Meanwhile in Warsaw

Any locals wanna tell us what the hells going on? Reports of one dead. Running battles in the street.
Such a disgrace.
Seems mental they let a 'march' happen.
Yea idd, don't know what they were thinking. Apparently nothing.

Still can't see shit like that happen here in Finland, guess we are too busy beating our wifes and stabbing our neighbours.
this march had to happen, because the polaks were attacking smaller groups of russian fans all day
this was like a safer way for fans to get there+ polak police failed hard when it comes to security
it was allowed to happen because 12th June is the Russian Independence Day
Independence day from who? o0
that's a good question :P Soviet Union becoming Russia I guess
+ all tough boys posting here and supporting, try to go out and have a whoopie, that should teach you.
As I said in the other journal. I don't wanna be near that, not interested in fighting one bit & I don't think it's a good thing. Nor am "I GO ENGLAND BASH THEM GO POLSKI YOU HARD BASTARDS". However... I find it strangely compelling. I don't know why.

Primordial shit? I guess it's the same as watching boxing...
I can't answer to this one without insulting you, so I let it be.
It's fine be insulting ^^

You can say e-hero but I dunno. I don't enjoy seeing someone get beat but it's just fascinating.

Maybe it's a homoerotic thing? ;-)
I am fine for 1on1, unless other goes down or it is about to get really serious. Boxing or other, sure.

But if you really get turned on by some 4on1, you should try to get your ass kicked, few kicks to the face should do the trick. Certainly helped me to gain perspective to those random beatings.
hmmm i wonder when you are drunk you think the same or not
Yea, I don't get an urge to fight or get my face kicked when I am drunk.
Fair enough. Though I'm not sure I'd say turned on... is it any different to watching the Saddam execution or a smart bomb drop on some compound or any number of violent acts that take place day to day? Half of society has an obsession with serial killers. I can't explain the intrigue.

I've never taken a kicking like that and hope never to so can't really speak on it but yeah I can imagine it's pretty shitty.

Not just the fighting but the police response too. This kinda thing never happens man to man it just seems random. The mindset behind it is equally fascinating.

Edit: did you watch the video?
I understand your fascination, however I think it's completely different when you see it irl.
Yea, I did.
excepted, coming more after match
No locals here, they are all beating up some russians for breakfast.
Poland should never had hosted EC, no offence
Was a good decision to have the EURO's there for sure...
dont act all suprised
Find it hilarious when all these people run at each other kicking like retards waving their arms around like helicopter :D
i am a blackbelt in helicopter.
Seen better windmilling
that guy at 0.56 :s

first he hits some1, then runs away like a happy retard... 10seconds later KO :DDDDDDDD
What's going on in that second video?
someone got slapped in the head and went down?
Its was the front side of the march; the polak side was attacking and the russian defending their march and "police" in between
i say give police real ammunition.
Yea that helps alot especially when some retarded cops find out their gunz are stolen
as if people who want to get a gun has any problem obtaining it

polaks are masterthiefs
:/ wow that's pretty retarded. I'm ashamed for the guys above me who agreed
I agree with this,

even tho i dont think they are all serious
Hopefully not..
rioters made their decision, they are dangerous and should be treated like criminals. Also, i havent written they should all be shot to death (but a few would show results). Radical as it may sound u have a better idea how to handle it? Current one aint working.
I have to say no, I have no idea how to stop hooliganism.. Neither do most people without the use of life-threatening means, that's why it's been around of ages.
Atleast because of the tighter security inside stadiums, fighting in there has become almost impossible without getting a lengthy ban.

