Back from AEM!

Hi all!

Just got back home from the LAN trip and after getting some sleep on the plane and train found myself in a good enough shape to do some writing. So here is a journal with some stories from the trip:

Day 1 (Wednesday):

Took a train to Finland Tampere, met Finland Iron there and later on all the other LAN attending Finns (except for Finland Thomm, who I met on the next day) + Finland ENSAM. We were chilling out at Iron's place and having some drinks before heading out to a couple bars with some chicks Finland toMi had met earlier. Getting into a bar wasn't easy for everyone tho as miNd was already too drunk and got thrown out immediately followed by ENSAM later on. ENSAM went home and miNd disappeared, but the rest continued to a "night club" with 1€ beers, which is something you don't get very often in Finland! After the club closed most of us went back to Iron's place and later on found Finland miNd aswell who had thought he was at Helsinki and was trying to get a cab to Tampere (where he already was).

Day 2 (Thursday):

We had an early flight to catch after getting like 2 hours of sleep, but it went surprisingly good and got some additional sleep during the flight. On Germany Bremen we split up with toMi, miNd and Thomm who convinced some random Finn from the same flight to travel to Enschede with them. Atleast Wales owzo was still convinced on Sunday evening that it was toMi's mate Finland t0psu or some other Finnish ET player, but he definitely wasn't. With fin6 guys we had decided to book an apartment from Bremen instead and stay there for the night. Despite Iron's comment "tänään vedetään!" (= "lets get wasted tonight!") I ended up being the only guy getting properly started with drinking at the apartment, but we still decided to go out for "a drink or two" with everyone else except for Finland Salaneuvos who decided to get some sleep. After meeting up with some random locals on the street we went to some sort of bar in an apartment over there with some band playing. Drinks were fucking cheap and the atmosphere was really relaxed! The others started to get drunk aswell and had a good time there.

Day 3 (Friday):

Our day started with checking out from the apartment before 10:00 AM, getting to the train station and buying tickets to Netherlands Enschede. We decided to go for the cheap option (20€ / person) with 3 changes on the way so it took some time until we finally arrived at Enschede. At Enschede we checked in to Eden (hotel) and headed up to the LAN center to meet up with all the other people. Some guys were boot camping over there and some were more concentranted on the drinking part. Had a couple drinks and met up with a lot people and was great to see all the guys I had met up with before and some of the new faces aswell of course! Also ended up doing some interview stuff along with miNd and toMi who were already (unexpectedly) properly wasted when we met them. Not sure if they're already up somewhere or if they are ever going to be uploaded, which I guess would be understandable due to quality of the interviews I was part of atleast.

Day 4 (Saturday):

First day of the actual tournament. Luckily we had gotten into a group that started the games at 16:00 CET so we had some time to gather ourselves and the games ended up in time for us to get back on the drinking part again. Our group wasn't too hard and I guess there's not much to mention about the group stage games, but it was good to get used to the LAN atmosphere again and I'd guess important for the first timers in our team (Finland Jewe and Salaneuvos). After the games we were just chilling out at the venue for rest of the evening, chatting up with other players and speccing some games.

Day 5 (Sunday):

Had an early wakeup as our first game was already starting at 10:00 AM and took some effort to get everyone out of the bed that early. First of the playoff games were really horrible from my part as I was feeling fucking awful and couldn't really get anything down my throat yet. After the games against Europe NBS and Germany PDEG had some sleep at the venue and had to down a couple beers to get into a reasonable shape again. That really helped and rest of the games I'm happy about my own performance. As a team I'd say that our tournament went really like we expected. Perhaps we could've been a bit stronger not losing any maps to other teams than Europe Anexis, but after all Anexis was the only team that was better than us and there wasn't anything we could do about that. The games were running really late and so we couldn't catch a train to Bremen on Sunday anymore like we had planned to, but instead had drinks with the guys who still were hanging out at the venue. Then we headed to Logica where we had no room and were supposed to sleep on the floor. In the end we didn't really get any sleep though, mostly thanks to Ireland herbal.

Day 6 (Monday):

Walking like a group of zombies we headed out to the train station and started our journey back to Bremen. As we arrived to Bremen we decided to just head out to the airport and hang out there for the remaining 13 hours or so before our flight. Everyone had a massive hangover, drank some non-alcoholic drinks and were trying to get as much sleep as they could. Not too much to write about!

