
Any of the gentlemen here have tattoo's? Which one, and where?
stars stars stars on my wrists.
will add 2 new guess very soon on another place. my aquarius sign and a </3
plus another big one i have in mind alrdy but im searching right place
sounds nice. why </3?
also, could i take advice from you (u seem experienced?) or not?
im not guess panda has more tattoos then me. but i love the paaain :x i just hate to sit still all the time :D

</3 this speaks for itself imo
you're a hater...?
in no way i am :o
doesn't </3 means something like that? or does it mean heart and arrow? :O
both are wrong :D
what is it then?
its a cornetto
simple a heartbreaker
you're a heartbreaker...?
never my fault though :(
Around my anus, saying: i will shit on you.
Over my ass "Exit only"!
i wanted that one as well, but my anus was to big for it!
I though about making a tattoo in my forearm (in the areas where you can see the veins). I want a text on it (and i have a text) but i don't want it to be hebrew or english. I though about a foreign language like chinese or latin. does anyone have ideas about such tattoos? any advices?
Is it a language that has something to do with you, or just <insert random language here that makes my arm look good>
as simple as that, a language that makes my arm look good(the text does have a huge meaning!), and something that only i can understand. latin is probably the best possibility? i'd rather it be text than signs like chinese,
haha indeed, hes too stupid to see that i think.
just stupid random language with some fancy tekst. In what way is this related to you?
for example ; name in chinese, fucking white trash jersey boy shit!
i'll start with a meaningful text. after that these are the options:
1) a language that the majority won't understand, allowing 'privacy' for you to enjoy the tattoo
2) having a good looking tattoo ( isn't half the point in making tattoo's?)
1) can you read it yourself ?
2) if you think thats beautifull go ahead.
1) by learning the words first, yes i will
2) thank you for the approval, did i change your mind?
no , everyone has their own opinion. And beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
But i still think getting a text in a foreign language you dont understand is fucking corny, same for tribals. If i ever get a tat its gotta be unique in its style
you think i should text it in english?
looks like a badly drawn cartoon
AlexL having birds and shit tattooed
lol idd a bird and a random flag...
Swastika on the left side of my chest.
I also got a fluffybunny on my right bottom cheek.
well pooor u :P
Ha, fu. It's my talisman.
image: 2216555236_5b2f7824401

irezumi, 50% of my body
Both shoulder plates, chest, one below neck and two on back near shoulders.
what are the reasons for the tattoos?
A fitting quote from my favourite author, theatre masks where the laughing one has horns and the sad one thorns, others are memories from trips & happenings & people.
is the quote in english/finnish??
English, "Life is no way to treat an animal".
and where does it lay?
At my upper back, below the neck.
isn't pointless that you can't see it? if i wanted to tattoo a quote. i'd want to put it somewhere i can view it constantly (even without wanting so) like forearm, hand etc.
Well, I don't spend my time looking at myself :) It was the best place for it, I like to keep them balanced instead of just randomly dropping them here and there. Now I need to figure out something to my right chest, feels weird to have just other inked.
i didn't mean looking at your self all the time :P i meant, a situation as an example where you tattoo a quote in your forearm. while walking down the street you meet a familiar, you shake his hand, and oops, you eyes catch with the tattoo...
also, only one chest inked sounds cooler than two (that is my own opinion but i had to share it!)
mates a tattoo maker, gonna take one from him once i know what i want!

some of work hes done, hes pretty damm talented

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wauw, he is talented. uhu
no offense but eazy is not really that good tatted there
tattoos are useless
so are you in this world
that was a pretty bad attempt at insulting me, seeing as i'm already aware of that

also inb4 it was not an attempt at insulting me
it truly wasn't an attempt at insulting you ( i have no reason in doing so) but pointing out reality. the problem i have with your comment is, you aren't fighting reality but rather accepts it, or unaware of it.
what truly baffles me is, when did you become so "philosophical and smart"
oh stop it you,

i don't know son
sweet, what does mine say ?
Have 7 in total, cba finding pics of them right now.
Hopefully get a few more this year and still planning my main piece x)
could you give me advices on mine?
What advice are you looking for? Getting one done or wut?
Quote pala on 05/07/12, 13:36:22 Del | Edit | Reply

I though about making a tattoo in my forearm (in the areas where you can see the veins). I want a text on it (and i have a text) but i don't want it to be hebrew or english. I though about a foreign language like chinese or latin. does anyone have ideas about such tattoos? any advices?

