Fragmovies: what do you prefer?

do you like seeing small but interesting frags? (like some of the1-3man frags in Finland Ruipperi's Polarsoul)
slowmo/speedups? (also used a lot in Polarsoul & Requiem by Scotland -Max-)
spam frags? (not everyday 3man arties/strikes/panzers/rnades, something bigger like 4-6man spam kills).
if spam frags are something you'd like to see, do you enjoy seeing cams with these? (as long as they are good of course!)
high quality opponents? (do you prefer seeing frags against top teams more than regular clans)

and the final thing: MUSIC! what music do you prefer to see in fragmovies? I'm working on a project atm since I got my new HDD, if anyone is willing to send me some nice music I'd be happy to take it off your hands! :D
framovies is written in the title
oh right, thanks I wasn't aware :S
love watching panzer kills, and really fast multikills with a lot of headshots and also 180 smg kills or pistol kills

proper music+sync. shame I never see those :<
that's because "proper music" for you may be shit music to other people, whilst music chosen by a moviemaker may be seen as good by 50% of people and valued as shit by you. impossible to please everyone. :)
think I was only pleased few times and not with whole movies, just some songs in different movies

not my fault most people listen to shit music :<
give me some examples of music you'd like to hear in a movie then =P
whiskey in the jar!
really wouldn't fit to the kinda frags I'm gonna use. :D
saw it in some movie though, need to find it and shit
Artstar has rly good music taste
The best pieces is done without care for what will please the most viewers. It is either really good for fewer or pretty shit for almost everyone, as you prob know like with most entertainment media.
no hitsounds imo.

and just be creative man!
well, would you have preferred these movies without hitsounds: Just Wiesiek 2 & mAx Chapter 3?

this is the question!
hell no! Wiesiek's movie w/o hitsounds its like a suicide
i prefer hitsounds :<
oldschool stuff
hitsounds are a must
I prefer interesting frags over all those 1 shot multikills
no slowmo or ff or atleast keep it low profile. too many of it can ruin any movie.
and yes, I prefer to see somewhat known names
did you enjoy requiem/polarsoul? or rather, do you feel they'd be nicer to watch without the speed changes?
they would be more enjoyable. requiem is unwatcheable, I just had to close it after 3 minutes, too annoying. polarsoul has some nice syncs, but if there were only like 20% of them, it would be much better
I'm surprised :O Requiem is one of my favourite ET movies (editing wise). do you dislike most of Estonia fredd's productions? Cavalcade/Elegie/SNB Trailer and so on.
I guess I dont know either of those to be honest
I really hate all that speed-slow stuff. its unnatural to me and very, very disturbing. but it seems like I am one of very few who feels it this way
nah I'm sure there are many people who feel distracted by this amount of editing, I'm the same but over time I did grow to enjoy movies like: Cavalcade / Elegie / SNB Trailer :)
ok well. that is some pretty cool stuff. but not fragmovies. trailer yes, movie no. Elegie is real art. but not fragmovie. its like difference between paintings and picture of beautiful landscape. one can like the landscape, other the way artist painted it. I am kind of person who likes landscape. slightly photoshopped landscape, maybe :D
I guess I get what you mean :P well, what about the kind of speed changes at 4:35 here: ?
speed changes are never nice. speeding time when shooting is never nice either, unless you dont really hit anything (so like gibbing or sth)
fredd has some great editing skillz!
yeah I really enjoy them =)
short movie with good editing and good frags why not ! but more like ska absolute :D
Haven't seen that clip (I don't think) nice lugar shots!
Movies between 8 and 12 minutes are perfect imo. Intro needed but it's better when it's somehow short! Fragmovies when we can see different players in it are more entertainning also. Combination of every types of frags is the best tho :P Some fast SMG kills, long killing spree, rifle shots, some airstrikes, panzers..

