WP Chelsea

Congratulations Chelsea!!!!! :D :PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Football is drama... and unbelievable unfair.
WP Chelsea woohoo gz
fucking disgrace
most undeserved CL win ever
For the 1st time I actually have to agree with u :x
For the 1st time I actually have to agree with u :x
How was it undeserved? you're basing your view on Bayern playing a very attacking style, however there are two sides of football, defending and attacking, both just as important as each other, re-watch the game and you will see just how much every Chelsea player put into the game. Chelsea have been underdogs for the most of the competition and have proved most people wrong, Undeserved my ass...
shut the fuck up

you team sucks and you didnt deserve shit
are thou upset?
its already shit that we lost, but if some pricks like fumble write bullshit like that im getting even more mad.

have you seen a different game or what u moron?

bayern was the entire match the better team and you still say that chelsea deserved this win? are you fucking blind?
Calling me a prick for having an opinion... at least I fucking gave a point
im just freaking mad right now
ye I understand :D Bayern was definitely the better team tonight, but saying Chelsea didn't deserve it is a little too far.
stick behind ur words. i agree with defending being as important as attacking. i see no point why chelsea should have not deserved the cup. Drogba is A BEAST!
i completely agree with you, football is about results first , the spectators come later

whoever gets the result deserves it, whether they were the better team or not
more ball possession
more shots on goal
more corner kicks

= better team/deserved win? lul nice logic

football is about attack and defense.chelsea defended well and bayern attacked well.in the end chelsea won and they deserved it for defending so well.if bayern won they deserved it too for attacking well.but they didnt
I watched the SAME game as fumble and as he said ABOVE ^^^. I think 1999 is still hurting you, deja vu. Now STFU you prick and get over being in front twice and still loosing. Battered in your own back yard.
well tbh bayern got like a total of ~20(!!!!!!) corners and not even ONE was really dangerous for chelsea. chelsea had ONE and used it.
bayern had more ball possession in 1st half, in 2nd they had like 55% so not that much more. does that make them automatically the better team? the chances bayern had werent used. chelsea did defend really nice and with the will to do so.
actually youre making a fool out yourslef with your "argumentation" - sadly, fumble is right. hes not talking bs, your talkin bs. bayern had its chances at home to win the game amd they didnt used them. chelsea did in the lion's den. you cant complain.

life will continue anyway - especially after losing in penalties :)
They won so they are better deal with it.
You are correct and all the others are idiots.
Ich wusste es eigentlich schon immer, aber du bestätigst es wieder einmal eindrucksvoll - du bist einer der armseligsten Gestalten auf Crossfire. Sich dann noch an dem Leid anderer und an seiner eigenen Schadenfreude zu ergötzen, löst de facto sämtliche Restzweifel in Luft auf. :]

P.S. Erkläre mir bitte mal inwiefern Chelsea den Sieg mehr als Bayern verdient hat.
nach so vielen jahren und du bist immernoch anal frustriert :]]]]]
der stachel sitzt wohl noch tief :>>>>>>>>>
Da, wie ich sehe, Argumente auf deiner Seite eher spärlich vorhanden sind, belassen wir es dabei. Ich wünsche dir noch einen schönen Abend. :]
danke danke,ebenso.und viel spaß mit dem soli :::)))))))
I agree on that point but I most note that Chelsea weren't that strong defending. Then again Bayern weren't that inspired attacking, so evens eachother out.
Bayern was better in defending, Bayern was better in attacking. Both teams gave it everything. So what's ur point? Your argumentation doesn't make any sense. I am a Chelsea supporter, but this win was very lucky and Bayern deserved it more. I don't blame Chelsea for that, but your comment is embarrassing. Enjoy the win and don't act like a retard. Have a nice day. :]
i wouldnt say chelsea was better in defending, havent seen big mistakes in bayern def tbh ;)
I said Bayern was better in defending. Obviously u replied to the wrong person. :)
more like missread oops :'D
that's what the faust aus dem osten said.

