dangerous to you, people around you and to the overall health and prosperity of humankind.

image: l
Completely wrong. We're all bound to the same laws of nature. You can't create something by believing it's there. It's just there or it's not. Would you create something, you'd create it by abiding to the laws of nature. Everyone could recreate it (given that they have the same intellectual/physical capacity as you do), and everyone can confirm that it's there by observing it.

You're not unique, you don't sculpt your surroundings, you're not a superman, you just live your life the same way everyone does.

edit: And talking about your artificial world, where concepts of mind are made, that's called your fantasy. It's something that happens in your brain, which by itself is constructed by the laws of nature. All thought processes you may have, are simple chemical reactions in your brain.

You might want to check out the contradiction of free will, here stephen hawkin illustrates beautifully how your thoughts are just a set of chemical reactions
you might want to read what I wrote before commenting. Maybe even reread if you're still thinking of posting the same comment.

e: hint; most of my comment was about separating Fact from Fiction, Reality from Illusion, Fantasy from Realm but the text is very heavy and should be read carefully.
Yes I misinterpreted your text a bit, with my comment I actually agree on what you wrote. My question to you is, do you exclude a designer or do you actually believe it might be possible there is one, and if you do what are your arguments for it? You seem like a guy who knows what he's talking about, so I'm eager for your answer.
like in some previous comments mentioned, it's about belief.
Reality might actually be a substance that makes your beliefs true to some extent.
Personally I view existence as a multidimensional consciousness, but defining it to anyone is simply mindfucking and incredibly hard.
If you want to try to imagine it, think of it as a sea of energy, it's made of same energy, but the location and density within the sea define the experience of existence felt in the now. It's really hard to describe the laws in which this energy is confined because in a way it doesn't really have them. Time is an illusion, same for matter and individualism too. The highest level of consciousness could be called "God" but it's far from anything humans are able to comprehend and any definitions by nature are misleading. Every being exists within this "energy grid" and is connected to it. Since there is no time as we understand it, everything happens simultaneously, due to this we all have our own guardian angel or higher intuition depending on our cultural influences, that has already reached the higher states of being and is now looking after the earlier stages of development. Physical realms are product of limited consciousness where "individuals" experience the existence. From a blueprint to a self-aware being, from a being to self-aware consciousness, from consciousness to a blueprint for being. No beginning nor end. Constant experimentation with existence, no purpose, but plenty of spontaneous action. Infinite potential energy creating infinite possibilities of existence. It feels like I'm trying to define something that's 3D while I can only speak 2D, more precisely I'm talking of infinite dimensions while I'm only functioning in handful myself. to be honest, I don't even want to try to describe it anymore, the more I do it the more accurate image it presents, but the more accurate the image, the more it's a concept of words and thoughts and less of the real indescribable existence of all there is. Even the bible told not to worship idols (images, concepts). God is a man made concept.

One day I was talking to God and told him "I don't need you anymore" my first reaction was thinking this was against all I was raised to be. Some people say their affection/love for god is an exception, they say "If God is the God I think he is, he wouldn't like if I stopped caring about him."
Alright then, if you think you can't be happy without God, the "God" you're thinking has nothing to do with the real God. You are thinking of your dream state, your concept of God. Some day you'll have to let go of the "God" so you can find real God.

- Anthony de Mello, in the book 'Awakening'

To your question, I literally think everything is possible (and isn't because life is a paradox).
I acknowledge the existence of powerful beings and forces, vast(if not infinite) amount of dimensions and unimaginable understanding that awaits once the limitations of human mind disperse. Still the question about the order and hierarchy of the universe remains. Maybe put it this way, instead of a being, God is the certain kind of awareness inside you that keeps on growing during individual's spiritual evolution. The more you grow, the more divine your understanding becomes and automatically this will have an effect on your actions. To me, paradise(physical) people speak of is a place for these "divine beings" to co-exist in harmony because of the greater understanding they all share.

Kinda tired of writing more but reread my other comments also on this journal if you're interested, because they are partly describing this stuff too. Words are only references, but I hope I gave enough but not too much to allow you to think from different perspective.
Well, I grasp the general context of your story, and if I have to be honest it all sounds way too speculative.

I deeply respect the great effort you've put into trying to come to a right answer for the indeed paradoxial life, but you've gone too far with speculation. Guardian angels, infinite energy grids and supremely powerful beings don't have any scientific or observatory base and thus, like all the other concepts you can't disprove, have no base and are probably nowhere even near the truth.

Now I know you're not too fond of current scientific models like evolution, but you have to admit that causuality can't be denied, and thus evolution (natural selection) and the thermodynamic laws are also automatically at play. These concepts all have a decent base that can be observed around you, no need for any higher powers and such.

About the current paradoxial questions we have like the beginning of the universe (which in my, and obviously your, opinion doesn't even have to be there because time is a manmade concept), the perfect detail in which everything is portrayed, and tons of other questions: where did you get your ideas on this? How did they form and what reference can you give me (if you're willing to take the time ofc)
Well you keep saying there is no proof or scientific base for this stuff, but you have to understand that this is the filter which you use to make sense of reality. Everyone has one. It's very easy to notice the differences in other peoples way of thought, but it takes a lot of effort to study your own way of thought, your own logic and reason.

"Now I know you're not too fond of current scientific models like evolution, but you have to admit that causuality can't be denied, and thus evolution (natural selection) and the thermodynamic laws are also automatically at play. These concepts all have a decent base that can be observed around you, no need for any higher powers and such."

Evolution is real for it is simply change. You're right, I'm not too fond of the evolution theory which suggests we somewhat recently evolved from apes, because my understanding of human history leaves room for extraterrestrial intervention, ancient advanced civilizations, deeper scientific and spiritual understanding of the reality and many events which have been ignored by the scientific community. I agree with most of the main points of evolution theory though, but I leave space for the possibility that apes were genetically modified to fit the needs of "gods". we were trained to work and taught not to question. Adam and Eve story is about one of these beings feeling sorry for humans and explaining them difference between good and bad, when others arrived to the "paradise" they were pissed off because the humans had learned to think for themselves. legend goes the other gods banished this humanitarian god to live among humans, but that didnt stop him. He told humans about the real god, he described what "he" is like. Again the other gods didnt like this and they had him killed, but it wasn't enough because people were so amazed by the words and actions of the human-god that they rebelled. Since the gods were smart, they took advantage of humans faith and beliefs. They twisted and turned them so that humans would begin worshiping them as gods. because of his spontaneous actions, the human-god had given the other gods a perfect means to control humans. Belief systems came more advanced, more misleading and more truthful sounding so these beings were able to hide their presence for it wasn't required anymore. It's a funny story and that's all it probably is for you :)

Anyway, causality is a simplified concept, but yes, quite true. The laws of thermodynamics however, at least the first law is simply trickery of words.

First law of thermodynamics: Heat and work are forms of energy transfer. While energy is invariably conserved, the internal energy of a closed system changes as heat and work are transferred in or out of it. Equivalently, perpetual motion machines of the first kind are impossible.

it's talking of a closed system, even if you have a lead box filled with vacuum, it's still not closed from the universe. They use this law to dismiss any claims of alternative energy possibilities. It doesn't really make sense. When they invented a led that generates more than the energy put into it, they just went around the word trickery by explaining why it works despite the first law of thermodynamics. In other words, it IS possible to create a perpetual motion machine.