E: Hitsounds are a must!
E²: Music : almost everything, but NO metal / hard rock please!
small but interesting frags, yes
slowmo/speedups, yes
hitsounds, yes
spam frags are fine if nades/rnades/panzer, but arty/strike frags are boring imo
cams are always good
high quality opponents, yes, but if it's well-synced like polarsoul I don't really mind the frags vs "lower" oppos

don't care about music as long as it's not terrible, hard to define "terrible" though :D
Quotedon't care about music as long as it's not terrible, hard to define "terrible" though :D

With hitsounds
do you like seeing small but interesting frags? yes
slowmo/speedups? yes
hitsounds? yes
spam frags? yes
if spam frags are something you'd like to see, do you enjoy seeing cams with these? yes
high quality opponents?Doesn't matter

This is perfect
I really dislike the sound quality in this movie :X it's really distracting to me
havent noticed anything^^

can you notice the weird sound quality in this:
yes, I can :)
i can enjoy 3 types of fragmovies:

hitsounds& some sync
no hitsounds but full of sync

1 / 3 slowmotions is enough imo (for epic actions)

cba watching x3 panzer/nades/strikes/arty anymore :d

ofc cam for spam frags

frags from med/+ to higher

music have to be like the frags ( if fast frags = fast music ) imo
i like 20 min movies with bad frags, no hitsounds and a bit of sync
forgetting DOF in every frag??
hey man, you're movies aren't THAT bad :(
no I think you are movies too
haha yea :D noticed it now too, grammarnazi!
are you 'trolling' Netherlands Ati_?
a mix between fragarea + requiem + polarsould would be perfect ;)
i like every movie which include hitsounds :D
do you like seeing small but interesting frags? (like some of the1-3man frags in Finland Ruipperi's Polarsoul) Yes
slowmo/speedups? (also used a lot in Polarsoul & Requiem by Scotland -Max-) Slowmo is cool with headshots but speed up isn't really cool
hitsounds? YES!!
spam frags? (not everyday 3man arties/strikes/panzers/rnades, something bigger like 4-6man spam kills). Not everday spam frags are cool yeah
if spam frags are something you'd like to see, do you enjoy seeing cams with these? (as long as they are good of course!) yes
high quality opponents? (do you prefer seeing frags against top teams more than regular clans) High quality oppo and prefer old school.
All ultraviolets and polarsoul etc
Really don't like it when (for artys/strikes etc) the cam is in slow mo or whatever, and you can already see how many kills it is going to get before it actually happens. I like to be as surprised as the player would of been when it occurred.
thanks for these infos
long frags are never awesome, very very little slowmo if at all (so easy to make it superboring), hitsounds, no spamfrags except for untraditional and awesome spamfrags (which don't really exist do they), cams are mkay in those nonexisting frags, doesn't matter what quali the oppo is as long as the frag itself is awesome
why make any more fragmovies, if u got gaz3ta movies already, all u need to see
Quick 3+ man multikill with fuckloads of headshots is the best thing you can see in a fragmovie.
Headshot sound is just too awesome

Slowmo/speedup is kinda meh, it works with right music tbh

spam frags not so my thing, only if like couple secs left on a clock, enemyteam disarming dyna to secure the victory and bam, gamesaving panzerfaust/rifle

High quality opponent really doesent matter for me aslong the frags are nice
Quotefuckloads of headshot

made me lol xD
fast forward movie, fuck sync if u cba, good frags / smg mostly / fuck the editing

demo+mp3 with good frags is usually better than 95% of movies posted here on crossfire
absolutely no slowmo
a few
dun matter
hitsounds, few cams, few spam frags, headshots only, doesn't matter if it's 1-10 frags killing spree as long as it contains headshots
For me I prefer hearing hitsounds and a more 'real' fragmovie. Best example for me being Souvenirs by Ganon.

Spam frags are nice if done well but no <3 man stuff unless it's good.

Not a fan of blur, sped up/slow down or other special effects.

Like to see some good SMG kills, headshots, sniping, teamplay! and mixing up with fun things. Just no shitty 3-4 man backraping or long frags.

Music wise always has to be metal for me :p + good example of movies = tapsa capter x

If the frags are good I don't care if it's a low+ game or med+ but always nice seeing decent players otherwise.
the only thing a good movie needs is style :)
nice editing
3 4 man frags
good music
with hitsounds

and prefer to watch a movie who didnt cheat in the past :)

senti's movie was greate till I knew he cheated, same shit for perfoitwashisbrothersound
etc etc....
I think, even if perfo was busted the fact that he attended LAN and played good nullifies his "cheating" past. :P
thats true....;)
funny thing is....if you cheat you become famous and you can play on a higher level ;)
he was "famous" and playing on a high level already before he got busted. :P the reason people get famous isn't because of their cheating background, it's because of their abilities ingame and fragmovies etc.
ET frag movies have been utter shit excluding some diamonds.