maybe heynckes should have wated just a little longer to substitute müller. (not that i like him, but i was in favor of bayern today because i like le alaba and hate le chelsea)
next time cheer for alibaba and the mighty wonderlamp :D
always, flryberry :))))
20 corners and zero successful
can respect any team that has a player who manages to stay on the ground more than busquets
u so stupid, I actually start to believe u rly said all those 8th wonder quotes
Please tell me how Chelsea didn't deserve to win the Champions league?
how dare you to even ask this
you are talking crap shit, corners 17-3 , ball 58% to munich, bosingwa need the yellow card with the foul against ribery same with ashley cole.. the german commentary was loughing about the chelsea defence and you talking smth about "Defensive style" normally the game needs to be 4-0 after 90 mins. But thats soccer, but for everyone who spec the game, chelsea was maybe the worst champion since years! Arrogance of Robben, if lahm shot that penalty aswell easy 2-1, bayern was just to stupid. Why the hell robben shot penaltys?

Chelsea in my oppinion was really bad, but well i feel a bit sorry for spurs they are going to the uefa cup because of that stupid win = ) and abromowitch can invest more then 850 millions again !
If you have the better stats (like this) and don't win the game... How can you possibly be the better team. It's like in rugby, if you've had 60% territory over 80 minutes, 60% possession over 80 minutes, more turn overs, less penalties conceded etc etc and you still somehow lose the game. You can not possibly have been the better team seeing as you've failed so badly to capitalise on all of these huge advantages!
Well i can say they was the better team, but they didnt deserve it because they are not using the chances at all. Chelsea played mostly the defensive soccer part and the most ppl dont like it at all. Let us see whats happen with Di Matteo now, i guess a new coach will come soon = )

And what about Droba? new contract? He deserve it or got chelsea no charakter? well if Manu or liverpool take it, i totally with them. I love both clubs for the loyality of furgeson or gerrard!
Well at the end of the day your defence wins you the game so if anything Chelsea had the better game plan if they've focused so much on their defensive play style! I don't watch football at all because I just simply don't like the sport, but watching the game last night showed me that what Chelsea are doing is what all the top rugby teams are doing at the moment, and that is simply winning with the better defence and capitalising on the oppositions poor defence! Yea sure it went to pens, but I reckon Chelsea deserved to win it just as much as Bayern (especially seeing as the odds were completely against them to win on pens as well!)
Couldn't agree more
lol my journal was deleted :D:D:D
the first was not, however ;]
np btw :P

it was spam indeed^^
there was more then just yours lol :D
Bayern Players are now Mad and Ger lost EM !!
bah du dreckiger heuchler!! :D
so happy for Chelsea, deserved win, Drogba and Cech played fucking well whole game, awesome !!!
Quotedeserved win

how is that a deserved win?
the game finished 1-1 and Chelsea won on pens.

by the rules of football, it is deserved :P
thats a win, but deserved has another meaning :D
Quote me the "deserved"-part, please.
deserved part is the bit that is opinion (ie, always up for debate) the only bit that matters is the result.
Quotethe only bit that matters is the result

I agree on that. Still, Bayern deserved it more. :P
deserved because nobody has bet on them
deserved because they did a great CL in general
deserved because Drogba played very well
deserved because Bayern are arrogant fags