All in all, something for you to ponder. What if I'm right? What if I'm explaining concepts that will take years from the scientific community to acknowledge? What if science is mislead on purpose? What if it's just all a big cover up? What if the ruling elite could make the world a paradise, but only want to keep it for themselves? What if it doesn't matter what you believe? What if reality is simply reflection of your beliefs? What if you believe something negative and it takes a hold of your life? What if lots of crazy shit is going to happen soon because people are asking more and more questions? What if?
My philosophy is the result of over 6 years of intensive study into topics ranging from improving the society, understanding the structure of society, power, corruption - power relations of nations, corporations, institutions - scientific theories - ancient cultures and writings, myths, stories, books - conspiracy facts, conspiracy theories - wild speculations, alternative theories of reality, philosophical topics, theology, existence, truth, dualism - eastern and western religions, gurus and spiritual guides, prominent individuals such as Einstein, Newton, Neil de Grasse, Terence McKenna, Nikola Tesla, Prabhupada, Krishnamurti, Alan Watts, David Icke and many others - suppressed science and human history, education, coverups, ufos, aliens, timetravel, secret societies, symbolism, language and words, historical events, space and it's structure, vortexes, nature, psychology, human behavior, manipulation, mind control, mis-leaders, faith, beliefs, realization, enlightenment, understanding, knowledge, information, unity, oneness, time.

just a few terms from top of the head. I built my philosophy myself, I've borrowed plenty of course but in the end I've been the one thinking how the pieces fit to my understanding and when I allowed them to shape it, that has really lead me to places. a week from now I will probably be talking of something completely else because I go with the flow. I remember most what I read, not literally but most of the fundamental message, but most important is to think and imagine. This will train logic and in the end it's THE thing that you use to make decisions in life. If you read a book with golf ball sized consciousness, you're not getting the whole message, just what your consciousness can understand. Expanding consciousness and state of awareness affects all aspects of life. You are more alive and more in the moment when you experience more of it.
he's right about the comment (he made to this comment) we're not directly bound to the SAME laws, just some laws. someone just interpreted them as time, gravity, space and the likes. though if you don't want to believe these conecpts you can not be bound to them. doesn't mean you can jump off a house and expect not to be hurt, only if pain is also something you do not belive in that is...
but yet you will expirience something. we gave names to it and found a pattern in it, but there is no way to tell if here isn't some place where these laws do not apply. (you can prove it at a certain time at a certain place under certain conditions, yet not all places at all times and all conditions, so there is still a chance it could be possible)
not that i don't believe in THSE concepts ^^

e: on your edit - just the same as above, it's only a chemical reaction if you belive that something such as chemistry exists. :P

those are manmade laws, just the same as the models we used to use in chemistry. it pleased us and seemed comclusive, but yet we found them to be flawed at some point, so we found new ones. well noone has proven the concept of time and space being flawed so far, not perfectly, but you could...maybe.
something like this. I can jump and fall back to the ground. We may both call it gravity but the understanding of it can vary as much as anything. I may find Gravity to be related to magnetism while your focus is on mass. I may discover something you would never stumble with your style of research, yet we are talking of the same substance, same topic, Gravity is the absolute truth, our understanding is the objective truth, a point of view. Reminds me of science and religion, seen and unseen. both exist in what we call world or universe, yet they both have their very specific point of view, what the universe is and isn't.
No, the truth is the truth. Gravity is what it is, you just lack the full knowledge to define what gravity is. We will eventually reach a point where we can mutually conclude and confirm what gravity is. At this point all our false points will vanish and we will have a common truth, which has always been this truth.

Don't confuse the power of the mind with the absolute truth. What you THINK you know might not be what is actually true (although if I understand you correct this is what you're saying and we can agree on this).

Relating this to religion, on first sight it might look like I confirm your point in that I have to leave everything open to religion, but the idea of a grand designer is a self-contradicting dogma (see one of my previous comments). This is why I completely banish the idea of a God, and rather tend to leave it open for science. Furthermore I see no need for a designer, why can't it all just be?

edit: just reread your first comment and I think we can agree on absolute truths and interpretation of these truths, please read the reply I sent to your previous comment.
yeah theres bunch of interesting discussions going on here it seems, gotta go to work but I'll check back in the evening.
well it's just going to the point if you doubt the very being of each other of us. if life were an illusion so would be gravity since an illusion can hardly create something real, thats more why gravity is a concept and not a truth (since we can't say for sure that something is real. though it's somewhat mental to not to since the chance is by our expirience so far, that it's likelier, that we ARE real :P )

edit: indeed, just like in your comment below
no, it's actually more likely that we are not real, neither is the reality we live in. In a sense you could call this real, at least real to you. It comes down to the very definition what's real, such a classic remark from matrix.
I love how this movie has changed my life (really without this movie I probably would have never used my brain :D )
And still all these laws that we have observed and confirmed billions of times keep applying to everything you do.

Ofcourse you can say that it's a mere observation limited by our conciousness and senses, but as we know this already we use this knowledge to also prove things that we can't sense at first sight (infrared for example).

See it like this, if you can't trust your senses you can't prove anything, because everything is a mere observation. You can't prove that everyone is bound to the same rules, but that would imply that you're living in your own dreamworld where you made everyone up, because they follow YOUR way of things instead of their own. Which is a very cold and dark place to be, but yes you can't deny it being possible. Like a god, or a giant baby who pooped out the universe, or a multiverse where everything is possible, or one of the million other explanations that make absolutely no sense but can't be disproven.
Well since you understand everything is possible, think about this.
Even we are already capable of altering our genetic heritage, perform cloning and so forth. We already broke the physical barriers that were given to us since birth of universe, like people say, we shouldn't play god and that sprung out of the fact that we can. As we evolve we are expanding our reach of influence within the universe and who's to say this progress would stop at some point?
Well now, take a highly advanced civilization, say 100,000 years from our current phase of progress.
They are no longer playing god, it's been normal for them to live without diseases and genetic malfunctions and with their prolonged life comes great understanding and wisdom of reality. Now these people who probably by now use the universe as their systems source of energy and processing and they want to figure out what happened in the past and since they are really curious towards understanding, they have wide variety of different research projects. Among them virtual realities made to mimic known conditions of certain space and time. It is actually mathematically more likely that we live in a reproduced reality than in the "actual world".

I know you assume it's cold to live in in a world of an own. surely it's sometimes lonely, but you can't really compare them and that's just one the quirks of human mind always trying to compare things. The benefits far outweigh the disadvantages and everything is relative, if you don't like thinking then obviously living as much outside of your head as possible is something you'd preferably do (just examples). The world we are given is prechewed, pre-everything. It's easy. Live, eat, work, reproduce. I'm not here for that, but I don't blame them who find it fascinating. "If you can't trust your senses you can't prove anything" This is just the narrow view sprung out of scientific method, which is one of the biggest reasons I dislike mainstream science. It's only one point of view but most atheist and people alike take the scientific approach as a way of life. It's as crazy as blind faith when it comes to religions.

Philosophy is the key, Imagination is extremely important, but as everything, understanding is the sum of interconnectedness of systems. Like a puzzle, if you miss pieces, you miss the whole, but when you have pieces in place you begin to speculate on the whole, you might get it wrong but through trial and error you'll get inevitably closer. Surely Science does the same, but I believe strongly enough to consider it as a fact that science is mislead as a whole and I as an individual should not follow in it's footsteps. This doesn't mean I wouldn't take advantage of it, this simply means I'm not part of the herd.

Bottom line is, I believe beliefs are of extreme importance and one should be really careful what to believe in because it defines you and your actions. I try to avoid beliefs that drag me down and support ones that motivate me to keep going.
What you forget is that we have documented history, we can actually look up the progress mankind has made in the past. We can dig up soil and see the weather conditions hundredthousands of years ago. It's not like we've just been put in here hundred years ago in some matrix and we're all living out our lives in a dreamworld.

The fact that you state that some super evolved form of life probably contains us (and believe me I've also thought through this a vast number of times) is no answer by itself, because you get back in this vicious circle of reasoning. They at one point were also in this universe, so it had to be created by an even earlier supreme being, which some day were also contained by an earlier supreme being, and so on and so on.