Giving the police the power to kill hooligans like that wouldn't stop anything either. They would still meet in closed places.
Yup, and im fine with them fighting in closed spaces and arranging it with other hooligans. If they want to kill each other im totally cool with that.
But that still isn't a reason to give police real ammo. An example is a 'stray' bullet in Italy a few years ago which killed a lazio-fan, after that all hooligans combined against the police, that's even worse because they're only doing their jobs
sad thing but if he decided to join rioters i dont really care. People make their decisions and they should be aware of consequences, and even if they werent its not the reason not to punish them.
iirc he was shot in a car when a policeman randomly opened fire! dont think he was a hooligan at all
real radicals are the gouverments - that is the real point why riots happen all over the world - without borders and law there wouldnt be that much hate around
police exists to secure the rich from the poor
their behavior is simply effect from the cause which is frustration in the way things are handled globally and locally. They've built up hate and they don't want to carry it anymore, surely you don't think they fight because of football?
it really doesnt matter why they fight. How is rioting helping though? Be frustrated/offended/whatever, its your problem and causing harm to other people should be punished.
yeah its your problem, but also it's not the problem because its only effect, not the cause.
so yeah, you're right, causing harm to other people should be punished. we should stop this economic/political system controlled by psychopaths from destroying the planet and that what is to be human and not just watch by when they make us dumber and more passive each day while they are getting more and more arrogant.
They are retarded so this was expected.
what a retards -.- 0:40

E: i wouldn't mind if they slowly murderd each one of them stupid caveman :)
polaks and russians, what can u expect X-DD
good show next to EC
Love to be there right now to bite ears off polaks
good ownage
How can you even act surprised? The Russians shouldn't even be allowed to march.
stupid polaks :X
Meh, wanted to go there :d but I'm safe in home :d
For once I really hope Poland WINS and not like 1:0 though it's enough aswell but something like 3:1 / 3:2 all hail Lewandowski
the worst thing is, this is just the beginning.. imagine what WILL happen after the game
you think this is something? wait until after the match when russia wins the game
russia will win and get epic comeback :D
People seriously expected something else? fucking disgrace.. it's just a fucking sport..
ca 1.25 "S04" expected
Komentarz mojego ojca: mobilizacja jest duza.
where did you get the info that one person is dead?
From RT news agency linked in the OP

"Russian diplomats are checking claims that one Russian fan was fatally wounded."
according to Poland news 10 ppl r wounded 7 polaks 2 russians and 1 german
I heard that this information isn't true.
Where did you hear that from?:D

I wouldnt put my faith on russian diplomats tbh :)

riot between estonians n russians happened here a few years ago as well..
russian diplomats and news channels said that there have died tens of russians by estonian people.

(yes, actually a guy got killed.. jevgeni died by dmitri or something - both russian names) :D
Poland Staruch@ 2nd photo?
dunno why u bitching?

as long as they don't hurt innocent people or destroy private property, I approve the fighting. in fact, the more of those hooligans are cripled or dead, the world will be a better place
if they would meet at a random field somewhere out of town and smash each other faces with bats/fists/guns, then i would agree with you.
i approve that!
zum teufel?
weiß ich auch grad nicht^^
3rd world countries what to expect :DDDD
Lol, happens in every country before/after important matches, it's even more normal when it comes to the match between Russia and Poland. It's not only about the sport, we just don't like each other.
3rd world country, u jelly?
polish and russians fought with each other for almost 11 centuries, nothing special
I can tell you what the hell is going on. 2k russians where going to stadium and then less than 30 Russia guys started attacking random ppl, then group of arround 30 Poland hooligans starded to fight with them. Then a wild police appeared and those 15 min battle ended. 10 ppl injured 7 Poland 2 Russia and 1 Germany . Many ppl who was near stadium didnt even noticed those battle. Biggest Poland infotelevision had live show under National Stadium and they didnt even make a simple photo of this battle.

btw. seventh photo is from this morning when Russia were bashing pubs in the center of warsaw
What? They didn't show those fights and stuff on the main-centre? Ok, then it didn't happen, now I understand.
so tell me what happened, sir. except of 10 min fight between 30 group of retards.
You should be able to see pics & see vids soon... At least they have been out here already.
Filthy fucking mongrols. People ask why not host it in PL? They have the biggest hooligan culture in the fucking world
Poland should take out some of it's own and arrived trash.
So we got the world cup in Russia in 2018 and the Euro's in Poland & Ukraine in 2012, n1 lol
What a surprise, cavemen fighting eachother, pathetic.
i say gather all hooligans in 1 stadium and let them kill each other, that way innocent bystanders wont get hurt
Think they should ask that photographer to replace Szczęsny.
Wiadro hiding behind tower no doubt.
the irish have been fantastic
Can't speak for trhe Irish in Poland, but the Irish in Ireland are fucking scum. If you disagree, go to the quays or the Living Room for the next game before retorting.
If you want to hang out with scumbags then do it right or don't do it at all. Head down to the IFSC for the next game.