deserved because they are plastic club.
Don't give a shit about Chelsea, just happy that Spartak go straight to the play-off round, but Chelsea played shit whole season and won CL HAHAHAHA
Hotspurs are out though :(
23:28:58 destiny{ • AHHAHA <3333
23:29:07 destiny{ • CHELSEA WINNARSSSSS <3
23:29:07 h8m3 • HAHAHAHHAHAHHA
23:29:15 destiny{ • dROGBAAAAAA
23:29:16 h8m3 • destiny{ <3
23:29:21 @Ana`CL`Bayern • gvd
23:29:35 • LePrincNaerapp [[email protected]] has joined #crossfire
23:29:41 destiny{ • didier DROGBAAAAAAAA
23:29:58 destiny{ • :A:D!@#!@I#Y(I!O@ENM!@
23:30:18 ag0n` • :DDDDD
23:30:20 • destiny{ is now known as destiny^CHELSEA
23:30:56 destiny^CHELSEA • germans are crying ahahha :D
23:31:17 destiny^CHELSEA • u mad broz? :]
23:31:20 h8m3 • come on TosspoT`off is now known as TosspoT
23:31:40 • LePrincNaerapp is now known as Ravefyri
23:32:01 `spankie › is away [Gone for good]
saturday well spent
CTRL+F'ing my name in every journal or just reading through 215 comments?
Nice life mister
interested in footie, hence I read most of the comments
Well played? Chelsea played the worst football of the CL. Defensive anti-football. Guess this proves even more that money wins. Football is death.
WTF ????? Shit club! This is just not fair..
no abramovich = no win
Drogba & Cech > Bayern
The worst CL winner in history of football? ...Im not a fan of bayern but they played the better football and lost , chelsea played like chickens like the greeks at the EC and win ... football is sometimes soooo unfair ...
Drogba in next EC XCI season

undeserved but whatever

best champions league final since milan vs liverpool
this match had EVERYTHING
cech still #1 gk of the world

FC bayern 2011/2012
-2nd in league
-2nd in cup
-2nd in champions league

lol bayern mad
:X:X::D:D:D: D:;:;D:; :;D:D:D:D::D :D;:D;: :;D:;:; :;DD;KWML_ _:;D:D;; D:;:; :D;KMWDÖ_DW;D:;D:;WLD_;D:_D;D:;:;D
They'll be getting therapeutic support from Leverkusen.
germany 2nd in euro2012

If they need to play penalties in euro2012 they are gonna shit in their pants lol
- olic aint german
- schweinsteiger got infected with anti hit robben gen, will be cured till EM
Shit winner, awesome player Drogba!
i like how my facebook gets spammed for the last 3hours :D

best status so far:
i was right as always
Congrats, you got as far as Nicosia lol!!
just wanted to point out MarseilleOM maybe end @10th position on the board but managed to get into 1/4finals and win random french league cup +got to europa qualifiers

cant say teh same about other shit teams in franceland

nothin' moar
Marseille fera rien du tout en 2012-2013, tu verras :)
lol, all teams are shit in france.
using meme faces
hahahaha what a retard
i knew you would reply to that ;))
gj chelsea!!! deserved.

Glad that fuckin little rat robben missed, unlucky ya cunt
Chelsea wins ("congratulation!"), Champions-League is dead
never seen such an undeserved CL winner in my life.
quit crossfire already :p
in 2 weeks as i said.
take it easy, i was joking. We'll all miss your random chicks journals :( Best crossfire journals 2k11?
if i leave after lan, cf will be dead

you will wish that i come back so leave me alone now

im freaking mad and sad right now :/
u are acting retarded and nobody gives a shit about u.
Nice tactics by di matteo :D:D:d.:D
I mean, one fucking corner in 90 minutes and they score... :' (
this will only do good to Crossfire (see Tosspot)
Torres is so cute <3
haha bayern crying already how "ugly" and undeserved this victory was

jesus christ,understand that football is not about how beautiful you play but how effective.and again the more destructive and defensive team won (after inter).so this is not only about luck,playing defensive is just a very effective way of playing and you have to respect that
It's damn boring/ugly to watch.
It's only fault of football as the game itself
it might be,but nobody gives a fuck if you win (the only ones crying are the fans of the loser team)
QuoteSo, according to your argumentation the winner of a match is always a deserved winner? U better google the definition of 'deserved', before u comment the next time. Following you, there is no need for the existence of the word 'deserved'.
implying you can judge what defines "deserved" and what not
implying 20 corner kicks and 60% possession make a team deserve a win
I hate Chelsea tactic, its fucking boring.
Bayern had 9001 chance to score including robben's penalty and did only once, and that wasn't some crazy unluck, why should they deserve anything LOL
Chelsea played defensive, but scored one of their chances when they pushed to come back and won penalty series in the end. Might be not the most beautiful way to play but it was totally deserved win.
So, according to your argumentation the winner of a match is always a deserved winner? U better google the definition of 'deserved', before u comment the next time. Following you, there is no need for the existence of the word 'deserved'.
bayern had over 30 goal attempts and only one was successful, if you the team cannot score a goal it's only their own fault
By deserved i mean there was no serious luck involved and the result was logical, totally based on how Bayern offence couldn't do anything versus Chelsea's defence
Idi dal'she drochi na svoih soplemennikov abramovicha i ginera :DDD
Chelsea should've already been out of the Champions League against Napoli.
true, I really enjoyed watching napoli :(
Chelsea should've already been out of the Champions League against Sport Lisboa e Benfica.

