Morning journal - 17/07/2012

Hello, good morning dear users! :) Got a day off today and tomorrow but then I have to work the rest of the week until sunday again.. :(

How is your day like today?
Woke up at 6am to escort my girlfriend from her parents house to my sister's house to her workplace. You would think that was annoying as fuck and forced but I just love spending time with her ^^
Now I'm just going to chill, meet her at 2pm for her midday-break and pick her up at 4.30pm :))

What is the weather like in your city?
It's all fucking rainy in Brussels. Doesn't feel like summer at all.. This is actually the first time I am spending my summer in Belgium.. Feels weird :P

Are you leaving anywhere for holidays?
Yes! I am leaving with my girlfriend to Croatia, planning to do a backpack trip! :-)
She's used to that kind of stuff, I'm more into hotels and luxury etc; I guess this will be completely different haha :)

What country would you like to live in later with your family?
I'm not sure yet, but not in Belgium for sure. The United States would be an option, or in Asia perhaps..

Do you like the new version of Crossfire? Yes/No(specify why)
Yes, I like new stuff and this was needed after all. Might get a bit of new people in ET and the site will grow bigger as an actual gaming community, just as it's supposed to be.

There you go, have a nice day y'all! :)

How is your day like today?
I feel ill :( Going back to bed I guess XD

What is the weather like in your city?
First hot day in a LONG time here, by hot I of course mean 19oC, although still a bit windy, but I live on the coast so that's normal blablablaa

Are you leaving anywhere for holidays?
Nope, does the Polish LAN count xD?

What country would you like to live in later with your family?
With MY family? NO where... although without them I don't know but it definitely wouldn't be the UK (or NL XD) ^^

Do you like the new version of Crossfire? Yes/No(specify why)
Yes, why wouldn't you? Whiney people who don't like change wont get far
Not talking about your mom and dad there, but about your family! :D Your wife and kids :)
I don't have a wife or kids?! DO I? :/
Hence why the question says LATER
Or are you staying gay forever? :S
There's a difference between gay and forever alone :(
[09:34] <@Goku> just wrote a murnin jurnul
[09:34] <@Goku> please comment :)

LoL sad

E: seriously though

How is your day like today?
Still tired after work this morning, probably gonna go back to bed for a few hours. :(

What is the weather like in your city?
Mild. It's cloudy but it's not cold, which is quite good considering it's been raining most of the time!

Are you leaving anywhere for holidays?
Not for a 'holiday'. Adroits LAN, sorta?

What country would you like to live in later with your family?
Hmm, I've never really though about that before so I couldn't say.. Although I imagine somewhere like Italy/Sweden would be nice places to live.

Do you like the new version of Crossfire? Yes/No(specify why)
Yes and no, we do need change, and I think that after all the bugs and stuff is fixed it will be really good. However I think the white colour is way overused, I find it really hard to pinpoint who is replying to who sometimes/if it's a knew comment or not. :(
he did???? :P
10:36:35 @`hsTE • you're my fucking hero man, i wish i could follow you but it's bugging.. fucking cf4.. :(
fake cause mad your logs are real
It's your word against mine brav, and she likes me more

The fact you have to say "she likes me more" shows you probably usually have girl issues and you're finally happy someone of the female sex likes you
No, was just sarcasm
let's calm down bro <3
Let's cuddle in bed <3
who was meant with "she likes me more?""
fail imo :P

there is no "i like u more or him more"
I know, I was being sarcastic
say what???!??! :)
You like me more than others, comeone don't lie to them!
S-W-E-D-E-N : - S
You'll get buttfuckd right away when you land, cutie.
Beta faggot
I don't get your comment, what exactly is your point?
How is your day like today?
Woke up quite early because girlfriend had to go to work. Just chilling now and kinda bored, some friends will come over later because it was my bday yesterday :)

What is the weather like in your city?
Quite shit, rainy and cold. Should be better next week.

Are you leaving anywhere for holidays?
Just came back from Crete, wanna go back :(

What country would you like to live in later with your family?
I'm quite happy in Holland, although i would love to live somewhere where the wather is better.

Do you like the new version of Crossfire? Yes/No(specify why)
Not sure yet, haven't used it alot. Don't like that my profile is all fucked up but i guess it will be good when everyone is used to it and all bugs are fixed.
How is your day like today?
i feeel soooo gooood

What is the weather like in your city?
rain sun rain sun changing every 5mins

Are you leaving anywhere for holidays?
staying in berlin mostly, maybe somewhere in germany for short trips, ah and enschede/amsterdam and hopefully manchester

What country would you like to live in later with your family?
spanish speaking country

Do you like the new version of Crossfire? Yes/No(specify why)
Yes fix the bugs, get buddiy online vieew back. change layout a bit and all is fine
MANCHESTER?! ... <3 Berlin though :(
sankeys is calling for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Sorry, what?

