1 more reason not to be fat

Dead obese woman had so much body fat she set the building on fire during her cremation

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2154897/Dead-obese-woman-body-fat-set-building-cremation.html#ixzz1x7j9AdKq

why care if ur dead...
wanted to write "die in fire" as my comment
but she was already :D
dude, some are a fat, but this is extremly.
>implying that the Daily Mail might contain truth
hilarious :DDD
you should fix the title
i hate fat people so much!
to do not be fat
i heard she was skinny and very well spoken.
one reason to do not NOT TO learn English : being from France
aka the guy that call his cat "mAus"

You should not give any lessons here ;)

And yea I'm still learning english, I don't pretend to be a master.

image: bumble_bee

Ps I'm proud to be French and I'm sure you can't say the same as you are from be -.-
Usually french people do not speak very good english:s
C'est justement ça le bug. Vous êtes trop fiers. Vous l'ouvrez trop à propos de votre sois-disant toute grande et parfaite France.
Je me permets de corriger ton français :)
bug = anglais
En français c'est "bogue".

De plus, oui heureusement que je suis fière d’être français, cependant j'ai pas du tout dit que j'étais fier d'être en France. Ouvre un peu tes livres d'histoire quoique je doute que un jour tu en eus un seul. Bref je vais arrêter d'argumenter avec toi, c'est une perte de temps ;)
donc tu es raciste?
QuoteUne seule race, la race humaine
merci de me quote :)
Minimum mec, tes pas skizofrene parfois ?
si!! je suis complétement fellé :)

mais quel est le rapport???
haha that fat was all over dem firefightaz!
her revenge for people calling her fat!
Number 1 top tip for a arsonist. Get fat and still be making fire when dead :D
rofl and that in Austria :D
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