corrected that for you
Big thanks for that!
the end of modern football.
To all the Bayern fans claiming their side was better to watch, they weren't even inspiring offensively to begin with.

Gomez played probably the worst game in his career, and Robben had alot of Bayern ball possession but created very few chances. Chelsea, while not being offensive, played excellent with very few mistakes throughout the whole game. Cole for example, apart from that one mistake that costed them a goal, played beastly. Deserved win.

The Muller sub was a contributing factor to be honest, you have your own coach to thank for that.
So, a team which creates no chances deserves a win over a team which creates 2348238484 chances, but can't score? Interesting logic.
Why can't people understand that football is more about who makes more chances than the other. Bayern had the most enjoyable to watch tactic but Chelsea had slightly better performance overall, like they had planned on defending-countering.
You are mixing something up. Nobody doubted Chelsea as CL Winner. Of course, football is about scoring more goals than the opponent. That's the part why we love football so much, because even a fourth division team can beat the champions league winner quite contrary to almost any other sports. At this point we are discussing about who DESERVED it more and not who won the cup. You are really mistaken by saying:

QuoteChelsea had slightly better performance overall, like they had planned on defending-countering.

You must be kidding. Bayern was much better in everything, but effiency. Chelsea was just lucky Bayern didn't score oftener. How is it even possible to make a statement like yours, Wtf. :D If Bayern had not many more opportunities to score a goal, because of Chelsea's defending-countering tactics your statement would make sense. But in fact the opposite is the case. Furthermore, Chelsea made so many more mistakes than Bayern. Munich just couldn't capitalise on it. Obviously, as Chelsea supporter you can't review the match objectively, sorry. Sometimes you win a match just because you are much, much, much more luckier than your opponent, accept it.
it's totally about efficiency
Team A: 15 chances, 5 goals, efficiency = 33.3%
Team B: 1 chance, 1 goal, efficiency = 100%

Result: Team A - Team B 5:1

According to you, Team B deserved more to win the match? Interesting.
so you basically say that the one which attacks more is the team that deserves to win and it doesnt matter what defence is doing or what. It's not only attack what matters.... Chelsea clearly dominated with unbreakable defence. Why should the team that wastes million of opportunities be the team that deserves the win
Interesting how you simply ignore my comment above and pass the buck to me. I'm sorry, but your statement
QuoteChelsea clearly dominated with unbreakable defence
couldn't be any wronger. Munich had plenty of great opportunities to score. Chelsea didn't defend well, Bayern just couldn't capitalise on Chelsea's bad defense. In contrast Bayern did allow almost no chances. Lets summarise it:

Offense: Bayern had many, many, many more opportunities to score = Bayern's offense dominated
Defense: Bayern allowed almost no chance for Chelsea = Bayern's defense dominated
Effort: Bayern won more tacklings and had more ball possessions = Munich put much more effort in winning the Game.

Another important thing is the quality of the teams. In case of Chelsea would be a fifth division team, I would be fine with the statement they deserved it more as you have to play better against a fifth division team than Bayern did against Chelsea. Actually you act as if Chelsea would be a fifth division Team, which is sooo inferior that there was no other possibility to win the match than playing like this. Chelsea's players are even more famous than Bayern's squad. A top premier league team with such a self-concept... playing like a fifth division team... it's hard to believe someone can really think they deserved it more than Munich after watching the match.