Day 7 (Tuesday):

Flew back to Finland, had some food to eat and took a train back to my home city.

Overall was an excellent trip as always! Huge thanks to the admins, WZZRD staff and everyone else who made the event possible. My shoutout list of all the great people I had the pleasure to meet and talk with would be so long that I hope everyone who do deserve the shoutout from me know who they are!

Pictures/videos from the trip will probably follow later.

See you at the next LAN!
see you next lan office-man !! <333

was nice to meet you :)

nice not meeting you :-(
fucking mind blowing how you can remember all those days....i forgot what the hell i did yesterday
he is from europe, where people have an above 3rd-world-sized brain.

u mad
so fly like a blizzard g5

that is all
thx 4 shoutout :))
next time u spend some days in bremen, i'll show u some bars and clubs ;)
thx for shoutout, was nice to meet you there!
I also tough the Finn was t0psu :') as for miNd and toMi they have been drinking litteraly all the time before you arrived so that's why you re-met them sooo drunk.

I have the interviews but I can promise you that you don't want them uploaded but I do have some cute sleeping pics of Froptastic6 sleeping @ wzzrd if you want them.

The amout of beer the Finns drunk during the event was as expected. They basicly drunk all day long nothing really ridicioules but they just kept going and this time there was no office to be found for any Finn, well maybe miNd ;D

Was really nice to meet you and win your money at poker ;D.
haha ye just keep the interviews away, but I could have one of the sleeping pics :D

nice meeting you aswell!
basicly all the videos that where made with cam have either poor quallity or a lot of people that where proper drunk.

Thomm sleeping
image: 2gsG5
miNd late at night
image: ca2fS
miNd sleeping
image: wdU8K
Thomm - toMi - miNd
image: BbqGz
Thomm BOSS tattoo
image: 1IA9G
Jewe sleeping
image: 5oUBr
Matias sleeping
image: uMAhQ
Olba(left) and sala(right)
image: 90QNf
From bottem to top - Jewe twidi OLBAA salaneuvos
half the pictures arent working for me :(
I hope that's a fake tattoo
""Put your hand up if your Twidi! xD""

Was fun watching you guys and playing against ya, hope next time we'll be a bit of a better match though xD
nice bunch of guys :)
Already missing the random Finnish conversations!! Great seeing all of you, starting to think I should have bought some snus packs off someone now, I can't just ask sala for some anymore... :D
snus is almost as bad as smoking! I think someone needs a talk with Gi-Jose ..
it isn't. Not even close actually.
Sounds like it depends on which snus you have :O)
Also kinda false. There are differences in taste and the containing of nicotine. There are also two types, loose (tobacco in a box) and the bag type (portioned in approx. 1gram each). Now, loose type will hurt the gum more.

Other than that, only under one occasion can they show to cancer caused by snus, and even in that case it's not even close to be 100% certain. Norway & Sweden (wehere snus is legal, and many use snus instead of smoking) are the countries in Europe with the lowest amount of death, cancer and diseases caused by use of tobacco products, go figure why;)
Must have been a sad lack of scandinavians and vikings at lan :(
All Finns and Eestis!
they are probably very cool, but scandinavians and vikings they are most certainly not!
I know, I know. It was definitely missing a bit of Viking power :P
heheh, hope you had fun though!:)
twideh !
Nice read!
suckaaaaaaaaaa :)
The toll you guys put on your body to go to LAN should definitely be included in one of the reasons why Finns and Estonians don't want to go to LAN. :D

Nice writeup!
miNd was drunk for like 5 days straight and smoking every 2 minutes :D
I don't include miND in the Finnish dept. he's more of an otherwordly being. :D
true that! :D

Was nice to see you!
Cu next lan hopefully :p
welcome back !
lol mind too drunk to notice he's sleeping on the wall
welcome back, was nice to meet u :D
im surprised u were able to play sunday evening, since u all looked horribly tired in the afternoon :DDD

took all the couches around, only fins there sleeping xD
glad you werent 'office' this time twidi :)

whens the next lan? maybe i can make it :)
hah :D there's nothing official yet, but heard that december/january is very likely for the next one!
interesting, 2 decent months for me!
Rumors say that there will be one in october tho :)
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