best club :x best parties best djs. friend of mine is labelboss in manchester, so some reasons to go there. since the parties are bit different than in berlin afaik. =)
You would go to another country for that? Well fair enough! Enjoy I guess ^^

But seriously MANCHESTER? xD
id like to see and feel how they party there cause i like to party alot :P
plus some friends ive met through music living there. only reason tbh :P i dunno more about manchester, isnt there football as well :DDDd
I hear the city has improved a lot over the past years, it could actually be nice now ^^ but yes apparently they do have football there also :D
i hope it will be coool. if not i directly travel back to london anyway :D
That's a long trip!
i planned a week only! :) i need to return to london anyway for flight. but well i didnt plan anything its all only my head so far :D gonna see what/where and how ill end up anywhere anyway :P
Enjoy your time I guess, you should check out other places in England, such as Bath - or maybe even cross the bridge over to Wales and see Cardiff? ^^ You should cover all the tourism crap in London in like 2-3 days I guess

and I just noticed these avatars are really fucking up as we keep replying ^^
flags> avatars =)

thank u i was in london alrdy just going there to get some music. gonna see what i can check out else in england ;)
I'm not really sure and I might be wrong but I think that you have a girlfriend?
Feel free to correct me when I'm wrong :)
You think right ;)
Hi nerd.

How is your day like today?
Boring. The cleaner lady is downstairs, cleaning the house (mostly smoking outside but anyway..) so I can not even watch television (iClarly, Ned, Big Time Rush!! Woooouuuh! :D). I'm watching Big Bang Theory at the moment but I can't find a proper torrent website to download the rest of the 5th season. I'm looking for 720p links obviously. French substitles are not needed. Plus they are shit most of the time. Help me! :D

What is the weather like in your city?
Kinda cold & windy but not rainy.

Are you leaving anywhere for holidays?
Nothing planned. Maybe Budapest in early September even though I really doubt it as most of my friends are leaving this shit country in erasmus exchange (gonna visit them in October ofc).

What country would you like to live in later with your family?
Definitely not the USA. Forget about Africa, South America & South Europe.
I don't know tbh but the one thing i'm sure is that I won't stay here in Belgium. And please don't come again with the "Wallonia, nothing to add" blablabla. This is bullshit. Our country sucks. Better than France though :D

Do you like the new version of Crossfire? Yes/No(specify why)
The brightness hurts my eyes.
I need to log in everytime I want to post something.
Most of the time not working on Chrome (tired of deleting the cookies so fu i use my pr0n browser).
I no longer "feel at home".

I have no problems at all with Google Chrome :S
Bookmarked, thanks <3
Lucky you!
Tu en es le bienvenu!
Tu es au moins docteur en traductologie
Je pense faire quelque chose en langues en plus haha :P
e: couldn't find the S05E21 ffs the internet is shit
Bah ma copine m'a convaincu d'essayer le jury central, et si ça passe, je vais en école supérieure pour faire des études en langues :)
Bah pourquoi pas :)
Et tu veux faire quoi? Régendat, traduction, philo et lettres (lololol oublie cette horreur :D), langues appliquées?
J'sais pas, travailler au ministère xD
Hahaha :D
Même si c'est un poste de planqué faut tout de même savoir ce que tu vas étudier avant de postuler :p
T'inquiète, je vais pas régner sur ton pays :o)
Faut science politique pour ça :D
(c'est un ramassi de gonzesses n'empêche là dedans, c'est paradisiaque quand c'est ce cercle là qui organise le TD :D)
J'vais pas à l'unif hein, trop chaud pour moi :D
Mais en tant que traducteur ou quoi que ce soit faut pas faire sciences politique, si?
Béh non.
Ceci dit la traduction c'est niveau universitaire. D'ailleurs l'isti à bruxelles a été rachetée par l'ULB (comme à Mons et Liège en soit).

Mais non t'as pas besoin des sciences politiques, il te faut simplement une bonne connaissance de l'actualité ^^
De toute façon je vais d'abord voir comment se passe le jury central, puis je verrais :)
Union Européenne*
Ca c'est autre chose :D
Perso en tant que traducteur je pense que j'aurais déjà des difficultés à y rentrer. Mais une fois que tu y es.. branlette toute la journée pour un fauteuil en or :)
How is your day like today?
Nothing special, work, quite quiet now. Will leave early, to do something, not sure what.

What is the weather like in your city?
Weather is nice, sunny and +20C

Are you leaving anywhere for holidays?
Holidays are sometime at October, not sure what to do then.

What country would you like to live in later with your family?
Haven't got one country over others, some city with good airport-connections would be enough with a nice place to work.