The problem is that with current reasoning and scientific knowledge we still can't explain these mysteries, and so philosophy makes it's move by introducing these vague concepts that give a one-step solution, but still are never able to answer these concepts that are out of our understanding. This is why I think we need science to learn more and more about our universe. At one point we are bound to know the absolute truth, because then we indeed know everything and live as 'gods', or we will be kept from knowing the absolute truth by these supreme beings, which would immediately confirm their existance.
I'm not forgetting anything, you're just ignoring what I'm saying. :)

They? I've written so many comments that I dont know what I wrote to what comment, but I clearly stated any personal being claiming to be supreme god is a supreme lier. There is no need for universe within universe, even though we already have that. Since you were rather literal with definitions, forget I've ever even mentioned God. I'm only talking about the structure of reality.

Philosophy IS science, what you call science is basically study of matter. These beings you keep bringing to the conversation might actually be real and their intention indeed is to prevent man from becoming a god, but like I said, they are not gods, simply imitators.
Pfff for me it's so hard to have conversation through text. It would be awesome to have this conversation face to face with you, because I just can't explain myself through mere text (pretty damn annoying).

Btw hi I'm spree I never thought I'd have a serious discussion with you ehehehe

If you ever going to a crossfire lan again lemme know, we'll catch up on the subject
That's why I self-educated myself to understand language better. I can almost write whatever I think, but writing is slow, so very slow and very easily misinterpreted.

Well hi spree, seems you've done some soul searchi.. err observations about reality. To be honest I don't really remember you, just some extremely random stuff you used to post but even that is very vague, something about rockstar dad etc.

ET... mmm.. I would love to play it still but I could say I've found somewhat more important things to do. But maybe I'll do a spontaneous visit @ some lan. But if it ever happens, you should prepare because I can talk much faster than what I can write and usually only stop talking when I realize my mouth is dry
Doesn't matter how many what if's you'll throw at me, I won't believe in a dogma even if the consequences might be that I'm wrong. I'd rather keep it open for later investigation.

Next to that I'd really love to study biology, philosophy, physics and philosophy (I know this aint something you do in a year, but I've got an entire lifetime in front of me), and get to the bottom of things myself. This because I agree with what you say, for all I know all these scientific 'facts' could be a giant conspiracy to keep us puny civilians from the truth (which I ofcourse don't really believe as the scientific database is open for everyone).

By the way, not that it's of any importance, but may I ask how old you are? I guess 11 is a bit optimistic :DD

Dogma is the established belief or doctrine held by a religion, or a particular group or organization.

Have fun sucking the tit of scientific dogma. :)

ps. you might not have a lifetime, U.S. Congress just passed a bill allowing them to go to war against Iran. If this doesn't sound touching, many experts believe war against Iran would escalate into a global economy crisis.
yes I obviously mean a theory without a founded base, one that you can't disprove without the proper knowledge. I just don't know the word for it, but I guess you already understood what I meant :)
Yes that´s the correct word. Excuse me for my crappy English, my brain is currently as hot as the outer plasma rings of the sun because of all these paradoxes and quakelive rage, I can´t think straight ehehehe. If I have something useful to reply tomorrow I will, otherwise thank you for your insights on the subjects, it certanly gave me a few new things to think about.
these are actually more of theories than hypotheses, but for obvious reasons I'm not writing theories but comments on crossfire.
you are mind fucking me mannnnnnnnnnnnn but im with you on what your saying
you can't prove that something doesn't exist. you can prove that it doesn't exist within certain parameters as: at this time at this very place in a physical form, but thats about it. but proving that something exists is possible.

apart from that - think what you want - if it comforts you to believe that there is an eternal being, don't care about what they're telling you regarding this. noone can ever tell you what to believe. but the other way around, you should also just accept, that others might believe differently and you should let them make their own choice. (yes they shouldn't bother you with this aswell, but someone has to make a start)
what i mean you don't have proof against god and i have proof for him
well now that would baffle me if you actually did.

not saying you couldn't have, just saying it's unlikely.
you know, i'm good with you believing what you believe, but i tend to believe there isn't. not in a way you'd be able to proof its existance. since just as i stated, it would be limited to time,space and a physical form of some extend. and i believe god is rather a conecpt to comfort. and you can not proof that an idea exists since it neither has a physical form, nor is it all present and not at all time, it's there when you want it to be there (as long as you're able to control your mind on your own)

but do tell me, what proof do you have that a god that YOU believe in, exists?
and by proofs i mean that there is no other explanation as unlikely as might be, that it had to be an eternal being? (i believe that's the kind of god you believe in?)
Tens of thousands of original documents, eye-witnesses, people's testimonies and experiences, scientifical evidence, historical evidence, statistical probablities, everything from the properties of proteins/water/galaxy to human anatomy to laws of quantumphysics indicate intelligent design, darwinism is flawed, the two fundamental assumptions are both flawed and flaws are neglected, bigbang isn't even funny, creation is the only thing that fits and is logical and possible, my own experiences and the experiences of the people I know well, shroud of turin, bible, I also consider every living thing as evidence because I know how well everything is designed to work and whatnot.. Those are the first things that came to my mind
He asked for proof. then fucking provide proof instead of coming up with some bullshit tl;dr answer.
Then again must be hard finding proof of some fairytale.
Do you sincerely think I can give you proof in one line? That's as TL;DR as it gets, if you're too afraid of knowing too much, don't reply back. Actually I already see you're angry and gonna ignore every single fact I'm throwing out here :) You won't be satisfied in anything, only maybe if you experienced something yourself.
QuoteTens of thousands of original documents

Tens of thousands and you haven't even posted a single source.
Just putting this out here, the Church itself never accepted nor rejected the shroud.
Yeah I know just popped to my mind and put it there, it's not very significant anyway
well i wouldn't use witnesses as real proves. actually i wouldn't use anything physical as prove to there being a god, since everything physical can be shaped by mankind.
i'd at least expect some sort of miracle (though that's not how god works anyway, just through people if any. and yet you could simply explain that in a scientific way. well darwinism is only as flawed as when it comes to define what strengh is, no? in todays world you can hardly say who is going to be the last to survive (well, in terms of defining what attributes made him survive, though intelligence is certainly a factor in it)
but yet again, i doubt one can prove there being a god since even if you saw it or talked to it you couldn't be 100% sure it being a god. if it could fly? well that's not so hard these days. if it had lightning? meh. if it killed people without touching them? really? or maybe reanimate them? has been there already. COULD have been a god, though there still is a chance that just being something else behind it, so it can't be considered a proof.
Even if there were millions of people over thousands of years to say that there is a god and write something down, they believe god did or how he looked like or what he said, even if whole humanity did this, it's no proof what so ever. it could be something accepted as a fact, such as gravity being existant and it would be somewhat unusual of you to believe something else, but yet again you could be the only one right about it.

QuoteAdam and Eva had dozens of children and the children made more children with each other
I wouldn't go as far as to use the bible as some sort of prove, the bible is without a doubt flawed (likelier than that god created incest related fail births later on)
In darwinism there's two major assumptions that initial cells could be generated and that macroevolution works and neither of those have much of any arguments to support them, a lot against them. Mentioning only two, I could mention a dozen problems with it that no darwinist could answer.

And no surprise there you still think I don't have any evidence although I listed you quite a lot of them already. Don't live in denial that much, just argue properly against me if you think you're right. Obviously eye-witnesses or people witnessing, even hundred of thousands of them doesn't count and yeah you can't take a DNA sample of god and notice oh hey it's the dna of god, god exists! But all those pieces of evidence added up makes it hard for you to rationally argue against.
well you didn't give any proof yet. (that's what i am actually trying to tell you. you can't prove it, since anything we consider proof can yet be explained in a scientific way. you can prove concepts to be flawed, though that doesn't mean that there is not another explanation, it only means this was not the one.
or to say it in a way that might suit you more (honestly no offence meant) proof is something we can meassure. but if it's meassurable, how would differentiate between ordinary and something being god?
there's neither proof for it's existance nor of its non-existance. there probably will never be. since there is always some "before" and according to cause and effect there had to be something before it or not? but if so, and if god made it? where did god come from?! and so on.
the difference between science and your belief at this moment is just, that science is more conclusive to a point.
Definitive proof, no. But I gave a solid package of evidence which you can either look into or deny it all. I won't go any more philosophical, but you can't prove anything and you can doubt everything as long as you like.

