
So yesterday it was raining like crazy here in New York. Anyway, here is a non-edited pic of Manhattan ( I didn't take the picture).

image: 2ce3h4i

How's the weather in EU?

e:shoutout to United Kingdomhste for telling me how to post a journal
it was nice few hours ago.. right now the sky is grayish.. feels like there will be rain in a hour :D
Do you have it in a larger resolution ?
Nope, sorry mate! Got it from facebook.
Got one from reddit

image: vWwsV
damn do you have Golds gym in NY? :[
Think so :D, I don't go to that gym so don't really know, but according to google we do.
best gyms in the world dude
at least very famous
image: groupatgolds
Famous indeed, just wondering why it's the best in the world :p Im just being curious =]
umm because its more hardcore than other famous gyms by hardcore i mean no rules like for examle nobody gives a shit if you throw weights around, workout shirtelss, or with no shoes
why would one workout with no shoes? working out without a shirt is just gay and throwing around with weights is dangerous
i workout with no shoes especially when i squat, it engages more muscle and working out with no shirt isnt gay depending on who it is lol. have you watched pumping iron? and yes throwing weights is dangerous but if your maxing out why would you waiste energy trying to lightly place weights down lol and what if you cant!
Ive seen it yeh, still think its nasty, same goes for working out with no shirt.
And I think throwing with weights has more to do with boasting (i have no idea if its a word, it just popped up in my mind, guess i meant something like bragging.).
well its a gym that most bodybuilders go to but thats how it use to be im sure its changed. and its also famous cuz well it was like the first gym that was/is really well known in the states....they sell alot of great equipment.. i own a shirt of theirs and wrist straps
Yeh, guess that has a lot to do with it :p What are wrist straps for? Might buy a Golds Gym shirt aswell, if I can order it for not 2 much money :p
i use wrist straps for when im doing back so i dont use my forearms to help me, i fucking love them they help so much. and yeah man get thattt, i get my stuff from i have a sweatshirt its so nice but it wasnt as cheap as i hoped for lol
Ah kk, thought it might had to do with reducing the presure on the wrists :) Woudlve been excellent for me, since I have weak wrists :p

Found a Golds Gym shirt for 25euros, pretty decent price. I also have a shirt from Animal Pak, I like it alot :)
yeah i do to :( my forearms have some catching up to do with my upper arms lol.

and yeah thats a pretty good price! and i didnt even now animal pak shold shirts XD

Mate of mine bought the one with the text: "Go hard or go home" for my bday :D

Yeh, I'll prolly order it in about 2 months, too hot for a t-shirt now :p
thats sick!

and yeah i feel you man, im in dubai right now and its hot as a mother fucker over here lol

i wanna get the shirt that says " shut up and squat!" :DD
I heard hste loves thunderstorms, bet he's jelly now.

Sup bigman
chillin chillin broski
Fucking tired, hardly had any sleep last night cuz of the fucking heat, and I had to go to the gym early this morning. So Imma watch a movie now, fap, and go to bed early today :)
waiting on facebook request. k
you dont have to wait any longer brother

salam aleikum
storms are quality bro, enjoy em cause we don't get them often in the UK :/
Was a red moon last night in Brussels
image: 20120726_234411
awesome weather in Austria. Got a little sunburn in my face. The evening was perfect for driving with my motorcycle :)
ipod you is kind
ipod you is smart
ipod you is important
johndoe you is sweet
looked like that here last night, it was pretty sick
wanna go back to NY :<
massive thunderstorm the night before yesterday
np ipod br0
feels like radar
sup ipod mate
chin chillin
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