Have you ventured over to the south side yet?
IFSC was what I was talking about. That "Three on the Quay" which attracted all the scum of the city last sunday. Except for those who were in the Living Room.

Ventured south of the river last night, pulled an all-nighter in Diceys again.
Still enjoying it here?
Not particularly. Planning to escape the country by september.

Although I'm not surprised.

Gonna go home?
No, gonna look for a similar job somewhere else abroad.

Bad food, bad weather, expensive live, knackers and junks everywhere, shitty music in shitty clubs. That about sums it up.
There are knackers and junkies in some parts of the city but, day-to-day, I don't encounter any at all, and I don't think the food is bad.

I do agree with you regarding the weather (but what were you expecting?) and the cost of living.

These days I'm more of a pub person so the club music isn't really something that bothers me.

I hope you enjoyed some aspects of living here at least!
I did, no worries. My suitcase will be filled with good memories :-)

Edit: I live at talbot street and encounter them every day!
Ah Rhand, that's a bad way to stereo type. You live on the North side. The north side of the city is by far the worst part of Dublin in terms of scum. The living room and the quays would both be full of knackers on match days specifically. Have you ever been to better parts of Dublin, Ranelagh, Dundrum etc? To be honest, to say the Irish in Ireland are scum pisses me of a bit and is totally retarded if I'm honest.

Im sure there are plenty of shit holes in Belgium.
Never been to Ranelagh, Dundrum, etc. because it's not practical on work days (distance) nor in the weekend to go out (again, distance).
Sorry about calling all irish in Ireland scum, I was pretty drunk at that time. I just meant that when watching the game in Dublin 1, you'll find yourself surrounded by a lot of scum.

And yes, we have plenty of shitholes in Belgium too. No knackers though, but Maroccans and the likes.
I'm guessing that if you lived and worked in a place like Dundrum then your experience of Dublin would be almost completely different.

Where in Dublin/Ireland have you been so far?
Ireland: Dublin, Glendalough, Galway/Cliffs of Moher (will try to do a proper tour of Ireland the last week that I'm here).
Dublin: Dublin 1 & 2. Been to the beach at Sandymount one day too!

I simply cannot live too far away from the city centre or I would not be able to go to work, which is a shame because I do acknowledge that if I were living in a nicer neighbourhood I would probably have a much better impression of the Irish.

Then again, all those chicks wearing the really short hotpants are starting to swing my opinion the other way!
People like this are retarded, just go watch the fucking game and deal with the result. Fuckign cavemen
wtf pussies :S fights are normal, go outside nerds

blame the russian fans
well ofc there gonna be fights with about 300k ppl in center and 80k at stadium + 50 k outside what do you expect

ps. just walked from center and there were not fights at all after the game so :E
Lol, russian fans were retarded to start this "walk", I'm sure they expected this. I was in fan zone like 200m from the whole "action", all that happened was like 5 small explosions (probably gas), nothing more. Most ppl didn't even notice and enjoyed the game :) says all :D
silly communism countries still living in the past :PP
Poland should have kept the russian border closed.
Best solution would be to arrest every single person, even the numbers from both nations, dig a hole where they all fit in, put a cage on top of it and let them be.

inb4 narrow minded people disagree
hosting probably the biggest event in europe in two of the corruptest countries here was probably the best idea ever, natural selection all the way..
how about hosting the biggest sport event in the world (olympic games) in the country, where half of the capitol city was destroyed due to riots couple of months ago? u guys all complaining @ Poland but forgot that its not the only example
I'm also complaining about ukraine, which is even more corrupt imo. Countries like whole Scandinavia, Spain or Switzerland/France would deserve it even more..
Comon guys this is football not war !
where is the chinese commercial
Tell that to polak fans who attack other lone fans in groups from the back
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