Nowadays no moviemaker can sync the fucking frags.
Spam frag multikills such as over 3 kill nades or panzas are the easiest to sync to the music so couple of spam frags should be included, everything kind a depends which kind of music you use, whether is has any parts that would really fit in that kind of scenario.

Hitsounds? You need to know your music before. With some music hitsounds are really nice and you can sync them to music e.g Polarsoul. In some musics leaving hitsounds out is just a better decision.
As a compromise you can create a movie with two parts where another part includes hitsounds and other one doesn't. You really wanna think if you want to do it in this way.

Camtraces can be used couple of times through the movie. Not too much and not too little. If there is a for example slow part in the music you could do slow camtrace to the next scene. Also if the music is fast-paced you can make a little faster camtrace and so on. On spam frags you can do some camtraces synced with music.

Of course it is nice to see frags against high skill opponents but if the frags are really sick they can be included in the movie of course. Best frags are unique frags like mid air 1hs luger kills and so on.

About music, which is in my opinion one of the key things in a successful movie. You should use a song which isn't really 'hardcore' so at least most of the people are OK with it. The most important thing in choosing music is that the music you choose gives inspiration. When I am listening to some tracks I just can imagine how I would make a fragmovie with that track, how I would sync the frags and how I would time all the camtraces. You just try to create that flow which makes people not to stop watching it and actually forces them to watch it again and again. Flow which really gives you chills and goosepumps.

I would rate Polarsoul as a best movie that has ever been made in ET. Watch it. When you are finished, watch it again, learn from it. Polarsoul lacks some things which doesn't make it as exciting as fragmovie like Incorporated 2. I highly recommend you to watch top movies from another games, you'll see a huge difference between them and ET movies.

Some impressive effects may be useful but remember not to use them too much. Many people says that Mazarini play with your soul is the best FPS movie made but what kills the whole movie for me are the constant edits which are useless most of the time.

I have thought about making a this kind of fragmovie for a year but I just can't use these moviemaking tools and I can't be arsed to learn to use those programs.

And remember. You must have motivation and patience. Top fragmovies aren't completed in week or two, you need to sacrifice a lot of time for them.

Movies you should watch:
Incorporated 2 1 & 3 are awesome as well
Suspension of disbelief
SK - Believe
Destiny 3
Pistol Project
Rapid pistols
There is more but can't remember all :)
very good comment! This is what u should follow when starting a project!
Even though I have not seen any for quite some time I value editing and creativity, flow and/or rythm is also important.

Number of frags is not much of a problem as long as they are special or fills you up with pleasure, multikill revive-train rapes tends to be boring.

Hitsounds when it is fit.

Cam looping on a multikill is poop, once content has been shown once it should not ever be used again, there is enough kills to go around.

Adding mediocre content to reach a certain timelenght of a movie is bad, save time and increase the viewing quality of it by cutting crap.

If you want to use mediocre content, increase creativity.
QuoteCam looping on a multikill is poop, once content has been shown once it should not ever be used again, there is enough kills to go around.

completely agreed!
the latest movie I enjoyed was those mazarin and yadayada movies, though I can understand why certain aspects of it might be over the top to do for the moviemaker that dont feel like committing 100% to a movie. Crazy stuff like it really elevates a movie into the space where it feels like I did not actually waste time.

