Just graduated!

Hell yeah folks! Just came back from university. It's fucking hot outside!

So today i had to defend publicly my graduation project. Got a 16 out of 20, was expecting a 17 though.
It was a real massacre, the main teacher responsible to ask most questions spoke for like 1 hour, asking about everything. He went into very little details, but in the end it was worth it.

That means i'm done with this university / degree. Graduated as Networks of communication and telecommunications (Licentiate degree... something like a bachelor at Europe? not sure).

Gonna signup to Higher Institute of Engineering of Porto soon, Master degree at Informatics Engineering (specialization at Architecture, Systems and Networks).

image: 473622_467808863243614_139872189_o

image: 481902_467809046576929_941249639_n

(pictures from today after the public defense)

Cheers. Party time (or not.. slept 2 hours)!

Thanks everyone for the kind words!
Gratz :)

swag swag
smooth as fuck

congratulation , you deserved it ;)
Such a goodlooking guy. :$ gratz mate.<3
Kinda far away from being that good looking :D I am not photogenic, only 2 decent pictures out of 8 xD

Me explaining some stuff to my friends (cut them out of pic):
image: CrZrr
Had to share it, couldn't get the image out of my head :D
i feel you bro! now that i look at the image seems like i am holding a baby!
such a steal

i posted it yesterday
Hmm, not sure if I saw it or not, it came somewhere, could have been.
Thanks everyone for the kind words! Much love to you guys!
Congratulations mate!!!
You look so much younger on the second picture!

Gratz anyway!
lool :D seems the same to me... we were meant to have a serious face, but i always suck at pictures.

Do i look that old at 1st pic? :D
Not that old. But at least 5 years older, for sure.
On the second one we can't see your wrinkles :D

e: this website is definitely destroyed under chrome: I can't use the reply button.. that's why I sent this message everywhere :D
Sorry :D
ehehhe !

23, soon 24.. getting old :(

Kinda old to be bachelor gratuated!
ye a bit.

I studied around 12 years at "mandatory" school. Failed few exams, had to repeat, so 1 extra year.
Then went to this university and took a degree of technological specialization (Installation and maintenance of networks and computer systems) with the duration of 1.5 years. I did it at 1 year (because i studied and did the practical work at same time). (equivalent to a Bachelor, but we don't have bachelors over here anymore).
Then at same university, took a Licentiate degree, 3 years long, but since i failed few classes at 1st year, i decided to split the last year in two, took me 4 years to finish it.
Now, the master degree.
If i would do everything as expected, without the technological specialization degree i would have a master by this time.
Any idea why they have chosen to award licentiate degrees in your country when BA is the international standard? You say they used to award BA's before though.. strange to say the least! Especially because afaik the value of licentiate degrees vary a lot from country to country.
Well, before Bologna Process http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bologna_Process, we used to have a system like:
Bachelor: 3 years
Licentiate: 5 years
Master: +2 years after Licentiate
PhD: 2..4..5..3 years... depends.

After Bologna Process:
Licentiate: 3 years
Master: +2 years after Licentiate
PhD: 2..4..5..3 years... depends.

No more Bachelor degrees. Meanwhile they created a thing called CET (technological specialization course), which is around 1.5 years long. As you can see, after Bologna, evertyhing reduced a bit, so if they kept the Bachelors, they would be 1.5 years long. But they are not called Bachelors anymore, and there isn't a direct relation between CET and Bachelor.
Ok, so probably they stuck to licentiate as bachelor would've been seen as a lesser degree (nationally) coming from the old educational system.

Anway Grats and GL with the masters!
You are probably right!

And thx, hope i get accepted to study the master i want!
As long as we get the diploma at the end of the road, no matter how long it took.
Especially when we know we'll have to work until we collapse on our desk..
true that. thats how i think :)
Maybe yeah but still I know a shitload of people who are 25+ when they graduate. Germans have the habit of being eternal students in my experience ....
I've met plenty of german students (mostly exchange students) and you are totally right. I wish there was less stress involved here in Belgium. I also would like more flexibility and freedom when it comes to choose our curses..
Maybe yeah but still I know a shitload of people who are 25+ when they graduate. Germans have the habit of being eternal students in my experience ....
oh my

that blue tie ag0n fits you so good, you look fucking gay!

gz mate, going in December if everything goes right in Lisbon, come there!
what the hell :D i must be the only one who enjoyed my blue tie :(
it represents the colors of my "ex" university.. though it would be cool..

Why are you going to Lisbon? This is like going to Africa! Come to Porto instead!
if everybody in porto is like you I'd be scared for my ass
Lisbon, no other choice I think, will depend on some other stuff
That was mean :< why would you say that? :D

And yes, Porto > Lisbon. ! !!!!! !!!!!!!!

hf then
Congrats man.

Even tho you really should think about wearing a black suit with a black shirt (I wouldnt even wear that on a funeral), tie looks nice tho.
Just a matter of being different. Why should i use a white shirt like 99.9% of other people do? :) it looked good to be honest (maybe my camera is not that good so everything seems completely black... but it wasn't sooo black!)
Not a fan of white shirts either, dont think black and white man ;)
Black looks good on me because i am kinda white / yellowish :D Some contrast ^^
Gratz, good luck in the future!
gz ag0n! :)
nice tie :)

fits u like a glove :D
sarcasm? :D because seems like i am the only one who likes it :<
not sarcastic at all :)

(edited :D)
Oh thanks then! Was going to buy a red one, but blue seemed less common and looked good over the black!

always be spotaneous :)
Congrats ag0n!
Parabéns rapaz, eu só acabo o meu curso no próximo ano ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
Com calma tudo se faz! Demora o tempo que demorares e aproveita bem. Os anos na faculdade são os melhores! :)

Estudante para sempre ^^
Esse insulto foi totalmente desnecessário. 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。
haahah sorry :D
Congrats agon, hairy bro :)
gratz thats hard work :)
but i would never spend so many years for study cuz you dont even earn more money from it.
Many people who earn good money have not been studying at all.

Same goes for me :P
It's not only about money. It's about knowledge, it's about the university experience and the people we met there.
It's important at life tbh :P
studying goes further than just doing a job. but you have your point about the money you earn.
I mean, even if I will earn 10k a month afterwards, it will be a long road until I get to the amount I would have earned by just learning the job, meaning 5k per month.

damn :S
Parabéns! :P
Obrigado! :D
congrats ;D

wheres the picture of u with the funny colored hat u mentioned once

guess ur universitys was yellow/purple or something :DDDD
image: 538667_426217060736128_1293847694_n

image: Gh9xl

eheh, the finalist hat :>
haha ok it was blue :D

didnt remember exactly, cause u showed several pictures :D
congrats ag0n!

have fun with the masters degree, it was much more pleasant to study for master than for bachelor at my studies.
nice effort man
graaaaaatz and cheeers =)
good job

i would also like to have sex with you
Well done!
Congratz!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Agon bro, I'm happy for you man! :)
Hope you the best in your life.
Btw you look like Tom Cruise in the first pic
Hf working in the mcdonalds
Says the man who's proud to change his flag for an american one
ive got it for 4 years moron
gratz :)
gratz and good luck 8)
Parabéns : )
Woooooo, congratulations. :D

This winter I make Engineer's Degree so I should have same 'fun' likes you. After that wanna study electronics @ Master's Degree (My target in the future are embedded systems & some graphic stuff etc. Anyway - low-level operations). :)
congratz! :>
Parabéns :d
Obrigado amigo do Brasil! :>
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