Furthermore, be honest to yourself. If Bayern had won the penalty shootout, would you have made a statement like: "What a bullshit. Chelsea deserved it more to win!"? I bet there wouldn't be ANY person who had commented like that and there had been no difference but another winner in the dice game (aka penalty shootout) in the end.
QuoteOffense: Bayern had many, many, many more opportunities to score = Bayern's offense dominated
Defense: Bayern allowed almost no chance for Chelsea = Bayern's defense dominated

Such logical statements are endless...
Offense: Bayern had many, many, many more opportunities to score but failed all of them except one, Chelsea used one of their rare chances = Bayern's offense FAILED
Defense: Chelsea didnt let to score any of Bayern's 20 corner kicks and even more ingame moments and Bayern lost the FIRST corner kick on their side at 88th minute of the match. = Bayern's defense FAILED
this is just as logical as yours
Effort: Bayern won more tacklings and had more ball possessions = Munich put much more effort in winning the Game.
Another important thing is the quality of the teams. In case of Chelsea would be a fifth division team, I would be fine with the statement they deserved it more as you have to play better against a fifth division team than Bayern did against Chelsea. Actually you act as if Chelsea would be a fifth division Team, which is sooo inferior that there was no other possibility to win the match than playing like this. Chelsea's players are even more famous than Bayern's squad. A top premier league team with such a self-concept... playing like a fifth division team... it's hard to believe someone can really think they deserved it more than Munich after watching the match.

You can't have better 'quality' stats if you play defensively... And you can't really beat strong teams in a more speedy and attacking style when you got older and less fast players. After Bayern scored they all went alldef themselves and got owned INSTANTLY after the few first massive attacks of Chelsea, while they were unable to do the same for the whole game. And I'm pretty sure Chelsea would have came back even if Bayern had scored earlier.
I don't get what's really so ashameful about defensive play. Sure, everyone likes fast offensive football with lots of goals and shit, but saying that such teams deserve to win when they can't really use their opportunities versus proper defense is childish.
Furthermore, be honest to yourself. If Bayern had won the penalty shootout, would you have made a statement like: "What a bullshit. Chelsea deserved it more to win!"? I bet there wouldn't be ANY person who had commented like that and there had been no difference but another winner in the dice game (aka penalty shootout) in the end.

No there probably wouldn't, but I don't see why saying that Bayern deserved it more after Chelsea won is any appropriate. They might have had more enjoyable style in this game than Chelsea, but it's all about result in the end and Chelsea were more effective and successful there. There can't be such thing as 'deserved more' when there are no moments with serious luck involved. There were none.

Continue worshipping teams that waste their 9000 opportunities saying they deserve everything and stop arguing, everyone has his own opinion.
goals count
The Muller sub was a contributing factor to be honest, you have your own coach to thank for that.

You are stupid? just listen to the commentary, he cant run anymore he was totally done he give everything thats why he chance him with van buyten, means tymochuk to defensive midfield and kroos to ZOM ! simple decision
If Bayern can't score from a penalty in ET and 3-4 100% chances during whole match, it's a deserved win for Chelsea.
21 shots, 7 on target for bayern, drogba scoring a header from a corner in the 88th min, wins on penalties.

Just like image: logo_fifa12
Bayern were the better team and probably deserved to win but chelsea just had their name on the cup. Unbelievable how many times you thought they were out and they still did it. Against napoli 3-1 behind and should have been 4/5-0 yet managed to kick out napoli. Against benfica outplayed at home2nd leg and you thought they were gonna get kicked out but just edged it. Not to start against barcelona. 2-0 behind, red card, penalty for barca and still they made it to the final. Now in the final behind with a few minutes to play and scored. And in the penalties they were behind aswell.

Is there a football god? If there ever was one he must be a chelsea fan (at least this year).

