LAN Preparation
23 May 2012, 10:51
Sup Crossies,
Just want to let you know that the Netherlands is ready for LAN!
Sun is ordered:
(picture taken 5 min ago!)
Playing old skool summer hits:
9 Days left, count down started!
Rolling nerds like never before!
Who else is staying @ Logica?
Just want to let you know that the Netherlands is ready for LAN!
Sun is ordered:
(picture taken 5 min ago!)
Playing old skool summer hits:
9 Days left, count down started!
Rolling nerds like never before!
Who else is staying @ Logica?
EDiT: Please make sure this fucking class weather is still about when we come kthx
I will try to not let the sun escape!
#(&%(&*#()% BULLSHIT ()$#&%(&#*%,
I would come
I see what you did there!
Bij de beoordeling van de praktijkopdrachten Databases 2 heb ik een vermoeden van plagiaat geconstateerd waarbij uw ingeleverde opdracht onderdeel van uitmaakt. Ik heb hiervan melding gemaakt bij de examencommissie en in afwachting van een uitspraak van de examencommissie is verdere beoordeling gestopt.
Ik hoop u hiermee voldoende te hebben geïnformeerd.
T. Busker
MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Postgress
is niet grappig hoor faggot
we moeten ons project uitbreiden hunter
oh and going lan to kill some motherfuckers h3h3
ps. pics or didnt happen XDD
eat shit dickhead :D not gonna give you fapmaterial :S