work out advices

So basically I'm going to the gym cuz I wanna get fit but I'm quite nub :D
I don't really know what and when to eat...
So I was wondering if u guys could help me out :D (since this is a bodybuilding community)

Have that ass as a gift for having taken time to read my journal (sentence looks weird tho)

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTuMh2s5fL-nWXtzkWEVbGwAYCyxZEL4KWrE1XFr2ymTtJ5HrxrkR_zgumxqQ
You squat and you eat protein.

When? All the fucking time.
watch men doing abs. masturbate.
Tell me her name, NOW!
It's my gf, fuck you! She's mine :) I won't tell u her name
awww nice one mate :)
Just one advice, dont share her ass on a public site.
nah man she's OK with that :D
crossfire 3.2 - a "hurrdurr i curlZ 10kG OLOlOLo i be bodybuilder hurrdurr i dont being nerd anyMore n0w" community
>also implying a good body will get you laid faster than being able to talk to women
actually this is very true
implying that you only work out to get laid :'D
at the end of the day, yes.
Thats something that mostly comes as a bonus, but if thats your starting motivation you can stop right away.
You should not need to be working on your muscles (as long as you are not anorexic)
Elle est grammaticalement correcte la dernière phrase ? J'ai exam d'anglais demain et je me rend compte que je suis dans la merde :/
Ca fait assez franglais 'having taken time" même si je trouve pas ça incorrect. Mmh...
as a gift for taking your time to read blabla, ça suffit à mon avis.
oh really? :D

nice excuse!
Parent browse around here and you will get to know most stuff, I myself am not an expert at all but that forum has some nice lads who know almost everything about bodybuilding/workout/nutrion
will have a look at it tomorrow thanks
-15 Minute Cardios (This is only to raise your heart rate)
-Use open Weights, such as benching, curling, etc.
-Take 2500 calories a day
-Do not work out the same muscle everyday, wait 2 days before working out the same muscle, so do chest today, then tomorrow, arms, then legs, and so on, do not do chest continually , wait 2 days and then repeat the exercise.
-Take proteins .. at least 50grams a day..
-Other home exercises can also benefit you along.
Wow some bad advices there.
-15 Minute Cardios (This is only to raise your heart rate)

you can only burn fat if you heart rate is at a certain point, and what u wanna do is use cardios to raise ur beat and then workout which will burn fat and build muscles instead... if you only do cardios then your burning your muscles before your fat.. if ou dont know about body fitness pls dont talk garbage..
there are 2 types of cardio; aerobic and anaerobic. Examples of aerobic is running on the threadmill.
Lifting weights is a form of anearobic exercise. Also HIIT training.
To burn fat you need to keep your heartrate in 60 to 70% percent of your maximum heartrate.
If you do cardio like this you dont burn your muscles before your fat.(You only start burning fat after your glycogen is depleted anyway. )
And heres a tip for you, if you want to burn fat you better start with weightlifting as it is anaerobic and after that you do your aerobic cardio. So your glycogen is already depleted and your cardio starts burning fat.
The other way around, the way you stated it, cardio before weightlifting has a bigger chance of burning muscle.
You can say i talk shit but i think im more on point than you are.
I disagree, why ? because It is quite simple, burning fat requires your hear rate to be at a certain point, in order for your fat to be burnt, because Saturated fat layer comes before your transfat, and you wanna burn transfat, which is the layer that is at the very bottom, you burn saturated fat before you do transfat.. so in order to keep up with ur sat fat, do cardios and then work out .. :)
my cousin is a trainer at LA Fitness
You can't say that fat burns ONLY at some certain heart rate. Yes, there is optimum % HRmax but you still can burn fat even if your heart rate isn't on that optimum range.

And sorry but pro's never do cardio before their workout because it takes too much energy from the workout it self. They do warmup but never cardio. And no one here is pro but still don't do cardio before gym training.
I agree with you, but he said he wants to get fit, and your method is a more of building up instead of getting into shape by losing fat, however my methods are for losing fat as much as possible in order to maintain your body fat.
What?! I think you should stop talking shit! :D
basically dat ass has been posted before.
Rough recommendations acc. to most bb websites:

Protein: 2,2g/kg bodyweight (1g/lbs)
Fat: 0,75g/kg bodyweight (0,35g/lbs)

Those are your two primary objectives. You can have more but should not have that much less, especially fat is more important than most ppl think. You can fill the rest of your calories with carbs or more protein/fat. Calculate your TDEE on some website and stick to that for 1-2 weeks and see how it goes. If you lose weight (but don't want to) add some calories. If you're gaining weight (but don't want to) reduce your calories.
Also it does not matter when you eat and how often as long as you manage to get in your required calories and macronutrients.

For me for example:
102 kg, 25 years, lifting 4-6 times a week for 1 hour (plus some cardio here and there)
P: 224g
F: 76,5g (at least)
Calories: cutting on around 2500 with almost daily excercise (that's a 500-800 deficit on most days)
this is so 2012!!!!

over a 100 journals about cardios and shit

Or you need hits on your profile or you r too lazy
depends on how serious you are about it cuz personally the routine i use is from Arnolds encyclopida of bodybuilding, requires me to go 6 times a week sometimes twice a day and lift. gotta eat a good portion of meals after your workouts and protein. i need all that because its alot harder for me to gain muscle but it depends on what body type you are.
why would you go twice a day?
and 6 times a week is not needed tbh, you can do a 3 or 4 day split and youll be good.
because my body can handle it and its not over training. im more serious about building muscle and it takes longer for me to build so i like to train harder.
you are too late to for this summer.

but gl anyways
it rly depends on what ur goals are, are u fat and u want to lose some weight?
or ur a skinny bitch who wants to put on some weight..
u should write down ur height and weight.
I'm kinda skinny :) 1m83 for 75kg
check y post above, do not look at your body weight use the fat checker machine your gym shud have i, because your muscles weigh more than body fat thats where BMI fails ;)
its not that skinny im 1.83/70 kg
Well u r skinny then :P
i am, got only bones and muscles no fat :D
lawl just lift weights and eat food it's no rocketscience
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