That said, for all the cruel they experienced the last 8 years they deserved a CL trophy and especially this chelsea generation with lampard, drogba, cech & terry. Against liverpool in the semi-s the ball wasn't over the line and they were kicked out, year after on penalties against liverpool in semi's, against barca cheated out in 2009, lost on penalties in 2008 in the final against man united, etc...

Bayern will come back and certainly win a CL aswell. Ribéry with his 29 years old is the oldest regular player featuring in the team so they all have atleast 4/5 years in them. They surely gonna win one aswell. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!!
damn football god... fuck religion - haile selassi up your ass!

PS: add me ffs!!
Thought there would be a request in my inbox to add you as buddy but I don't have one. I've added you myself now though :DD

Now don't be angry anymore ;(
K. We cool <3
btw bayern should blame robben and gomez. They were terrible. Robben is such a bad teamplayer, even worse than c. ronaldo. Gomez is just a terrible striker, didn't do anything for his team, just like last week where missed everything while lewandowski was absolutely amazing. If bayern wants to win anything, they should start buying teamplayers and decent strikers.

Gratz chelsea. I don't like their defending and shit but nice to see real fighters like cahill, lampard and drogba. I'm surprised that drogba played that good and didn't fall that easily like against barca.

But I really wanted to see spurs in CL, they really deserved it :( Now probably some of their best players will leave them...
you are fucking retarded
just saying
Actually his point is quite valid, Gomez had a night to forget and Robben kept shooting from distance.
QuoteRobben is such a bad teamplayer

QuoteGomez is just a terrible striker


stopped reading after that
Keep defending robben but he isn't a teamplayer. He might be a good player, but he is way to egoistic. He kept shooting from long distance and missed every time. He could easily pass the ball to a better placed teammate. In my opinion Gomez is overrated and he can't perform when it really counts. He didn't help his team last night and that's one of the reasons why they lost.
better watch glee than football
fuck now Spurs are in europa league :/
wy jebane kurwy pierdolone londynskie !
most undeserved CL win ever! fuck off
this win was deserved due to the appropriate strategy which was extremely effective.

Guys just consider this: Chelsea know they are worse than Bayern, they know it's gonna be played in Munchen, they know they have amazing offesive power. So what is their chance?¨Drogba + great defending, which was shown in more than good way. Chelsea did minimum of mistakes and had some decent counter attacks which were almost accomplished.

They won due to the next gen strategy using counter football as a greatest weapon. Real Madrid is extremely good at this (probably next champions league winners). Di Mateo just used Mourinho's tactics and it worked out. This tactic seems totally bullshit and super easy, you think you just gonna block shots and wait for your chance. Well it takes a lot of time to set a great defence, each player have to work appropriately it only works if everyone is running, defending, checking his area. That defence just need to work like a clock. And when your chance comes you have to show how much football you can play in counter attack. Real Madrid is showing it nicely here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY2VGybjyj4.

Chelsea had some indications of it and had 2 decent chances from counter attacks.

This tactic will be dominating other tactics in upcoming years.

Btw bayern had a lot of chances and it seemed they just couldnt hit the post.. it was awful.. they didnt deserve to win if they cannot hit the post.. and score the crucial penalty which could have decided the whole game

Next year: Real vs Bayern = final

edit: they also deserved it because Drogba, Cech, Lampard, Terry, Esien were so unlucky in previous champion leagues. they were just waiting for this and to be honest i didnt expect this.
QuoteGuys just consider this: Chelsea know they are worse than Bayern, they know it's gonna be played in Munchen, they know they have amazing offesive power. So what is their chance?¨Drogba + great defending, which was shown in more than good way. Chelsea did minimum of mistakes and had some decent counter attacks which were almost accomplished.

Bingo! Had Chelsea come out offensively we would have lost. Do you play to win or do you play to lose?
Okay im not mad anymore and grats for the victory !


Chelsea didnt win because they played so awesome. they didnt defend good, they didnt attack good. they only had 2 shots on the target and one of them was a goal. Efficiency was good. Nothing else. Bayern had many many chances but they were too stupid to score. If you tell me that chelsea defended good, then we must have seen a different game.

as i said....grats to the victory..im gonna buy you a beer at lan (if u come) ;)
I think we did defend well, Bayern had lots of half chances I agree but Chelsea's defending limited them to that.

