This video contains content from Channel 5, WMG and Radio e Televisao Record, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
Sorry about that.
dunno if thats stupidity or just "german", I live pretty close to germany and all these germans that come here e.g. asking for the coffeeshop only talk german and if we're in their country, we also have to speak german :P
the people comming over lookinf for coffeeshops are not really the creme de la creme.
however germans are not only incapable of speaking english they will never try.
domestic market is too strong.
yeh ok but that was just an example, anyway because of it most dutchies just tell them "immer gerade aus" to get rid of them again, so if you ever get here and someone tells you that you know he's not serious :P
Sorry about that.
blocking rickroll'd :s
however germans are not only incapable of speaking english they will never try.
domestic market is too strong.