Do you like the new version of Crossfire? Yes/No(specify why)
I do, some things are coming easier and more usable, but the bugs annoy me. Can't really evaluate it yet.
less than 5 minutes ago
An admin has edited your account. The following fields have been changed:
Flag added: Desperado-master

let me guess who that was... xD
Hue hue hue :D
btw....: "I'm more into hotels and luxury etc"

how old are u? you would prefer a fucking hotel instead of a hostel or tent???! :o
most unimportant thing is where u sleep at holidays imo since u only sleep there...

its ok if u have kids n stuff that u want it more comfortable but u r young :o well only my opinion
Was mostly going with my "family" to hot countries like Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, etc..
And the hotel is not only the bedroom, it's the whole territory of it ;)
i only stay there for sleep so nooo need to be perfect place imo. well different likes =)
Well yea, that's what she's going to make me discover :)
enjoy! much more exciting then a planned trip =)
I guess so
thanks :)
I hate camping, too :P
Why would I prefere a tent over a 4 to 5 star bed?
hostel hostel hostel??? so i have more money for the trip itself?? but if u r rich ofc take a 5stars hotel...^^ =)
I would never even go on a trip if I dont have enough money to cover for a good place to sleep and a nice trip.

I'm not afraid of sleeping in a hostel tho, for example when I'm on tour with my mates or at AEM for example, when there is loads of fun guaranteed there.

But with my GF for example, I wouldnt sleep in anything but a hotel.

And you wont get me in a tent, not even the one or two nights a year when a few friends who I went to school with for 10 years and hit lake constance for two or three days, always sleeping in the car.
sleeping at the beach with my bf or somewhere else which is special imo = win for me =)
You mean like "real sleeping" at the beach? through the whole night?

Both, having some "fun" at the beach and taking a nap afterwards and passing out drunk on the beach is the maximum of sleep I could get at a beach till now.
No intention to change that, tho :)
How is your day like today?
woke up at 9, started learning, will continue that till tonight

What is the weather like in your city?

Are you leaving anywhere for holidays?
e: not really holiday as its meant to be, but vienna is calling in autumn SOOOOOOOONAAAAAA

What country would you like to live in later with your family?
surely not belgium

Do you like the new version of Crossfire? Yes/No(specify why)
all in all yes, just dont like the big symbols connected with groups/clans, the avatars (which i disabled already so not that much of a problem). the site is tooo white, it needs more contrast. at last, i dont like log in only via email :@
this is my first comment on this new cf shizzle and tbh you're a pathetic nerd who browses cf 24/7, it's hard to believe you have a gf (yes, i'm jealous :s) with that birdnest on your head
I'm handsome, bitch, deal with it
set alarm clock to 7 am, woke up at 11 am

like the last 2 weeks >.<
high five =)
Same shit here.

I snoozed like only once, I swear.
How is your day like today ?
I should work but I called to my work and they said not to come xD no problem for me. Maybe later they will call me but I hope that not. Now I'm drinking coffee (so sleepy :( woke up at 7.30am) and I have big mess at home because of remake my room.

What is the weather like in your city?
Rain, rain, rain... and cold.

Are you leaving anywhere for holidays?
Perhaps I go to my cousins for 2 weeks and I'm planning to go to Prague or somewhere to Czech Republic.

What country would you like to live in later with your family?
Well it's Poland but it's ok xD We will see what future brings.

Do you like the new version of Crossfire? Yes/No(specify why)
Not really. I miss a lot from old one :( I liked simply view.
How is your day like today?

Just got up, eating now, cooking later and after that working late shift (14:15-23:00).
Eating my custom made cereal today, check out

What is the weather like in your city?

It's cloudy and windy, around 16°C.

Are you leaving anywhere for holidays?

Depends, I'll surely go to Adroits but my GF wants to go on vacation with me, too.
We might hit London for a few days, depends on the prices in september (hope to get it a little cheaper after the olympics). I've seen London a few times already, tho. Now I try to talk her into some beach holiday, Bulgaria, Tunesia, Turkey, Aegypt and Thailand or Indonesia

What country would you like to live in later with your family?

I guess some Asian country (maybe HongKong, I love that city).
Its a tough call to live in an other country if you have children, always finding the balance between cultures but also the different education and stuff.

Do you like the new version of Crossfire? Yes/No(specify why)

I really like the new CF, it feels much more active and doesnt look like 2006.
Its a little to bright in my eyes tho (haha).
Guess with stylesheets everyone will be able to "change" the design to his personal needs.
Morning Goku,

I like the effort you put into the new page ;)

How is your day like today?
typical working day, even though boss is out of house whole week. just polished the new companys homepage a bit more and I think I am done now.

What is the weather like in your city?
its quite alright. not raining at least, and its not too hot. just as I like it when I am at work :P

Are you leaving anywhere for holidays?
Nope, already had my holidays for this year :<

What country would you like to live in later with your family?
I think I will still live in germany, probably even gonna stay in a 20-km radius XD I'd rather travel somewhere, enjoy the country, and go back to what I am used to. germany isnt that bad afterall. people tend to think other countries are like paradise, but every place has its good and bad sides, imo.