TimbolinA on 05/07/12, 13:39:29 PM | Report | Reply

Is it a language that has something to do with you, or just <insert random language here that makes my arm look good>

pala on 05/07/12, 13:41:31 Del | Edit | Reply

as simple as that, a language that makes my arm look good(the text does have a huge meaning!), and something that only i can understand. latin is probably the best possibility? i'd rather it be text than signs like chinese,

Advices like language, the length of the text, style/color/size etc...
Think your best bet is to visit a designer/artist at the tattoo studio. I think things you should consider is how reliable will your source be if for example you want it in Chinese as there are so many cases where the text is wrong. Will you have anything extending from the text for example, so you can make it a bit smaller with a pattern/design around it otherwise possibly central. It's all down to personal preference.

With the text down the same location you're looking to get I went for an Elvish inspired look, purely for looks, different as I didn't want it in English or Welsh etc. Do get people asking if it's Arabic all the time so I say yes and it means Allah is great, the looks I get are priceless :D

Main thing I'd say is don't rush in to your design, you may find something you like for now but keep looking and play around with the design.
first, cheers for the constructive comment...
second, my main consideration is whether to make a tattoo on my forearm (which is what i am wishing to do...), and how will 'society' accept it, as in, how will company see my tattoo (a text) and how they will react...will they hire me or fire me for the tattoo, give me loose chances in receiving jobs in companies etc
I guess it depends on what job you're looking to have. There are some legalities like freedom of expression and others to some degree though but I wouldn't go trying to show off with such things just because of your way to express yourself or other means by having a tattoo.

What job are you looking to get? You can still cover the tattoo up in most cases ie office jobs can use a long sleeved shirt and so on. You could ask other professionals in the field you're looking to go down, some managers would be easy going with them, others would look down on you as some low class ignorant guy who can't make decisions maybe.

I've never had a problem with tattoos and work, but most of the work I've done is labour/mechanical so a bit different than being a lawyer for example :3 something you need to think long about x)
ive got "made in portugal" on my wrist and my best mates name on my ass

both done on different holidays to ayia napa, dont ask!
Why would you write your best friend name on your ass? :D
ele fez o meu, eu fiz o dele!
Que romantico :$ eu a pensar que era para ele ler o nome dele quando te fosse ao rabinho!
my guess is a lost bet :D
shoot it, tell us! ;D
staying away from those bets as I don't want any ink on my body, but have heard of such bets and I'm sure there are people who have got a similar tattoo as a result of lost bet :D
nah both drunk on holiday, got each others names on eachothers ass =D
hahah, any regrets on the morning after? :D
we both didnt know, till i came out of the shower like 3 hours after and i just caught a glimpse of it in the mirror, couldnt believe it lol made him check his and thankfully he got mine done and i didnt look like a faggot!
"and i didnt look like a faggot"

yeah right..stay delusional..
ok fair enough, not as much of a faggot!
tattoos are utterly useless
+1, I still don't understand why people get them. Why on earth do you want something permanently drawn on your body. It's like wearing the same sweater your entire life.
no idea, also I havent met a person who could logically explain the reason behind making one. At least they are useful as stupid ppl detector :x
so u call ppl stupid who having tattoos? :o
there are exceptions ofc but most of the time its true
then pls dont make such a general point if there are exceptions ;)
Things don't need to be always useful nor logical to not be stupid. Don't you know situations like you and some friends are on a lawn in the middle of the night. It rains and storms like hell, you are completly wet through. And you just start doing somersaults all the time... until you are so dizzy that you stay lying down and enjoy the moment.

It doesn't make any sense and it's actually pretty stupid. And still it's more awesome than you sitting at home at the same time, while writing about usefulnes on crossfire. I don't know whether u get my point. My english sucks so I have a hard time to explain it.