Quotethere had to be something before it or not? but if so, and if god made it? where did god come from?! and so on

Yeah that's the thing I've thought about myself, there always had to be something which I is God, who is eternal and created everything. How else could it be? :F I think human mind isn't capable of understanding these things. The difference between science and my belief is that I have answers and science doesn't, I don't limit myself looking answers from naturalism. Science isn't about finding an honest truth, yet science has nearly monopoly as a descriptor of truth. Science has found significant evidence that universe is made by something intelligent and that genesis of life hasn't been possible leave alone macroevolution. As for conclusive, yeah, but not the way you think. The more they have researched the more they find proof _against_ evolution. And the thing is, you gotta know quite a bit of something about biology chemistry and physics to realise these things and to think on your own. Don't believe everything you read and hear.
quite contradicting statement. science is finding evidence against their theory of evolution doesn't mean they are finding evidence about god. Obviously evolution of science(c wat i did deir) will lead to more open minded thinking as through trial and error we gain better understanding of reality.

Quotethere always had to be something which I is God, who is eternal and created everything. How else could it be? :F I think human mind isn't capable of understanding these things

Your limited human consciousness is trying to figure out existence saying how else could it be and on the next sentence you admit humans do not have the capacity to think about it. So how can a religious or a scientific person be closer to the truth when we humans don't even have an idea what truth is?

Also, why must there be a beginning? I think someone asked this before, but think it literally, why must there be a beginning?
Well there are pretty much two theories, evolution & creation if the swaneggs and whatnot doesn't count. Of course people can wait for a third whole new theory or fourth or fifth and refuse accepting creation as an option. But I don't see how it doesn't support creation if evolution theory is slowly losing its status as the truth.

Nobody will know _the truth_ until they die (that's atleast how I see it) so it's pointless to demand definitive proof because you can't provide it. I think the closest to the truth is the theory which has more facts supporting it, which is creation and God. So far, no scientist can openly declare even if he was on the side of creation because the official view of science is that evolution & bigbang works. And it'll remain so until they come up with a better theory or the nature of science changes. I think we have an idea what the truth can be but the trouble is you can't proof it to close-minded people, nor you can proof it in a scientifically valid way.

You're going too philosophical in this one with the beginning I don't like that, but I think science has proven that universe had a beginning. Confuses the hell out of me if I go too deep, so gonna quit this topic here. God has no beginning! D:
this kind of thinking however is quite narrow. It doesn't tackle the issue. Just because mainstream is talking of only 2 theories, it doesn't mean the world ain't full of theories ranging from very specific to very broad, from wild to conservative, speculative to concrete. Anyway even this is not the issue and I'll skip a lot of explaining when I just say that the people who have the power use it to manipulate the masses and this is far more widespread and dangerous than majority(~85%) of people will or could imagine. Mainstream could be labeled Mis-stream and once you look carefully into what they are saying, you find them contradicting themselves a lot. It's no bullshit about knowledge being power and even the alleged human nature is proof enough that knowledge is hidden from the masses. That being said, only your understanding of the universe can benefit you. Train logic, advance in thought. surpass limitations of mind.
I know the mainstream thingie very well and that's what I'm trying to do, educate mainstreamers :F
I know that we don't share the same knowledge about it, but it's hard to say which beliefs have an effect.
But for example, modern society doesn't encourage people to think, it shouldn't even have to because it should be natural, but after decades of what the society IS doing, it no longer is. Thinking is overrated and not cool. Besides it's fucking hard cuz nobody taught you how to do it. You can write and speak, but what's the point if you can't think? whats the point of making people into robots?

The act of thinking has been replaced with several programs that do use the same processor used for thinking, but due to nature of these programs, logic becomes flawed, twisted and simply illogical in essence.
No longer do we think to improve our logic but instead we use our (flawed) logic to do the thinking for us.
Bunch of tools have been developed to make this logic bypass easier. the results of these tools can be seen today.

Using this idea we can divide people into those who think and those who believe. When a thinker is provided with information he will automatically chew it, break it apart and put it back together in order to understand what it's made of using his imagination and logic. When a believer is provided with information he will check his previous knowledge about the issue, form an assumption and act upon the assumption.
A believer might believe in something he doesn't fully understand yet blindly defends his faith while a thinker might believe and defend his assumption about something, but in the face of rational truth will change his mind.

For example our Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen who's been talking about economic growth for quite some time. Those who believe him blindly defend the actions of our government because it's necessary and what not. Then there are those who have been thinking about it and have arrived to a completely opposite opinion about the necessity of these actions. Same for democracy or the whole societal system itself. Believers have been sold an icon, an image of what is democracy, what is money, what is society and they hold this icon very tightly. Thinkers question these icons and point out there's more to it than we are being told and believers laugh at them. I say money is more than just a tool of exchange, among other things it's a major obstacle to mankind's evolution. Yet no matter how much evidence I put forth to support my claim, a believer will stick with the icon stubbornly. Of course my claims could be wrong and believer could use logic and reason to persuade me, but that's the difference between believer and thinker. One tells you to believe, another tells you to think.
Yeah you got a point there and gotta agree with it, these religion journals have taught me more and more of that. And when it comes to democracy, these believers and generally dumb people ruin it, people are too stupid in general for democracy to work well.
people are too stupid in general. That's why democracy actually works the way it was meant to. I mean seriously, would the aristocrats have given us democracy if it would've taken away their power?
"Tens of thousands of original documents, eye-witnesses, people's testimonies and experiences, scientifical evidence, historical evidence, statistical probablities,"

and yet u are unable to provide just one of those proofs.
I can't hand an original document to you or get eye-witness of the crucifixion, I can tell people's testimonies to you I can tell mine, I can proof scientifically evolution is a flaw, there's historical evidence there was Jesus and a man who made miracles and was crucified, what happened during the moment he died, Romans and local people all provide that evidence. Simply the amount of cells there has been on earth makes evolution statistically impossible, even if it had unlimited time evolution wouldn't happen.

I'm able to go very deep in scientifical proof that I have but I've noticed it's no use to argue with someone who isn't deep in that aswell.
its funny because you havent read the bible and now u say this: "I'm able to go very deep in scientifical proof that I have but I've noticed it's no use to argue with someone who isn't deep in that aswell."
Yes scientifical, I'm no bible expert. READ PLEASE!
You aint an expert in shit. you are an hypocrite who says that the world would be a much better place if we followed the bible and you havent read shit of it, then after people points you out all the big fucked up things that the bible says u defend yourself by saying "i mean the 10 fundaments" and categorize yourself as a christian afterwards which is ridiculously hypocrite to do.

I'd love to see your scientifically proof on the extsience of heaven btw.

and btw if u can prove evolution wrong i dont know what u are doing here you could go on show the world and be famous because nobody has made it so far.
You can be christian even if you don't know everything about everything, it doesn't need much. I know the key facts of bible and follow them as good as I can and if everybody did the same, world would be so much of a better place, 100% guaranteed. No denying that not even you can do it. What are the big fucked up things I didn't explain?

You can't proof heaven scientifically, you will see when you die, or in your case you might not. Scientists working with evolution theory know it's very flawed and are working it but until a better scientific explanation comes up they won't declare it wrong. What will happen is science will change in way that science accepts intelligent design as a scientific explanation. There are flaws which are known but neglected. What could I do? Evolution hasn't proven working. It's not any exclusive information........
ofc it hasnt been proven yet, its a theory, thats hwo science works they do RESEARCH and have veredict on that research.