Do you like the new version of Crossfire? Yes/No(specify why)
Yes and no. I do like the possibilites in comments etc, and I am sure not everything isnt even integrated yet that is still to come.
afterall, I do not like the design at all, cause it lost the crossfire feeling, looks like a template, there is no header and the general layout of journals and forum threads is confusing and a mess. same with profile...

How is your day like today?

Had an exam in the morning and it went better than I expected so I'm kinda happy. Need to study for my last exam which takes place tommorow and then I'm free til october, can't wait on tommorow's party! Also can't wait for David Guetta & Sebastian Ingrosso who play in munich on saturday .. !!

What is the weather like in your city?

Cloudy but it's said to be great the next few days

Are you leaving anywhere for holidays?

Yes, definitely to Novalja/Croatia in august, maybe somewhere else aswell but nothing certain yet.

What country would you like to live in later with your family?

Guess that would be germany

Do you like the new version of crossfire?

I was satisfied with the previous versions and wouldn't have needed a change but guess I'm fine with this one also, just a matter of getting used to it. Like everything in life
How is your day like today?
woke up about quarter past 9, played some skyrim, gonna hit the shower now then hit the breakfast then hit a bike ride

What is the weather like in your city?
pretty shit

Are you leaving anywhere for holidays?
currently in a house in Derbyshire with all of my family (like 20 people in a fucking big house xD), probs gonna go italia later this year

What country would you like to live in later with your family?
Sweden might be cool, dunno though

Do you like the new version of Crossfire? Yes/No(specify why)
its alright, i find it difficult to see whether people are replying or not with all the white though :/
How is your day like today?
It's probably gonna be uneventful, waiting for my professor to tell me when to retake an exam but he hasn't responded to my e-mail yet, which makes me nervous. Other than that, I'm done with exams this semester so I'm probably just going to relax.

What is the weather like in your city?
It rains cats and dogs at the moment.

Are you leaving anywhere for holidays?
So far I'm going to go a friends house for a weekend and for the weekend after I'm currently planning a trip to Cologne to cover the Gamescom for, press pass and everything.

What country would you like to live in later with your family?
Depends on whether I'll ever find work and who pays best.

Do you like the new version of crossfire?
Now that the major bugs have been sorted out, I like it quite a bit. I hope the wall reduces the number of annoying HB journals and I feel the redesign is a step in the right direction. Unfortunately it will be tough for the ET community to allow anyone else to set foot on here, so I'm not too sure whether this was actually necessary.
How is your day like today?

So far it's fine. Just writing some new lyrics and dishing out some beats in FL STUDIO (STUDENT EDITION). I plan to play some video games (You probably haven't heard of these games lol) later on while drinking some Champagne I got some my father (He's a banker at Barclays).

What is the weather like in your city?

City? Haha, are you for real? I live in the countryside... we have 5 horses.

Are you leaving anywhere for holidays?

Hitting up America in August, real talk.

What country would you like to live in later with your family?

I'd love to live somewhere where the Government isn't corrupt, like North Korea.

Do you like the new version of Crossfire? Yes/No(specify why)

I don't like it, but since I'm not a Eurocup player my opinion won't even matter. Ya feel me? Real talk.
How is your day like today?
Woke up about an hour and a half ago. Spent around half an hour responding to emails, arranging meetings and sending payment info to teams who've signed up for the Adroits LAN. Now I just had some Coco Pops, but I need to go to the shops to get some food for lunch, too.

What is the weather like in your city?
It's a bright day, and pretty mild. Slight showers.

Are you leaving anywhere for holidays?
I'm going to be doing a bit of travelling around in the next few months, but nothing really a holiday. Even when I was on my last holiday in Portugal 2010, I did work! Might be going to Italy or Spain for a week or so, might not take my laptop with me ;)

What country would you like to live in later with your family?
I'm happy in Scotland, but if things were to get worse, I'd probably want to head to the Netherlands, Germany or Sweden.

Do you like the new version of Crossfire? Yes/No(specify why)
I don't really have an opinion on it, I don't see the point in doing so. This is how it is, and this is how it will be. I am just embracing it and using it like I would every day. So what if the layout changed? Once some of the nice features are fully working, the site will be awesome!
Ate some Coco Pops as well haha :D
Btw Goku, after your recent LAN appearance, it would appear you're less of a retard. Gratz.
Not sure if serious or sarcasm, either way, thanks :D
Are you implying I appeared as a retard before?
Glad I can prove the contrary :)
what about me
What about you?
what about us?
so glad you're talking about us in public ;)
Tu m'exaspère de plus en plus.
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