MasterServer List hacked

So when people load the masterserver list, after a few secs, it says server full, connect to this ip. then we are directed to this server :
Anything we can do to prevent this? Have the server shut down? Can anyone connect his bot so the server is full? More ideas? It's annoying as fuck :D

e: Related link : forum discussion about it:

e2: It's back fine now, their server got hacked (in return I believe).
you sure its not just a pk3 file you downloaded from there as I dont have this issue :\
Well it happened the first time I loaded the server list and I had never been on that server before. And loads of random people are connecting and disconnecting.
Make sure you wait for like 5 secs. Still strange you don't have the problem...
doubt it's the MasterServer being hacked :D
I don't know what it is but I had never been related to that server before, someone told me it was happening, I loaded the serverlist and had the problem/hack/call it whatever you want.
nvm u were right :o
It was happening to me yesterday, I thought it was some random file I downloaded from a server, but it kept happening.

No idea why
just tried myself.. im automatically connected to some server :D
its a dutch kid called vincent he found a bug in the etsource code and makes it so you can connect to his server only, make sure you have cl_allowdownload 0 cause he wants you to donwload a pk3 file that screws it up even more, he did it before but stoped it after lots of people started attacking/ ddosing him
Seems like he is doing it again. I'm reading the discussion, he says things like :
sorry guys this was te only way to get people in my server!

(if you make a New server you need to cheat to get people F|A take all players)
F|A clan bigger cheaters then me


And yes, it is Vincent.
wait 1-2 days he will remove it again
he's getting raped already ^^
for once I would support you with your ddos stuff :)
sounds like some France Francis troll shit
Will we ( have the chance to see you playing with us some games like we used to do during old good summer days?
Lieutenant niSmO - ready for service
you guys actually use the server list? :P
when im bored and want to do some jaymod bashing i search a server on that list
lot's of ppl do, especially pub players ofcourse, you would be susprised how serious ppl take it when their own server won't show up in the masterlist :P
was exactly what i thought this is so 2005
nice sss
packets bug !!
ET is dead
no, it's not. :)
so this was what happened to me some 10 days ago or so...
I just wanted to pali ET for an hour after ages but this shit happened

made me think ET is finally dead I guess....luckily this is not that case :D
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