"You can be christian even if you don't know everything about everything, it doesn't need much."

EXACLY, thats the point of christianity and most religions, its just the "easy" way out.

You have no proof of anything and u keep claiming u have but u are unable to provied any because they are not proofs at all, its just subjective stuff, u believe in christianity, why u do so?u have proofs that the heaven exsists? or that everything was made in 7 days?
Of course? It's just they can't draw a conclusion from a theory as flawed as evolution, they can't put the pieces together.

And tbh I don't think christianity is in any means easy way out, atleast I don't have any sort of blind faith and I'm struggeling a bit

I have proof that evolution, bigbang, abiogenesis and such doesn't explain what they're supposedt to. I have proof for that to draw a conclusion. Creation explains it and God explains plenty of other things too. There are no more than afterlife experience as an evidence of heaven or afterlife at all, it's called religion for a reason. Though, evolution needs way more faith than christianity does. You have no proof that the things you believe in work/exist at all, I have proof you don't.

Some arguments I had of evolution in case you're interested in what some of those scientific flaws are: and that convo I had with him, read it.
How come dinosaurs are many million years old when god created the world somewhere in 4000eaa?

If Adam and Eve were the first humans and they had a child, with whom the children would get their children? We are cousins?
I don't know

Adam and Eva had dozens of children and the children made more children with each other
So all the people in this world are cousins with each other?
man, I can't prove that Flying Spaghetti Monster is non-existing

You, sir, just made the smartest comment on this whole page...
All hail the great spaghetti monster and the invisible teapot orbeting Mars.
and the Invisible Pink Unicorn
I think we've been watching too much Richard Dawkins videos.
Proving nonexistence is a silly notion and generally impossible unless whatever you're supposed to prove doesn't exist is logically flawed in itself.

The ones that assert the claim for existence should be the ones delivering the proof. There is no reason anyone should believe someone that claims something exists but fails to deliver any sort of evidence for it.

Imagine if I told you unicorns exist. Would you believe me? You would ask me for proof, for evidence. I would have none. Would you now believe me? Would it be fair for me to ask you to prove they don't exist? Would you be able to?

And that, that is why people do not believe in god.
But isn't it annoying that there are loads of evidence for God?
Except that there isn't?
Isn't it annoying to be forced to either neglect the evidence or accept the truth, too?
So where's this evidence then?

In fact, anyone that could deliver actual evidence for the existence of god would instawin a noble prize. Same for anyone that could disprove evolution.

Funny how it hasn't been announced yet, you'd think they'd make a big thing out of it; it's pretty important after all.
Tens of thousands of original documents, eye-witnesses, people's testimonies and experiences, scientifical evidence, historical evidence, statistical probablities, everything from the properties of proteins/water/galaxy to human anatomy to laws of quantumphysics indicate intelligent design, darwinism is flawed, the two fundamental assumptions are both flawed and flaws are neglected, bigbang isn't even funny, creation is the only thing that fits and is logical and possible, my own experiences and the experiences of the people I know well, shroud of turin, bible, I also consider every living thing as evidence because I know how well everything is designed to work and whatnot.

Oh wait, none of those count as evidence to you! You lust scientifical evidence. Yet, evolution and genesis of life lacks scientifical evidence, as does bigbang. Why do you believe in those then?[/q] There's more scientifical evidence showing there's intelligent designer than that it was random. It is known and unarguable science doesn't have the answers to the two major question, how universe was born, how life began and evolved. Microevolution happens within species but nobody can explain how macroevolution could occur and generate new organisms and spieces. If you start to claim otherwise you're gonna make a fool out of you.

Now, what's the problem with this is that science is limited to search the answer from a specific area. The day science changes its nature, it'll be all over the news, that evolution is now officially wrecked. And it is that already, but only unofficially. Scientists have disproven evolution but it's only embarrasing for them and they don't have anything better so far, thus it's not in the news.
Evolution and big bang lack evidence? Do you live under a rock or something?

Holy fuck. There's more evidence for evolution than any other scientific theory.

I guess you also don't believe in gravity, intelligent falling is a lot more suitable.

You're a tool, I'm done with you, you just won't listen.
Yeah they do, key issues are neglected and it's not my opinion or anything, if you would read my replies you could tell in detail which those are =)
I did and I addressed why those weren't legitimate flaws, but merely perceived flaws due to a lack of understanding of physics, biology and chemistry.
Well, that lack of understanding will be there for an infinite amount of time. I guess it's up to you which way you find it acceptable.
No, you show me that evidence you are talking about.
Tens of thousands of original documents, eye-witnesses, people's testimonies and experiences, scientifical evidence, historical evidence, statistical probablities, everything from the properties of proteins/water/galaxy to human anatomy to laws of quantumphysics indicate intelligent design, darwinism is flawed, the two fundamental assumptions are both flawed and flaws are neglected, bigbang isn't even funny, creation is the only thing that fits and is logical and possible, my own experiences and the experiences of the people I know well, shroud of turin, bible, I also consider every living thing as evidence because I know how well everything is designed to work and whatnot.. Those are the first things that came to my mind. Creation and God fits perfectly, nothing else does.
u are one of those that say that bananas are made for humans to eat because it has the perfect shape for a human hand?
No. You're one of those who ignores my replies and makes up more nonsense to cover it up?
"intelligent design"

Do you realize that the principle of evolution is that the ones with a major chance of survivng are those who adapted better?

Do u have any fossils of a snake with vocal cords? because we do have fossils which prove physical evolution.
no not really that principle of yours doesn't explain how life evolved at all

i have one talking snake in my closet wanna see?

you don't have the in-between fossiles
Religion is an elaborate hoax made by the rich elite in order to keep ignorant rabble in line with promises of great afterlife, the elite has always used religion as a justification of war for land grabs and petty arguments (Crusades and terrorism for example).

Though I'd add that most religious texts are based on ancient writings and the books that are base for these religious cults were made by smart individuals. Evil comes in when the text is translated into meaning.
I think there is afterlife, there is "godly hierarchy" but it's so much different from the one the priests and rabbis have been babbling about. Fear of their God makes you passive in life. Real Universal God would not tell you anything you should or shouldn't do since he is part of you, he is you. So there is or isn't an afterlife, but there is this moment, right here right now which you're supposed to enjoy the best you can. Obviously we are made great promises about the afterlife if we give up this moment, but this is really all there is. This will eventually become that and that will become this and time is just an illusion.
my goodness, that's a nice read.
pretty much meets my concept of life tbh. well except the "godly hierarchy" and maybe the afterlife,not yet made up my mind which thought i'd enjoy more, if there was one or not - i know, tells a lot about me, doesn't it?! ;)
and the end of your text isn't just your belief, it's true, definitely the best 'illusion' there is, and the most practical one ^^
check the other comment also, I went quite deep with that one.
Man created AI, is Man God?
dont believe in god and I think most of the people who are smart enough also doubt about its existence
well i am not really religious. though i think it's a nice conecpt for people in need of the comfort it offers. but beyond that i can't really say i am fond of it. not if it limits you. (beyond the basic rules of society and law)

I think religion is the cancer of this world. All the pain and suffering it causes around the world vastly outweighs the beneficial sides that some persons might expirence from it.

Furthermore it keeps people 'dumb'. Maybe dumb is the wrong word here but it keeps people from the great world of knowledge and science through a deep fear of some supposely supreme being constantly watching and judging you (although this supreme being is a giant murdering asshole himself too).

I think it's up to our generation to make it fully disappear from the planet. Luckily with the internet, a great source of knowledge, religion dies a slow death anyways so I'm not too worried about that.

Believe whatever you want, but know that by being religious you are contributing to the filthy worldwide lie called religion and keeping it alive.
It's a strange subject, for many reasons.

