new punkbuster?

hello cf users,

after 2 years of inactivity i wanted to play some et again and saw there is a new pb called tzac. i downloaded it but when i try to start i get the following error

image: scaled.php?server=232&filename=unbenanntste

can someone tell me how to fix it? i tried to update it with pbsetup but there is no enemy territory in the list.

not sure if serious
read here

btw pb doesn't support et anymore
I think you have to set a gameID in a shortcut, not sure though.
Right click -> Run as admin.. I can't believe some people are too stupid to read the error message..
funny thing is, you also cant read, as it isnt a run as admin error, but a +set fs_game etpro in command line options... i cant believe your are too stupid to read the error message..
Im not sure if this is a counter-countertroll, but your problem isnt the +set fs_game etpro, you just have to make a shortcut like it's described in the picture that garin posted..
Run TZAC from start menu...
I think there might be information on the website on creating shortcuts to TZAC.exe, not sure though.
You really are one huge fucker
Crossfire - A retards Community.
Too retarded for words.

I tried anyway.

Super mega ultra retarded. Times eleven.

That's about 1/50th of how retarded you are.
you forgot to put the 0 into that commandline

just follow the description in the newspost :x
i tried to update it with pbsetup but there is no enemy territory in the list.

I lold :XD
Why not make a sticky in order to avoid these posts/questions?

One that stays on the front page and doesn't dissapear? (and gets updated when stuff changes...)

From my point of view, i only see ET related news, and besides the tournament changes or updates,
I really have to search/read posts like this in order to find out if anything changes/changed.

For instance, loads of people on public, don't even know TZAC excists, let alone they know what it is or does.

Each instance i redirected a person to this forum, either for comp or getting to know ET as a game,
has backfired and they have given up as soon as they start reading the crap that some post over here.

The first few posts are a help to the person in question, but the rest is just plain bollocks.
Well, how do you expect that the game is kept alive with these kind of replies?
Erm, why not send them/go to the TZAC site?
m8 go start --> tzac --> Tzac ET copy and past on desk :) the 1 u trying to start from is old 1 delet it.
as on other tzac posts: RTFM
2 years of inactivity? wasnt it even less than a year ago with that baserace crap ??
3/10 for getting so many answers
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