But fair enough, I have to admit there are tons of people who do it only to feel 'cool'.
It doesn't make any sense and it's actually pretty stupid. And still it's more awesome <3 =)
thats what I said, 99% of ppl make it to be "cool" and I havent met the other 1% yet I am afraid.
And the other situation you said yeah its pretty damn stupid so cant imagine it unless drunk.
No offense, but you sound like a boring person.
Would rather be boring than stupid, no offense ofc.
Bad wording by me. it's actually pretty stupid = it seems to be pretty stupid, but it isn't. That was my point.

Whatever, I enjoy my 'stupidity', you enjoy your 'boredom' and both are happy. Have a nice day.
thats the spirit, u2
u never make stupid and senseless actions just for the fun???! :o
dont know what you mean by stupid and senseless actions but that doesnt sound like fun to me :D?
well some crazy stuff. dunno i was dancing in the rain alrdy, was drunken on a circle in a middle of a street and was hiding till a car came and i frighten them due to jumping of my hiding place and i just did this all for the fun :D
drunken is the key word here, while drunk stupid and sensless actions suddenly make a lot of sense and are pretty funny :D
i would do them also when im not drunken tbh
so you are the mens0 case!
Not everything you do has to be useful or logical. But you don't do senseless things permanently.
Like I mentioned before: you don't wear the same sweater your entire life, even if it's your favorite one. So why put something on your skin, that can't be reversed.
its not only a fav its a spirit a thing which always represents smth for u and not only a "trend" tattoo as some may do
Haha, yeah, I know what you mean. The more tattoos people have, the less civilized/intelligent they are. It's kinda ironic that they mark themselves.
The more tattoos people have, the less civilized/intelligent they are


its like saying all dutchies smoke weeed. more generalization pls
It's not a random generalization. Not that I've ever seen an exception to this "rule", but there might be very few exceptions. It doesn't mean my statement is not accurate though. Look around and you will see it.
Btw, I'm not saying everyone with a tattoo is stupid or scum. But there's a range from stupid/scum to intelligent/civilized. The more tattoos, the closer people are to being stupid/scum.
it always depends what kind of tattoos someone has on his body =)
but i agree on the pooint that many ppl just make one w/o even have a "good" reason just to go with mainstream. this i stupid indeed ;)
Exactly, most people don't think about the consequences. If it's something really really important and spiritual to someone like a special necklace, they won't mind having it for a lifetime. But in 99,99% of the cases, they will get fed up with it sooner or later and sadly you can't replace a tattoo. So they get another one and make it even worse.
aight thx that we clarify this ;)
despite your tattoo(s), you're a smart girl for asking me to elaborate on my statement ;-)
Have got a small one. Put it there like 8 years ago. Haven't regretted it. I designed it myself. I would really recommend making ur tattoo urself, or if you can't draw let someone draw it for you but with your idea. If you just pick some random stars or tribal from some catalog, you're probably gonna regret it. Seen that happen so many times.
QuoteHave got a small one.

Lets keep on topic please.
at least mine gets used :)
Got 2 tribals. First one on the hip & the second one on the trunk
i wnna get respect in arab on my wrist
Lots of tat-pics here

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the sweets are just too much
Tried to find pic of my chest, Simon posted it somewhere around AEM, failed to find it :( You would have liked it.
one chest tattoed sounds tasty. i want to make my tattoo so badly now...been thinking for over a year.
image: Travis-Barker-head-tattoo-the-transplants-311x333

the tattoe on the neck of Travis Barker from blink-182, best one ever (the one on the left side, or right from his sight xD)
racing flag?
nah its not, just random black/white quadrats xd
Still 3
got the welsh 3 feathers on my arm, wales written in writing on my forearm, tribal on my left arm will be extending it to the whole arm, tribal on my hand, star on my neck, my name behing my ear, my annitials on my tit, star on my ribs, tatoo on upper neck and a tribal on my leg
What tribe do you belong to?
Valley massive tribe innit
I was playing with the idea of making a tattoo some years ago but then I turned down the idea.
friend of mine

has the words "chaos " and "disorder" on his calves

the tattoos are still to be filled with color on one leg
I got all my ex-clan listed on my entire back.
i got 2 tattoos both related to my ex girlfriends :o
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