I do not believe anything, cause I am quite sure after this life we go same way as dogs, ants, worms or apes. dont see what makes us any different from them as individuals, besides we are able to 'think' and make up weird religions.

I do not have anything against religious people and in general think everyone should be able to live as they want to. but: I think its something that people should do and have for themselfs. as soon as religion is organised its gonna lead to all that bullshit we have seen for a few thousand years now. that counts for christians just as it does for muslims and jews.

whenever I hear someone start a sentence with "I do believe in jesus christ" I try to get away from that conversation cause after that usually a shitstorm of racist, narrow-minded, 100-ears-ago-everything-was-better talk begins. not saying all christians are like that, but I experienced this a lot, when suddenly their oh-so-important 10 commandments dont exist anymore, or only seem to count between christian people.
Religion was made for a few reasons:

1) It was a good way of controlling an uneducated mass to be obedient, work as a community, a basic moral law (for those who believe this isn't intrinsic in Man), for men to control women due to their insecurities, for powerful men to subjugate lesser men

2) It was a way of explaining things beyond peoples knowledge, though without any evidence

3) A doctrine to make decisions for insecure people and guide them so that they don't have to be brave or decide what the right path is
i dont believe in any god, nor im religious. all religions are basically sects.
people consider themselves as undetermined, educated beings with a free will. if this would be true, why are billions believing in some mystified trashtalk shit? it doesnt make sense.
also, some say religions are doing nice with their charity work... well if you cant dominate people with your thoughts, like mediaeval, you have to find another way to kepp some power and bind people onto ridiculous believes, its some sort of missionating especially in poor regions.
tho i wont neglect the real interest of some people to act completely unselfish with the aim to help as many people as they possibly can, which is very honorable, but as soon as this implies certain forms of missionating those 'helpless' people i would really like to slaughter such people. people can act unselfish and altruistic without any believes.

christianity ie. never gave a fuck about charity few hundred years ago. every religion which has the chance to rule will try to deny all contrary thoughts and ideas - this also includes sciences.
without secularization and the development of sciences, we would still live in the mediaval brace.
todays islam is still in the mediaeval age christianity was centuries ago. there is not the slightest difference between them, besides changed economic and technolocial deveopments. people are still getting murdered for denying the existence of allah... see for example the "riots" going on when someone is drawing some critical carricatures. religions always claim on the right of freedom of believe when it is about themselves, but they never grant it to anyone else - pathetic.

religions/religious institutions are bad, simply bad and utterly useless. they cant offer more solutions to the problems they cause. all religions are a perfect medium for fanatism, sure, not every believer is a fanatic or radical, but under the right circumstances, plus some propaganda a vast majority of them can be turned into one. with this said, we are heading to the religious wars and controversies we are all experiencing now, and generations before us experienced as well thousands of years ago already.
shit is repeating and repeating over and over again. people never learned and probably never will, that religious wars (as well as any other wars) are absolutely useless and unnecessary. the conflict potential between christian/occident vs jew/israel vs orient/islam is rising again to a direction no one will be able to predict where it will bring us. and the reason of all this? religious believes and some wrong political decisions amplifying the strains - especially the creation of the state isreal as it is today is a major, or even the key reason, for all the troubles we experiece today with religions (before all of you pro jewish guys start to rape my head off, i dont deny israels existence at all, it was the right decision to create an isrealic state, but the way it got established in such a meltinpot region was not very smart)
all in all you (sadly) cant 'missionate' billions of religious people to an open minded world view. it may now sound inconsistent, but i do not have a general hatred against religious people (=/= religious institutions!) in my opinion everybody is free to decide in whatever he/she wants to believe in or not, its a private decision on which no one has a right to intervene, so i respect it if people want to believe in some higher force - tho i cant understand it. but as soon as people/organizations/institutions try to convince others in public from their 'superior' believe my tolerance is very limited.
The conflicts surrounding Israel are more political than religious, muslims arent waging a religious war, it's actually very logical. If I were to come to your house and simply start living there you would want to throw me out but the law of the state(U.N.) says it's racism or whatever so you can't. but seems you kinda know this anyway so..
fuck yeah ;)
my parents told me religion is for people who can't handle the truth
Dark cus???
Let me end this journal:

image: IAjy5
Can't see shit sir
let's just say if everybody lived like it says in the bible, world would be a better place
how do u know that
doubt any of those headlines would be there
i knw what your saying but eh =/
if everyone lived like it said in the bible, men would be able to rape women, pay some money to the father and have a new wife. Also women wouldn't be allowed to talk when men are around.

there are much much more ridiculous things in the bible, which frankly is just an outdated fairytale book (imo).

Do you really think if everyone followed the bible things would be betteR?
No, no and no. Where did you come up with those? When I said that world would be better place if everybody lived like it said in bible I meant even if people obeyed only the ten commandments and the golden rule and none of those headlines would be there, I'm 100% sure. There are outdated stuff surely but following the fundamental rules would lead to a better world I don't think anybody can argue that.
that's true but that's just picking the good parts from the bible and ignoring the bad parts ;) all those things I mentioned are in the bible along with much more!
show me where
As I don't know the bible by heart, after some googling:

site is full with bible verses that show the bad side of the book

(my favorite:
4) Laws of Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT)

If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.)
Yeah there are plenty of stuff in old testament that are outdated and strange, but I'm no bible expert either D: A lot of things in bible are metaphorical also just saying. Culture was different thousands of years ago so sex/marriage/everything was quite a bit different. The one you mentioned isn't any special to me though, just that sex means commitment and rape is shameful so her father gets a few cents as an apology and so on :x
just wondering do you believe in the greek gods aswell (Zeus etc.)? Imo there's as much evidence that they exist as there is of the christian god

that's the proof I have, and there's no proof of greek gods, so no, I don't believe in fairytales
Those imo aren't real proof.. there just isn't any! Ofcourse I think it's nice if you can believe in it and I don't mind christians who don't feel the need to oppose themselves on others (f.e. the atheist-witchhunt in usa :/)
Your mind wants to believe there is no proof. Obviously I don't have anything definitive, but you can't proof _anything_ definitively. Don't deny the evidence, argue against it! >:l I think it needs more belief to believe there isn't any higher power than believing there is. For me personally, the thing that science doesn't have a clue how life evolved or was created, hit me the most.
Science does have a clue how it's evolved.

As for how life began, that's a different matter and although no definitive answer has been found, there are several hypotheses being tested out.

Abiogensis is the leading one currently, sometimes couple with the Meteorite hypotheses.
Oh you..

There's a few points about evolution atleast, all of which science has no clue about and as long as macroevolution doesn't work evolution doesn't really occur in a way you think it does. Abiogenesis, they've been working on it without results and the thing is, they can't even produce an environment that would match the imaginary environment billions of years ago. I can shut any scientists mouth about either of the subjects, evolution or abiogenesis, so they don't really have a clue. Leave alone if there's an expert arguing with them.
You really want to do this? Okay.

First of, there is no such thing as micro and macro evolution, there's only evolution. Besides that, even if you want to run with those terms, micro leads to macro. If you keep changing and changing and changing something, eventually it will be classified as something else entirely rather than an optimised or modified piece of the original one.

Secondly, the second law of thermodynamics only applies to an isolated system. (look it up honestly). Even so, it's not even relevant if it's isolated or not, since we have an external source of energy directly influencing our system (the Sun). Thanks to that energy, life was able to come into existence in the first place.

Thirdly, it's not because it hasn't worked so far, that the concept itself is flawed. And even if it is it doesn't matter since that's the great thing about science. It doesn't matter how many times you get it wrong, eventually you will get it right.

Fourthly, we can easily simulate the environment of back then, in fact it has been done about 60 years ago I believe with the intent of seeing what would happen. The anorganic materials in the atmosphere, formed organic materials (such as aminoacids) under those circumstances.