On paper Bayerns team is as good as anyones with maybe on Barca as the exception, Chelsea's is not. We could not play like we were playing against Blackburn when we were actually playing Bayern.
Deserved win!
seems like 1 yerman mad cuz u replying to every1 here who says smth about Deserved victory,relax
Ehm, to make it clear: I was cheering for Chelsea, but I simply can't stand wrong and stupid statements. There was not even one valid argument yet, which underlines the point: "Chelsea deserved it more than Munich". If Bayern had won the penalty shootout, have a guess how many statements like this would have been made. I bet zero and there would be no difference but another winner in the dice game (aka penalty shootout) in the end.
why are you replying to every comment that says chelsea deserved the win? dafuq is wrong with you :D
its all up to opinion to say who deserved the win, some people might say chelsea deserved the win because they managed to shut down all the chances that bayern munich had, yes they had many chances to score, but they didnt, all thanks to the pressure from chelseas defence
they deserved it

e: scroll down to the reply of potty ;)
Just one - the result.
i don't care if chelsea did win the CL, but what really pisses me off is that robben took again the penalty and failed AGAIN.
Also fucking gomez needs 200 chances to score a goal. you basically have to hit him directly so the ball only has to bounce in the goal. I don't like him, there are way better players than him for this position...
Undeserved, Everton should have been in the final...
thrilling final, enjoyed! was so happy when robben-fag didn't score the penalty :-) wp drogba&cech!

e: haha just read all comments, "futbool experts" so mad xD
im just glad robben didnt win this..hate that mofo always falling down like christina ronaldo :D
If people are saying it wasnt deserved I want to know what you think about having the amount of chances and NOT taking them? I fucking hate chelsea, being a Fulham fan, but you germans + few other whiners need to wake up and see that bayern decided to throw chance after chance away. How many balls went 10 meters above the bar that game? So shut you fucking mouths and don't think "Chelsea played shit" because it was their own fault for not taking the chances they had.

Some mad germans in this topic will reply to this thinking they know all about football. But facts are facts and if you cant score with the amount of chances they had... You dont deserve to win. Chelsea played defensive and it worked... So they played well?
Conceding 80+ shots, including 50 on target, in the 2 semis and the final is not a demonstration of playing well defensively - it's a disgrace. Such extreme luck that won't be seen in this competition for at least another 20 years.

I'm still glad Chelsea won though! Drogba's a beast
Like I said, I hate Chelsea, but if you can't score from 20+ chances you don't deserve to win. Sure it looked like shit to watch, but it was effective right?!
Really says a lot about the German league. Best German team beaten by the 6th best team in England :S
You just proved how much you know about football, not to mention the German league: nil
Funny how you take the league standing of Chelsea but you don't compare it with the league standing of Bayern :) Apples & Oranges mate. And this way you could say the 10th best team in spain (bilbao) is better then the 2nd team in england :)

Generally speaking, Bayern is the 2nd best team in germany over the last few years & you could say chelsea over the last few years are the 2nd best team in England aswell, maybe 3rd now behind city.
Really says a lot about the Spanish league. Best Spanish teams beaten by the 6th best team in England and the 2nd in Germany :S
Nur der FCB image: 7817fsbt
haha I am still mad xD

of course bayern would have deserved it more, but even as a bayern supporter I have to accept that if chelsea won, they also deserve it. you don't get to win the CL just by being lucky, even though it was a lot on their side especially in the last 3 games.

then again, bayern was also a bit lucky vs. madrid and had won their penalty shooting in this season already.

Bayern had the same problem they have vs. defensive playing teams through the whole season: Gomez is useless if it's too crowded around him, no way to get in for ribery and robben cause everyone knows how to defend them now, and no danger from bayerns midfielders. no shots from 2nd row, all the corners and free kicks were a fucking joke. they really need to work on that for next season(s).
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