The RGB ET movie is also memorable for me.
Hitsounds ; so now and then, just be creative.. I like movies with all kind of kills (like Requiem) arty,support,rifle,panzer,smg,grenade - bla bla bla.
Kills where ur like, WTF?? panzerfrags, fucked up frags :D
can you give me an example of a WTF frag from some other movie maybe? :P
those aimbotlikely frags, 180 3hspistol fast as fuck, cant really explain :D
those are really hard to find especially when these frags aren't by me. :(
maza movies have a great feeling imo :)
do you like seeing small but interesting frags? Yes if it has shitloads of hs or is done by pistol

slowmo/speedups? If u use them well, yes

hitsounds? Yes

spam frags? Either 4-6 man ones, or then 3 with spam and few with smg/pistol

if spam frags are something you'd like to see, do you enjoy seeing cams with these? I have always liked slowmo cams on spam kills

high quality opponents? Dont really care as long as the fragger is on the same skill level with the fragged players, and the frags are good
everything you said ! :D

and yea hitsound is a must.
Quotedo you like seeing small but interesting frags? (like some of the1-3man frags in Ruipperi's Polarsoul)
slowmo/speedups? (also used a lot in Polarsoul & Requiem by -Max-)
spam frags? (not everyday 3man arties/strikes/panzers/rnades, something bigger like 4-6man spam kills).
if spam frags are something you'd like to see, do you enjoy seeing cams with these? (as long as they are good of course!)
high quality opponents? (do you prefer seeing frags against top teams more than regular clans)

1) I like to see longer killing streaks, for example when a player stays and defends a position and kills 6-7 people

2) slomos are somtimes nice, depends on how spectacular the frag was.

3) hitsounds - yes.

4) strike frags are okay, grenade spam frags too. i dont like to have an extra camera for that tho. kind of confuses me.

5) its nice if there are some legends getting fragged, but as long as its known players mostly, its ok.
headshots, thats it
Like filuS style of moviemaking
Step Back by Switzerland Anubis is all one needs to see.
really like 7eles movie recently, so go for something like that
Good editing and a nice trance track that works is what I like best.

5:01 onwards, the editing slowing the frags down with a trance track is my fav. That trance track is just as good as the movie lol. Why Fragarea 3 is so good as that does this alot also.

having a shoutcaster hyping up frags a bit in it will always make the movie better if edited right, such as: 0:44 - 1:09 in requiem.
did i read ruipperiiiiiiiiiiis name there? =)

liked the music in winghavens movie. rock and trance related to the shown action
HITSOUNDS. And no shit effects during the frags themselves. Killing big names is better imo
do you like seeing small but interesting frags? (like some of the1-3man frags in Ruipperi's Polarsoul) Yea
slowmo/speedups? (also used a lot in Polarsoul & Requiem by -Max-) If done well
hitsounds? Yea
spam frags? (not everyday 3man arties/strikes/panzers/rnades, something bigger like 4-6man spam kills). Yea, can get boring with too many of them though
if spam frags are something you'd like to see, do you enjoy seeing cams with these? (as long as they are good of course!) If it suits based on the flow of the music.
high quality opponents? (do you prefer seeing frags against top teams more than regular clans) Don't care, but it depends on the quality of the frag. Sick frag vs mediocre opponent > mediocre frag vs sick opponents.
Fragmovies I like:
A good balance of different types of frags.
A fast pace which gives the viewer no chance to check how long is left without rushing though (Unless you do something awesome like Elegie by fredd).
The same ambiance/mood during the whole thing, from the first frame to the last.
That takes in account the music, the type of editing (cuts), the style of cameras, color and grading, (special effects). All that should work as a whole.
No cliché/used songs unless there is something VERY special with it.
No useless special effects.
No useless cameras swirling around the map, actually make it the most efficient possible, while getting the most "style" out of it.
Have patience and don't work long shifts otherwise we'll notice in the editing.
Question every decision you make and ask yourself (if you do it to please the people) what do people really want to see. Don't be afraid to leave some stuff out, cause you'll know it's for the best.
Only then would I risk calling a movie a masterpiece.

Ok all you got to do now is make the best movie ever made. GL

I didn't not like polar soul and TWK unmasked.
"Just spam it" is my favorite fragmovie congratz sir.
TBH this had it all. Shame he no longer plays :(
:D I reckon you should force Sh1zzle h3lix Ati_ Skydeh and rat or something to make g5.6v6!
It sure would be a historic day
kinda surprised no one mentioned TWK unmasks by Superboyy. it was awesome.
I love to watch 1man panzer kills and cams of people jumping off high places and falling to their death. I prefer porno music to go along with the video. I like watching frag vids vs low skilled players.
seriously I hate frag vids with super long or retarded intros
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