Fifthly, there are plenty of transitional fossiles found, despite the odds of something being fossilized being small in the first place and despite transitional species not being around long.

Sixthly, you misunderstood your friend concerning radiometric dating. You need different isotopes for different situations. You can't use carbondating to determine the age of the earth since it becomes accurate far too early due its half-life. Chosing the wrong isotope leads to inaccurate results and thus 'whatever answer you want'. However, due to the many isotopes available for determining the age of the Earth + cross referencing, the dates we got are very accurate indeed, geologically speaking.

And on a last note, entire modern medicine is built on top of evolution. Not micro evolution, but the whole damn package.

Also, if you believe in intelligent design, then I'd have to say whoever was in charge of it was a complete dumbass.

A couple of reasons:

Men have nipples (serves no function)
Appendix (has little to no function and is the cause of death for many)
Our limbs can't regrow (Seriously? Who came up with that)
Male gspot in asshole (Great idea)

And here is what Neil deGrasse Tyson has to say about it :

And lastly: Douglas Adams
Neil is great.
You're unbelievably stupid, just honestly stupid and not even hiding it... Too stupid to argue about this. I hate to say that but I realized it the last conversation we had a year ago, sorry! You need to read my replies and understand in order to reply to them, you see? If you tell me 1+1=3 many times it won't change the fact it equals 2 instead of 3. You have to know about biology chemistry and physics in order to argue too, in which you fail. And if you try to argue against me you need to have arguments, not just what you read in wikipedia or find in google sigh.

Quote there is no such thing as micro and macro evolution, there's only evolution.

What?? You're an evolutionexpert or what, did evolutionblogger1997sk8r told you that?

Quotemicro leads to macro.

*bursts to laughter* ??????????????? Arguments, please. Because there are absolutely none of those in this world.

Quotewe can easily simulate the environment of back then

They believe in the spontaneus generation of initial cell mostly just because of materialistic sciencephilosophy (only the matterlevel explanation is scientific). The facts indicate that the cell cant generate randomly:

Miller's tests are irrelevant: Some aminoacids could be created but we know that the initial atmosphere wasn't reducing like in Miller's tests.
The reaction balance is on water+particles side, not on the long chain's side.
On the same time other compounds are generated which prevents long polymeres from generating.
In natural processes there will be generated L and D shapes equally but life uses only the other shape.
You also need cell membrane and segregationsystems.
Plus where do you get the correct information to DNA? Absolutely impossible to be generated by random. All the known programs are designed.

QuoteAlso, if you believe in intelligent design, then I'd have to say whoever was in charge of it was a complete dumbass.

This makes me lose all the hope in you.. The designer was something no man can imagine, it's so genious no mangenious can understand it, if you only knew how bacteria works leave alone how human works or universe works.. This just shows your level of knowledge of closing zero. The designer did perfect. You shouldn't be doubting that, but wondering how your evolution could've done something so perfect.

QuoteMen have nipples (serves no function)
Appendix (has little to no function and is the cause of death for many)

In the start we're both female and male and both have tits, if you become male tits remain. Where's the problem? Appendix plays an important role in producing and storing useful bacteria. That Neil guy has no clue either haha, first of all: if a critic thinks something is badly designed he should propose a better structure and point out how it's better. Who has done that so far? Yup. Also, by not knowing a meaning for something doesn't mean it's meaningless, just like your tailbone you would think ahaa it's proof we used to have tails, no. It protects us from impacts like a bumper and heals well if fractured.

But I don't think you'll read or comprehend this reply either so it's no use going any deeper until you've read all my previous replies. And it's no use argumenting scientific facts any further if you're not in the know with those things at all.
Really? Ad hominems? Wow, religious people really are all the same aren't they.

If you read any legitimate source on evolution you will never see micro or macro evolution mentioned because it's nonsense to divide it like that. You cannot logically accept one and deny the other.

As I said earlier, micro leads to macro. Just take the human for example. As a being, we're macro. But when we start to look deeper down, what do we find? Organs. Going further down we find tissue, even further we find cells. Turns out our entire body consists of those little cells. And what's interesting is that those cells in turn are macro for atoms. Amazing right?

But my point is, you cannot have micro without macro. You cannot have small changes the entire time and have them not lead to a big change if you compare them over a long period of time.

If I keep adding 0.000001 to 1, eventually it won't be 1 anymore, eventually it will be 2.

The simplest of life is a virus, all that's necessary for a virus to exist is for genetic material to be encapsuled in a bubble (now it's protein, but it was probably a sort of soap bubble in the early days) Now, Millers experiment tells us there are tons of aminoacids in the oceans back then. We also know the building blocks for the soap bubbles are available which also means there was plenty of phosphor for RNA and DNA to come along. Sure, we don't know exactly how it all came together yet, but if science not knowing it yet is your argument in favor of intelligent design then it really is quite sad.

A god of the gaps argument is the one you're having and it's logically flawed.

If there was a designer, then cool. But then our life is more than likely a byproduct of his creation of the universe. If not, you'd think he'd pop around for a talk every once in a while. Perhaps give a few pointers here and there. But nope. Not once has he been seen in recorded history. How strange.

If you think the universe and the earth is younger than what we know, then please explain why this directly contradicts everything we know.

Why shouldn't we doubt his perfection? No room for criticism? That doesn't sound like someone perfect. Besides, if he was perfect then there wouldn't be flaws.

I know why men have nipples biologically speaking. My point is that they serve no purpose at all from a designer point of view. Why, if he is so intelligent and perfect, didn't he make all of us start as males and then change into females when necessary? Men wouldn't have nipples, cool right?

Useful bacteria in the appendix? Hahah, do you know how many people die because of appendicitis (infection of the apendix because of the bacteria there) each year? Do you know how many need surgery to have it removed each year? What about wisdom teeth, do you know how many need to get those removed because there isn't room for them?

My scientific understanding is a lot more advanced than yours. The very idea that someone thoroughly studies evolution and then still rejects is laughable. Only a fool would be so blind. Even the Catholic church has admitted evolution to be correct, so you're really one of the few left who is still so foolish.
If only you read my replies, I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry anymore.. It's true what somebody said that "browse crossfire, lose faith in humanity"

E: macroEVOLUTION and microEVOLUTION, microEVOLUTION doesn't lead to macroEVOLUTION, no
u either follow it or shut the fuck up. its your holy book. HOLY remember? its all good and has the truth doesnt it?

The fact that its outdated and u agree with it shows that its wrong and there is nothing holy about it.
I haven't read it and not gotten into know with it, except for new testament a bit. I don't even know the source of old testament. I don't know much at all about bible tbh. And most of the things are outdated because the culture isn't the same, which is understandable.
so u basically havent even read the book u worship which are your basic fundamentals and yet you claim that u can "own any scientist"
bible and science is often hardly related
By stoning homosexuals, non believers and forcing rapees to get married to their rapists?
There are metaphorical things in bible and show me where the two first examples are in bible.
Samaria has held guilty for she has rebelled against her god they shall be folen by the sowrd their infants shall be dashed into pieces and their women with child ripped open. Hosea 13:16

Now go and attack amalek and utterly destroy all that they had and do no spare them; but kill both men and women infant, child nursing, ox and sheep, camels and donkey. 1 samuel 15:3

Yea surely this worlds would be much better if we lived by the bible.
whose words are those? not God's
these are words from the book u worship and its full of those hateful messages.
:DDDD are you serious?
wait the guy who believes in a cosmic jewish monster that can make you live forever if u symbollically eat his flesh and telepathically accept him as your master so he can remove and evil soul thats present in humanity because a rib woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree just asked me if i was serious?
that went almost correct yeah, i was just laughing how little you know about bible, not every word in it is from god and not everything in it is sweet and lovely, not at all
Personal believe : I respect all religions, it actually helps a lot of people to feel and behave better. But I do not believe in any of them, eventho I do believe in God. I find awefull and stupid religion wars as most of religions promote respect and peace...

Recommendations : Do not follow a religion that doesn't make sens to you. The power of the religion is the FAITH people have in it. So if you don't have faith in Islam you should stop forcing yourself being muslim.

I have met real muslims in Africa, admirable people very different from the so called "muslims" you have in Europ. I think it is much harder to be religious in our european societies.

If there is no God, what is good and bad? If there is no God, who defines it?

All religions are about the rules and ppl believe that cause they are scared or wanna look that they believe in smth. For example superficial christians going to the church just so others can see they believe.

At first I was totally against any kind off religion and thought its totally bullshit. I thought christians just go to church and cant do drugs, sex, partys and have other restrictions and its about the rules. The same went for other religions for me.

Then i got between the people who showed me the truth, the way out, the solution. These guys believed that Christ took their sin and that they are clean and have a real life. Back then I thought its just doesnt make sense that it is not possible. Even though i was kinda curious so I started to read New Testament and was realizing that this guy Jesus speaks the truth all the way. That he didnt do any sin. Realizing he was AGAINST the religion. Back then the religion was more about business which turned to indulgences the most awful thing. Then finally Luther found out the right truth that the salvation you can get through the grace and forgiveness of the God. All you have to do is just ask and mean it and you are forgiven. Is it fair? No! But God sees us everyone on the same level he loves everyone in the same way. Which reminds me of the story in the Bible when the father gives some money to the one of his son cause he wants to live his life and he goes to partys, women, alcohol, wild life. These things were satisfying him for a moment but it couldnt satisfy him fully. It is like you are thirsty but still can not be satisfied by it and the problems go deeper and deeper. It is like drinking salt water while Jesus offers you pure beautiful water. Well anyways so he returns home and Father runs to him and despite he is dirty and the things he had done he embraces him. AND THIS STORY AFFECTED ME THE MOST HE DOESNT CARE HOW I LOOK WHAT IVE DONE HE LOVES ME NO MATTER WHAT AND HE IS HAPPY I COME TO HIM WHEN I REALIZE THE THINGS THAT LOOK COOL OR SATYSFYING ARE BASICALLY THINGS THAT SEEM TO EXTINGUISH YOUR THIRST BUT YOU FALL EVEN DEEPER IN THE ABYSS AND MORE THIRSTY. So i stopped doing these things and i was realizing what i was doing that its for nothing it gives me nothing it just gives away from me.

For those who claim God does not exist:

There are 5 proves that help us know there is a God. Each prove is like a stick. One can not really prove there is a God but putting them together we have proof of God's being, work and power. 1 stick can be broken easily by person's knee. But five sticks are so much stronger and can not be broken. (hope u catch the meaning)

We know that the God exist because....

1. We know it because of what we see around us.

questions like: How this world come into being? It could not come into being by itself. Who made it then?. There is NO secret about it. (Genesis 1:1)

2. We know it because all things work as they were planned

Ok just think about earth, stars, sun, moon. They dont run into each other. They go year after year in the way they were planned to go! Millions of stars were put in their places. Nights + Days go as they were planned. The one who planned this has great wisdom!

3. We know it because of the way people are made

We have something inside us that tells us if we have done something wrong. We dont have just blood, body, bones. We can know the right from wrong.

4. We know it because of what past tells us

We have the Bible. And the Bible is the word of the God. Many early preachers said certain things would happen in the future, and they did happen. (Thats why the knowledge of Old Testament is good so that we can see the things in New Testament more effectively)

5. We know there is a God because EVERYONE NEEDS A GOD

Each of us knows there is something wrong is our lives. Ok you may not call it sin, but dont you have guilty feeling? Dont you think about there is a one who is over all. We need a leader, a purpose, destination.

Bible doesnt try to prove there is a God. It just tells about God because everyone over all the world already know that He is. Bible says that there is the only one true God.

Basically what i hear from people the most is:

1. I dont believe in God because why should i believe in something i cannot see
2. I dont believe in God because a) i dont wanna go to church b) obey his rules
3. I dont believe in God because i believe in myself and im strong i dont need a belief.
4. I dont believe in God because i believe in smth else

1. I tell you what it was really hard for me to believe in Him. To keep on the track. But once i submitted to him and started to read the Bible regulary I started kinda see things differently and was starting to realize that the things what BIble says are true. Knowledge from Bible and God working in my christian friends led to amazing reflections to my relationships in family, friends, with Him. It is just about your choice, no one forces you to believe. Jesus says that good for those who saw and believed but blessed be those who believe and dont see. I gave it a shot and i realized it was the best thing i could ever did.

2. a) Nowadays everyone says that. But for example i go to the church but the church is not really the building its just the group christians where we have events, talks, and most essentially we study the word together. it is always good to see other people's opinion it can really help! So going to the church doesnt mean you gotta go to building (church). It is just about the community of christians where you can grow in Christ, where you can encourage each other and have christian friends.

b) Well this was also my opinion i was like: ¨Why the fuck i should believe in smth that reduces me so much? But then when i was reading the Bible more i was starting to realize. Wait God loves me, he wants the best for me. And it is up to me if I obey these things he wants us to do or does not want us to do because We have free will which was given us by him. So even when you are christian you dont have to do that what he wants you to do. if you act against him it may satisfy you for a sec, days, weeks, years but then u still gonna come to him with tears in the eyes. (kinda common to me i have in my head kinda voice u know what to do in certain situation but u take the path of sin which is easier or more comfortable for your ego, body etc., it satisfies me for sometime and then i still come back and repent and the most amazing thing is that he is not mad it is like that story i mentioned up)

3. Well Im not afraid or ashamed to admit that im weak and i need God to help me with my life, with my each day's being, with everything! i would be nothing without him! But some ppl told me that they believe in themselves and yea they really did for sometime (because of girlfriend, money, work, position, popularity, etc.) but eventually they were sad because if you live only for your girlfriend and you dont have relationship with God how can you know she will be faithful to you when your relationship is built only on you two and on YOUR OWN values which may be good, but eventually they will be showed as insufficient. If you have relationship with the God in the center of it and therefore have same values. Your fundamentals for your relationship will be strong and firm! If you have money, work, postion, popularity as your God than you will be unhappy and unsatisfied eventually.

4. And i totally respect that! You have free will for what you believe in. I just want to ask you if something else than God offers you love, ethernal life, relationship with him, forgivness of all the bad things you have done and will do. God who wants the best for you because HE KNOWS WHATS THE BEST FOR YOU, even though you may thing opposite and differently. God who is patient with you, who wants to talk with you, who wants to hang out with you, who wants YOU!

Suppose you are in the building with 6 floors which is on the fire and 3 guys are on the roof.

The fire has reached 4th floor and the first guy says well i believe in myself so im jumping cya guys! So as he goes down he maybe plays piano because hes good at it or holds his wallet and counts his money from the work he made cause he is so insured for his life. and he jumped

The fire has reached 5th floor and the second guys says well im not worried i build my religion from the best things of many religions. So maybe he saw a wheel from the massive car so he fastens that to his foot and he saw wings from the plane, yeah, these are pretty good too so he takes it too and then he saw inflatable ball so he fastens it to his head. and he jumped.

The fire has reached the 6th floor and the last guy doesnt know what to do he doesnt believe in himself or other religions... hes just desperate and suddenly he hears a helicopter coming to the roof the guy in the heli throws you a rope it can be dangerous, its just a rope, but do you have other chance, the fire will kill you!! he has a choice its up to him!

So my religion? well i dont have one. I have relationship with God!
QuoteHow this world come into being? It could not come into being by itself. Who made it then?. There is NO secret about it. (Genesis 1:1)

First thing I read, already stopped reading.
your relationship with god is based on a religion. :(
so much wasted keyboard presses :D
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